"use strict"; var every = require("./prototypes/array").every; /** * @private */ function hasCallsLeft(callMap, spy) { if (callMap[spy.id] === undefined) { callMap[spy.id] = 0; } return callMap[spy.id] < spy.callCount; } /** * @private */ function checkAdjacentCalls(callMap, spy, index, spies) { var calledBeforeNext = true; if (index !== spies.length - 1) { calledBeforeNext = spy.calledBefore(spies[index + 1]); } if (hasCallsLeft(callMap, spy) && calledBeforeNext) { callMap[spy.id] += 1; return true; } return false; } /** * A Sinon proxy object (fake, spy, stub) * @typedef {object} SinonProxy * @property {Function} calledBefore - A method that determines if this proxy was called before another one * @property {string} id - Some id * @property {number} callCount - Number of times this proxy has been called */ /** * Returns true when the spies have been called in the order they were supplied in * @param {SinonProxy[] | SinonProxy} spies An array of proxies, or several proxies as arguments * @returns {boolean} true when spies are called in order, false otherwise */ function calledInOrder(spies) { var callMap = {}; // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle var _spies = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments : spies; return every(_spies, checkAdjacentCalls.bind(null, callMap)); } module.exports = calledInOrder;