You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
497 lines
14 KiB
497 lines
14 KiB
var everyValuesPair = require('./every-values-pair');
var hasInherit = require('./has-inherit');
var hasSameValues = require('./has-same-values');
var populateComponents = require('./populate-components');
var configuration = require('../../configuration');
var deepClone = require('../../clone').deep;
var restoreWithComponents = require('../restore-with-components');
var restoreFromOptimizing = require('../../restore-from-optimizing');
var wrapSingle = require('../../wrap-for-optimizing').single;
var serializeBody = require('../../../writer/one-time').body;
var Token = require('../../../tokenizer/token');
function mergeIntoShorthands(properties, validator) {
var candidates = {};
var descriptor;
var componentOf;
var property;
var i, l;
var j, m;
// there is no shorthand property made up of less than 3 longhands
if (properties.length < 3) {
for (i = 0, l = properties.length; i < l; i++) {
property = properties[i];
descriptor = configuration[];
if (property.dynamic) {
if (property.unused) {
if (property.hack) {
if (property.block) {
if (descriptor && descriptor.singleTypeComponents && !hasSameValues(property)) {
invalidateOrCompact(properties, i, candidates, validator);
if (descriptor && descriptor.componentOf) {
for (j = 0, m = descriptor.componentOf.length; j < m; j++) {
componentOf = descriptor.componentOf[j];
candidates[componentOf] = candidates[componentOf] || {};
candidates[componentOf][] = property;
invalidateOrCompact(properties, i, candidates, validator);
function invalidateOrCompact(properties, position, candidates, validator) {
var invalidatedBy = properties[position];
var shorthandName;
var shorthandDescriptor;
var candidateComponents;
var replacedCandidates = [];
var i;
for (shorthandName in candidates) {
if (undefined !== invalidatedBy && shorthandName == {
shorthandDescriptor = configuration[shorthandName];
candidateComponents = candidates[shorthandName];
if (invalidatedBy && invalidates(candidates, shorthandName, invalidatedBy)) {
delete candidates[shorthandName];
if (shorthandDescriptor.components.length > Object.keys(candidateComponents).length) {
if (mixedImportance(candidateComponents)) {
if (!overridable(candidateComponents, shorthandName, validator)) {
if (!mergeable(candidateComponents)) {
if (mixedInherit(candidateComponents)) {
replaceWithInheritBestFit(properties, candidateComponents, shorthandName, validator);
} else {
replaceWithShorthand(properties, candidateComponents, shorthandName, validator);
for (i = replacedCandidates.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
delete candidates[replacedCandidates[i]];
function invalidates(candidates, shorthandName, invalidatedBy) {
var shorthandDescriptor = configuration[shorthandName];
var invalidatedByDescriptor = configuration[];
var componentName;
if ('overridesShorthands' in shorthandDescriptor && shorthandDescriptor.overridesShorthands.indexOf( > -1) {
return true;
if (invalidatedByDescriptor && 'componentOf' in invalidatedByDescriptor) {
for (componentName in candidates[shorthandName]) {
if (invalidatedByDescriptor.componentOf.indexOf(componentName) > -1) {
return true;
return false;
function mixedImportance(components) {
var important;
var componentName;
for (componentName in components) {
if (undefined !== important && components[componentName].important != important) {
return true;
important = components[componentName].important;
return false;
function overridable(components, shorthandName, validator) {
var descriptor = configuration[shorthandName];
var newValuePlaceholder = [
[Token.PROPERTY_NAME, shorthandName],
[Token.PROPERTY_VALUE, descriptor.defaultValue]
var newProperty = wrapSingle(newValuePlaceholder);
var component;
var mayOverride;
var i, l;
populateComponents([newProperty], validator, []);
for (i = 0, l = descriptor.components.length; i < l; i++) {
component = components[descriptor.components[i]];
mayOverride = configuration[].canOverride || sameValue;
if (!everyValuesPair(mayOverride.bind(null, validator), newProperty.components[i], component)) {
return false;
return true;
function sameValue(_validator, value1, value2) {
return value1 === value2;
function mergeable(components) {
var lastCount = null;
var currentCount;
var componentName;
var component;
var descriptor;
var values;
for (componentName in components) {
component = components[componentName];
descriptor = configuration[componentName];
if (!('restore' in descriptor)) {
restoreFromOptimizing([component.all[component.position]], restoreWithComponents);
values = descriptor.restore(component, configuration);
currentCount = values.length;
if (lastCount !== null && currentCount !== lastCount) {
return false;
lastCount = currentCount;
return true;
function mixedInherit(components) {
var componentName;
var lastValue = null;
var currentValue;
for (componentName in components) {
currentValue = hasInherit(components[componentName]);
if (lastValue !== null && lastValue !== currentValue) {
return true;
lastValue = currentValue;
return false;
function replaceWithInheritBestFit(properties, candidateComponents, shorthandName, validator) {
var viaLonghands = buildSequenceWithInheritLonghands(candidateComponents, shorthandName, validator);
var viaShorthand = buildSequenceWithInheritShorthand(candidateComponents, shorthandName, validator);
var longhandTokensSequence = viaLonghands[0];
var shorthandTokensSequence = viaShorthand[0];
var isLonghandsShorter = serializeBody(longhandTokensSequence).length < serializeBody(shorthandTokensSequence).length;
var newTokensSequence = isLonghandsShorter ? longhandTokensSequence : shorthandTokensSequence;
var newProperty = isLonghandsShorter ? viaLonghands[1] : viaShorthand[1];
var newComponents = isLonghandsShorter ? viaLonghands[2] : viaShorthand[2];
var lastComponent = candidateComponents[Object.keys(candidateComponents).pop()];
var all = lastComponent.all;
var insertAt = lastComponent.position;
var componentName;
var oldComponent;
var newComponent;
var newToken;
newProperty.position = insertAt;
newProperty.shorthand = true;
newProperty.important = lastComponent.important;
newProperty.multiplex = false;
newProperty.dirty = true;
newProperty.all = all;
newProperty.all[insertAt] = newTokensSequence[0];
properties.splice(insertAt, 1, newProperty);
for (componentName in candidateComponents) {
oldComponent = candidateComponents[componentName];
oldComponent.unused = true;
newProperty.multiplex = newProperty.multiplex || oldComponent.multiplex;
if ( in newComponents) {
newComponent = newComponents[];
newToken = findTokenIn(newTokensSequence, componentName);
newComponent.position = all.length;
newComponent.all = all;
function buildSequenceWithInheritLonghands(components, shorthandName, validator) {
var tokensSequence = [];
var inheritComponents = {};
var nonInheritComponents = {};
var descriptor = configuration[shorthandName];
var shorthandToken = [
[Token.PROPERTY_NAME, shorthandName],
[Token.PROPERTY_VALUE, descriptor.defaultValue]
var newProperty = wrapSingle(shorthandToken);
var component;
var longhandToken;
var newComponent;
var nameMetadata;
var i, l;
populateComponents([newProperty], validator, []);
for (i = 0, l = descriptor.components.length; i < l; i++) {
component = components[descriptor.components[i]];
if (hasInherit(component)) {
longhandToken = component.all[component.position].slice(0, 2);
Array.prototype.push.apply(longhandToken, component.value);
newComponent = deepClone(component);
newComponent.value = inferComponentValue(components,;
newProperty.components[i] = newComponent;
inheritComponents[] = deepClone(component);
} else {
newComponent = deepClone(component);
newComponent.all = component.all;
newProperty.components[i] = newComponent;
nonInheritComponents[] = component;
newProperty.important = components[Object.keys(components).pop()].important;
nameMetadata = joinMetadata(nonInheritComponents, 1);
restoreFromOptimizing([newProperty], restoreWithComponents);
shorthandToken = shorthandToken.slice(0, 2);
Array.prototype.push.apply(shorthandToken, newProperty.value);
return [tokensSequence, newProperty, inheritComponents];
function inferComponentValue(components, propertyName) {
var descriptor = configuration[propertyName];
if ('oppositeTo' in descriptor) {
return components[descriptor.oppositeTo].value;
return [[Token.PROPERTY_VALUE, descriptor.defaultValue]];
function joinMetadata(components, at) {
var metadata = [];
var component;
var originalValue;
var componentMetadata;
var componentName;
for (componentName in components) {
component = components[componentName];
originalValue = component.all[component.position];
componentMetadata = originalValue[at][originalValue[at].length - 1];
Array.prototype.push.apply(metadata, componentMetadata);
return metadata.sort(metadataSorter);
function metadataSorter(metadata1, metadata2) {
var line1 = metadata1[0];
var line2 = metadata2[0];
var column1 = metadata1[1];
var column2 = metadata2[1];
if (line1 < line2) {
return -1;
} if (line1 === line2) {
return column1 < column2 ? -1 : 1;
return 1;
function buildSequenceWithInheritShorthand(components, shorthandName, validator) {
var tokensSequence = [];
var inheritComponents = {};
var nonInheritComponents = {};
var descriptor = configuration[shorthandName];
var shorthandToken = [
[Token.PROPERTY_NAME, shorthandName],
[Token.PROPERTY_VALUE, 'inherit']
var newProperty = wrapSingle(shorthandToken);
var component;
var longhandToken;
var nameMetadata;
var valueMetadata;
var i, l;
populateComponents([newProperty], validator, []);
for (i = 0, l = descriptor.components.length; i < l; i++) {
component = components[descriptor.components[i]];
if (hasInherit(component)) {
inheritComponents[] = component;
} else {
longhandToken = component.all[component.position].slice(0, 2);
Array.prototype.push.apply(longhandToken, component.value);
nonInheritComponents[] = deepClone(component);
nameMetadata = joinMetadata(inheritComponents, 1);
valueMetadata = joinMetadata(inheritComponents, 2);
return [tokensSequence, newProperty, nonInheritComponents];
function findTokenIn(tokens, componentName) {
var i, l;
for (i = 0, l = tokens.length; i < l; i++) {
if (tokens[i][1][1] == componentName) {
return tokens[i];
function replaceWithShorthand(properties, candidateComponents, shorthandName, validator) {
var descriptor = configuration[shorthandName];
var nameMetadata;
var valueMetadata;
var newValuePlaceholder = [
[Token.PROPERTY_NAME, shorthandName],
[Token.PROPERTY_VALUE, descriptor.defaultValue]
var all;
var insertAt = inferInsertAtFrom(properties, candidateComponents, shorthandName);
var newProperty = wrapSingle(newValuePlaceholder);
newProperty.shorthand = true;
newProperty.dirty = true;
newProperty.multiplex = false;
populateComponents([newProperty], validator, []);
for (var i = 0, l = descriptor.components.length; i < l; i++) {
var component = candidateComponents[descriptor.components[i]];
newProperty.components[i] = deepClone(component);
newProperty.important = component.important;
newProperty.multiplex = newProperty.multiplex || component.multiplex;
all = component.all;
for (var componentName in candidateComponents) {
candidateComponents[componentName].unused = true;
nameMetadata = joinMetadata(candidateComponents, 1);
valueMetadata = joinMetadata(candidateComponents, 2);
newProperty.position = insertAt;
newProperty.all = all;
newProperty.all[insertAt] = newValuePlaceholder;
properties.splice(insertAt, 1, newProperty);
function inferInsertAtFrom(properties, candidateComponents, shorthandName) {
var candidateComponentNames = Object.keys(candidateComponents);
var firstCandidatePosition = candidateComponents[candidateComponentNames[0]].position;
var lastCandidatePosition = candidateComponents[candidateComponentNames[candidateComponentNames.length - 1]].position;
if (shorthandName == 'border' && traversesVia(properties.slice(firstCandidatePosition, lastCandidatePosition), 'border-image')) {
return firstCandidatePosition;
return lastCandidatePosition;
function traversesVia(properties, propertyName) {
for (var i = properties.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (properties[i].name == propertyName) {
return true;
return false;
module.exports = mergeIntoShorthands;