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3 months ago
{"ast":null,"code":"import '../../../utils/index.mjs';\nimport { buildProps, definePropType } from '../../../utils/vue/props/runtime.mjs';\nimport { iconPropType } from '../../../utils/vue/icon.mjs';\nconst notificationTypes = [\"success\", \"info\", \"warning\", \"error\"];\nconst notificationProps = buildProps({\n customClass: {\n type: String,\n default: \"\"\n },\n dangerouslyUseHTMLString: Boolean,\n duration: {\n type: Number,\n default: 4500\n },\n icon: {\n type: iconPropType\n },\n id: {\n type: String,\n default: \"\"\n },\n message: {\n type: definePropType([String, Object]),\n default: \"\"\n },\n offset: {\n type: Number,\n default: 0\n },\n onClick: {\n type: definePropType(Function),\n default: () => void 0\n },\n onClose: {\n type: definePropType(Function),\n required: true\n },\n position: {\n type: String,\n values: [\"top-right\", \"top-left\", \"bottom-right\", \"bottom-left\"],\n default: \"top-right\"\n },\n showClose: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n title: {\n type: String,\n default: \"\"\n },\n type: {\n type: String,\n values: [...notificationTypes, \"\"],\n default: \"\"\n },\n zIndex: Number\n});\nconst notificationEmits = {\n destroy: () => true\n};\nexport { notificationEmits, notificationProps, notificationTypes };","map":{"version":3,"names":["notificationTypes","notificationProps","buildProps","customClass","type","String","default","dangerouslyUseHTMLString","Boolean","duration","Number","icon","iconPropType","id","message","definePropType","Object","offset","onClick","Function","onClose","required","position","values","showClose","title","zIndex","notificationEmits","destroy"],"sources":["../../../../../../packages/components/notification/src/notification.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import { buildProps, definePropType, iconPropType } from '@element-plus/utils'\n\nimport type { ExtractPropTypes, VNode } from 'vue'\nimport type Notification from './notification.vue'\n\nexport const notificationTypes = [\n 'success',\n 'info',\n 'warning',\n 'error',\n] as const\n\nexport const notificationProps = buildProps({\n /**\n * @description custom class name for Notification\n */\n customClass: {\n type: String,\n default: '',\n },\n /**\n * @description whether `message` is treated as HTML string\n */\n dangerouslyUseHTMLString: Boolean,\n /**\n * @description duration before close. It will not automatically close if set 0\n */\n duration: {\n type: Number,\n default: 4500,\n },\n /**\n * @description custom icon component. It will be overridden by `type`\n */\n icon: {\n type: iconPropType,\n },\n /**\n * @description notification dom id\n */\n id: {\n type: String,\n default: '',\n },\n /**\n * @description description text\n */\n message: {\n type: definePropType<string | VNode>([String, Object]),\n default: '',\n },\n /**\n * @description offset from the top edge of the screen. Every Notification instance of the same moment should have the same offset\n */\n offset: {\n type: Number,\n default: 0,\n },\n /**\n * @description callback function when notification clicked\n */\n onClick: {\n type: definePropType<() => void>(Function),\n default: () => undefined,\n },\n /**\n * @description callback function when closed\n */\n onClose: {\n type: definePropType<() => void>(Function),\n required: true,\n },\n /**\n * @description custom position\n */\n position: {\n type: String,\n values: ['top-right', 'top-left', 'bottom-right', 'bottom-left'],\n default: 'top-right',\n },\n /**\n * @description whether to show a close button\n */\n showClose: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true,\n },\n /**\n * @description title\n */\n title: {\n type: String,\n default: '',\n },\n /**\n * @description notification type\n */\n type: {\n type: String,\n values: [...notificationTypes, ''],\n default: '',\n },\n /**\n * @description initial