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3 months ago
# 设置IDEA快捷键为Eclipse风格
- 点击File->Settings->Keymap选择快捷键风格为Eclipse
- 按如下表格中的英文描述进行搜索,并改为相应快捷键
Eclipse | IDEA | 英文描述 | 中文描述
ctrl+shift+r |ctrl+shift+r |Navigate->File |找工作空间的文件
ctrl+shift+t |ctrl+shift+t |Navigate->Class |找类定义
ctrl+shift+g |ctrl+shift+g |Edit->Find->Find Usages |查找方法在哪里调用.变量在哪里被使用
ctrl+t |ctrl+t |Other->Hierarchy Class |看类继承结构
ctrl+o |ctrl+o |Navigate->File Structure |搜索一个类里面的方法
shift+alt+z |shift+alt+z |Code->Surround With |生成常见的代码块
shift+alt+l |shift+alt+l |Refactor->Extract->Variable |抽取变量
shift+alt+m |shift+alt+m |Refactor->Extract->Method |抽取方法
alt+left |alt+left |Navigate->Back |回退上一个操作位置
alt+right |alt+right |Navigate->Forward |前进上一个操作位置
ctrl+home |ctrl+home |Move Caret to Text Start |回到类最前面
ctrl+end |ctrl+end |Move Caret to Text End |回到类最后面
ctrl+2 L |shift+alt+l |Refactor->Extract->Variable |抽取变量
ctrl+e |alt+r |View->Recent Files |最近打开的文件
ctrl+w |ctrl+w |Close |关闭当前窗口
alt+/ |alt+/ |Code->Completion->Basic |提示变量生成
ctrl+1 |ctrl+1 |Other->Show Intention Actions |提示可能的操作
ctrl+h |ctrl+h |Find in Path |全局搜索
alt+上/下箭头 |alt+上/下箭头 |Code->Move Line Up/Down |移动一行代码
ctrl+alt+上/下箭头 |ctrl+alt+上/下箭头 |Editor Actions->Duplicate Lines |复制一行
ctrl+shift+j |ctrl+shift+j |Other->Fix doc comment |方法注释
暂无|alt+enter |Other->Show Intention Actions |提示常见操作
Ctrl+F |Ctrl+F/Ctrl+R |Find/Replace |查找替换
Shift+Enter |Shift+Enter |Start New Line |开启新的一行
Ctrl+Alt+S |Ctrl+Alt+S |Generate |生成getter,setter,tostring等