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3 months ago
{"ast":null,"code":"import { defineComponent, useSlots, computed, openBlock, createBlock, resolveDynamicComponent, unref, normalizeClass, withCtx, createElementVNode, withDirectives, createElementBlock, isRef, withModifiers, vModelCheckbox, renderSlot, Fragment, createTextVNode, toDisplayString, createCommentVNode } from 'vue';\nimport '../../../hooks/index.mjs';\nimport { checkboxProps, checkboxEmits } from './checkbox.mjs';\nimport './composables/index.mjs';\nimport _export_sfc from '../../../_virtual/plugin-vue_export-helper.mjs';\nimport { useCheckbox } from './composables/use-checkbox.mjs';\nimport { useNamespace } from '../../../hooks/use-namespace/index.mjs';\nconst __default__ = defineComponent({\n name: \"ElCheckbox\"\n});\nconst _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */defineComponent({\n ...__default__,\n props: checkboxProps,\n emits: checkboxEmits,\n setup(__props) {\n const props = __props;\n const slots = useSlots();\n const {\n inputId,\n isLabeledByFormItem,\n isChecked,\n isDisabled,\n isFocused,\n checkboxSize,\n hasOwnLabel,\n model,\n actualValue,\n handleChange,\n onClickRoot\n } = useCheckbox(props, slots);\n const ns = useNamespace(\"checkbox\");\n const compKls = computed(() => {\n return [ns.b(), ns.m(checkboxSize.value),\"disabled\", isDisabled.value),\"bordered\", props.border),\"checked\", isChecked.value)];\n });\n const spanKls = computed(() => {\n return [ns.e(\"input\"),\"disabled\", isDisabled.value),\"checked\", isChecked.value),\"indeterminate\", props.indeterminate),\"focus\", isFocused.value)];\n });\n return (_ctx, _cache) => {\n return openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(!unref(hasOwnLabel) && unref(isLabeledByFormItem) ? \"span\" : \"label\"), {\n class: normalizeClass(unref(compKls)),\n \"aria-controls\": _ctx.indeterminate ? _ctx.ariaControls : null,\n onClick: unref(onClickRoot)\n }, {\n default: withCtx(() => {\n var _a, _b, _c, _d;\n return [createElementVNode(\"span\", {\n class: normalizeClass(unref(spanKls))\n }, [_ctx.trueValue || _ctx.falseValue || _ctx.trueLabel || _ctx.falseLabel ? withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock(\"input\", {\n key: 0,\n id: unref(inputId),\n \"onUpdate:modelValue\": $event => isRef(model) ? model.value = $event : null,\n class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e(\"original\")),\n type: \"checkbox\",\n indeterminate: _ctx.indeterminate,\n name:,\n tabindex: _ctx.tabindex,\n disabled: unref(isDisabled),\n \"true-value\": (_b = (_a = _ctx.trueValue) != null ? _a : _ctx.trueLabel) != null ? _b : true,\n \"false-value\": (_d = (_c = _ctx.falseValue) != null ? _c : _ctx.falseLabel) != null ? _d : false,\n onChange: unref(handleChange),\n onFocus: $event => isFocused.value = true,\n onBlur: $event => isFocused.value = false,\n onClick: withModifiers(() => {}, [\"stop\"])\n }, null, 42, [\"id\", \"onUpdate:modelValue\", \"indeterminate\", \"name\", \"tabindex\", \"disabled\", \"true-value\", \"false-value\", \"onChange\", \"onFocus\", \"onBlur\", \"onClick\"])), [[vModelCheckbox, unref(model)]]) : withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock(\"input\", {\n key: 1,\n id: unref(inputId),\n \"onUpdate:modelValue\": $event => isRef(model) ? model.value = $event : null,\n class: normalizeClass(unref(ns).e(\"original\")),\n type: \"checkbox\",\n indeterminate: _ctx.indeterminate,\n disabled: unref(isDisabled),\n value: unref(actualValue),\n name:,\n tabindex: _ctx.tabindex,\n onChange: unref(handleChange),\n onFocus: $event => isFocused.value = true,\n onBlur: $event => isFocused.value = false,\n