/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2011, The MiCode Open Source Community (www.micode.net) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.micode.notes.tool; // 声明该Java文件所在的包名 import android.content.Context; // 导入Android的Context类,用于访问应用的特定资源和类以及调用应用级操作 import android.preference.PreferenceManager; // 导入Android的PreferenceManager类,用于访问应用的默认SharedPreferences import net.micode.notes.R; // 导入应用自己的资源类 import net.micode.notes.ui.NotesPreferenceActivity; // 导入应用的NotesPreferenceActivity类 public class ResourceParser { // 声明一个公共类ResourceParser // 定义几种颜色常量 public static final int YELLOW = 0; // 黄色 public static final int BLUE = 1; // 蓝色 public static final int WHITE = 2; // 白色 public static final int GREEN = 3; // 绿色 public static final int RED = 4; // 红色 // 默认背景颜色 public static final int BG_DEFAULT_COLOR = YELLOW; // 定义几种字体大小常量 public static final int TEXT_SMALL = 0; // 小号字体 public static final int TEXT_MEDIUM = 1; // 中号字体 public static final int TEXT_LARGE = 2; // 大号字体 public static final int TEXT_SUPER = 3; // 特大号字体 // 默认字体大小 public static final int BG_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = TEXT_MEDIUM; // 内部类,用于管理笔记背景资源 public static class NoteBgResources { // 笔记编辑背景资源数组 private final static int [] BG_EDIT_RESOURCES = new int [] { R.drawable.edit_yellow, R.drawable.edit_blue, R.drawable.edit_white, R.drawable.edit_green, R.drawable.edit_red }; // 笔记编辑标题背景资源数组 private final static int [] BG_EDIT_TITLE_RESOURCES = new int [] { R.drawable.edit_title_yellow, R.drawable.edit_title_blue, R.drawable.edit_title_white, R.drawable.edit_title_green, R.drawable.edit_title_red }; // 根据ID获取笔记背景资源 public static int getNoteBgResource(int id) { return BG_EDIT_RESOURCES[id]; } // 根据ID获取笔记标题背景资源 public static int getNoteTitleBgResource(int id) { return BG_EDIT_TITLE_RESOURCES[id]; } } // 根据用户的偏好设置获取默认背景颜色ID public static int getDefaultBgId(Context context) { // 检查用户是否设置了背景颜色偏好 if (PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getBoolean( NotesPreferenceActivity.PREFERENCE_SET_BG_COLOR_KEY, false)) { // 如果设置了,则随机选择一个背景颜色ID return (int) (Math.random() * NoteBgResources.BG_EDIT_RESOURCES.length); } else { // 否则返回默认的背景颜色ID return BG_DEFAULT_COLOR; } } // 内部类,用于管理笔记条目背景资源 public static class NoteItemBgResources { // 笔记条目第一个背景资源数组 private final static int [] BG_FIRST_RESOURCES = new int [] { R.drawable.list_yellow_up, R.drawable.list_blue_up, R.drawable.list_white_up, R.drawable.list_green_up, R.drawable.list_red_up }; // 笔记条目普通背景资源数组 private final static int [] BG_NORMAL_RESOURCES = new int [] { R.drawable.list_yellow_middle, R.drawable.list_blue_middle, R.drawable.list_white_middle, R.drawable.list_green_middle, R.drawable.list_red_middle }; // 笔记条目最后一个背景资源数组 private final static int [] BG_LAST_RESOURCES = new int [] { R.drawable.list_yellow_down, R.drawable.list_blue_down, R.drawable.list_white_down, R.drawable.list_green_down, R.drawable.list_red_down, }; // 笔记条目单个背景资源数组 private final static int [] BG_SINGLE_RESOURCES = new int [] { R.drawable.list_yellow_single, R.drawable.list_blue_single, R.drawable.list_white_single, R.drawable.list_green_single, R.drawable.list_red_single }; // 根据ID获取笔记条目第一个背景资源 public static int getNoteBgFirstRes(int id) { return BG_FIRST_RESOURCES[id]; } // 根据ID获取笔记条目最后一个背景资源 public static int getNoteBgLastRes(int id) { return BG_LAST_RESOURCES[id]; } // 根据ID获取笔记条目单个背景资源 public static int getNoteBgSingleRes(int id) { return BG_SINGLE_RESOURCES[id]; } // 根据ID获取笔记条目普通背景资源 public static int getNoteBgNormalRes(int id) { return BG_NORMAL_RESOURCES[id]; } // 获取文件夹背景资源 public static int getFolderBgRes() { return R.drawable.list_folder; } } // 内部类,用于管理小部件背景资源 public static class WidgetBgResources { // 小部件2x背景资源数组 private final static int [] BG_2X_RESOURCES = new int [] { R.drawable.widget_2x_yellow, R.drawable.widget_2x_blue, R.drawable.widget_2x_white, R.drawable.widget_2x_green, R.drawable.widget_2x_red, }; // 根据ID获取小部件2x背景资源 public static int getWidget2xBgResource(int id) { return BG_2X_RESOURCES[id]; } // 小部件4x背景资源数组 private final static int [] BG_4X_RESOURCES = new int [] { R.drawable.widget_4x_yellow, R.drawable.widget_4x_blue, R.drawable.widget_4x_white, R.drawable.widget_4x_green, R.drawable.widget_4x_red }; // 根据ID获取小部件4x背景资源 public static int getWidget4xBgResource(int id) { return BG_4X_RESOURCES[id]; } } // 内部类,用于管理文本外观资源 public static class TextAppearanceResources { // 文本外观资源数组 private final static int [] TEXTAPPEARANCE_RESOURCES = new int [] { R.style.TextAppearanceNormal, R.style.TextAppearanceMedium, R.style.TextAppearanceLarge, R.style.TextAppearanceSuper }; // 根据ID获取文本外观资源 public static int getTexAppearanceResource(int id) { // 如果ID超出资源数组长度,则返回默认字体大小 if (id >= TEXTAPPEARANCE_RESOURCES.length) { return BG_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE; } return TEXTAPPEARANCE_RESOURCES[id]; } // 获取文本外观资源数组的大小 public static int getResourcesSize() { return TEXTAPPEARANCE_RESOURCES.length; } } }