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Date.prototype.format = function(fmt) {
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"M+" : this.getMonth()+1, //月份
"d+" : this.getDate(), //日
"h+" : this.getHours(), //小时
"m+" : this.getMinutes(), //分
"s+" : this.getSeconds(), //秒
"q+" : Math.floor((this.getMonth()+3)/3), //季度
"S" : this.getMilliseconds() //毫秒
if(/(y+)/.test(fmt)) {
fmt=fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (this.getFullYear()+"").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length));
for(var k in o) {
if(new RegExp("("+ k +")").test(fmt)){
fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$1.length==1) ? (o[k]) : (("00"+ o[k]).substr((""+ o[k]).length)));
return fmt;
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< h1 > < a href = "{{ " / " | relative_url } } " > {{ site.title | default: site.github.repository_name }}< / a > < / h1 >
{% if site.logo %}
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< p > {{ site.description | default: site.github.project_tagline }}< / p >
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< p class = "view" > < a href = "{{ site.github.repository_url }}" > View the Project on GitHub < small > {{ site.github.repository_nwo }}< / small > < / a > < / p >
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< p class = "view" > < a href = "{{ site.github.owner_url }}" > View My GitHub Profile< / a > < / p >
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< a href = "{{ " / Mabbs / " | relative_url } } " > About Me< / a >
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< li > < a href = "{{ site.github.zip_url }}" > Download < strong > ZIP File< / strong > < / a > < / li >
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< li > < a href = "{{ site.github.repository_url }}" > View On < strong > GitHub< / strong > < / a > < / li >
{% else %}
< li > < a href = "/MayxBlog.tgz" > Download < strong > TAR File< / strong > < / a > < / li >
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< section >
{{ content }}
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< div id = "open_live2d" > 召唤伊斯特瓦尔< / div >
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{% if site.github.is_project_page %}
< p > This project is maintained by < a href = "{{ site.github.owner_url }}" > {{ site.github.owner_name }}< / a > < / p >
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< p > < small > Made with ❤ by Mayx< br / > Last updated at < script > document . write ( lastUpdated . format ( "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss" ) ) ; < / script > < br / > 总字数:{% assign count = 0 %}
{% for post in site.posts %}
{% assign single_count = post.content | strip_html | strip_newlines | remove: " " | size %}
{% assign count = count | plus: single_count %}
{% endfor %}
{% if count > 10000 %}
{{ count | divided_by: 10000 }} 万 {{ count | modulo: 10000 }}
{% else %}
{{ count }}
{% endif %} - 文章数:{% for post in site.posts %}
{% assign co = co | plus: 1 %}
{% endfor %}{{ co }} - < a href = "{{ " / atom . xml " | relative_url } } " > Atom< / a > - < a href = "{{ " / README . html " | relative_url } } " > About< / a > < / small > < / p >
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