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import MagicString from 'magic-string';
import { ESMExport } from 'mlly';
declare const builtinPresets: {
'@vue/composition-api': InlinePreset;
'@vueuse/core': () => Preset;
'@vueuse/head': InlinePreset;
pinia: InlinePreset;
preact: InlinePreset;
quasar: InlinePreset;
react: InlinePreset;
'react-router': InlinePreset;
'react-router-dom': InlinePreset;
svelte: InlinePreset;
'svelte/animate': InlinePreset;
'svelte/easing': InlinePreset;
'svelte/motion': InlinePreset;
'svelte/store': InlinePreset;
'svelte/transition': InlinePreset;
'vee-validate': InlinePreset;
vitepress: InlinePreset;
'vue-demi': InlinePreset;
'vue-i18n': InlinePreset;
'vue-router': InlinePreset;
'vue-router-composables': InlinePreset;
vue: InlinePreset;
'vue/macros': InlinePreset;
vuex: InlinePreset;
vitest: InlinePreset;
'uni-app': InlinePreset;
'solid-js': InlinePreset;
'solid-app-router': InlinePreset;
rxjs: InlinePreset;
'date-fns': InlinePreset;
type BuiltinPresetName = keyof typeof builtinPresets;
type ModuleId = string;
type ImportName = string;
interface ImportCommon {
/** Module specifier to import from */
from: ModuleId;
* Priority of the import, if multiple imports have the same name, the one with the highest priority will be used
* @default 1
priority?: number;
/** If this import is disabled */
disabled?: boolean;
/** Won't output import in declaration file if true */
dtsDisabled?: boolean;
/** Import declaration type like const / var / enum */
declarationType?: ESMExport['declarationType'];
* Metadata of the import
meta?: {
/** Short description of the import */
description?: string;
/** URL to the documentation */
docsUrl?: string;
/** Additional metadata */
[key: string]: any;
* If this import is a pure type import
type?: boolean;
* Using this as the from when generating type declarations
typeFrom?: ModuleId;
interface Import extends ImportCommon {
/** Import name to be detected */
name: ImportName;
/** Import as this name */
as?: ImportName;
* With properties
* Ignored for CJS imports.
with?: Record<string, string>;
type PresetImport = Omit<Import, 'from'> | ImportName | [name: ImportName, as?: ImportName, from?: ModuleId];
interface InlinePreset extends ImportCommon {
imports: (PresetImport | InlinePreset)[];
* Auto extract exports from a package for auto import
interface PackagePreset {
* Name of the package
package: string;
* Path of the importer
* @default process.cwd()
url?: string;
* RegExp, string, or custom function to exclude names of the extracted imports
ignore?: (string | RegExp | ((name: string) => boolean))[];
* Use local cache if exits
* @default true
cache?: boolean;
type Preset = InlinePreset | PackagePreset;
interface UnimportContext {
readonly version: string;
options: Partial<UnimportOptions>;
staticImports: Import[];
dynamicImports: Import[];
addons: Addon[];
getImports: () => Promise<Import[]>;
getImportMap: () => Promise<Map<string, Import>>;
getMetadata: () => UnimportMeta | undefined;
modifyDynamicImports: (fn: (imports: Import[]) => Thenable<void | Import[]>) => Promise<void>;
clearDynamicImports: () => void;
replaceImports: (imports: UnimportOptions['imports']) => Promise<Import[]>;
invalidate: () => void;
resolveId: (id: string, parentId?: string) => Thenable<string | null | undefined | void>;
interface DetectImportResult {
s: MagicString;
strippedCode: string;
isCJSContext: boolean;
matchedImports: Import[];
firstOccurrence: number;
interface Unimport {
readonly version: string;
init: () => Promise<void>;
clearDynamicImports: UnimportContext['clearDynamicImports'];
getImportMap: UnimportContext['getImportMap'];
getImports: UnimportContext['getImports'];
getInternalContext: () => UnimportContext;
getMetadata: UnimportContext['getMetadata'];
modifyDynamicImports: UnimportContext['modifyDynamicImports'];
generateTypeDeclarations: (options?: TypeDeclarationOptions) => Promise<string>;
* Get un-imported usages from code
detectImports: (code: string | MagicString) => Promise<DetectImportResult>;
* Insert missing imports statements to code
injectImports: (code: string | MagicString, id?: string, options?: InjectImportsOptions) => Promise<ImportInjectionResult>;
scanImportsFromDir: (dir?: string[], options?: ScanDirExportsOptions) => Promise<Import[]>;
scanImportsFromFile: (file: string, includeTypes?: boolean) => Promise<Import[]>;
* @deprecated
toExports: (filepath?: string, includeTypes?: boolean) => Promise<string>;
interface InjectionUsageRecord {
import: Import;
count: number;
moduleIds: string[];
interface UnimportMeta {
injectionUsage: Record<string, InjectionUsageRecord>;
interface AddonsOptions {
addons?: Addon[];
* Enable auto import inside for Vue's <template>
* @default false
vueTemplate?: boolean;
* Enable auto import directives for Vue's SFC.
* Library authors should include `meta.vueDirective: true` in the import metadata.
* When using a local directives folder, provide the `isDirective`
* callback to check if the import is a Vue directive.
vueDirectives?: true | AddonVueDirectivesOptions;
interface AddonVueDirectivesOptions {
* Checks if the import is a Vue directive.
* **NOTES**:
* - imports from a library should include `meta.vueDirective: true`.
* - this callback is only invoked for local directives (only when meta.vueDirective is not set).
* @param from The path of the import normalized.
* @param importEntry The import entry.
isDirective?: (from: string, importEntry: Import) => boolean;
interface UnimportOptions extends Pick<InjectImportsOptions, 'injectAtEnd' | 'mergeExisting' | 'parser'> {
* Auto import items
imports: Import[];
* Auto import preset
presets: (Preset | BuiltinPresetName)[];
* Custom warning function
* @default console.warn
warn: (msg: string) => void;
* Custom debug log function
* @default console.log
debugLog: (msg: string) => void;
* Unimport Addons.
* To use built-in addons, use:
* ```js
* addons: {
* addons: [<custom-addons-here>] // if you want to use also custom addons
* vueTemplate: true,
* vueDirectives: [<the-directives-here>]
* }
* ```
* Built-in addons:
* - vueDirectives: enable auto import directives for Vue's SFC
* - vueTemplate: enable auto import inside for Vue's <template>
* @default {}
addons: AddonsOptions | Addon[];
* Name of virtual modules that exposed all the registed auto-imports
* @default []
virtualImports: string[];
* Directories to scan for auto import
* @default []
dirs?: string[];
* Options for scanning directories for auto import
dirsScanOptions?: ScanDirExportsOptions;
* Custom resolver to auto import id
resolveId?: (id: string, importee?: string) => Thenable<string | void>;
* Custom magic comments to be opt-out for auto import, per file/module
* @default ['@unimport-disable', '@imports-disable']
commentsDisable?: string[];
* Custom magic comments to debug auto import, printed to console
* @default ['@unimport-debug', '@imports-debug']
commentsDebug?: string[];
* Collect meta data for each auto import. Accessible via `ctx.meta`
collectMeta?: boolean;
type PathFromResolver = (_import: Import) => string | undefined;
interface ScanDirExportsOptions {
* Glob patterns for matching files
* @default ['*.{ts,js,mjs,cjs,mts,cts}']
filePatterns?: string[];
* Custom function to filter scanned files
fileFilter?: (file: string) => boolean;
* Register type exports
* @default true
types?: boolean;
* Current working directory
* @default process.cwd()
cwd?: string;
interface TypeDeclarationOptions {
* Custom resolver for path of the import
resolvePath?: PathFromResolver;
* Append `export {}` to the end of the file
* @default true
exportHelper?: boolean;
* Auto-import for type exports
* @default true
typeReExports?: boolean;
interface InjectImportsOptions {
* Merge the existing imports
* @default false
mergeExisting?: boolean;
* If the module should be auto imported
* @default true
autoImport?: boolean;
* If the module should be transformed for virtual modules.
* Only available when `virtualImports` is set.
* @default true
transformVirtualImports?: boolean;
* Parser to use for parsing the code
* Note that `acorn` only takes valid JS Code, should usually only be used after transformationa and transpilation
* @default 'regex'
parser?: 'acorn' | 'regex';
* Inject the imports at the end of other imports
* @default false
injectAtEnd?: boolean;
type Thenable<T> = Promise<T> | T;
interface Addon {
name?: string;
transform?: (this: UnimportContext, code: MagicString, id: string | undefined) => Thenable<MagicString>;
declaration?: (this: UnimportContext, dts: string, options: TypeDeclarationOptions) => Thenable<string>;
matchImports?: (this: UnimportContext, identifiers: Set<string>, matched: Import[]) => Thenable<Import[] | void>;
* Extend or modify the imports list before injecting
extendImports?: (this: UnimportContext, imports: Import[]) => Import[] | void;
* Resolve imports before injecting
injectImportsResolved?: (this: UnimportContext, imports: Import[], code: MagicString, id?: string) => Import[] | void;
* Modify the injection code before injecting
injectImportsStringified?: (this: UnimportContext, injection: string, imports: Import[], code: MagicString, id?: string) => string | void;
interface InstallGlobalOptions {
* @default globalThis
globalObject?: any;
* Overrides the existing property
* @default false
overrides?: boolean;
interface MagicStringResult {
s: MagicString;
code: string;
interface ImportInjectionResult extends MagicStringResult {
imports: Import[];
export { type AddonsOptions as A, type BuiltinPresetName as B, type DetectImportResult as D, type Import as I, type MagicStringResult as M, type Preset as P, type ScanDirExportsOptions as S, type TypeDeclarationOptions as T, type UnimportOptions as U, type Unimport as a, type InstallGlobalOptions as b, type InlinePreset as c, builtinPresets as d, type ModuleId as e, type ImportName as f, type ImportCommon as g, type PresetImport as h, type PackagePreset as i, type UnimportContext as j, type InjectionUsageRecord as k, type UnimportMeta as l, type AddonVueDirectivesOptions as m, type PathFromResolver as n, type InjectImportsOptions as o, type Thenable as p, type Addon as q, type ImportInjectionResult as r };