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8 months ago
import pymysql
if __name__ == '__main__':
# 建立数据库连接的语句connection
connection = pymysql.connect(user="root", password="Wyz010810", database="SCT", host="", port=3306)
cursor = connection.cursor() # 创建游标
sql = "select * from student" # SQL语句字符串
# 为了防止SQL注入等安全问题可以使用参数化查询。
cursor.execute(sql) # 执行SQL语句
ResultList = cursor.fetchall() # 获取游标中的数据
print(ResultList) # Student[(S#,Sname,Sage,...),...]
except pymysql.Error as e: # 捕获报错信息
print("MySQL Error:", e) # 打印报错信息
cursor.close() # 关闭游标
connection.close() # 关闭数据库连接