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3 years ago
from adder import *
from alu_controller import *
from alu import *
from binandint import *
from branch_unit import *
from data_mem import *
from forwarding_unit import *
from hazard_detector import *
from Imm_gen import *
from insn_mem import *
from mux import *
from mux4 import *
from proc_controller import *
from reg_file import reg_file
IM = insn_mem()
PC = 0
def IF(BrPC, Brflush, stall, PC, IM):
PCplus4 = adder(PC, 4)
if Brflush == '1':
nPC = BrPC
3 years ago
nPC = PC + 4
insn = IM.fetch(nPC)
return nPC, insn
REG = reg_file()
def ID(PC, insn, RegWrite, Brflush, stall, REG, WB_data):
funct7 = insn[0:7]
rs2 = BintoUInt(insn[7:12])
rs1 = BintoUInt(insn[12:17])
funct3 = insn[17:20]
rd = BintoUInt(insn[20:25])
opcode = insn[25:32]
ALUSrc, MemtoReg, RegWritex, MemRead, MemWrite, ALUOp, Branch, JalrSel, RWSel = proc_controller(
ImmG = Imm_gen(insn)
REG.write(RegWrite, rd, WB_data)
RD1, RD2 =, rs2)
return ALUSrc, MemtoReg, RegWritex, MemRead, MemWrite, ALUOp, Branch, JalrSel, RWSel, PC, RD1, RD2, ImmG, rs1, rs2, rd, funct3, funct7
def EX(ALUSrc, MemtoReg, RegWrite, MemRead, MemWrite, ALUOp, Branch, JalrSel,
RWSel, PC, RD1, RD2, ImmG, rs1, rs2, rd, funct3, funct7, lastrs1,
lastrs2, forwardA, forwardB, WB_data, alu_out):
stall = hazard_detector(lastrs1, lastrs2, rd, MemRead)
tempA = mux4(RD1, alu_out, WB_data, 0, forwardA)
tempB = mux4(RD2, alu_out, WB_data, 0, forwardB)
tempB2 = mux(tempB, ImmG, ALUSrc)
alu_ctrl = alu_controller(ALUOp, funct7, funct3)
ALU_result = alu(tempA, tempB2, alu_ctrl)
pc_plus_imm, pc_plus_4, branch_target, pc_sel = branch_unit(
PC, ImmG, JalrSel, Branch, ALU_result)
return MemtoReg, RegWrite, MemWrite, RWSel, MemRead, pc_plus_imm, pc_plus_4, branch_target, pc_sel, ALU_result, rs1, rs2, rd, tempA, tempB, funct3, funct7
MEMORY = data_mem()
def MEM(MEMORY, MemtoReg, RegWrite, MemWrite, RWSel, MemRead, pc_plus_imm,
pc_plus_4, ALU_result, rs1, rs2, rd, tempA, tempB, funct3, funct7):
data_out = MEMORY(MemWrite, MemRead, ALU_result, tempB, funct3)
return MemtoReg, RegWrite, RWSel, pc_plus_imm, pc_plus_4, data_out, tempB, rd
def WB(MemtoReg, RegWrite, RWSel, pc_plus_imm, pc_plus_4, data_out, tempB,
ex_mem_rd, mem_wb_rd, ex_mem_rs1, ex_mem_rs2, ex_mem_regwrite,
mem_out = mux(data_out, tempB, MemtoReg)
WB_data = mux4(mem_out, pc_plus_4, pc_plus_imm, 0, RWSel)
forward_a, forward_b = fowardingunit(ex_mem_rs1, ex_mem_rs2, ex_mem_rd,
mem_wb_rd, ex_mem_regwrite,
return WB_data, RegWrite, forward_a, forward_b