/* * Copyright (c) 2011, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package com.sun.source.doctree; /** * Common interface for all nodes in a documentation syntax tree. * * @since 1.8 */ @jdk.Exported public interface DocTree { @jdk.Exported enum Kind { /** * Used for instances of {@link AttributeTree} * representing an HTML attribute. */ ATTRIBUTE, /** * Used for instances of {@link AuthorTree} * representing an @author tag. */ AUTHOR("author"), /** * Used for instances of {@link LiteralTree} * representing an @code tag. */ CODE("code"), /** * Used for instances of {@link CommentTree} * representing an HTML comment. */ COMMENT, /** * Used for instances of {@link DeprecatedTree} * representing an @deprecated tag. */ DEPRECATED("deprecated"), /** * Used for instances of {@link DocCommentTree} * representing a complete doc comment. */ DOC_COMMENT, /** * Used for instances of {@link DocRootTree} * representing an @docRoot tag. */ DOC_ROOT("docRoot"), /** * Used for instances of {@link EndElementTree} * representing the end of an HTML element. */ END_ELEMENT, /** * Used for instances of {@link EntityTree} * representing an HTML entity. */ ENTITY, /** * Used for instances of {@link ErroneousTree} * representing some invalid text. */ ERRONEOUS, /** * Used for instances of {@link ThrowsTree} * representing an @exception tag. */ EXCEPTION("exception"), /** * Used for instances of {@link IdentifierTree} * representing an identifier. */ IDENTIFIER, /** * Used for instances of {@link InheritDocTree} * representing an @inheritDoc tag. */ INHERIT_DOC("inheritDoc"), /** * Used for instances of {@link LinkTree} * representing an @link tag. */ LINK("link"), /** * Used for instances of {@link LinkTree} * representing an @linkplain tag. */ LINK_PLAIN("linkplain"), /** * Used for instances of {@link LiteralTree} * representing an @literal tag. */ LITERAL("literal"), /** * Used for instances of {@link ParamTree} * representing an @param tag. */ PARAM("param"), /** * Used for instances of {@link ReferenceTree} * representing a reference to a element in the * Java programming language. */ REFERENCE, /** * Used for instances of {@link ReturnTree} * representing an @return tag. */ RETURN("return"), /** * Used for instances of {@link SeeTree} * representing an @see tag. */ SEE("see"), /** * Used for instances of {@link SerialTree} * representing an @serial tag. */ SERIAL("serial"), /** * Used for instances of {@link SerialDataTree} * representing an @serialData tag. */ SERIAL_DATA("serialData"), /** * Used for instances of {@link SerialFieldTree} * representing an @serialField tag. */ SERIAL_FIELD("serialField"), /** * Used for instances of {@link SinceTree} * representing an @since tag. */ SINCE("since"), /** * Used for instances of {@link EndElementTree} * representing the start of an HTML element. */ START_ELEMENT, /** * Used for instances of {@link TextTree} * representing some documentation text. */ TEXT, /** * Used for instances of {@link ThrowsTree} * representing an @throws tag. */ THROWS("throws"), /** * Used for instances of {@link UnknownBlockTagTree} * representing an unknown block tag. */ UNKNOWN_BLOCK_TAG, /** * Used for instances of {@link UnknownInlineTagTree} * representing an unknown inline tag. */ UNKNOWN_INLINE_TAG, /** * Used for instances of {@link ValueTree} * representing an @value tag. */ VALUE("value"), /** * Used for instances of {@link VersionTree} * representing an @version tag. */ VERSION("version"), /** * An implementation-reserved node. This is the not the node * you are looking for. */ OTHER; public final String tagName; Kind() { tagName = null; } Kind(String tagName) { this.tagName = tagName; } }; /** * Gets the kind of this tree. * * @return the kind of this tree. */ Kind getKind(); /** * Accept method used to implement the visitor pattern. The * visitor pattern is used to implement operations on trees. * * @param result type of this operation. * @param type of additional data. */ R accept(DocTreeVisitor visitor, D data); }