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3 months ago
{"ast":null,"code":"import { shallowRef, ref, computed, nextTick } from 'vue';\nimport '../../../../constants/index.mjs';\nimport '../../../form/index.mjs';\nimport { useFormItem } from '../../../form/src/hooks/use-form-item.mjs';\nimport { UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, INPUT_EVENT, CHANGE_EVENT } from '../../../../constants/event.mjs';\nconst useSlide = (props, initData, emit) => {\n const {\n form: elForm,\n formItem: elFormItem\n } = useFormItem();\n const slider = shallowRef();\n const firstButton = ref();\n const secondButton = ref();\n const buttonRefs = {\n firstButton,\n secondButton\n };\n const sliderDisabled = computed(() => {\n return props.disabled || (elForm == null ? void 0 : elForm.disabled) || false;\n });\n const minValue = computed(() => {\n return Math.min(initData.firstValue, initData.secondValue);\n });\n const maxValue = computed(() => {\n return Math.max(initData.firstValue, initData.secondValue);\n });\n const barSize = computed(() => {\n return props.range ? `${100 * (maxValue.value - minValue.value) / (props.max - props.min)}%` : `${100 * (initData.firstValue - props.min) / (props.max - props.min)}%`;\n });\n const barStart = computed(() => {\n return props.range ? `${100 * (minValue.value - props.min) / (props.max - props.min)}%` : \"0%\";\n });\n const runwayStyle = computed(() => {\n return props.vertical ? {\n height: props.height\n } : {};\n });\n const barStyle = computed(() => {\n return props.vertical ? {\n height: barSize.value,\n bottom: barStart.value\n } : {\n width: barSize.value,\n left: barStart.value\n };\n });\n const resetSize = () => {\n if (slider.value) {\n initData.sliderSize = slider.value[`client${props.vertical ? \"Height\" : \"Width\"}`];\n }\n };\n const getButtonRefByPercent = percent => {\n const targetValue = props.min + percent * (props.max - props.min) / 100;\n if (!props.range) {\n return firstButton;\n }\n let buttonRefName;\n if (Math.abs(minValue.value - targetValue) < Math.abs(maxValue.value - targetValue)) {\n buttonRefName = initData.firstValue < initData.secondValue ? \"firstButton\" : \"secondButton\";\n } else {\n buttonRefName = initData.firstValue > initData.secondValue ? \"firstButton\" : \"secondButton\";\n }\n return buttonRefs[buttonRefName];\n };\n const setPosition = percent => {\n const buttonRef = getButtonRefByPercent(percent);\n buttonRef.value.setPosition(percent);\n return buttonRef;\n };\n const setFirstValue = firstValue => {\n initData.firstValue = firstValue != null ? firstValue : props.min;\n _emit(props.range ? [minValue.value, maxValue.value] : firstValue != null ? firstValue : props.min);\n };\n const setSecondValue = secondValue => {\n initData.secondValue = secondValue;\n if (props.range) {\n _emit([minValue.value, maxValue.value]);\n }\n };\n const _emit = val => {\n emit(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, val);\n emit(INPUT_EVENT, val);\n };\n const emitChange = async () => {\n await nextTick();\n emit(CHANGE_EVENT, props.range ? [minValue.value, maxValue.value] : props.modelValue);\n };\n const handleSliderPointerEvent = event => {\n var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;\n if (sliderDisabled.value || initData.dragging) return;\n resetSize();\n let newPercent = 0;\n if (props.vertical) {\n const clientY = (_c = (_b = (_a = event.touches) == null ? void 0 : _a.item(0)) == null ? void 0 : _b.clientY) != null ? _c : event.clientY;\n const sliderOffsetBottom = slider.value.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;\n newPercent = (sliderOffsetBottom - clientY) / initData.sliderSize * 100;\n } else {\n const clientX = (_f = (_e = (_d = event.touches) == null ? void 0 : _d.item(0)) == null ? void 0 : _e.clientX) != null ? _f : event.clientX;\n const sliderOffsetLeft = slider.value.getBoundingClientRect().left;\n newPercent = (clientX - sliderOffsetLeft) / initData.sliderSize * 100;\n }\n if (newPercent < 0 || newPercent > 100) return;