from countword import count_word from createcloud import create_cloud from scanfiles import scan_files import csv if __name__ == "__main__": filepath = 'files' # txt 文本存放路径 scan_files(filepath) file_no = input("Please select a file by the number in range:") while file_no != 'E': if not file_no.isnumeric(): # 判断是否是数字 print("Input error!") file_no = input("Please reselect a file by the number in range:") else: # 读取序号对应的文件名 with open('filename.csv', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile) for i in reader: if file_no == i[0]: print('Your choice:', i[1], end='\n') filename = filepath + '\\' + i[1] create_cloud(count_word(filename)) scan_files(filepath) else: # 判断file_no是否在范围内 file_no = input("Please select a file by the number in range:")