# confbox [![npm version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/confbox?color=yellow)](https://npmjs.com/package/confbox) [![npm downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/confbox?color=yellow)](https://npm.chart.dev/confbox) [![bundle size](https://img.shields.io/bundlephobia/minzip/confbox?color=yellow)](https://bundlephobia.com/package/confbox) Parsing and serialization utils for [YAML](https://yaml.org/) ([js-yaml](https://github.com/nodeca/js-yaml)), [TOML](https://toml.io/) ([smol-toml](https://github.com/squirrelchat/smol-toml)), [JSONC](https://github.com/microsoft/node-jsonc-parser) ([jsonc-parser](https://github.com/microsoft/node-jsonc-parser)), [JSON5](https://json5.org/) ([json5](https://github.com/json5/json5)), and [JSON](https://www.json.org/json-en.html). ✨ Zero dependency and tree-shakable ✨ Types exported out of the box ✨ Presrves code style (indentation and whitespace) > [!TIP] > Use [unjs/c12](https://github.com/unjs/c12) for a full featured configuration loader! ## Usage Install package: ```sh # ✨ Auto-detect npx nypm install confbox # npm npm install confbox # yarn yarn add confbox # pnpm pnpm install confbox # bun bun install confbox # deno deno install confbox ``` Import: **ESM** (Node.js, Bun, Deno) ```js import { parseJSON5, stringifyJSON5, parseJSONC, stringifyJSONC, parseYAML, stringifyYAML, parseJSON, stringifyJSON, parseTOML, stringifyTOML, } from "confbox"; ``` **CommonJS** (Legacy Node.js) ```js const { parseJSON5, stringifyJSON5, parseJSONC, stringifyJSONC, parseYAML, stringifyYAML, parseJSON, stringifyJSON, parseTOML, stringifyTOML, } = require("confbox"); ``` **CDN** (Deno, Bun and Browsers) ```js import { parseJSON5, stringifyJSON5, parseJSONC, stringifyJSONC, parseYAML, stringifyYAML, parseJSON, stringifyJSON, parseTOML, stringifyTOML, } from "https://esm.sh/confbox"; ``` ### `parseJSON(text, options?)` Converts a [JSON](https://www.json.org/json-en.html) string into an object. Indentation status is auto-detected and preserved when stringifying back using `stringifyJSON` ### `parseJSON5(text, options?)` Converts a [JSON5](https://json5.org/) string into an object. ### `parseJSONC(text, options?)` Converts a [JSONC](https://github.com/microsoft/node-jsonc-parser) string into an object. ### `parseTOML(text)` Converts a [TOML](https://toml.io/) string into an object. ### `parseYAML(text, options?)` Converts a [YAML](https://yaml.org/) string into an object. ### `stringifyJSON(value, options?)` Converts a JavaScript value to a [JSON](https://www.json.org/json-en.html) string. Indentation status is auto detected and preserved when using value from parseJSON. ### `stringifyJSON5(value, options?)` Converts a JavaScript value to a [JSON5](https://json5.org/) string. ### `stringifyJSONC(value, options?)` Converts a JavaScript value to a [JSONC](https://github.com/microsoft/node-jsonc-parser) string. ### `stringifyTOML(value)` Converts a JavaScript value to a [TOML](https://toml.io/) string. ### `stringifyYAML(value, options?)` Converts a JavaScript value to a [YAML](https://yaml.org/) string. ## Contribution
Local development - Clone this repository - Install the latest LTS version of [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/) - Enable [Corepack](https://github.com/nodejs/corepack) using `corepack enable` - Install dependencies using `pnpm install` - Run tests using `pnpm dev` or `pnpm test`
## License Published under the [MIT](https://github.com/unjs/confbox/blob/main/LICENSE) license. Made by [@pi0](https://github.com/pi0) and [community](https://github.com/unjs/confbox/graphs/contributors) 💛

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