You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

39 lines
1020 B

6 years ago
def getBookName(text):
stpos = text.find('<div class="book-info ">')
return text[text.find('<em>',stpos)+4:text.find('</em>',stpos)]
def getAuthor(text):
indexTo = text.find('</a> 著')
indexFrom = indexTo-1
while text[indexFrom-1]!='>':
indexFrom = indexFrom - 1
return text[indexFrom:indexTo]
def getImage(text):
indexFrom = text.find('//')
indexTo = text.find('&#13',indexFrom)
return 'https:'+text[indexFrom:indexTo]
def getText(text):
div = text.find('<div class="book-intro">') + 24
indexFrom = text.find('<p>',div)+3
indexTo = text.find('</p>',div)
Message = ''
idx = indexFrom
while idx < indexTo:
if text[idx] == ' ' or text[idx] == ' ':
idx += 1
elif text[idx:idx+5] == '&#13;':
idx += 5
elif text[idx:idx+5] == '<br/>':
Message += '\n'
idx += 5
Message += text[idx]
idx += 1
return Message