package ai_model_cli
import (
func RequestStyle(c *gin.Context) (interface{}, error) {
// userMsg := c.PostForm("user_input")
userMsg := c.GetString(consts.ValidatorPrefix + "user_input")
qianfan.GetConfig().AccessKey = variable.ConfigYml.GetString("BaiduCE.QianFanAccessKey")
qianfan.GetConfig().SecretKey = variable.ConfigYml.GetString("BaiduCE.QianFanSecretKey")
chat := qianfan.NewChatCompletion(
chatHistory := []qianfan.ChatCompletionMessage{}
// 读取prompt文件
systemMsgPath := variable.ConfigYml.GetString("BaiduCE.StyleGeneratePromptPath")
// 读取文件内容
prompt, err := os.ReadFile(variable.BasePath + systemMsgPath)
if err != nil || len(prompt) == 0 {
variable.ZapLog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("读取提示词文件失败: %v", err))
return nil, err
// add user history to chat history
userHistory, exist := c.Get(consts.ValidatorPrefix + "chat_history")
if exist && userHistory != nil {
// check if userHistory is of type []struct{Role string;Content string}
historySlice, ok := userHistory.([]interface{})
if !ok || len(historySlice)%2 != 0 {
variable.ZapLog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("用户历史对话格式错误: %v", userHistory))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("用户历史对话格式错误")
// convert userHistory to []qianfan.ChatCompletionMessage
var chatHistoryConverted []qianfan.ChatCompletionMessage
for _, item := range historySlice {
if itemMap, ok := item.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
role, roleOk := itemMap["role"].(string)
content, contentOk := itemMap["content"].(string)
if roleOk && contentOk {
chatHistoryConverted = append(chatHistoryConverted, qianfan.ChatCompletionMessage{
Role: role,
Content: content,
} else {
variable.ZapLog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("用户历史对话格式错误: %v\nrole 或 content 类型断言失败", userHistory))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("用户历史对话格式错误")
} else {
variable.ZapLog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("用户历史对话格式错误: %v\n无法将 item 转换为 map[string]interface{}", userHistory))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("用户历史对话格式错误")
if len(chatHistoryConverted) > 0 && len(chatHistoryConverted)%2 == 0 {
chatHistory = append(chatHistory, chatHistoryConverted...)
// add user input to chat history
chatHistory = append(chatHistory, qianfan.ChatCompletionUserMessage(userMsg))
response, err := chat.Do(context.TODO(), &qianfan.ChatCompletionRequest{System: string(prompt), Messages: chatHistory})
if err != nil {
variable.ZapLog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("对话失败: %v", err))
return nil, err
return response.Result, nil
func RequestStyleStream(c *gin.Context) error {
userMsg := c.GetString(consts.ValidatorPrefix + "user_input")
qianfan.GetConfig().AccessKey = variable.ConfigYml.GetString("BaiduCE.QianFanAccessKey")
qianfan.GetConfig().SecretKey = variable.ConfigYml.GetString("BaiduCE.QianFanSecretKey")
chat := qianfan.NewChatCompletion(
chatHistory := []qianfan.ChatCompletionMessage{}
systemMsgPath := variable.ConfigYml.GetString("BaiduCE.StyleGeneratePromptPath")
prompt, err := os.ReadFile(variable.BasePath + systemMsgPath)
if err != nil || len(prompt) == 0 {
variable.ZapLog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("读取提示词文件失败: %v", err))
return err
userHistory, exist := c.Get(consts.ValidatorPrefix + "chat_history")
if exist && userHistory != nil {
historySlice, ok := userHistory.([]interface{})
if !ok || len(historySlice)%2 != 0 {
variable.ZapLog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("用户历史对话格式错误: %v", userHistory))
return fmt.Errorf("用户历史对话格式错误")
var chatHistoryConverted []qianfan.ChatCompletionMessage
for _, item := range historySlice {
if itemMap, ok := item.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
role, roleOk := itemMap["role"].(string)
content, contentOk := itemMap["content"].(string)
if roleOk && contentOk {
chatHistoryConverted = append(chatHistoryConverted, qianfan.ChatCompletionMessage{
Role: role,
Content: content,
} else {
variable.ZapLog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("用户历史对话格式错误: %v\nrole 或 content 类型断言失败", userHistory))
return fmt.Errorf("用户历史对话格式错误")
} else {
variable.ZapLog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("用户历史对话格式错误: %v\n无法将 item 转换为 map[string]interface{}", userHistory))
return fmt.Errorf("用户历史对话格式错误")
if len(chatHistoryConverted) > 0 && len(chatHistoryConverted)%2 == 0 {
chatHistory = append(chatHistory, chatHistoryConverted...)
chatHistory = append(chatHistory, qianfan.ChatCompletionUserMessage(userMsg))
stream, err := chat.Stream(context.TODO(), &qianfan.ChatCompletionRequest{System: string(prompt), Messages: chatHistory})
if err != nil {
variable.ZapLog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("对话失败: %v", err))
return err
defer stream.Close()
defer c.Writer.Flush()
for {
response, err := stream.Recv()
if response.IsEnd {
break // 流结束,退出循环
if err != nil {
variable.ZapLog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("接收流失败: %v", err))
return err
// 将结果写入到响应体
if _,err:=fmt.Fprintf(c.Writer,"%s",response.Result);err!=nil{
variable.ZapLog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("写入流失败: %v", err))
return err
// 立即刷新缓冲区,以确保数据立即发送到客户端
return nil // 正常结束,返回 nil