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<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
<%@ page import="java.sql.ResultSet"%>
<jsp:useBean id="conn" scope="page" class="" />
int hot_ID = 0;
String hot_goodsName = "";
float hot_nowprice = 0;
String hot_picture = "";
String sql="";
if(request.getParameter("type")!=null && request.getParameter("type")!=""){
int type=Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("type"));
sql="select top 7 t1.ID,t1.GoodsName,t1.nowprice,t1.picture from tb_goods t1,tb_subType t2 where t1.typeID=t2.ID and t2.superType="
+ type + " order by t1.hit desc,t1.ID asc";
}else if(request.getParameter("typeSystem")!=null && request.getParameter("typeSystem")!=""){
int typeSystem = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("typeSystem"));
sql="select top 7 ID,GoodsName,nowprice,picture from tb_goods where typeID=" + typeSystem
+ " order by hit desc,ID asc";
sql="select top 7 ID,GoodsName,nowprice,picture from tb_goods order by hit desc";
class="mr-sidebar mr-sidebar-left col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-sm-pull-8 col-md-3 col-md-pull-9 hidden-sm hidden-xs">
<div class="mr-module module " id="Mod157">
<div class="module-inner">
<h3 class="module-title ">
<div class="module-ct">
<div class="mrshop">
<div class="container_oc">
<div class="box_oc">
<div class="box-product product-grid">
ResultSet rs_hot = conn
int s2 = 0;
while ( {
hot_ID = rs_hot.getInt(1);
hot_goodsName = rs_hot.getString(2);
hot_nowprice = rs_hot.getFloat(3);
hot_picture = rs_hot.getString(4);
<div class="image">
<a href="goodsDetail.jsp?ID=<%=hot_ID%>"><img
src="images/goods/<%=hot_picture%>" width="80px">
<div class="name">
<a href="goodsDetail.jsp?ID=<%=hot_ID%>"> <%=hot_goodsName%>
<div class="rating">
<span class="fa fa-stack"><i
class="fa fa-star fa-stack-2x"></i><i
class="fa fa-star-o fa-stack-2x"></i></span> <span
class="fa fa-stack"><i class="fa fa-star fa-stack-2x"></i><i
class="fa fa-star-o fa-stack-2x"></i></span> <span
class="fa fa-stack"><i class="fa fa-star fa-stack-2x"></i><i
class="fa fa-star-o fa-stack-2x"></i></span> <span
class="fa fa-stack"><i class="fa fa-star fa-stack-2x"></i><i
class="fa fa-star-o fa-stack-2x"></i></span> <span
class="fa fa-stack"><i class="fa fa-star fa-stack-2x"></i><i
class="fa fa-star-o fa-stack-2x"></i></span>
<div class="price">