You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package captcha
import (
type Captcha struct{}
// 生成验证码ID
func (c *Captcha) GenerateId(context *gin.Context) {
// 设置验证码的数字长度(个数)
var length = variable.ConfigYml.GetInt("Captcha.length")
var captchaId, imgUrl, refresh, verify string
captchaId = captcha.NewLen(length)
imgUrl = "/captcha/" + captchaId + ".png"
refresh = imgUrl + "?reload=1"
verify = "/captcha/" + captchaId + "/这里替换为正确的验证码进行验证"
response.Success(context, "验证码信息", gin.H{
"id": captchaId,
"img_url": imgUrl,
"refresh": refresh,
"verify": verify,
// 获取验证码图像
func (c *Captcha) GetImg(context *gin.Context) {
captchaIdKey := variable.ConfigYml.GetString("Captcha.captchaId")
captchaId := context.Param(captchaIdKey)
_, file := path.Split(context.Request.URL.Path)
ext := path.Ext(file)
id := file[:len(file)-len(ext)]
if ext == "" || captchaId == "" {
response.Fail(context, consts.CaptchaGetParamsInvalidCode, consts.CaptchaGetParamsInvalidMsg, "")
if context.Query("reload") != "" {
context.Header("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate")
context.Header("Pragma", "no-cache")
context.Header("Expires", "0")
var vBytes bytes.Buffer
if ext == ".png" {
context.Header("Content-Type", "image/png")
// 设置实际业务需要的验证码图片尺寸(宽 X 高captcha.StdWidth, captcha.StdHeight 为默认值,请自行修改为具体数字即可
_ = captcha.WriteImage(&vBytes, id, captcha.StdWidth, captcha.StdHeight)
http.ServeContent(context.Writer, context.Request, id+ext, time.Time{}, bytes.NewReader(vBytes.Bytes()))
// 校验验证码
func (c *Captcha) CheckCode(context *gin.Context) {
captchaIdKey := variable.ConfigYml.GetString("Captcha.captchaId")
captchaValueKey := variable.ConfigYml.GetString("Captcha.captchaValue")
captchaId := context.Param(captchaIdKey)
value := context.Param(captchaValueKey)
if captchaId == "" || value == "" {
response.Fail(context, consts.CaptchaCheckParamsInvalidCode, consts.CaptchaCheckParamsInvalidMsg, "")
if captcha.VerifyString(captchaId, value) {
response.Success(context, consts.CaptchaCheckOkMsg, "")
} else {
response.Fail(context, consts.CaptchaCheckFailCode, consts.CaptchaCheckFailMsg, "")