You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

81 lines
2.6 KiB

3 months ago
const NUMBER_CHAR_RE = /\d/;
const STR_SPLITTERS = ["-", "_", "/", "."];
function isUppercase(char = "") {
if (NUMBER_CHAR_RE.test(char)) {
return void 0;
return char !== char.toLowerCase();
function splitByCase(str, separators) {
const splitters = separators ?? STR_SPLITTERS;
const parts = [];
if (!str || typeof str !== "string") {
return parts;
let buff = "";
let previousUpper;
let previousSplitter;
for (const char of str) {
const isSplitter = splitters.includes(char);
if (isSplitter === true) {
buff = "";
previousUpper = void 0;
const isUpper = isUppercase(char);
if (previousSplitter === false) {
if (previousUpper === false && isUpper === true) {
buff = char;
previousUpper = isUpper;
if (previousUpper === true && isUpper === false && buff.length > 1) {
const lastChar =;
parts.push(buff.slice(0, Math.max(0, buff.length - 1)));
buff = lastChar + char;
previousUpper = isUpper;
buff += char;
previousUpper = isUpper;
previousSplitter = isSplitter;
return parts;
function upperFirst(str) {
return str ? str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1) : "";
function lowerFirst(str) {
return str ? str[0].toLowerCase() + str.slice(1) : "";
function pascalCase(str, opts) {
return str ? (Array.isArray(str) ? str : splitByCase(str)).map((p) => upperFirst(opts?.normalize ? p.toLowerCase() : p)).join("") : "";
function camelCase(str, opts) {
return lowerFirst(pascalCase(str || "", opts));
function kebabCase(str, joiner) {
return str ? (Array.isArray(str) ? str : splitByCase(str)).map((p) => p.toLowerCase()).join(joiner ?? "-") : "";
function snakeCase(str) {
return kebabCase(str || "", "_");
function flatCase(str) {
return kebabCase(str || "", "");
function trainCase(str, opts) {
return (Array.isArray(str) ? str : splitByCase(str)).filter(Boolean).map((p) => upperFirst(opts?.normalize ? p.toLowerCase() : p)).join("-");
const titleCaseExceptions = /^(a|an|and|as|at|but|by|for|if|in|is|nor|of|on|or|the|to|with)$/i;
function titleCase(str, opts) {
return (Array.isArray(str) ? str : splitByCase(str)).filter(Boolean).map(
(p) => titleCaseExceptions.test(p) ? p.toLowerCase() : upperFirst(opts?.normalize ? p.toLowerCase() : p)
).join(" ");
export { camelCase, flatCase, isUppercase, kebabCase, lowerFirst, pascalCase, snakeCase, splitByCase, titleCase, trainCase, upperFirst };