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// stdio.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// The C Standard Library <stdio.h> header.
#pragma once
#ifndef _INC_STDIO // include guard for 3rd party interop
#define _INC_STDIO
#include <corecrt.h>
#include <corecrt_wstdio.h>
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: _UCRT_DISABLED_WARNINGS)
/* Buffered I/O macros */
#define BUFSIZ 512
* Default number of supported streams. _NFILE is confusing and obsolete, but
* supported anyway for backwards compatibility.
#define _NFILE _NSTREAM_
#define _NSTREAM_ 512
* Number of entries in _iob[] (declared below). Note that _NSTREAM_ must be
* greater than or equal to _IOB_ENTRIES.
#define _IOB_ENTRIES 3
#define EOF (-1)
#define _IOFBF 0x0000
#define _IOLBF 0x0040
#define _IONBF 0x0004
#define L_tmpnam 260 // _MAX_PATH
#define L_tmpnam_s L_tmpnam
/* Seek method constants */
#define SEEK_CUR 1
#define SEEK_END 2
#define SEEK_SET 0
#define FILENAME_MAX 260
#define FOPEN_MAX 20
#define _SYS_OPEN 20
#define _TMP_MAX_S TMP_MAX
typedef __int64 fpos_t;
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _get_stream_buffer_pointers(
_In_ FILE* _Stream,
_Out_opt_ char*** _Base,
_Out_opt_ char*** _Pointer,
_Out_opt_ int** _Count
// Narrow Character Stream I/O Functions
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl clearerr_s(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_Success_(return == 0)
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl fopen_s(
_Outptr_result_nullonfailure_ FILE** _Stream,
_In_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_z_ char const* _Mode
_Success_(return != 0)
_ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl fread_s(
_Out_writes_bytes_to_(_BufferSize, _ElementSize * _ElementCount) void* _Buffer,
_In_range_(>=, _ElementSize * _ElementCount) size_t _BufferSize,
_In_ size_t _ElementSize,
_In_ size_t _ElementCount,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl freopen_s(
_Outptr_result_maybenull_ FILE** _Stream,
_In_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_z_ char const* _Mode,
_Inout_ FILE* _OldStream
_Success_(return != 0)
_ACRTIMP char* __cdecl gets_s(
_Out_writes_z_(_Size) char* _Buffer,
_In_ rsize_t _Size
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl tmpfile_s(
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_valid_ FILE** _Stream
_Success_(return == 0)
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl tmpnam_s(
_Out_writes_z_(_Size) char* _Buffer,
_In_ rsize_t _Size
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl clearerr(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_Success_(return != -1)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl fclose(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _fcloseall(void);
_ACRTIMP FILE* __cdecl _fdopen(
_In_ int _FileHandle,
_In_z_ char const* _Mode
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl feof(
_In_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl ferror(
_In_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl fflush(
_Inout_opt_ FILE* _Stream
_Success_(return != EOF)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl fgetc(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _fgetchar(void);
_Success_(return != EOF)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl fgetpos(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream,
_Out_ fpos_t* _Position
_Success_(return == _Buffer)
_ACRTIMP char* __cdecl fgets(
_Out_writes_z_(_MaxCount) char* _Buffer,
_In_ int _MaxCount,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _fileno(
_In_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _flushall(void);
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(fopen_s)
_ACRTIMP FILE* __cdecl fopen(
_In_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_z_ char const* _Mode
_Success_(return != EOF)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl fputc(
_In_ int _Character,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _fputchar(
_In_ int _Character
_Success_(return != EOF)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl fputs(
_In_z_ char const* _Buffer,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl fread(
_Out_writes_bytes_(_ElementSize * _ElementCount) void* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _ElementSize,
_In_ size_t _ElementCount,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_Success_(return != 0)
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(freopen_s)
_ACRTIMP FILE* __cdecl freopen(
_In_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_z_ char const* _Mode,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP FILE* __cdecl _fsopen(
_In_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_z_ char const* _Mode,
_In_ int _ShFlag
_Success_(return == 0)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl fsetpos(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream,
_In_ fpos_t const* _Position
_Success_(return == 0)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl fseek(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream,
_In_ long _Offset,
_In_ int _Origin
_Success_(return == 0)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _fseeki64(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream,
_In_ __int64 _Offset,
_In_ int _Origin
_Success_(return != -1)
_ACRTIMP long __cdecl ftell(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_Success_(return != -1)
_ACRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _ftelli64(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl fwrite(
_In_reads_bytes_(_ElementSize * _ElementCount) void const* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _ElementSize,
_In_ size_t _ElementCount,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_Success_(return != EOF)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl getc(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl getchar(void);
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _getmaxstdio(void);
char*, gets_s,
char, _Buffer)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _getw(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl perror(
_In_opt_z_ char const* _ErrorMessage
_Success_(return != -1)
_DCRTIMP int __cdecl _pclose(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_DCRTIMP FILE* __cdecl _popen(
_In_z_ char const* _Command,
_In_z_ char const* _Mode
_Success_(return != EOF)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl putc(
_In_ int _Character,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl putchar(
_In_ int _Character
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl puts(
_In_z_ char const* _Buffer
_Success_(return != -1)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _putw(
_In_ int _Word,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl remove(
_In_z_ char const* _FileName
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl rename(
_In_z_ char const* _OldFileName,
_In_z_ char const* _NewFileName
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _unlink(
_In_z_ char const* _FileName
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl unlink(
_In_z_ char const* _FileName
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl rewind(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _rmtmp(void);
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl setbuf(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream,
_Inout_updates_opt_(BUFSIZ) _Post_readable_size_(0) char* _Buffer
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _setmaxstdio(
_In_ int _Maximum
_Success_(return == 0)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl setvbuf(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream,
_Inout_updates_opt_(_Size) char* _Buffer,
_In_ int _Mode,
_In_ size_t _Size
#if defined _DEBUG && defined _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC
#pragma push_macro("_tempnam")
#undef _tempnam
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR char* __cdecl _tempnam(
_In_opt_z_ char const* _DirectoryName,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FilePrefix
#if defined _DEBUG && defined _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC
#pragma pop_macro("_tempnam")
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(tmpfile_s)
_ACRTIMP FILE* __cdecl tmpfile(void);
_Success_(return == 0)
errno_t, tmpnam_s,
_Always_(_Post_z_) char, _Buffer
_Success_(return != 0)
char*, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _ACRTIMP, tmpnam,
_Pre_maybenull_ _Always_(_Post_z_), char, _Buffer
_Success_(return != EOF)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl ungetc(
_In_ int _Character,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
// I/O Synchronization and _nolock family of I/O functions
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _lock_file(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _unlock_file(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_Success_(return != EOF)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _fclose_nolock(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_Success_(return != EOF)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _fflush_nolock(
_Inout_opt_ FILE* _Stream
_Success_(return != EOF)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _fgetc_nolock(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_Success_(return != EOF)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _fputc_nolock(
_In_ int _Character,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _fread_nolock(
_Out_writes_bytes_(_ElementSize * _ElementCount) void* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _ElementSize,
_In_ size_t _ElementCount,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_Success_(return != 0)
_ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _fread_nolock_s(
_Out_writes_bytes_to_(_BufferSize, _ElementSize * _ElementCount) void* _Buffer,
_In_range_(>=, _ElementSize * _ElementCount) size_t _BufferSize,
_In_ size_t _ElementSize,
_In_ size_t _ElementCount,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _fseek_nolock(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream,
_In_ long _Offset,
_In_ int _Origin
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _fseeki64_nolock(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream,
_In_ __int64 _Offset,
_In_ int _Origin
_ACRTIMP long __cdecl _ftell_nolock(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _ftelli64_nolock(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _fwrite_nolock(
_In_reads_bytes_(_ElementSize * _ElementCount) void const* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _ElementSize,
_In_ size_t _ElementCount,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _getc_nolock(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _putc_nolock(
_In_ int _Character,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _ungetc_nolock(
_In_ int _Character,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
#define _getchar_nolock() _getc_nolock(stdin)
#define _putchar_nolock(_Ch) _putc_nolock(_Ch, stdout)
#define _getwchar_nolock() _getwc_nolock(stdin)
#define _putwchar_nolock(_Ch) _putwc_nolock(_Ch, stdout)
#if defined _CRT_DISABLE_PERFCRIT_LOCKS && !defined _DLL
#define fclose(_Stream) _fclose_nolock(_Stream)
#define fflush(_Stream) _fflush_nolock(_Stream)
#define fgetc(_Stream) _fgetc_nolock(_Stream)
#define fputc(_Ch, _Stream) _fputc_nolock(_Ch, _Stream)
#define fread(_DstBuf, _ElementSize, _Count, _Stream) _fread_nolock(_DstBuf, _ElementSize, _Count, _Stream)
#define fread_s(_DstBuf, _DstSize, _ElementSize, _Count, _Stream) _fread_nolock_s(_DstBuf, _DstSize, _ElementSize, _Count, _Stream)
#define fseek(_Stream, _Offset, _Origin) _fseek_nolock(_Stream, _Offset, _Origin)
#define _fseeki64(_Stream, _Offset, _Origin) _fseeki64_nolock(_Stream, _Offset, _Origin)
#define ftell(_Stream) _ftell_nolock(_Stream)
#define _ftelli64(_Stream) _ftelli64_nolock(_Stream)
#define fwrite(_SrcBuf, _ElementSize, _Count, _Stream) _fwrite_nolock(_SrcBuf, _ElementSize, _Count, _Stream)
#define getc(_Stream) _getc_nolock(_Stream)
#define putc(_Ch, _Stream) _putc_nolock(_Ch, _Stream)
#define ungetc(_Ch, _Stream) _ungetc_nolock(_Ch, _Stream)
_ACRTIMP int* __cdecl __p__commode(void);
extern int _commode;
#define _commode (*__p__commode())
// Variadic functions are not supported in managed code under /clr
#if defined _M_CEE_MIXED
#pragma managed(push, off)
// Narrow Character Formatted Output Functions (Stream)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl __stdio_common_vfprintf(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Options,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) char const* _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl __stdio_common_vfprintf_s(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Options,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) char const* _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
_Success_(return >= 0)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl __stdio_common_vfprintf_p(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Options,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) char const* _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vfprintf_l(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return __stdio_common_vfprintf(_CRT_INTERNAL_LOCAL_PRINTF_OPTIONS, _Stream, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vfprintf_l(_Stream, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vfprintf_s_l(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return __stdio_common_vfprintf_s(_CRT_INTERNAL_LOCAL_PRINTF_OPTIONS, _Stream, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL vfprintf_s(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vfprintf_s_l(_Stream, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vfprintf_p_l(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return __stdio_common_vfprintf_p(_CRT_INTERNAL_LOCAL_PRINTF_OPTIONS, _Stream, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vfprintf_p(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vfprintf_p_l(_Stream, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vprintf_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vfprintf_l(stdout, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vfprintf_l(stdout, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vprintf_s_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vfprintf_s_l(stdout, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL vprintf_s(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vfprintf_s_l(stdout, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vprintf_p_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vfprintf_p_l(stdout, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vprintf_p(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vfprintf_p_l(stdout, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _fprintf_l(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vfprintf_l(_Stream, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vfprintf_l(_Stream, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _set_printf_count_output(
_In_ int _Value
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _get_printf_count_output(void);
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _fprintf_s_l(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vfprintf_s_l(_Stream, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL fprintf_s(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vfprintf_s_l(_Stream, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _fprintf_p_l(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vfprintf_p_l(_Stream, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _fprintf_p(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vfprintf_p_l(_Stream, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _printf_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vfprintf_l(stdout, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vfprintf_l(stdout, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _printf_s_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vfprintf_s_l(stdout, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vfprintf_s_l(stdout, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _printf_p_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vfprintf_p_l(stdout, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _printf_p(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vfprintf_p_l(stdout, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
// Narrow Character Formatted Input Functions (Stream)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl __stdio_common_vfscanf(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Options,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream,
_In_z_ _Scanf_format_string_params_(2) char const* _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale,
va_list _Arglist
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vfscanf_l(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return __stdio_common_vfscanf(
_Stream, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vfscanf_l(_Stream, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vfscanf_s_l(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return __stdio_common_vfscanf(
_Stream, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL vfscanf_s(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vfscanf_s_l(_Stream, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vscanf_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vfscanf_l(stdin, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vfscanf_l(stdin, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vscanf_s_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vfscanf_s_l(stdin, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vfscanf_s_l(stdin, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_fscanf_s_l)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _fscanf_l(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Scanf_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vfscanf_l(_Stream, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(fscanf_s)
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Scanf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vfscanf_l(_Stream, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _fscanf_s_l(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Scanf_s_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vfscanf_s_l(_Stream, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Scanf_s_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vfscanf_s_l(_Stream, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_scanf_s_l)
_In_z_ _Scanf_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vfscanf_l(stdin, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(scanf_s)
_In_z_ _Scanf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vfscanf_l(stdin, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _scanf_s_l(
_In_z_ _Scanf_s_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vfscanf_s_l(stdin, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_In_z_ _Scanf_s_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vfscanf_s_l(stdin, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
// Narrow Character Formatted Output Functions (String)
_Success_(return >= 0)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl __stdio_common_vsprintf(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Options,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_BufferCount) char* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) char const* _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
_Success_(return >= 0)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl __stdio_common_vsprintf_s(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Options,
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) char* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) char const* _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
_Success_(return >= 0)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl __stdio_common_vsnprintf_s(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Options,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_BufferCount) char* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_In_ size_t _MaxCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) char const* _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
_Success_(return >= 0)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl __stdio_common_vsprintf_p(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Options,
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) char* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) char const* _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
_Success_(return >= 0)
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_vsnprintf_s_l)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vsnprintf_l(
_Out_writes_opt_(_BufferCount) _Post_maybez_ char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int const _Result = __stdio_common_vsprintf(
_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result < 0 ? -1 : _Result;
_Success_(return >= 0)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vsnprintf(
_Out_writes_opt_(_BufferCount) _Post_maybez_ char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vsnprintf_l(_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
#if defined vsnprintf
// This definition of vsnprintf will generate "warning C4005: 'vsnprintf': macro
// redefinition" with a subsequent line indicating where the previous definition
// of vsnprintf was. This makes it easier to find where vsnprintf was defined.
#pragma warning(push, 1)
#pragma warning(1: 4005) // macro redefinition
#define vsnprintf Do not define vsnprintf as a macro
#pragma warning(pop)
#error Macro definition of vsnprintf conflicts with Standard Library function declaration
_Success_(return >= 0)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL vsnprintf(
_Out_writes_opt_(_BufferCount) _Always_(_Post_z_) char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int const _Result = __stdio_common_vsprintf(
_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result < 0 ? -1 : _Result;
_Success_(return >= 0)
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_vsprintf_s_l)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vsprintf_l(
_Pre_notnull_ _Always_(_Post_z_) char* const _Buffer,
_In_z_ char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vsnprintf_l(_Buffer, (size_t)-1, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
_Success_(return >= 0)
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(vsprintf_s)
_Pre_notnull_ _Always_(_Post_z_) char* const _Buffer,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vsnprintf_l(_Buffer, (size_t)-1, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
_Success_(return >= 0)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vsprintf_s_l(
_Out_writes_(_BufferCount) _Always_(_Post_z_) char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int const _Result = __stdio_common_vsprintf_s(
_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result < 0 ? -1 : _Result;
_Success_(return >= 0)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL vsprintf_s(
_Out_writes_(_BufferCount) _Always_(_Post_z_) char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vsprintf_s_l(_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
_Success_(return >= 0)
int, vsprintf_s,
_Always_(_Post_z_) char, _Buffer,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const*, _Format,
va_list, _ArgList
_Success_(return >= 0)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vsprintf_p_l(
_Out_writes_(_BufferCount) _Always_(_Post_z_) char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int const _Result = __stdio_common_vsprintf_p(
_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result < 0 ? -1 : _Result;
_Success_(return >= 0)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vsprintf_p(
_Out_writes_(_BufferCount) _Always_(_Post_z_) char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vsprintf_p_l(_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
_Success_(return >= 0)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vsnprintf_s_l(
_Out_writes_opt_(_BufferCount) _Always_(_Post_z_) char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_ size_t const _MaxCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int const _Result = __stdio_common_vsnprintf_s(
_Buffer, _BufferCount, _MaxCount, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result < 0 ? -1 : _Result;
_Success_(return >= 0)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vsnprintf_s(
_Out_writes_opt_(_BufferCount) _Always_(_Post_z_) char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_ size_t const _MaxCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vsnprintf_s_l(_Buffer, _BufferCount, _MaxCount, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
_Success_(return >= 0)
int, _vsnprintf_s,
_Always_(_Post_z_) char, _Buffer,
_In_ size_t, _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const*, _Format,
va_list, _ArgList
_Success_(return >= 0)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL vsnprintf_s(
_Out_writes_opt_(_BufferCount) _Always_(_Post_z_) char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_ size_t const _MaxCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vsnprintf_s_l(_Buffer, _BufferCount, _MaxCount, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
_Success_(return >= 0)
int, vsnprintf_s,
_Always_(_Post_z_) char, _Buffer,
_In_ size_t, _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const*, _Format,
va_list, _ArgList
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vscprintf_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int const _Result = __stdio_common_vsprintf(
NULL, 0, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result < 0 ? -1 : _Result;
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vscprintf(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vscprintf_l(_Format, NULL, _ArgList);
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vscprintf_p_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int const _Result = __stdio_common_vsprintf_p(
NULL, 0, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result < 0 ? -1 : _Result;
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vscprintf_p(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vscprintf_p_l(_Format, NULL, _ArgList);
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vsnprintf_c_l(
_Out_writes_opt_(_BufferCount) char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int const _Result = __stdio_common_vsprintf(
_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result < 0 ? -1 : _Result;
_Success_(return >= 0)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vsnprintf_c(
_Out_writes_opt_(_BufferCount) char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vsnprintf_c_l(_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
_Success_(return >= 0)
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_sprintf_s_l)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _sprintf_l(
_Pre_notnull_ _Always_(_Post_z_) char* const _Buffer,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vsprintf_l(_Buffer, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_Success_(return >= 0)
_Pre_notnull_ _Always_(_Post_z_) char* const _Buffer,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vsprintf_l(_Buffer, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_Success_(return >= 0)
int, __RETURN_POLICY_SAME, __EMPTY_DECLSPEC, __CRTDECL, sprintf, vsprintf,
_Pre_notnull_ _Always_(_Post_z_), char, _Buffer,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const*, _Format
_Success_(return >= 0)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _sprintf_s_l(
_Out_writes_(_BufferCount) _Always_(_Post_z_) char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vsprintf_s_l(_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_Success_(return >= 0)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL sprintf_s(
_Out_writes_(_BufferCount) _Always_(_Post_z_) char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vsprintf_s_l(_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_Success_(return >= 0)
int, sprintf_s, vsprintf_s,
_Always_(_Post_z_) char, _Buffer,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const*, _Format
_Success_(return >= 0)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _sprintf_p_l(
_Out_writes_(_BufferCount) _Always_(_Post_z_) char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vsprintf_p_l(_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_Success_(return >= 0)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _sprintf_p(
_Out_writes_(_BufferCount) _Always_(_Post_z_) char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vsprintf_p_l(_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_Success_(return >= 0)
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_snprintf_s_l)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _snprintf_l(
_Out_writes_opt_(_BufferCount) _Post_maybez_ char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vsnprintf_l(_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
#if defined snprintf
// This definition of snprintf will generate "warning C4005: 'snprintf': macro
// redefinition" with a subsequent line indicating where the previous definition
// of snprintf was. This makes it easier to find where snprintf was defined.
#pragma warning(push, 1)
#pragma warning(1: 4005) // macro redefinition
#define snprintf Do not define snprintf as a macro
#pragma warning(pop)
#error Macro definition of snprintf conflicts with Standard Library function declaration
_Success_(return >= 0)
_Out_writes_opt_(_BufferCount) _Always_(_Post_z_) char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = vsnprintf(_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_Success_(return >= 0)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _snprintf(
_Out_writes_opt_(_BufferCount) _Post_maybez_ char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vsnprintf(_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_Success_(return >= 0)
int, __RETURN_POLICY_SAME, __EMPTY_DECLSPEC, __CRTDECL, _snprintf, _vsnprintf,
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_maybez_ char,
_Out_writes_opt_(_BufferCount) _Post_maybez_, char, _Buffer,
_In_ size_t, _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const*, _Format
_Success_(return >= 0)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _snprintf_c_l(
_Out_writes_opt_(_BufferCount) char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vsnprintf_c_l(_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_Success_(return >= 0)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _snprintf_c(
_Out_writes_opt_(_BufferCount) char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vsnprintf_c_l(_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_Success_(return >= 0)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _snprintf_s_l(
_Out_writes_opt_(_BufferCount) _Always_(_Post_z_) char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_ size_t const _MaxCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vsnprintf_s_l(_Buffer, _BufferCount, _MaxCount, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_Success_(return >= 0)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _snprintf_s(
_Out_writes_opt_(_BufferCount) _Always_(_Post_z_) char* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_ size_t const _MaxCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vsnprintf_s_l(_Buffer, _BufferCount, _MaxCount, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_Success_(return >= 0)
int, _snprintf_s, _vsnprintf_s,
_Always_(_Post_z_) char, _Buffer,
_In_ size_t, _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const*, _Format
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _scprintf_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vscprintf_l(_Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _scprintf(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vscprintf_l(_Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _scprintf_p_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vscprintf_p_l(_Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _scprintf_p(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vscprintf_p(_Format, _ArgList);
return _Result;
// Narrow Character Formatted Input Functions (String)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl __stdio_common_vsscanf(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Options,
_In_reads_(_BufferCount) _Pre_z_ char const* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Scanf_format_string_params_(2) char const* _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vsscanf_l(
_In_z_ char const* const _Buffer,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return __stdio_common_vsscanf(
_Buffer, (size_t)-1, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
_In_z_ char const* const _Buffer,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vsscanf_l(_Buffer, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vsscanf_s_l(
_In_z_ char const* const _Buffer,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return __stdio_common_vsscanf(
_Buffer, (size_t)-1, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 6530) // Unrecognized SAL format string
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL vsscanf_s(
_In_z_ char const* const _Buffer,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
return _vsscanf_s_l(_Buffer, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
int, vsscanf_s,
_In_z_ char const, _Buffer,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const*, _Format,
va_list, _ArgList
#pragma warning(pop)
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_sscanf_s_l)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _sscanf_l(
_In_z_ char const* const _Buffer,
_In_z_ _Scanf_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vsscanf_l(_Buffer, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(sscanf_s)
_In_z_ char const* const _Buffer,
_In_z_ _Scanf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vsscanf_l(_Buffer, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _sscanf_s_l(
_In_z_ char const* const _Buffer,
_In_z_ _Scanf_s_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vsscanf_s_l(_Buffer, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_In_z_ char const* const _Buffer,
_In_z_ _Scanf_s_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = vsscanf_s(_Buffer, _Format, _ArgList);
return _Result;
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 6530) // Unrecognized SAL format string
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_snscanf_s_l)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _snscanf_l(
_In_reads_bytes_(_BufferCount) _Pre_z_ char const* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Scanf_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = __stdio_common_vsscanf(
_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_snscanf_s)
_In_reads_bytes_(_BufferCount) _Pre_z_ char const* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Scanf_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = __stdio_common_vsscanf(
_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _snscanf_s_l(
_In_reads_bytes_(_BufferCount) _Pre_z_ char const* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Scanf_s_format_string_params_(0) char const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = __stdio_common_vsscanf(
_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _snscanf_s(
_In_reads_bytes_(_BufferCount) _Pre_z_ char const* const _Buffer,
_In_ size_t const _BufferCount,
_In_z_ _Scanf_s_format_string_ char const* const _Format,
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = __stdio_common_vsscanf(
_Buffer, _BufferCount, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
#pragma warning(pop)
#if defined _M_CEE_MIXED
#pragma managed(pop)
// Non-ANSI Names for Compatibility
#if defined _DEBUG && defined _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC
#pragma push_macro("tempnam")
#undef tempnam
_ACRTIMP char* __cdecl tempnam(
_In_opt_z_ char const* _Directory,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FilePrefix
#if defined _DEBUG && defined _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC
#pragma pop_macro("tempnam")
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_fcloseall) _ACRTIMP int __cdecl fcloseall(void);
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_fdopen) _ACRTIMP FILE* __cdecl fdopen(_In_ int _FileHandle, _In_z_ char const* _Format);
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_fgetchar) _ACRTIMP int __cdecl fgetchar(void);
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_fileno) _ACRTIMP int __cdecl fileno(_In_ FILE* _Stream);
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_flushall) _ACRTIMP int __cdecl flushall(void);
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_fputchar) _ACRTIMP int __cdecl fputchar(_In_ int _Ch);
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_getw) _ACRTIMP int __cdecl getw(_Inout_ FILE* _Stream);
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_putw) _ACRTIMP int __cdecl putw(_In_ int _Ch, _Inout_ FILE* _Stream);
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_rmtmp) _ACRTIMP int __cdecl rmtmp(void);
#pragma warning(pop) // _UCRT_DISABLED_WARNINGS
#endif // _INC_STDIO