You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1004 lines
27 KiB

5 months ago
import { ReadStream } from "fs"
export interface IAPIError {
errMsg: string
export interface IAPISuccessParam {
errMsg: string
export type IAPICompleteParam = IAPISuccessParam | IAPIError
export type IAPIFunction<T, P> = (param: P) => Promise<T> | any
export interface ICloudConfig {
env?: string | {
database?: string
functions?: string
storage?: string
traceUser?: boolean
database: {
realtime: {
// max reconnect retries
maxReconnect: number
// interval between reconnection attempt, does not apply to the case of network offline, unit: ms
reconnectInterval: number
// maximum tolerance on the duration of websocket connection lost, unit: s
totalConnectionTimeout: number
export type ICloudInitOptions = Partial<ICloudConfig>
export interface ICommonAPIConfig {
env?: string
export interface IICloudAPI {
init: (config?: ICloudConfig) => void
[api: string]: AnyFunction | IAPIFunction<any, any>
export interface ICloudService {
name: string
context: IServiceContext
getAPIs: () => { [name: string]: IAPIFunction<any, any> }
export interface IServiceContext {
name: string
identifiers: IRuntimeIdentifiers
request: any
debug: boolean
env?: string
export interface ICloudServices {
[serviceName: string]: ICloudService
export interface ICloudMetaData {
session_id: string
sdk_version?: string
export interface ICloudClass {
apiPermissions: object
config: ICloudConfig
registerService(service: ICloudService): void
export interface IRuntimeIdentifiers {
pluginId?: string
[key: string]: any
export type AnyObject = {
[x: string]: any
export type AnyArray = any[]
export type AnyFunction = (...args: any[]) => any
* cloud
// init
export function init(config?: ICloudInitOptions): void
// functions
export function callFunction(param: ICloud.CallFunctionParam): Promise<ICloud.CallFunctionResult> | void
// storage
export function uploadFile(param: ICloud.UploadFileParam): Promise<ICloud.UploadFileResult>
export function downloadFile(param: ICloud.DownloadFileParam): Promise<ICloud.DownloadFileResult>
export function getTempFileURL(param: ICloud.GetTempFileURLParam): Promise<ICloud.GetTempFileURLResult> | void
export function deleteFile(param: ICloud.DeleteFileParam): Promise<ICloud.DeleteFileResult> | void
// database
export function database(config?: DB.IDatabaseConfig): DB.Database
// open
export const openapi: Record<string, any>
export function getOpenData(param: ICloud.GetOpenDataParam): ICloud.GetOpenDataResult
export function getOpenData(param: ICloud.GetOpenDataParam): ICloud.GetOpenDataResult
// utils
export function getWXContext(): ICloud.WXContext
export function logger(): ICloud.Logger
// constants
export const DYNAMIC_CURRENT_ENV: symbol
declare namespace ICloud {
// === API: getWXContext ===
export interface BaseWXContext {
OPENID?: string
APPID?: string
UNIONID?: string
ENV?: string
SOURCE?: string
CLIENTIP?: string
CLIENTIPV6?: string
// === API: logger ===
export class Logger {
log(object: Record<string, any>): void
info(object: Record<string, any>): void
warn(object: Record<string, any>): void
error(object: Record<string, any>): void
export type WXContext = BaseWXContext & Record<string, any>
// === API: getOpenData ===
export interface GetOpenDataParam {
list: string[]
export interface GetOpenDataResult extends IAPISuccessParam {
list: Record<string, any>[]
// === API: getVoIPSign ===
export interface GetVoIPSignParam {
groupId: string
nonce: string
timestamp: number
export interface GetVoIPSignResult extends IAPISuccessParam {
signature: string
// === API: callFunction ===
export type CallFunctionData = AnyObject
export interface CallFunctionResult extends IAPISuccessParam {
result: AnyObject | string | undefined
requestID?: string
export interface CallFunctionParam {
name: string
data?: CallFunctionData
slow?: boolean
version?: number
config?: {
env?: string
// === end ===
// === API: uploadFile ===
export interface UploadFileResult extends IAPISuccessParam {
fileID: string
statusCode: number
export interface UploadFileParam {
cloudPath: string
fileContent: Buffer | ReadStream
// === end ===
// === API: downloadFile ===
export interface DownloadFileResult extends IAPISuccessParam {
fileContent: Buffer
statusCode: number
export interface DownloadFileParam {
fileID: string
// === end ===
// === API: getTempFileURL ===
export interface GetTempFileURLResult extends IAPISuccessParam {
fileList: GetTempFileURLResultItem[]
export interface GetTempFileURLResultItem {
fileID: string
tempFileURL: string
maxAge: number
status: number
errMsg: string
export interface GetTempFileURLParam {
fileList: (string | {
fileID: string
maxAge?: number
// === end ===
// === API: deleteFile ===
interface DeleteFileResult extends IAPISuccessParam {
fileList: DeleteFileResultItem[]
interface DeleteFileResultItem {
fileID: string
status: number
errMsg: string
interface DeleteFileParam {
fileList: string[]
// === end ===
// === API: CloudID ===
abstract class CloudID {
constructor(cloudID: string)
// === end ===
// === Functions ===
declare namespace Functions {
export interface IFunctionsServiceContext extends IServiceContext {
appConfig: {
maxReqDataSize: number
maxPollRetry: number
maxStartRetryGap: number
clientPollTimeout: number
// === Storage ===
declare namespace Storage {
export interface IStorageServiceContext extends IServiceContext {
appConfig: {
uploadMaxFileSize: number
getTempFileURLMaxReq: number
// === Utils ===
declare namespace Utils {
export interface IUtilsServiceContext extends IServiceContext {
// === Database ===
declare namespace DB {
* The class of all exposed cloud database instances
export class Database {
public readonly identifiers: IRuntimeIdentifiers
public config: IDatabaseConfig
public readonly command: DatabaseCommand
public readonly Geo: IGeo
public readonly serverDate: () => ServerDate
public readonly RegExp: IRegExpConstructor
public readonly debug?: boolean
private constructor(options: IDatabaseConstructorOptions)
collection(collectionName: string): CollectionReference
createCollection(collectionName: string): Promise<any>
runTransaction(run: any, retry?: number): Promise<any>
startTransaction(): Promise<any>
export interface IDatabaseInstanceContext {
database: Database
serviceContext: IDatabaseServiceContext
export class CollectionReference extends Query {
public readonly collectionName: string
constructor(name: string)
doc(docId: string | number): DocumentReference
add(options: IAddDocumentOptions): Promise<IAddResult> | void | string
aggregate(): Aggregate
export class DocumentReference {
constructor(collection: CollectionReference, docId: string | number)
_id: string | number
collection: CollectionReference
field(object: object): this
get(options?: IGetDocumentOptions): Promise<IQuerySingleResult> | void | string
set(options?: ISetSingleDocumentOptions): Promise<ISetResult> | void | string
update(options?: IUpdateSingleDocumentOptions): Promise<IUpdateResult> | void | string
remove(options?: IRemoveSingleDocumentOptions): Promise<IRemoveResult> | void | string
export class Query {
constructor(name: string)
public readonly collectionName: string
where(condition: IQueryCondition): Query
orderBy(fieldPath: string, order: string): Query
limit(max: number): Query
skip(offset: number): Query
field(object: object): Query
get(options?: IGetDocumentOptions): Promise<IQueryResult> | void | string
update(options?: IUpdateDocumentOptions): Promise<IUpdateResult> | void
remove(options?: IRemoveDocumentOptions): Promise<IRemoveResult> | void
count(options?: ICountDocumentOptions): Promise<ICountResult> | void | string
export class PipelineBase<T> {
addFields(val: any): T
bucket(val: any): T
bucketAuto(val: any): T
collStats(val: any): T
count(val: any): T
facet(val: any): T
geoNear(val: any): T
graphLookup(val: any): T
group(val: any): T
indexStats(val: any): T
limit(val: any): T
lookup(val: any): T
match(val: any): T
out(val: any): T
project(val: any): T
redact(val: any): T
replaceRoot(val: any): T
sample(val: any): T
skip(val: any): T
sort(val: any): T
sortByCount(val: any): T
unwind(val: any): T
end(): void
export class Pipeline extends PipelineBase<Pipeline> {
export class PipelineStage {
stage: string
val: any
export class Aggregate extends PipelineBase<Aggregate> {
constructor(collection: CollectionReference, stages: PipelineStage[])
collection: CollectionReference
end(): Promise<IAggregateResult> | void
export interface DatabaseCommand {
eq(val: any): DatabaseQueryCommand
neq(val: any): DatabaseQueryCommand
gt(val: any): DatabaseQueryCommand
gte(val: any): DatabaseQueryCommand
lt(val: any): DatabaseQueryCommand
lte(val: any): DatabaseQueryCommand
in(val: any[]): DatabaseQueryCommand
nin(val: any[]): DatabaseQueryCommand
geoNear(options: IGeoNearCommandOptions): DatabaseQueryCommand
geoWithin(options: IGeoWithinCommandOptions): DatabaseQueryCommand
geoIntersects(options: IGeoIntersectsCommandOptions): DatabaseQueryCommand
and(...expressions: (DatabaseLogicCommand | IQueryCondition)[]): DatabaseLogicCommand
or(...expressions: (DatabaseLogicCommand | IQueryCondition)[]): DatabaseLogicCommand
nor(...expressions: (DatabaseLogicCommand | IQueryCondition)[]): DatabaseLogicCommand
not(expression: DatabaseLogicCommand): DatabaseLogicCommand
exists(val: boolean): DatabaseQueryCommand
mod(divisor: number, remainder: number): DatabaseQueryCommand
all(val: any[]): DatabaseQueryCommand
elemMatch(val: any): DatabaseQueryCommand
size(val: number): DatabaseQueryCommand
set(val: any): DatabaseUpdateCommand
remove(): DatabaseUpdateCommand
inc(val: number): DatabaseUpdateCommand
mul(val: number): DatabaseUpdateCommand
min(val: number): DatabaseUpdateCommand
max(val: number): DatabaseUpdateCommand
rename(val: string): DatabaseUpdateCommand
bit(val: number): DatabaseUpdateCommand
push(...values: any[]): DatabaseUpdateCommand
pop(): DatabaseUpdateCommand
shift(): DatabaseUpdateCommand
unshift(...values: any[]): DatabaseUpdateCommand
addToSet(val: any): DatabaseUpdateCommand
pull(val: any): DatabaseUpdateCommand
pullAll(val: any): DatabaseUpdateCommand
project: {
slice(val: number | [number, number]): DatabaseProjectionCommand
aggregate: {
abs(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
add(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
addToSet(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
allElementsTrue(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
and(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
anyElementTrue(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
arrayElemAt(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
arrayToObject(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
avg(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
ceil(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
cmp(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
concat(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
concatArrays(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
cond(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
convert(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
dateFromParts(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
dateToParts(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
dateFromString(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
dateToString(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
dayOfMonth(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
dayOfWeek(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
dayOfYear(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
divide(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
eq(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
exp(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
filter(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
first(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
floor(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
gt(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
gte(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
hour(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
ifNull(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
in(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
indexOfArray(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
indexOfBytes(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
indexOfCP(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
isArray(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
isoDayOfWeek(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
isoWeek(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
isoWeekYear(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
last(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
let(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
literal(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
ln(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
log(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
log10(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
lt(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
lte(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
ltrim(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
map(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
max(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
mergeObjects(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
meta(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
min(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
millisecond(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
minute(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
mod(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
month(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
multiply(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
neq(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
not(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
objectToArray(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
or(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
pow(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
push(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
range(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
reduce(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
reverseArray(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
rtrim(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
second(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
setDifference(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
setEquals(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
setIntersection(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
setIsSubset(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
setUnion(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
size(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
slice(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
split(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
sqrt(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
stdDevPop(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
stdDevSamp(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
strcasecmp(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
strLenBytes(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
strLenCP(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
substr(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
substrBytes(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
substrCP(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
subtract(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
sum(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
switch(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
toBool(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
toDate(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
toDecimal(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
toDouble(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
toInt(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
toLong(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
toObjectId(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
toString(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
toLower(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
toUpper(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
trim(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
trunc(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
type(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
week(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
year(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
zip(val: any): DatabaseAggregateCommand
AVG = 'avg',
MULTIPLY = 'multiply',
SUM = 'sum',
export class DatabaseAggregateCommand {
AND = 'and',
OR = 'or',
NOT = 'not',
NOR = 'nor',
export class DatabaseLogicCommand {
and(...expressions: (DatabaseLogicCommand | IQueryCondition)[]): DatabaseLogicCommand
or(...expressions: (DatabaseLogicCommand | IQueryCondition)[]): DatabaseLogicCommand
nor(...expressions: (DatabaseLogicCommand | IQueryCondition)[]): DatabaseLogicCommand
not(expression: DatabaseLogicCommand): DatabaseLogicCommand
// comparison
EQ = 'eq',
NEQ = 'neq',
GT = 'gt',
GTE = 'gte',
LT = 'lt',
LTE = 'lte',
IN = 'in',
NIN = 'nin',
// geo
GEO_NEAR = 'geoNear',
GEO_WITHIN = 'geoWithin',
GEO_INTERSECTS = 'geoIntersects',
// element
EXISTS = 'exists',
// evaluation
MOD = 'mod',
// array
ALL = 'all',
ELEM_MATCH = 'elemMatch',
SIZE = 'size',
export class DatabaseQueryCommand extends DatabaseLogicCommand {
eq(val: any): DatabaseLogicCommand
neq(val: any): DatabaseLogicCommand
gt(val: any): DatabaseLogicCommand
gte(val: any): DatabaseLogicCommand
lt(val: any): DatabaseLogicCommand
lte(val: any): DatabaseLogicCommand
in(val: any[]): DatabaseLogicCommand
nin(val: any[]): DatabaseLogicCommand
exists(val: boolean): DatabaseLogicCommand
mod(divisor: number, remainder: number): DatabaseLogicCommand
all(val: any[]): DatabaseLogicCommand
elemMatch(val: any): DatabaseLogicCommand
size(val: number): DatabaseLogicCommand
geoNear(options: IGeoNearCommandOptions): DatabaseLogicCommand
geoWithin(options: IGeoWithinCommandOptions): DatabaseLogicCommand
geoIntersects(options: IGeoIntersectsCommandOptions): DatabaseLogicCommand
SLICE = 'slice',
export class DatabaseProjectionCommand {
// field
SET = 'set',
REMOVE = 'remove',
INC = 'inc',
MUL = 'mul',
MIN = 'min',
MAX = 'max',
RENAME = 'rename',
// bitwise
BIT = 'bit',
// array
PUSH = 'push',
POP = 'pop',
SHIFT = 'shift',
UNSHIFT = 'unshift',
ADD_TO_SET = 'addToSet',
PULL = 'pull',
PULL_ALL = 'pullAll',
export class DatabaseUpdateCommand {
EACH = 'each',
POSITION = 'position',
SLICE = 'slice',
SORT = 'sort',
export class DatabaseUpdateCommandModifier {
export class Batch {
export interface IDatabaseConfig {
env?: string
export interface IDatabaseConstructorOptions {
config?: IDatabaseConfig
context: IDatabaseServiceContext
export interface IAppConfig {
docSizeLimit: number
realtimePingInterval: number
realtimePongWaitTimeout: number
realtimeMaxReconnect: number
realtimeReconnectInterval: number
realtimeTotalConnectionTimeout: number
realtimeQueryEventCacheTimeout: number
export interface IDatabaseServiceContext extends IServiceContext {
appConfig: IAppConfig
ws?: any
export interface IGeoPointConstructor {
new (longitude: number, latitide: number): GeoPoint
new (geojson: IGeoJSONPoint): GeoPoint
(longitude: number, latitide: number): GeoPoint
(geojson: IGeoJSONPoint): GeoPoint
export interface IGeoMultiPointConstructor {
new (points: GeoPoint[] | IGeoJSONMultiPoint): GeoMultiPoint
(points: GeoPoint[] | IGeoJSONMultiPoint): GeoMultiPoint
export interface IGeoLineStringConstructor {
new (points: GeoPoint[] | IGeoJSONLineString): GeoLineString
(points: GeoPoint[] | IGeoJSONLineString): GeoLineString
export interface IGeoMultiLineStringConstructor {
new (lineStrings: GeoLineString[] | IGeoJSONMultiLineString): GeoMultiLineString
(lineStrings: GeoLineString[] | IGeoJSONMultiLineString): GeoMultiLineString
export interface IGeoPolygonConstructor {
new (lineStrings: GeoLineString[] | IGeoJSONPolygon): GeoPolygon
(lineStrings: GeoLineString[] | IGeoJSONPolygon): GeoPolygon
export interface IGeoMultiPolygonConstructor {
new (polygons: GeoPolygon[] | IGeoJSONMultiPolygon): GeoMultiPolygon
(polygons: GeoPolygon[] | IGeoJSONMultiPolygon): GeoMultiPolygon
export interface IGeo {
Point: IGeoPointConstructor
MultiPoint: IGeoMultiPointConstructor
LineString: IGeoLineStringConstructor
MultiLineString: IGeoMultiLineStringConstructor
Polygon: IGeoPolygonConstructor
MultiPolygon: IGeoMultiPolygonConstructor
export interface IGeoJSONPoint {
type: 'Point'
coordinates: [number, number]
export interface IGeoJSONMultiPoint {
type: 'MultiPoint'
coordinates: [number, number][]
export interface IGeoJSONLineString {
type: 'LineString'
coordinates: [number, number][]
export interface IGeoJSONMultiLineString {
type: 'MultiLineString'
coordinates: [number, number][][]
export interface IGeoJSONPolygon {
type: 'Polygon'
coordinates: [number, number][][]
export interface IGeoJSONMultiPolygon {
type: 'MultiPolygon'
coordinates: [number, number][][][]
export type IGeoJSONObject = IGeoJSONPoint | IGeoJSONMultiPoint | IGeoJSONLineString | IGeoJSONMultiLineString | IGeoJSONPolygon | IGeoJSONMultiPolygon
export abstract class GeoPoint {
public longitude: number
public latitude: number
constructor(longitude: number, latitude: number)
toJSON(): IGeoJSONPoint
toString(): string
export abstract class GeoMultiPoint {
public points: GeoPoint[]
constructor(points: GeoPoint[])
toJSON(): IGeoJSONMultiPoint
toString(): string
export abstract class GeoLineString {
public points: GeoPoint[]
constructor(points: GeoPoint[])
toJSON(): IGeoJSONLineString
toString(): string
export abstract class GeoMultiLineString {
public lines: GeoLineString[]
constructor(lines: GeoLineString[])
toJSON(): IGeoJSONMultiLineString
toString(): string
export abstract class GeoPolygon {
public lines: GeoLineString[]
constructor(lines: GeoLineString[])
toJSON(): IGeoJSONPolygon
toString(): string
export abstract class GeoMultiPolygon {
public polygons: GeoPolygon[]
constructor(polygons: GeoPolygon[])
toJSON(): IGeoJSONMultiPolygon
toString(): string
export type GeoInstance = GeoPoint | GeoMultiPoint | GeoLineString | GeoMultiLineString | GeoPolygon | GeoMultiPolygon
export interface IGeoNearCommandOptions {
geometry: GeoPoint
maxDistance?: number
minDistance?: number
export interface IGeoWithinCommandOptions {
geometry: GeoPolygon | GeoMultiPolygon
export interface IGeoIntersectsCommandOptions {
geometry: GeoPoint | GeoMultiPoint | GeoLineString | GeoMultiLineString | GeoPolygon | GeoMultiPolygon
export interface IServerDateOptions {
offset: number
export abstract class ServerDate {
public readonly options: IServerDateOptions
constructor(options?: IServerDateOptions)
export interface IRegExpOptions {
regexp: string
options?: string
export interface IRegExpConstructor {
new (options: IRegExpOptions): RegExp
(options: IRegExpOptions): RegExp
export abstract class RegExp {
public readonly regexp: string
public readonly options: string
constructor(options: IRegExpOptions)
export type DocumentId = string | number
export interface IDocumentData {
_id?: DocumentId
[key: string]: any
export interface IDBAPIParam {
export interface IAddDocumentOptions extends IDBAPIParam {
data: IDocumentData
export interface IGetDocumentOptions extends IDBAPIParam {
stringifyTest?: boolean
export interface ICountDocumentOptions extends IDBAPIParam {
stringifyTest?: boolean
export interface IUpdateDocumentOptions extends IDBAPIParam {
data: IUpdateCondition
stringifyTest?: boolean
export interface IUpdateSingleDocumentOptions extends IDBAPIParam {
data: IUpdateCondition
stringifyTest?: boolean
export interface ISetDocumentOptions extends IDBAPIParam {
data: IUpdateCondition
stringifyTest?: boolean
export interface ISetSingleDocumentOptions extends IDBAPIParam {
data: IUpdateCondition
stringifyTest?: boolean
export interface IRemoveDocumentOptions extends IDBAPIParam {
query: IQueryCondition
stringifyTest?: boolean
export interface IRemoveSingleDocumentOptions extends IDBAPIParam {
stringifyTest?: boolean
export type IQueryCondition = Record<string, any> | DatabaseLogicCommand
export interface ConditionRecord {
[key: string]: IQueryCondition
// export interface IQueryCondition {
// [key: string]: any
// }
export type IStringQueryCondition = string
export interface IQueryResult extends IAPISuccessParam {
data: IDocumentData[]
export interface IQuerySingleResult extends IAPISuccessParam {
data: IDocumentData
export interface IUpdateCondition {
[key: string]: any
export type IStringUpdateCondition = string
export interface ISetCondition {
export interface IAddResult extends IAPISuccessParam {
_id: DocumentId
export interface IUpdateResult extends IAPISuccessParam {
stats: {
updated: number
// created: number
export interface ISetResult extends IAPISuccessParam {
_id: DocumentId
stats: {
updated: number
created: number
export interface IRemoveResult extends IAPISuccessParam {
stats: {
removed: number
export interface ICountResult extends IAPISuccessParam {
total: number
export interface IAggregateResult extends IAPISuccessParam {
list: any[]
type Optional<T> = { [K in keyof T]+?: T[K] }
type OQ<
T extends Optional<
Record<'complete' | 'success' | 'fail', (...args: any[]) => any>
> =
| (RQ<T> & Required<Pick<T, 'success'>>)
| (RQ<T> & Required<Pick<T, 'fail'>>)
| (RQ<T> & Required<Pick<T, 'complete'>>)
| (RQ<T> & Required<Pick<T, 'success' | 'fail'>>)
| (RQ<T> & Required<Pick<T, 'success' | 'complete'>>)
| (RQ<T> & Required<Pick<T, 'fail' | 'complete'>>)
| (RQ<T> & Required<Pick<T, 'fail' | 'complete' | 'success'>>)
type RQ<
T extends Optional<
Record<'complete' | 'success' | 'fail', (...args: any[]) => any>
> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, 'complete' | 'success' | 'fail'>>