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3 months ago
import type { PropType } from 'vue';
import type { EpProp, EpPropConvert, EpPropFinalized, EpPropInput, EpPropMergeType, IfEpProp, IfNativePropType, NativePropType } from './types';
export declare const epPropKey = "__epPropKey";
export declare const definePropType: <T>(val: any) => PropType<T>;
export declare const isEpProp: (val: unknown) => val is EpProp<any, any, any>;
* @description Build prop. It can better optimize prop types
* @description prop
* @example
// limited options
// the type will be PropType<'light' | 'dark'>
type: String,
values: ['light', 'dark'],
} as const)
* @example
// limited options and other types
// the type will be PropType<'small' | 'large' | number>
type: [String, Number],
values: ['small', 'large'],
validator: (val: unknown): val is number => typeof val === 'number',
} as const)
@link see more:
export declare const buildProp: <Type = never, Value = never, Validator = never, Default extends EpPropMergeType<Type, Value, Validator> = never, Required_1 extends boolean = false>(prop: EpPropInput<Type, Value, Validator, Default, Required_1>, key?: string) => EpPropFinalized<Type, Value, Validator, Default, Required_1>;
export declare const buildProps: <Props extends Record<string, {
__epPropKey: true;
} | NativePropType | EpPropInput<any, any, any, any, any>>>(props: Props) => { [K in keyof Props]: IfEpProp<Props[K], Props[K], IfNativePropType<Props[K], Props[K], EpPropConvert<Props[K]>>>; };