From bb79012ddc1cf2e5846f431d58726345fff10efa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: pwkgtv5a4 <> Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2022 21:43:07 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] ADD file via upload --- AI+洛神赋.txt | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+) create mode 100644 AI+洛神赋.txt diff --git a/AI+洛神赋.txt b/AI+洛神赋.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2e4554f --- /dev/null +++ b/AI+洛神赋.txt @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +洛神赋 +【作者】曹植 【朝代】魏晋 + +黄初三年,余朝京师,还济洛川。古人有言,斯水之神,名曰宓妃。感宋玉对楚王神女之事,遂作斯赋。其辞曰: + +余从京域,言归东藩。背伊阙,越轘辕,经通谷,陵景山。日既西倾,车殆马烦。尔乃税驾乎蘅皋,秣驷乎芝田,容与乎阳林,流眄乎洛川。于是精移神骇,忽焉思散。俯则未察,仰以殊观,睹一丽人,于岩之畔。乃援御者而告之曰:“尔有觌于彼者乎?彼何人斯?若此之艳也!”御者对曰:“臣闻河洛之神,名曰宓妃。然则君王之所见也,无乃是乎?其状若何?臣愿闻之。” + +余告之曰:“其形也,翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙。荣曜秋菊,华茂春松。髣髴兮若轻云之蔽月,飘飖兮若流风之回雪。远而望之,皎若太阳升朝霞;迫而察之,灼若芙蕖出渌波。秾纤得衷,修短合度。肩若削成,腰如约素。延颈秀项,皓质呈露。芳泽无加,铅华弗御。云髻峨峨,修眉联娟。丹唇外朗,皓齿内鲜,明眸善睐,靥辅承权。瑰姿艳逸,仪静体闲。柔情绰态,媚于语言。奇服旷世,骨像应图。披罗衣之璀粲兮,珥瑶碧之华琚。戴金翠之首饰,缀明珠以耀躯。践远游之文履,曳雾绡之轻裾。微幽兰之芳蔼兮,步踟蹰于山隅。 + +于是忽焉纵体,以遨以嬉。左倚采旄,右荫桂旗。攘皓腕于神浒兮,采湍濑之玄芝。余情悦其淑美兮,心振荡而不怡。无良媒以接欢兮,托微波而通辞。愿诚素之先达兮,解玉佩以要之。嗟佳人之信修兮,羌习礼而明诗。抗琼珶以和予兮,指潜渊而为期。执眷眷之款实兮,惧斯灵之我欺。感交甫之弃言兮,怅犹豫而狐疑。收和颜而静志兮,申礼防以自持。 + +于是洛灵感焉,徙倚彷徨,神光离合,乍阴乍阳。竦轻躯以鹤立,若将飞而未翔。践椒涂之郁烈,步蘅薄而流芳。超长吟以永慕兮,声哀厉而弥长。 + +尔乃众灵杂沓,命俦啸侣,或戏清流,或翔神渚,或采明珠,或拾翠羽。从南湘之二妃,携汉滨之游女。叹匏瓜之无匹兮,咏牵牛之独处。扬轻袿之猗靡兮,翳修袖以延伫。体迅飞凫,飘忽若神,凌波微步,罗袜生尘。动无常则,若危若安。进止难期,若往若还。转眄流精,光润玉颜。含辞未吐,气若幽兰。华容婀娜,令我忘餐。 + +于是屏翳收风,川后静波。冯夷鸣鼓,女娲清歌。腾文鱼以警乘,鸣玉鸾以偕逝。六龙俨其齐首,载云车之容裔,鲸鲵踊而夹毂,水禽翔而为卫。 + +于是越北沚。过南冈,纡素领,回清阳,动朱唇以徐言,陈交接之大纲。恨人神之道殊兮,怨盛年之莫当。抗罗袂以掩涕兮,泪流襟之浪浪。悼良会之永绝兮,哀一逝而异乡。无微情以效爱兮,献江南之明珰。虽潜处于太阴,长寄心于君王。忽不悟其所舍,怅神宵而蔽光。 + +于是背下陵高,足往神留,遗情想像,顾望怀愁。冀灵体之复形,御轻舟而上溯。浮长川而忘返,思绵绵而增慕。夜耿耿而不寐,沾繁霜而至曙。命仆夫而就驾,吾将归乎东路。揽騑辔以抗策,怅盘桓而不能去。 + + + +Technology is changing life as we know it. It’s quite explosive what we are saying. Artificial intelligence, big data and connecting physical things to the digital world through the internet of things have implications for the wealthy as well as for developing countries. +AI on the dangerous side of it, it can widen the gap. It can widen the gap so big that the poor countries can be left out. However this is also the chance for poor countries and developing countries to skip the industrial revolution and make up for the lost time. The benefits of this technology will be seen across industries. We can save lives. We can identify illnesses in a predictive way. We can use fitness health data to be able to detect issues long before they occur. But along with the benefits are the dangers that come from a connected world. + +There are very serious concerns that we need to be aware of as it relates to the aggregation of all these data. A lot of this is personal identifiable data, economic data, health history data, human genomic data. Artificial intelligence could also threaten existing jobs. When we have autonomous vehicles, what are the taxi drivers in New Your City going to do? This idea that we’re going to retrain them to be data scientists, this is crazy. What’s happening in the corporate world is corporations are facing a mass extinction event. +So since 2000, since then, so far in the beginning of this century, 52 percent of the Fortune 500 companies have disappeared from the planet. In their place new types of companies such as Uber and AirBnB that exists because of artificial intelligence and big data. These technologies are not only affecting the corporate world, they may also be a threat to national security. As the most developed country in the world, we are at the most risk. We are connected the most, and our grid can be hacked. When the physical world gets connected to the internet, it’s not about stealing data, and IP. It’s also about causing a lot of damage. A turbine can be turned into a bomb, and a pump can be turned into something explosive. So, a lot of physical damage can also happen with cyber warfare. +But not moving forward with technology can be just as dangerous. Today, the challenge with AI is if we don’t do it, somebody else can do it, so it’s become a race. If we don’t do it, China could do it. Russia could do it. Iran could do it. For super powers the next revolution will be about the race for technological dominance. +Elizabeth Lee VOA News Los Angeles. \ No newline at end of file