You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<span :style='{"padding":"0 12px 0 0","minWidth":"120px","fontSize":"16px","color":"rgba(61, 59, 79, 1)","textAlign":"left"}'>用户名:</span>
<span style="word-break: break-all" :style='{"padding":"5px 15px","boxShadow":"0 0 0px ","borderColor":"rgba(255, 251, 251, 0.3)","backgroundColor":"#fff","color":"rgba(6, 82, 121, 1)","borderRadius":"4px","textAlign":"left","borderWidth":"0","width":"auto","lineHeight":"34px","fontSize":"16px","borderStyle":"solid"}' class="desc">
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<span :style='{"padding":"0 12px 0 0","minWidth":"120px","fontSize":"16px","color":"rgba(61, 59, 79, 1)","textAlign":"left"}'>密码:</span>
<span style="word-break: break-all" :style='{"padding":"5px 15px","boxShadow":"0 0 0px ","borderColor":"rgba(255, 251, 251, 0.3)","backgroundColor":"#fff","color":"rgba(6, 82, 121, 1)","borderRadius":"4px","textAlign":"left","borderWidth":"0","width":"auto","lineHeight":"34px","fontSize":"16px","borderStyle":"solid"}' class="desc">
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<span :style='{"padding":"0 12px 0 0","minWidth":"120px","fontSize":"16px","color":"rgba(61, 59, 79, 1)","textAlign":"left"}'>角色:</span>
<span style="word-break: break-all" :style='{"padding":"5px 15px","boxShadow":"0 0 0px ","borderColor":"rgba(255, 251, 251, 0.3)","backgroundColor":"#fff","color":"rgba(6, 82, 121, 1)","borderRadius":"4px","textAlign":"left","borderWidth":"0","width":"auto","lineHeight":"34px","fontSize":"16px","borderStyle":"solid"}' class="desc">
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var vue = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
// 轮播图
swiperList: [],
// 数据详情
detail: {
id: 0
// 商品标题
title: '',
// 倒计时
count: 0,
// 加入购物车数量
buynumber: 1,
// 当前详情页表
detailTable: 'users',
// 评价列表
dataList: [],
// 选座座位列表
numberList: []
// 倒计时效果
computed: {
SecondToDate: function() {
var time = this.count;
if (null != time && "" != time) {
if (time > 60 && time < 60 * 60) {
time =
parseInt(time / 60.0) +
"分钟" +
parseInt((parseFloat(time / 60.0) - parseInt(time / 60.0)) * 60) +
} else if (time >= 60 * 60 && time < 60 * 60 * 24) {
time =
parseInt(time / 3600.0) +
"小时" +
(parseFloat(time / 3600.0) - parseInt(time / 3600.0)) * 60
) +
"分钟" +
(parseFloat(time / 3600.0) - parseInt(time / 3600.0)) * 60
) -
(parseFloat(time / 3600.0) - parseInt(time / 3600.0)) * 60
)) *
) +
} else if (time >= 60 * 60 * 24) {
time =
parseInt(time / 3600.0 / 24) +
"天" +
(parseFloat(time / 3600.0 / 24) - parseInt(time / 3600.0 / 24)) *
) +
"小时" +
(parseFloat(time / 3600.0) - parseInt(time / 3600.0)) * 60
) +
"分钟" +
(parseFloat(time / 3600.0) - parseInt(time / 3600.0)) * 60
) -
(parseFloat(time / 3600.0) - parseInt(time / 3600.0)) * 60
)) *
) +
} else {
time = parseInt(time) + "秒";
return time;
// 清除定时器
destroyed: function() {
methods: {
jump(url) {
isAuth(tablename, button) {
return isFrontAuth(tablename, button)
// 倒计时初始化
countDown() {
let reversetime = new Date(this.detail.reversetime).getTime()
let now = new Date().getTime();
let count = reversetime - now;
if (count > 0) {
this.count = count / 1000
var _this = this;
this.inter = window.setInterval(function() {
_this.count = _this.count - 1;
if (_this.count < 0) {
layer.msg("活动已结束", {
time: 2000,
icon: 5
}, 1000);
// 下载文件
downFile(url) {
var download = $("#download");
"<a id=\"down\" href=\"aaaa.txt\" target=\"_blank\" download=\"aaaa.txt\" style=\"display:none\">下载该文件</a>");
// 跨表
localStorage.setItem('crossObj', JSON.stringify(this.detail));
layui.use(['layer', 'form', 'element', 'carousel', 'http', 'jquery', 'laypage'], function() {
var layer = layui.layer;
var element = layui.element;
var form = layui.form;
var carousel = layui.carousel;
var http = layui.http;
var jquery = layui.jquery;
var laypage = layui.laypage;
var limit = 10;
// 数据ID
var id = http.getParam('id'); = id;
// 商品信息
http.request(`${vue.detailTable}/detail/` + id, 'get', {}, function(res) {
// 详情信息
vue.detail =
// var swiperItemHtml = '';
// for (let item of vue.swiperList) {
// swiperItemHtml +=
// '<div>' +
// '<img class="swiper-item" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;object-fit:cover;" src="' + item + '">' +
// '</div>';
// }
// jquery('#swiper-item').html(swiperItemHtml);
// 轮播图
vue.$nextTick(() => {
elem: '#swiper',
width: '450px',
height: '400px',
arrow: 'hover',
anim: 'default',
autoplay: 'true',
interval: '3000',
indicator: 'inside'
// carousel.render({
// elem: '#swiper',
// width: swiper.width,height:swiper.height,
// arrow: swiper.arrow,
// anim: swiper.anim,
// interval: swiper.interval,
// indicator: swiper.indicator
// });