version: 1.0.0 client: organization: org1 logging: level: info cryptoconfig: path: /root/go/src/education/fixtures/crypto-config credentialStore: path: "/tmp/state-store" cryptoStore: # Specific to the underlying KeyValueStore that backs the crypto key store. path: /tmp/msp BCCSP: security: enabled: true default: provider: "SW" hashAlgorithm: "SHA2" softVerify: true level: 256 tlsCerts: # [Optional]. Use system certificate pool when connecting to peers, orderers (for negotiating TLS) Default: false systemCertPool: true # [Optional]. Client key and cert for TLS handshake with peers and orderers client: key: path: /root/go/src/education/fixtures/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/ cert: path: /root/go/src/education/fixtures/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/ channels: # multi-org test channel mychannel: peers: endorsingPeer: true chaincodeQuery: true ledgerQuery: true eventSource: true endorsingPeer: true chaincodeQuery: true ledgerQuery: true eventSource: true policies: queryChannelConfig: minResponses: 1 maxTargets: 1 retryOpts: attempts: 5 initialBackoff: 500ms maxBackoff: 5s backoffFactor: 2.0 # # list of participating organizations in this network # organizations: org1: mspid: Org1MSP # This org's MSP store (absolute path or relative to client.cryptoconfig) cryptoPath: peerOrganizations/{username} peers: - - # [Optional]. Certificate Authorities issue certificates for identification purposes in a Fabric based # network. Typically certificates provisioning is done in a separate process outside of the # runtime network. Fabric-CA is a special certificate authority that provides a REST APIs for # dynamic certificate management (enroll, revoke, re-enroll). The following section is only for # Fabric-CA servers. # the profile will contain public information about organizations other than the one it belongs to. # These are necessary information to make transaction lifecycles work, including MSP IDs and # peers with a public URL to send transaction proposals. The file will not contain private # information reserved for members of the organization, such as admin key and certificate, # fabric-ca registrar enroll ID and secret, etc. # org1: # mspid: org1MSP # This org's MSP store (absolute path or relative to client.cryptoconfig) # cryptoPath: peerOrganizations/{username} # peers: # - # Orderer Org name ordererorg: # Membership Service Provider ID for this organization mspID: OrdererMSP # Needed to load users crypto keys and certs for this org (absolute path or relative to global crypto path, DEV mode) cryptoPath: ordererOrganizations/{username} # # List of orderers to send transaction and channel create/update requests to. For the time # being only one orderer is needed. If more than one is defined, which one get used by the # SDK is implementation specific. Consult each SDK's documentation for its handling of orderers. # orderers: # [Optional] Default: Infer from hostname url: # these are standard properties defined by the gRPC library # they will be passed in as-is to gRPC client constructor grpcOptions: ssl-target-name-override: # These parameters should be set in coordination with the keepalive policy on the server, # as incompatible settings can result in closing of connection. # When duration of the 'keep-alive-time' is set to 0 or less the keep alive client parameters are disabled keep-alive-time: 0s keep-alive-timeout: 20s keep-alive-permit: false fail-fast: false # allow-insecure will be taken into consideration if address has no protocol defined, if true then grpc or else grpcs allow-insecure: false tlsCACerts: # Certificate location absolute path path: /root/go/src/education/fixtures/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/ # # List of peers to send various requests to, including endorsement, query # and event listener registration. # peers: # this URL is used to send endorsement and query requests # [Optional] Default: Infer from hostname url: grpcOptions: ssl-target-name-override: # These parameters should be set in coordination with the keepalive policy on the server, # as incompatible settings can result in closing of connection. # When duration of the 'keep-alive-time' is set to 0 or less the keep alive client parameters are disabled keep-alive-time: 0s keep-alive-timeout: 20s keep-alive-permit: false fail-fast: false # allow-insecure will be taken into consideration if address has no protocol defined, if true then grpc or else grpcs allow-insecure: false #grpcOptions: # ssl-target-name-override: tlsCACerts: # Certificate location absolute path path: /root/go/src/education/fixtures/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/ url: #grpcOptions: # ssl-target-name-override: grpcOptions: ssl-target-name-override: # These parameters should be set in coordination with the keepalive policy on the server, # as incompatible settings can result in closing of connection. # When duration of the 'keep-alive-time' is set to 0 or less the keep alive client parameters are disabled keep-alive-time: 0s keep-alive-timeout: 20s keep-alive-permit: false fail-fast: false # allow-insecure will be taken into consideration if address has no protocol defined, if true then grpc or else grpcs allow-insecure: false tlsCACerts: path: /root/go/src/education/fixtures/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/ # # Fabric-CA is a special kind of Certificate Authority provided by Hyperledger Fabric which allows # certificate management to be done via REST APIs. Application may choose to use a standard # Certificate Authority instead of Fabric-CA, in which case this section would not be specified. # entityMatchers: peer: - pattern: (\w+)\d+) urlSubstitutionExp: ${1}${2} sslTargetOverrideUrlSubstitutionExp: ${1} mappedHost: