You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
606 lines
16 KiB
606 lines
16 KiB
4 months ago
'use strict'
const parser = require('postcss-selector-parser')
const { default: nthCheck } = require('nth-check')
const { getAttribute, isVElement } = require('.')
* @typedef {object} VElementSelector
* @property {(element: VElement)=>boolean} test
module.exports = {
* Parses CSS selectors and returns an object with a function that tests VElement.
* @param {string} selector CSS selector
* @param {RuleContext} context - The rule context.
* @returns {VElementSelector}
function parseSelector(selector, context) {
let astSelector
try {
astSelector = parser().astSync(selector)
} catch (e) {
loc: { line: 0, column: 0 },
message: `Cannot parse selector: ${selector}.`
return {
test: () => false
try {
const test = selectorsToVElementMatcher(astSelector.nodes)
return {
test(element) {
return test(element, null)
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof SelectorError) {
loc: { line: 0, column: 0 },
message: e.message
return {
test: () => false
throw e
class SelectorError extends Error {}
* @typedef {(element: VElement, subject: VElement | null )=>boolean} VElementMatcher
* @typedef {Exclude<parser.Selector['nodes'][number], {type:'comment'|'root'}>} ChildNode
* Convert nodes to VElementMatcher
* @param {parser.Selector[]} selectorNodes
* @returns {VElementMatcher}
function selectorsToVElementMatcher(selectorNodes) {
const selectors = =>
return (element, subject) => selectors.some((sel) => sel(element, subject))
* Clean and get the selector child nodes.
* @param {parser.Selector} selector
* @returns {ChildNode[]}
function cleanSelectorChildren(selector) {
/** @type {ChildNode[]} */
const nodes = []
/** @type {ChildNode|null} */
let last = null
for (const node of selector.nodes) {
if (node.type === 'root') {
throw new SelectorError('Unexpected state type=root')
if (node.type === 'comment') {
if (
(last == null || last.type === 'combinator') &&
) {
// Ignore descendant combinator
if (isDescendantCombinator(last) && node.type === 'combinator') {
// Replace combinator
last = node
if (isDescendantCombinator(last)) {
return nodes
* @param {parser.Node|null} node
* @returns {node is parser.Combinator}
function isDescendantCombinator(node) {
return Boolean(node && node.type === 'combinator' && !node.value.trim())
* Convert Selector child nodes to VElementMatcher
* @param {ChildNode[]} selectorChildren
* @returns {VElementMatcher}
function selectorToVElementMatcher(selectorChildren) {
const nodes = [...selectorChildren]
let node = nodes.shift()
* @type {VElementMatcher | null}
let result = null
while (node) {
if (node.type === 'combinator') {
const combinator = node.value
node = nodes.shift()
if (!node) {
throw new SelectorError(`Expected selector after '${combinator}'.`)
if (node.type === 'combinator') {
throw new SelectorError(`Unexpected combinator '${node.value}'.`)
const right = nodeToVElementMatcher(node)
result = combination(
result ||
// for :has()
((element, subject) => element === subject),
} else {
const sel = nodeToVElementMatcher(node)
result = result ? compound(result, sel) : sel
node = nodes.shift()
if (!result) {
throw new SelectorError(`Unexpected empty selector.`)
return result
* @param {VElementMatcher} left
* @param {string} combinator
* @param {VElementMatcher} right
* @returns {VElementMatcher}
function combination(left, combinator, right) {
switch (combinator.trim()) {
case '':
// descendant
return (element, subject) => {
if (right(element, null)) {
let parent = element.parent
while (parent.type === 'VElement') {
if (left(parent, subject)) {
return true
parent = parent.parent
return false
case '>':
// child
return (element, subject) => {
if (right(element, null)) {
const parent = element.parent
if (parent.type === 'VElement') {
return left(parent, subject)
return false
case '+':
// adjacent
return (element, subject) => {
if (right(element, null)) {
const before = getBeforeElement(element)
if (before) {
return left(before, subject)
return false
case '~':
// sibling
return (element, subject) => {
if (right(element, null)) {
for (const before of getBeforeElements(element)) {
if (left(before, subject)) {
return true
return false
throw new SelectorError(`Unknown combinator: ${combinator}.`)
* Convert node to VElementMatcher
* @param {Exclude<parser.Node, {type:'combinator'|'comment'|'root'|'selector'}>} selector
* @returns {VElementMatcher}
function nodeToVElementMatcher(selector) {
switch (selector.type) {
case 'attribute':
return attributeNodeToVElementMatcher(selector)
case 'class':
return classNameNodeToVElementMatcher(selector)
case 'id':
return identifierNodeToVElementMatcher(selector)
case 'tag':
return tagNodeToVElementMatcher(selector)
case 'universal':
return universalNodeToVElementMatcher(selector)
case 'pseudo':
return pseudoNodeToVElementMatcher(selector)
case 'nesting':
throw new SelectorError('Unsupported nesting selector.')
case 'string':
throw new SelectorError(`Unknown selector: ${selector.value}.`)
throw new SelectorError(
`Unknown selector: ${/** @type {any}*/ (selector).value}.`
* Convert Attribute node to VElementMatcher
* @param {parser.Attribute} selector
* @returns {VElementMatcher}
function attributeNodeToVElementMatcher(selector) {
const key = selector.attribute
if (!selector.operator) {
return (element) => getAttributeValue(element, key) != null
const value = selector.value || ''
switch (selector.operator) {
case '=':
return buildVElementMatcher(value, (attr, val) => attr === val)
case '~=':
// words
return buildVElementMatcher(value, (attr, val) =>
case '|=':
// immediately followed by hyphen
return buildVElementMatcher(
(attr, val) => attr === val || attr.startsWith(`${val}-`)
case '^=':
// prefixed
return buildVElementMatcher(value, (attr, val) => attr.startsWith(val))
case '$=':
// suffixed
return buildVElementMatcher(value, (attr, val) => attr.endsWith(val))
case '*=':
// contains
return buildVElementMatcher(value, (attr, val) => attr.includes(val))
throw new SelectorError(`Unsupported operator: ${selector.operator}.`)
* @param {string} selectorValue
* @param {(attrValue:string, selectorValue: string)=>boolean} test
* @returns {VElementMatcher}
function buildVElementMatcher(selectorValue, test) {
const val = selector.insensitive
? selectorValue.toLowerCase()
: selectorValue
return (element) => {
const attrValue = getAttributeValue(element, key)
if (attrValue == null) {
return false
return test(
selector.insensitive ? attrValue.toLowerCase() : attrValue,
* Convert ClassName node to VElementMatcher
* @param {parser.ClassName} selector
* @returns {VElementMatcher}
function classNameNodeToVElementMatcher(selector) {
const className = selector.value
return (element) => {
const attrValue = getAttributeValue(element, 'class')
if (attrValue == null) {
return false
return attrValue.split(/\s+/gu).includes(className)
* Convert Identifier node to VElementMatcher
* @param {parser.Identifier} selector
* @returns {VElementMatcher}
function identifierNodeToVElementMatcher(selector) {
const id = selector.value
return (element) => {
const attrValue = getAttributeValue(element, 'id')
if (attrValue == null) {
return false
return attrValue === id
* Convert Tag node to VElementMatcher
* @param {parser.Tag} selector
* @returns {VElementMatcher}
function tagNodeToVElementMatcher(selector) {
const name = selector.value
return (element) => element.rawName === name
* Convert Universal node to VElementMatcher
* @param {parser.Universal} _selector
* @returns {VElementMatcher}
function universalNodeToVElementMatcher(_selector) {
return () => true
* Convert Pseudo node to VElementMatcher
* @param {parser.Pseudo} selector
* @returns {VElementMatcher}
function pseudoNodeToVElementMatcher(selector) {
const pseudo = selector.value
switch (pseudo) {
case ':not': {
const selectors = selectorsToVElementMatcher(selector.nodes)
return (element, subject) => {
return !selectors(element, subject)
case ':is':
case ':where':
return selectorsToVElementMatcher(selector.nodes)
case ':has':
return pseudoHasSelectorsToVElementMatcher(selector.nodes)
case ':empty':
return (element) =>
(child) => child.type === 'VText' && !child.value.trim()
case ':nth-child': {
const nth = parseNth(selector)
return buildPseudoNthVElementMatcher(nth)
case ':nth-last-child': {
const nth = parseNth(selector)
return buildPseudoNthVElementMatcher((index, length) =>
nth(length - index - 1)
case ':first-child':
return buildPseudoNthVElementMatcher((index) => index === 0)
case ':last-child':
return buildPseudoNthVElementMatcher(
(index, length) => index === length - 1
case ':only-child':
return buildPseudoNthVElementMatcher(
(index, length) => index === 0 && length === 1
case ':nth-of-type': {
const nth = parseNth(selector)
return buildPseudoNthOfTypeVElementMatcher(nth)
case ':nth-last-of-type': {
const nth = parseNth(selector)
return buildPseudoNthOfTypeVElementMatcher((index, length) =>
nth(length - index - 1)
case ':first-of-type':
return buildPseudoNthOfTypeVElementMatcher((index) => index === 0)
case ':last-of-type':
return buildPseudoNthOfTypeVElementMatcher(
(index, length) => index === length - 1
case ':only-of-type':
return buildPseudoNthOfTypeVElementMatcher(
(index, length) => index === 0 && length === 1
throw new SelectorError(`Unsupported pseudo selector: ${pseudo}.`)
* Convert :has() selector nodes to VElementMatcher
* @param {parser.Selector[]} selectorNodes
* @returns {VElementMatcher}
function pseudoHasSelectorsToVElementMatcher(selectorNodes) {
const selectors = =>
return (element, subject) => selectors.some((sel) => sel(element, subject))
* Convert :has() selector node to VElementMatcher
* @param {parser.Selector} selector
* @returns {VElementMatcher}
function pseudoHasSelectorToVElementMatcher(selector) {
const nodes = cleanSelectorChildren(selector)
const selectors = selectorToVElementMatcher(nodes)
const firstNode = nodes[0]
if (
firstNode.type === 'combinator' &&
(firstNode.value === '+' || firstNode.value === '~')
) {
// adjacent or sibling
return buildVElementMatcher(selectors, (element) =>
// descendant or child
return buildVElementMatcher(selectors, (element) =>
* @param {VElementMatcher} selectors
* @param {(element: VElement) => VElement[]} getStartElements
* @returns {VElementMatcher}
function buildVElementMatcher(selectors, getStartElements) {
return (element) => {
const elements = [...getStartElements(element)]
/** @type {VElement|undefined} */
let curr
while ((curr = elements.shift())) {
const el = curr
if (selectors(el, element)) {
return true
return false
* Parse <nth>
* @param {parser.Pseudo} pseudoNode
* @returns {(index: number)=>boolean}
function parseNth(pseudoNode) {
const argumentsText = pseudoNode
const openParenIndex = argumentsText.indexOf('(')
const closeParenIndex = argumentsText.lastIndexOf(')')
if (openParenIndex < 0 || closeParenIndex < 0) {
throw new SelectorError(
`Cannot parse An+B micro syntax (:nth-xxx() argument): ${argumentsText}.`
const argument = argumentsText
.slice(openParenIndex + 1, closeParenIndex)
try {
return nthCheck(argument)
} catch (e) {
throw new SelectorError(
`Cannot parse An+B micro syntax (:nth-xxx() argument): '${argument}'.`
* Build VElementMatcher for :nth-xxx()
* @param {(index: number, length: number)=>boolean} testIndex
* @returns {VElementMatcher}
function buildPseudoNthVElementMatcher(testIndex) {
return (element) => {
const elements = element.parent.children.filter(isVElement)
return testIndex(elements.indexOf(element), elements.length)
* Build VElementMatcher for :nth-xxx-of-type()
* @param {(index: number, length: number)=>boolean} testIndex
* @returns {VElementMatcher}
function buildPseudoNthOfTypeVElementMatcher(testIndex) {
return (element) => {
const elements = element.parent.children
.filter((e) => e.rawName === element.rawName)
return testIndex(elements.indexOf(element), elements.length)
* @param {VElement} element
function getBeforeElement(element) {
return getBeforeElements(element).pop() || null
* @param {VElement} element
function getBeforeElements(element) {
const parent = element.parent
const index = parent.children.indexOf(element)
return parent.children.slice(0, index).filter(isVElement)
* @param {VElement} element
function getAfterElements(element) {
const parent = element.parent
const index = parent.children.indexOf(element)
return parent.children.slice(index + 1).filter(isVElement)
* @param {VElementMatcher} a
* @param {VElementMatcher} b
* @returns {VElementMatcher}
function compound(a, b) {
return (element, subject) => a(element, subject) && b(element, subject)
* Get attribute value from given element.
* @param {VElement} element The element node.
* @param {string} attribute The attribute name.
function getAttributeValue(element, attribute) {
const attr = getAttribute(element, attribute)
if (attr) {
return (attr.value && attr.value.value) || ''
return null