import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from wordcloud import WordCloud from imageio import imread from scanfiles import scan_files import csv def create_cloud(dic): # 将内容写入temp.txt with open('temp.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: for i in dic: f.write(("%s " % i[0]) * i[1] + "\n") temp_txt = open("temp.txt", "r", encoding='utf-8').read() filepath = 'cloudshape' scan_files(filepath) # 扫描词云图背景图文件 cloudshape = filepath + '\\' + "bird.jpg" # 默认背景图片 # 选择词云图背景文件的序号 picture_no = input("Please select a background by the number in range:") with open('filename.csv', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile) for i in reader: if picture_no == i[0]: print('You choose cloud shape:', i[1], end='\n') cloudshape = filepath + '\\' + i[1] if cloudshape == filepath + '\\' + "bird.jpg": # 判断是否成功选择词云形状 print('Input error,use default cloud shape bird.jpg', end='\n') color_mask = imread(cloudshape) # 词云形状图设置 # 词云参数设置 cloud = WordCloud( font_path='fonts\\sim.ttf', # 字体必须设置 background_color='white', # 词云图像的背景色,默认为黑色 mask=color_mask, # 绘制模板 max_words=200, # 最大显示单词字数 max_font_size=200, # 最大单词的字体大小,若无设置,则使用画布的大小 ) word_cloud = cloud.generate(temp_txt) plt.imshow(word_cloud) plt.axis('off')