/** * @author M.C * @date 2018/6/1 * @Description: 图片上传 */ define(['api'], function (api) { function init() { // 添加全局站点信息 var BASE_URL = '/webuploader'; var $ = jQuery, // just in case. Make sure it's not an other libaray. $wrap = $('#uploader'), // 图片容器 $queue = $('') .appendTo($wrap.find('.queueList')), // 状态栏,包括进度和控制按钮 $statusBar = $wrap.find('.statusBar'), // 文件总体选择信息。 $info = $statusBar.find('.info'), // 上传按钮 $upload = $wrap.find('.uploadBtn'), // 没选择文件之前的内容。 $placeHolder = $wrap.find('.placeholder'), // 总体进度条 $progress = $statusBar.find('.progress').hide(), // 添加的文件数量 fileCount = 0, // 添加的文件总大小 fileSize = 0, // 优化retina, 在retina下这个值是2 ratio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1, // 缩略图大小 thumbnailWidth = 110 * ratio, thumbnailHeight = 110 * ratio, // 可能有pedding, ready, uploading, confirm, done. state = 'pedding', // 所有文件的进度信息,key为file id percentages = {}, supportTransition = (function () { var s = document.createElement('p').style, r = 'transition' in s || 'WebkitTransition' in s || 'MozTransition' in s || 'msTransition' in s || 'OTransition' in s; s = null; return r; })(), // WebUploader实例 uploader; if (!WebUploader.Uploader.support()) { alert('Web Uploader 不支持您的浏览器!如果你使用的是IE浏览器,请尝试升级 flash 播放器'); throw new Error('WebUploader does not support the browser you are using.'); } // 实例化 uploader = WebUploader.create({ pick: { id: '#filePicker', label: '点击选择图片' }, dnd: '#uploader .queueList', // paste: document.body, withCredentials: true, accept: { title: 'Images', extensions: 'gif,jpg,jpeg,bmp,png', mimeTypes: 'image/*' }, // swf文件路径 swf: BASE_URL + '/js/Uploader.swf', // disableGlobalDnd: true, withCredentials: true, // chunked: true, server: api.job.singleUpload, fileNumLimit: 300, fileSizeLimit: 5 * 1024 * 1024, // 200 M fileSingleSizeLimit: 1 * 1024 * 1024, // 50 M duplicate: false }); // 添加“添加文件”的按钮, uploader.addButton({ id: '#filePicker2', label: '继续添加' }); uploader.on("error", function (handler, file) { if (handler == "Q_TYPE_DENIED") { layer.msg("请上传GIF,JPG,JPEG,BMP,PNG格式文件!"); return false; } else if (handler == "Q_EXCEED_SIZE_LIMIT") { layer.msg("文件大小不能超过5M"); return false; } else if (handler == "F_DUPLICATE") { layer.msg("不能上传重复文件!"); return false; } else if (handler == "F_EXCEED_SIZE") { layer.msg("图片大小不能超过1M"); return false; } else { layer.msg("上传出错!请检查后重新上传!错误代码" + handler); return false; } }); // 当有文件添加进来时执行,负责view的创建 function addFile(file) { var $li = $('
  • ' + '

    ' + file.name + '

    ' + '

    ' + '

    ' + '
  • '), $btns = $('
    ' + '删除' + '向右旋转' + '向左旋转
    ').appendTo($li), $prgress = $li.find('p.progress span'), $wrap = $li.find('p.imgWrap'), $info = $('

    '), showError = function (code) { switch (code) { case 'exceed_size': text = '文件大小超出'; break; case 'interrupt': text = '上传暂停'; break; default: text = '上传失败,请重试'; break; } $info.text(text).appendTo($li); }; if (file.getStatus() === 'invalid') { showError(file.statusText); } else { // @todo lazyload $wrap.text('预览中'); uploader.makeThumb(file, function (error, src) { if (error) { $wrap.text('不能预览'); return; } var img = $(''); $wrap.empty().append(img); }, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight); percentages[file.id] = [file.size, 0]; file.rotation = 0; } file.on('statuschange', function (cur, prev) { if (prev === 'progress') { $prgress.hide().width(0); } else if (prev === 'queued') { $li.off('mouseenter mouseleave'); $btns.remove(); } // 成功 if (cur === 'error' || cur === 'invalid') { console.log(file.statusText); showError(file.statusText); percentages[file.id][1] = 1; } else if (cur === 'interrupt') { showError('interrupt'); } else if (cur === 'queued') { percentages[file.id][1] = 0; } else if (cur === 'progress') { $info.remove(); $prgress.css('display', 'block'); } else if (cur === 'complete') { $li.append(''); } $li.removeClass('state-' + prev).addClass('state-' + cur); }); $li.on('mouseenter', function () { $btns.stop().animate({height: 30}); }); $li.on('mouseleave', function () { $btns.stop().animate({height: 0}); }); $btns.on('click', 'span', function () { var index = $(this).index(), deg; switch (index) { case 0: uploader.removeFile(file); return; case 1: file.rotation += 90; break; case 2: file.rotation -= 90; break; } if (supportTransition) { deg = 'rotate(' + file.rotation + 'deg)'; $wrap.css({ '-webkit-transform': deg, '-mos-transform': deg, '-o-transform': deg, 'transform': deg }); } else { $wrap.css('filter', 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=' + (~~((file.rotation / 90) % 4 + 4) % 4) + ')'); // use jquery animate to rotation // $({ // rotation: rotation // }).animate({ // rotation: file.rotation // }, { // easing: 'linear', // step: function( now ) { // now = now * Math.PI / 180; // var cos = Math.cos( now ), // sin = Math.sin( now ); // $wrap.css( 'filter', "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=" + cos + ",M12=" + (-sin) + ",M21=" + sin + ",M22=" + cos + ",SizingMethod='auto expand')"); // } // }); } }); $li.appendTo($queue); } // 负责view的销毁 function removeFile(file) { var $li = $('#' + file.id); delete percentages[file.id]; updateTotalProgress(); $li.off().find('.file-panel').off().end().remove(); } function updateTotalProgress() { var loaded = 0, total = 0, spans = $progress.children(), percent; $.each(percentages, function (k, v) { total += v[0]; loaded += v[0] * v[1]; }); percent = total ? loaded / total : 0; spans.eq(0).text(Math.round(percent * 100) + '%'); spans.eq(1).css('width', Math.round(percent * 100) + '%'); updateStatus(); } function updateStatus() { var text = '', stats; if (state === 'ready') { text = '选中' + fileCount + '张图片,共' + WebUploader.formatSize(fileSize) + '。'; } else if (state === 'confirm') { stats = uploader.getStats(); if (stats.uploadFailNum) { text = '已成功上传' + stats.successNum + '张照片,' + stats.uploadFailNum + '张照片上传失败,重新上传失败图片或忽略' } } else { stats = uploader.getStats(); text = '共' + fileCount + '张(' + WebUploader.formatSize(fileSize) + '),已上传' + stats.successNum + '张'; if (stats.uploadFailNum) { text += ',失败' + stats.uploadFailNum + '张'; } } $info.html(text); } function setState(val) { var file, stats; if (val === state) { return; } $upload.removeClass('state-' + state); $upload.addClass('state-' + val); state = val; switch (state) { case 'pedding': $placeHolder.removeClass('element-invisible'); $queue.parent().removeClass('filled'); $queue.hide(); $statusBar.addClass('element-invisible'); uploader.refresh(); break; case 'ready': $placeHolder.addClass('element-invisible'); $('#filePicker2').removeClass('element-invisible'); $queue.parent().addClass('filled'); $queue.show(); $statusBar.removeClass('element-invisible'); uploader.refresh(); break; case 'uploading': $('#filePicker2').addClass('element-invisible'); $progress.show(); $upload.text('暂停上传'); break; case 'paused': $progress.show(); $upload.text('继续上传'); break; case 'confirm': $progress.hide(); $upload.text('开始上传').addClass('disabled'); stats = uploader.getStats(); if (stats.successNum && !stats.uploadFailNum) { setState('finish'); return; } break; case 'finish': stats = uploader.getStats(); if (stats.successNum) { console.log('上传成功'); } else { // 没有成功的图片,重设 state = 'done'; location.reload(); } break; } updateStatus(); } // 修改data可以控制发送哪些携带数据 uploader.on('uploadBeforeSend', function (block, data) { data.type = 1; }); var resp = new Array(); uploader.on('uploadSuccess', function (file, response) { resp[resp.length] = response.data; //parent.window.addImgParams=response.data; //parent.window.addImg_Dr(response.data); }); uploader.on('uploadFinished', function (file, response) { parent.window.addImgParams = resp; parent.layer.closeAll(); }); uploader.onUploadProgress = function (file, percentage) { var $li = $('#' + file.id), $percent = $li.find('.progress span'); $percent.css('width', percentage * 100 + '%'); percentages[file.id][1] = percentage; updateTotalProgress(); }; uploader.onFileQueued = function (file) { fileCount++; fileSize += file.size; if (fileCount === 1) { $placeHolder.addClass('element-invisible'); $statusBar.show(); } addFile(file); setState('ready'); updateTotalProgress(); }; uploader.onFileDequeued = function (file) { fileCount--; fileSize -= file.size; if (!fileCount) { setState('pedding'); } removeFile(file); updateTotalProgress(); }; uploader.on('all', function (type) { var stats; switch (type) { case 'uploadFinished': setState('confirm'); break; case 'startUpload': setState('uploading'); break; case 'stopUpload': setState('paused'); break; } }); uploader.onError = function (code) { alert('Eroor: ' + code); }; $upload.on('click', function () { if ($(this).hasClass('disabled')) { return false; } if (state === 'ready') { uploader.upload(); } else if (state === 'paused') { uploader.upload(); } else if (state === 'uploading') { uploader.stop(); } }); $info.on('click', '.retry', function () { uploader.retry(); }); $info.on('click', '.ignore', function () { alert('todo'); }); $upload.addClass('state-' + state); updateTotalProgress(); } return { 'init': init } });