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Creates a Promise that waits for a single event
Install with npm
$ npm install @tootallnate/once
once(emitter: EventEmitter, name: string, opts?: OnceOptions): Promise<[...Args]>
Creates a Promise that waits for event name
to occur on emitter
, and resolves
the promise with an array of the values provided to the event handler. If an
event occurs before the event specified by name
, then the Promise is
rejected with the error argument.
import once from '@tootallnate/once';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
const emitter = new EventEmitter();
setTimeout(() => {
emitter.emit('foo', 'bar');
}, 100);
const [result] = await once(emitter, 'foo');
console.log({ result });
// { result: 'bar' }
Promise Strong Typing
The main feature that this module provides over other "once" implementations is that
the Promise that is returned is strongly typed based on the type of emitter
and the name
of the event. Some examples are shown below.
The process "exit" event contains a single number for exit code:
const [code] = await once(process, 'exit');
// ^ number
A child process "exit" event contains either an exit code or a signal:
const child = spawn('echo', []);
const [code, signal] = await once(child, 'exit');
// ^ number | null
// ^ string | null
A forked child process "message" event is type any
, so you can cast the Promise directly:
const child = fork('file.js');
// With `await`
const [message, _]: [WorkerPayload, unknown] = await once(child, 'message');
// With Promise
const messagePromise: Promise<[WorkerPayload, unknown]> = once(child, 'message');
// Better yet would be to leave it as `any`, and validate the payload
// at runtime with i.e. `ajv` + `json-schema-to-typescript`
If the TypeScript definition does not contain an overload for the specified event name, then the Promise will have type unknown[]
and your code will need to narrow the result manually:
interface CustomEmitter extends EventEmitter {
on(name: 'foo', listener: (a: string, b: number) => void): this;
const emitter: CustomEmitter = new EventEmitter();
// "foo" event is a defined overload, so it's properly typed
const fooPromise = once(emitter, 'foo');
// ^ Promise<[a: string, b: number]>
// "bar" event in not a defined overload, so it gets `unknown[]`
const barPromise = once(emitter, 'bar');
// ^ Promise<unknown[]>
instance to unbind event handlers before the Promise has been fulfilled.