ColorDialog OK 確認 Cancel 取消 Edit Color 編輯顏色 Red 紅色 Blue 藍色 Green 綠色 Opacity 透明度 MessageDialog OK 確認 Cancel 取消 MessageBox OK 確認 Cancel 取消 NavigationPanel Open Navigation 打開導航 Close Navigation 關閉導航 Back 返回 Dialog OK 確認 Cancel 取消 FolderListDialog Done 完成 Choose folder 選擇文件夾 Are you sure you want to delete the folder? 是否確認刪除此文件夾? If you delete the 如果將 folder and remove it from the list, the folder will no longer appear in the list, but will not be deleted. 文件夾從列表中移除,則該文件夾不會再出現在列表中,但不會被刪除。 SwitchSettingCard Off On SwitchButton Off On CustomColorSettingCard Custom color 自定義顏色 Default color 默認顏色 Choose color 選擇顏色 ColorPickerButton Choose 選擇 FolderListSettingCard Add folder 添加文件夾 Choose folder 選擇文件夾 Are you sure you want to delete the folder? 是否確認刪除此文件夾? If you delete the 如果將 folder and remove it from the list, the folder will no longer appear in the list, but will not be deleted. 文件夾從列表中移除,則該文件夾不會再出現在列表中,但不會被刪除。 LineEditMenu Cut 剪切 Copy 複製 Paste 粘貼 Cancel 撤回 Select all 全選 TextEditMenu Cut 剪切 Copy 複製 Paste 粘貼 Cancel 撤回 Select all 全選 TimePicker hour minute second AMPMFormatter AM 上午 PM 下午 AMTimePicker hour minute second AM 上午 PM 下午