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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1372 lines
54 KiB
1372 lines
54 KiB
import subprocess
import re
import os
import sys
import string
import networkx as nx
from collections import defaultdict
CLASS_NAME_STR = "public class"
SEPARATOR_STRING = "// Code above this line has been added to remove errors"
PUBLIC_CLASS_STRING = "// This class was public"
C_BASIC_DATA_TYPE = ["int", "short", "long", "char", "float", "double"]
DEFAULT_TYPE = "void *"
LIST_OF_INTERNAL_EXCEPTIONS = ["UncheckedIOException", "ArithmeticException", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException",
"ArrayStoreException", "ClassCastException", "IllegalArgumentException",
"IllegalMonitorStateException", "IllegalStateException", "IllegalThreadStateException",
"IndexOutOfBoundsException", "NegativeArraySizeException", "NullPointerException",
"NumberFormatException", "SecurityException", "UnsupportedOperationException"]
VALID_VARIABLE_CHARS = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "_"
IDENTIFIERS_FOR_FUNCTION = ["public", "private", "protected"]
def compile_file_and_get_output(file_path):
tmp_output_path = file_path[:file_path.rfind('/')] + '/tmp/' + file_path[file_path.rfind('/') + 1:]
# print(tmp_output_path)
cmd = ["clang", file_path, "-emit-llvm", "-S", "-c", "-o", tmp_output_path]
# a = os.system(cmd)
return, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).stderr.decode('utf-8')
# return['javac', file_path, '-d', '/tmp/'], stderr=subprocess.PIPE).stderr.decode('utf-8')
def get_file_content(file_path):
content = None
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
print("file not exists:", file_path)
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
content =
return content
def remove_file_if_exists(file_path):
except OSError:
def duplicate_file(original_file, new_file):
if (new_file.rfind('/') != -1):
dir_path = new_file[:new_file.rfind('/')]
|['mkdir', '-p', dir_path], stderr=subprocess.PIPE).stderr.decode('utf-8')
|["cp", original_file, new_file], stderr=subprocess.PIPE).stderr.decode('utf-8')
def write_file_content(file_path, file_content):
if (file_path.rfind('/') != -1):
dir_path = file_path[:file_path.rfind('/')]
|['mkdir', '-p', dir_path], stderr=subprocess.PIPE).stderr.decode('utf-8')
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
def get_full_path_of_files_in_folder(folder_path):
l_docs = []
paths = os.listdir(folder_path)
for i in range(len(paths)):
paths[i] = folder_path + paths[i]
if (os.path.isdir(paths[i])):
l_docs.extend(get_full_path_of_files_in_folder(paths[i] + "/"))
return l_docs
""" Functions to edit code """
def get_l_of_params(s):
if (s == ""):
return []
s = s.replace("<null>", "Object")
s = re.sub('Class<[^>]*>', 'Class', s)
l_p = s.split(",")
to_ret = []
pending = []
for i in range(len(l_p)):
if ("<" in l_p[i] or ">" in l_p[i]):
if (pending != []):
pending = []
if (pending != []):
return to_ret
def make_dummy_body(return_type):
if return_type == "int" or return_type == "byte" or return_type == "long":
return "{return 1;}"
elif return_type == "boolean":
return "{return True;}"
elif return_type == "float" or return_type == "double":
return "{return 1.0;}"
elif return_type == "char":
return "{return 'c';}"
return "{return null;}"
def make_dummy_method(method_sig):
ret_type = method_sig[0]
method_name = method_sig[1].split("(")[0]
method_param_types = get_l_of_params(method_sig[1].split("(")[1][:-1])
method_args = []
for ctr in range(len(method_param_types)):
method_args.append(method_param_types[ctr] + " o" + str(ctr))
method_args = "(" + ", ".join(method_args) + ")"
method_definition = '\tpublic ' + ret_type + ' ' + method_name + method_args + make_dummy_body(ret_type) + '\n'
return method_definition
def make_dummy_variable(var):
if "#ptr" in var[0]:#function ptr
ret_type = re.sub("#ptr", "", var[0])
return ret_type + " (*" + var[1] + ")();\n"
if (type(var) != type('') and len(var) == 2):
if "[10]" in var[0]:
# return '\t' + var[0].replace("[10]", "") + ' ' + var[1] + "[10]" + ";\n"
return '\t' + var[0].replace("[10]", "*") + ' ' + var[1] + ";\n"
return '\t' + var[0] + ' ' + var[1] + ";\n"
return '\t' + DUMMY_RETURN_TYPE + ' ' + var + ";\n"
def make_dummy_constructor(class_name, cons_arg):
cons_param_types = get_l_of_params(cons_arg)
cons_params = []
for ctr in range(len(cons_param_types)):
cons_params.append(cons_param_types[ctr] + " o" + str(ctr))
cons_params = "(" + ", ".join(cons_params) + ")"
return '\t' + class_name + cons_params + '{}\n'
def make_dummy_definition(ident):
global identifiers
ident_value = identifiers[ident]
# return "#define " + ident + " " + ident_type + " " + ident_value + "\n"
return "#define " + ident + " " + ident_value + "\n"
def make_dummy_global_vars(var):
global allocate_value
#global global_vars
var_type = global_vars[var]
if "[10]" in global_vars[var]:
var_type = var_type.replace("[10]", "")
if "#constant" in var_type:
var_type = var_type.replace("#constant", "")
# return var_type + " " + var + "[10]" + ";\n"
return var_type + "* " + var + ";\n"
# return var_type + " " + var + "[10]" + ";\n"
return var_type + "* " + var + ";\n"
if "#constant" in var_type:
var_type = var_type.replace("#constant", "")
allocate_value += 1
return "const " + var_type + " " + var + " = " + str(allocate_value) + ";\n"
return global_vars[var] + " " + var + ";\n"
def make_dummy_class(class_name, list_of_variables, list_of_method_signatures, list_of_constructor_args):
global identifiers
variable_definitions = ""
method_definitions = ""
identifier_definitions = ""
for var in list_of_variables:
variable_definitions += make_dummy_variable(var)
for cons_arg in list_of_constructor_args:
method_definitions += make_dummy_constructor(class_name, cons_arg)
for method_sig in list_of_method_signatures:
method_definitions += make_dummy_method(method_sig)
method_definitions = method_definitions.strip()
variable_definitions = variable_definitions.strip()
if class_name not in ptr_tag:
class_code = "typedef struct " + class_name + " {\n\t" + variable_definitions + \
"\n\t" + method_definitions + "\n}" + class_name + ";\n"
class_code = "struct " + class_name+"_t" + " {\n\t" + variable_definitions + \
"\n\t" + method_definitions + "\n}" + ";\n"
class_code += "typedef struct " + class_name + "_t*" + " " + class_name + ";\n"
return class_code
def make_dummy_exception(class_name, list_of_constructor_args, list_of_method_signatures):
method_definitions = "\tpublic " + class_name + "(String errorMessage) { super(errorMessage); }\n"
for cons_arg in list_of_constructor_args:
method_definitions += make_dummy_constructor(class_name, cons_arg)
for method_sig in list_of_method_signatures:
method_definitions += make_dummy_method(method_sig)
class_code = "class " + class_name + " extends Exception{\n" + method_definitions + "}\n"
return class_code
def get_existing_class_names():
global l_code
contenders = []
for line_no, line in enumerate(l_code):
if (SEPARATOR_STRING in line):
if (line.startswith("public class ")):
contenders.append((line_no, line.split(" ")[2]))
if (line.startswith("final class ")):
contenders.append((line_no, line.split(" ")[2]))
if (line.startswith("class ")):
class_name = line.split(" ")[1]
if "{" in class_name:
class_name = class_name[:class_name.index("{")]
contenders.append((line_no, class_name))
if (line.strip().startswith("@")):
l_code[line_no] = "//" + l_code[line_no]
return contenders
def get_code_for_new_class(class_name):
l_var = [i[1] if len(i) == 2 else i[1:] for i in d_classes_to_add[class_name] if i[0] == "VAR"]
l_method = [i[1] if len(i) == 2 else i[1:] for i in d_classes_to_add[class_name] if i[0] == "METHOD"]
l_exception = [i[1] for i in d_classes_to_add[class_name] if i[0] == "EXCEPTION"]
l_constructor = [i[1] for i in d_classes_to_add[class_name] if i[0] == "CONSTRUCTOR"]
if (len(l_exception) != 0):
class_code = make_dummy_exception(class_name, l_constructor, l_method)
class_code = make_dummy_class(class_name, l_var, l_method, l_constructor)
return class_code.split("\n")
def get_code_for_existing_class(class_name):
l_var = [i[1] if len(i) == 2 else i[1:] for i in d_classes_to_add[class_name] if i[0] == "VAR"]
l_method = [i[1] if len(i) == 2 else i[1:] for i in d_classes_to_add[class_name] if i[0] == "METHOD"]
# print(l_var)
method_definitions = ""
variable_definitions = ""
for method_sig in l_method:
method_definitions += make_dummy_method(method_sig)
for variable_sig in l_var:
variable_definitions += make_dummy_variable(variable_sig)
class_code = variable_definitions + method_definitions
return class_code
def add_members_of_existing_existing_class():
global l_code
global d_classes_to_add
global existing_class_names
existing_class_names = get_existing_class_names()
for line_no, class_name in existing_class_names:
# print(class_name)
class_code = get_code_for_existing_class(class_name).strip().split("\n")
if (class_code != ['']):
l_code = l_code[:line_no + 1] + class_code + l_code[line_no + 1:]
# reset dictionary for existing classes
d_classes_to_add[class_name] = set()
def copy_a_graph(ori_graph):
new_graph = nx.DiGraph()
for pre, nxt in ori_graph.edges():
new_graph.add_edge(pre, nxt)
return new_graph
def get_new_code_to_add():
global identifiers
#global i
new_code_to_add = []
identifier_definitions = ""
# for ident in identifiers.keys():
# identifier_definitions += make_dummy_definition(ident)
# if identifier_definitions:
# new_code_to_add += identifier_definitions.split("\n")
for define_line in define_lines:
new_code_to_add += [define_line + "\n"]
queue = []
searched = []
tmp_order_graph = copy_a_graph(struct_order_graph)
for struct_name in tmp_order_graph.nodes():
if tmp_order_graph.in_degree(struct_name) == 0:
# print(queue)
while queue:
struct_name = queue.pop(0)
if struct_name in d_classes_to_add:
new_code_to_add += get_code_for_new_class(struct_name)
for nxt_name in tmp_order_graph.neighbors(struct_name):
if nxt_name not in searched and tmp_order_graph.in_degree(nxt_name) == 1:
for struct_name in d_classes_to_add.keys():
if struct_name not in searched:
new_code_to_add += get_code_for_new_class(struct_name)
# print(new_code_to_add)
for var in global_vars.keys():
new_code_to_add += [make_dummy_global_vars(var)]
return new_code_to_add
def compress_code(source_code):
lines = source_code.split("\n")
new_lines = []
line_id = len(lines) - 1
pre_line = ""
while (line_id >= 0):
current_line = lines[line_id]
if current_line.strip().startswith("."):
pre_line = current_line.strip() + pre_line
current_line = current_line.rstrip() + pre_line
new_lines.insert(0, current_line)
pre_line = ""
line_id -= 1
new_source_code = ""
for line in new_lines:
new_source_code += line + "\n"
# print(new_source_code)
return new_source_code
def get_new_code_line_after_add_data_type(pointer, valid_chars, target_type, code_line, direction):
target_type = "(" + target_type + ")" + "(Object)"
if direction == "right":
ptr = len(pointer) - 1
while (code_line[ptr] not in valid_chars):
ptr = ptr + 1
if (ptr > len(code_line)):
return code_line
return code_line[:ptr] + target_type + code_line[ptr:]
# direction = "left"
ptr = len(pointer) - 2
num_brackets = 0
num_sq_brackets = 0
# print(code_line, code_line[ptr + 1])
if (code_line[:ptr + 1].strip() in ["switch"]):
ptr += 1
if (code_line[ptr + 1] not in valid_chars):
# bitPointer = 8 + i;
while (code_line[ptr] == " "):
ptr -= 1
if (ptr < 0):
return code_line
while (num_sq_brackets != 0 or num_brackets != 0 or code_line[ptr] in valid_chars):
if (code_line[ptr] == "]"):
num_sq_brackets += 1
elif (code_line[ptr] == "[" and num_sq_brackets != 0):
num_sq_brackets -= 1
elif (code_line[ptr] == ")"):
num_brackets += 1
elif (code_line[ptr] == "(" and num_brackets != 0):
num_brackets -= 1
elif (code_line[ptr] in "[(" and num_brackets == 0 and num_sq_brackets == 0):
ptr -= 1
if (ptr < 0):
return code_line
if (code_line[ptr] != " "):
ptr += 1
if (code_line[ptr:].strip().startswith("return")):
while (code_line[ptr] == " "):
ptr += 1
ptr += len("return ")
if (code_line[ptr - 3:ptr] == "new"):
# code_line = code_line[:ptr-3] + "(" + code_line[ptr-3:-1] + ")" + code_line[-1]
ptr -= 3
return code_line[:ptr] + target_type + code_line[ptr:]
def compare_args_by_index(sig_src, sig_dst):
l_src = sig_src[1:-1].split(",")
l_dst = sig_dst[1:-1].split(",")
for i in range(len(l_src)):
if (l_src[i] != l_dst[i]):
return i, l_dst[i]
def get_new_code_line_after_add_suitable_method_signature(pointer, method_desc, code_line, possible_matches):
method_name = method_desc.split("(")[0].strip()
method_args = method_desc.strip()[len(method_name):]
# always apply the match - argument mismatch; ... cannot be converted to ...
match_to_apply = ""
for i in possible_matches:
if (i[1].startswith("(argument mismatch;")):
match_to_apply = i[0][i[0].find("("): i[0].find(")") + 1]
if (match_to_apply == ""): # no match found - make new method/constructor otherwise
class_name = possible_matches[0][0].split(" ")[1].split(".")[0]
if (possible_matches[0][0].startswith("method")):
reverse_method_to_class_mapping[method_desc] = class_name
d_classes_to_add[class_name].add(("METHOD", DUMMY_RETURN_TYPE, method_desc))
d_classes_to_add[class_name].add(("CONSTRUCTOR", method_desc.split("(")[1][:-1]))
return code_line
index_to_change, target_type = compare_args_by_index(method_args, match_to_apply)
target_type = "(" + target_type + ")" + "(Object)"
ptr = len(pointer) - 2
while (not (
code_line[ptr:].startswith(method_name) or code_line[ptr:].startswith("this") or code_line[ptr:].startswith(
ptr += 1
if (ptr > len(code_line)):
return code_line
num_brackets = num_comma = 0
while (not (num_brackets == 1 and num_comma == index_to_change)):
if (code_line[ptr] == ")"):
num_brackets -= 1
elif (code_line[ptr] == "("):
num_brackets += 1
if (num_brackets == 1 and code_line[ptr] == ","):
num_comma += 1
ptr += 1
if (ptr > len(code_line)):
return code_line
code_line = code_line[:ptr] + target_type + code_line[ptr:]
return code_line
def ls_does_contain(ls, subs):
for s in ls:
if (subs in s):
return True
return False
def b_begins_with_one_of_a(a, b):
for i in a:
if (b.startswith(i)):
return True
return False
# adds "throws Throwable" to the first function in class
def make_existing_function_throwable():
global l_code
line_number = 0
while line_number < len(l_code):
if (b_begins_with_one_of_a(IDENTIFIERS_FOR_FUNCTION, l_code[line_number].strip())):
line_number += 1
if (line_number == len(l_code)):
if ("throws " in l_code[line_number]):
if ("throws Throwable" in l_code[line_number]):
l_code[line_number] = l_code[line_number].replace("throws ", "throws Throwable, ")
if (l_code[line_number].strip()[-1] == "{"):
l_code[line_number] = l_code[line_number].rstrip()[:-1] + " throws Throwable {"
elif (l_code[line_number].strip()[-1] == ")"):
if line_number < len(l_code) and "throws " in l_code[line_number + 1]:
# 12private ColumnVector backSubstitution(ColumnVector y) throws Throwable
# 13 throws MatrixException
l_code[line_number + 1] = l_code[line_number + 1].replace("throws ", "throws Throwable, ")
l_code[line_number] = l_code[line_number].rstrip() + " throws Throwable "
def search_var(class_name, var_name):
global d_classes_to_add
if class_name in d_classes_to_add:
for item in d_classes_to_add[class_name]:
if var_name == item[2]:
return item
if class_name == "global":
return "VAR", global_vars[var_name], var_name
def tokenize_into_list(_str):
#while"\[[^\[\]]*?\]", _str):
# _str = re.sub(r"\[[^\[\]]*?\]", "", _str)
if "[" in _str:
_str = _str[:_str.find("[")]
c_token = r'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_\d]*'
pattern = re.compile(c_token)
tokens = pattern.findall(_str)
return tokens
def tokenizer(source_code):
# def parse_quote(_str):
# def extract_error_tag(source_code_line, tag_line):
def find_next_char(desc, ptr):
real_desc = desc[ptr:]
c_token = r'([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_\d]*)'
if not re.match(c_token, real_desc):
return ""
first_word = re.match(c_token, real_desc).group(1)
# print(first_word)
if len(real_desc) <= len(first_word):
return ""
real_desc = real_desc[len(first_word):]
for _char in real_desc:
if _char and _char != " ":
return _char
class Exception:
def __init__(self, e, tag):
self.l_e = [i for i in e.split('\n')]
self.line_number = int(self.l_e[0].strip()[:self.l_e[0].find(":")]) - 1
self.exception_desc = self.l_e[0].strip()[self.l_e[0].find("error: ") + 7:]
if '(aka' in self.exception_desc:
self.exception_desc = re.sub(r"\(aka '[^()]*'\) ", "", self.exception_desc)
if (self.can_touch_this()):
if ("error: " in self.l_e[0]):
if tag:
# print("finish")
def can_touch_this(self):
return self.line_number not in dont_touch_list
def add_to_dont_touch_list(self):
global dont_touch_list
def analyse_exception(self):
global l_code
global d_classes_to_add
global reverse_method_to_class_mapping
global exception_list_index
global alias
global identifiers
global var_mapping
global struct_order_graph
global global_vars
global ptr_tag
global define_lines
# print("analysis begin:", self.exception_desc)
# unknown type name 'X'
# Action: creat struct 'X'
# array has incomplete element type 'X'
# incomplete definition of type ''
# variable has incomplete type 'enum comm'
# subscript of pointer to incomplete type 'struct chng'
if self.exception_desc.startswith("unknown type name ") \
or self.exception_desc.startswith("array has incomplete element type") \
or self.exception_desc.startswith("incomplete definition of type") \
or self.exception_desc.startswith("subscript of pointer to incomplete type ") \
or self.exception_desc.startswith("variable has incomplete type"):
# struct_name = self.exception_desc.split(" ")[-1][1:-1]
struct_name = self.exception_desc.split("'")[1]
if struct_name.startswith("struct "):
struct_name = struct_name[7:]
# print("unknown type name", struct_name)
d_classes_to_add[struct_name] = set()
# invalid application of 'sizeof' to an incomplete type 'struct capaths'
if self.exception_desc.startswith("invalid application of") and "to an incomplete type" in self.exception_desc:
# struct_name = self.exception_desc.split(" ")[-1][1:-1]
struct_name = self.exception_desc.split("'")[3]
if struct_name.startswith("struct "):
struct_name = struct_name[7:]
# print("unknown type name", struct_name)
d_classes_to_add[struct_name] = set()
# must use 'struct' tag to refer to type 'X'
# Action: typedef struct 'X'{}'X';
if self.exception_desc.startswith("must use 'struct' tag to refer to type "):
# struct_name = self.exception_desc.split(" ")[-1][1:-1]
struct_name = self.exception_desc.split("'")[3]
if struct_name.startswith("struct "):
struct_name = struct_name[7:]
# print("'struct' tag", struct_name)
alias[struct_name] = True
# no member named 'X' in 'Y'
# no member named 'journalOff' in 'struct Pager'; did you mean 'journalHdr'?
# Action: add UNKNown 'X' in 'Y'
# vect->n_vsize = size;
# ~~~~ ^
if self.exception_desc.startswith("no member named "):
struct_name = self.exception_desc.split("'")[3]
if struct_name.startswith("struct "):
struct_name = struct_name[7:]
member_name = self.exception_desc.split("'")[1]
# print(member_name, "not in", struct_name)
#check pointer
_, left_error_end ="~+", self.l_e[2]).span()
r_begin = self.l_e[2].find("^")
if r_begin > left_error_end:
call_ptr = self.l_e[1][left_error_end + 1:r_begin].strip()
if call_ptr == "->":
new_struct_name = struct_name+"_t"
#d_classes_to_add[new_struct_name].add(('VAR', DEFAULT_STRUCT, member_name))
ptr_tag[struct_name] = True
d_classes_to_add[struct_name].add(('VAR', DEFAULT_STRUCT, member_name))
var_mapping[member_name] = struct_name
# use of undeclared identifier 'X'
if self.exception_desc.startswith("use of undeclared identifier "):
# struct_name = self.exception_desc.split(" ")[-1][1:-1]
identifier_name = self.exception_desc.split("'")[1]
if identifier_name in d_classes_to_add: # exist
# print("undeclared identifier", identifier_name)
ptr = self.l_e[2].find("^")
nxt_char = find_next_char(self.l_e[1], ptr)
# print(nxt_char)
if nxt_char == "*" or nxt_char.isalpha():
d_classes_to_add[identifier_name] = set()
if (ptr - 1 >= 0 and self.l_e[1][ptr - 1] == '[') or (ptr - 2 >= 0 and self.l_e[1][ptr - 2] == '['):
global_vars[identifier_name] = "int"
global_vars[identifier_name] = MY_GLOBAL_HELPER_CLASS
# var_mapping[identifier_name] = "global"
# invalid operands to binary expression
# invalid operands to binary expression ('int' and 'bool' (aka 'struct bool'))
# 4327:int accuracy = 100 - (mon->m_timed[MON_TMD_STUN] ? STUN_HIT_REDUCTION : 0);
if self.exception_desc.startswith("invalid operands to binary expression "):
# left_error, right_error = extract_error_tag()
left_error_begin, left_error_end ="~+", self.l_e[2]).span()
right_error_begin, right_error_end ="~+", self.l_e[2][left_error_end:]).span()
right_error_begin += left_error_end
right_error_end += left_error_end
# print(self.l_e[2][left_error_end:])
left_error_code = self.l_e[1][left_error_begin:left_error_end]
right_error_code = self.l_e[1][right_error_begin:right_error_end]
left_error_type = self.exception_desc.split("'")[1]
right_error_type = self.exception_desc.split("'")[3]
left_error_tokens = tokenize_into_list(left_error_code)
right_error_tokens = tokenize_into_list(right_error_code)
# print(left_error_tokens)
if MY_GLOBAL_HELPER_CLASS in left_error_type:
# change left type
for token in left_error_tokens[-1::-1]:
# print(token)
if token in var_mapping:
struct_name = var_mapping[token]
item = search_var(struct_name, token)
d_classes_to_add[struct_name].add(('VAR', 'int', token))
# struct_order_graph.add_edge(right_error_type, struct_name)
elif token in global_vars:
global_vars[token] = "int"
if MY_GLOBAL_HELPER_CLASS in right_error_type:
# change right type
for token in right_error_tokens[-1::-1]:
if token in var_mapping:
struct_name = var_mapping[token]
item = search_var(struct_name, token)
d_classes_to_add[struct_name].add(('VAR', 'int', token))
# struct_order_graph.add_edge(left_error_type, struct_name)
elif token in global_vars:
global_vars[token] = "int"
if MY_GLOBAL_HELPER_CLASS not in left_error_type and MY_GLOBAL_HELPER_CLASS not in right_error_type:
# add define
if left_error_type in C_BASIC_DATA_TYPE:
define_lines.add("#define " + right_error_type + " " + left_error_type)
elif right_error_type in C_BASIC_DATA_TYPE:
define_lines.add("#define " + left_error_type + " " + right_error_type)
# array subscript is not an integer
# action:
if self.exception_desc.startswith("array subscript is not an integer"):
left_error_begin, left_error_end ="~+", self.l_e[2]).span()
left_error_code = self.l_e[1][left_error_begin:left_error_end]
left_error_tokens = tokenize_into_list(left_error_code)
for token in left_error_tokens[-1::-1]:
if token in var_mapping:
struct_name = var_mapping[token]
d_classes_to_add[struct_name].remove(('VAR', 'void*', token))
d_classes_to_add[struct_name].add(('VAR', "int", token))
# struct_order_graph.add_edge(right_error_type, struct_name)
# error: called object type 'struct UNKNOWN *' is not a function or function pointer
# operand of type 'void' where arithmetic or pointer type is required
if re.match("operand of type '.*' where arithmetic or pointer type is required", self.exception_desc):
left_error_begin, left_error_end ="~+", self.l_e[2]).span()
left_error_begin -= 1
left_error_code = self.l_e[1][left_error_begin:left_error_end]
left_error_tokens = tokenize_into_list(left_error_code)
# print(left_error_tokens)
# print(global_vars)
for token in left_error_tokens[-1::-1]:
if token in var_mapping:
struct_name = var_mapping[token]
item = search_var(struct_name, token)
if "[10]" in item[1]:
target_type = "int[10]"
target_type = "int"
d_classes_to_add[struct_name].add(('VAR', target_type, token))
if "struct " in target_type:
target_type = target_type[7:]
struct_order_graph.add_edge(target_type, struct_name)
elif token in global_vars:
if "[10]" in global_vars[token]:
target_type = "int[10]"
target_type = "int"
global_vars[token] = target_type
# member reference base type 'void' is not a structure or union
# statement requires expression of integer type ('void *' invalid)
# cannot take the address of an rvalue of type
# expression is not assignable
# declaration of anonymous struct must be a definition
# returning 'int' from a function with incompatible result type 'SQLITE_PRIVATE'
if re.match(r"returning '.*' from a function with incompatible result type '.*'", self.exception_desc):
left_error_begin, left_error_end ="~+", self.l_e[2]).span()
left_error_code = self.l_e[1][left_error_begin - 1:left_error_end]
left_error_tokens = tokenize_into_list(left_error_code)
target_type = self.exception_desc.split("'")[3]
# print(left_error_tokens, target_type)
for token in left_error_tokens[-1::-1]:
if token in var_mapping:
struct_name = var_mapping[token]
item = search_var(struct_name, token)
d_classes_to_add[struct_name].add(('VAR', target_type, token))
if "struct " in target_type:
target_type = target_type[7:]
struct_order_graph.add_edge(target_type, struct_name)
# print(target_type[7:], struct_name)
elif token in global_vars:
global_vars[token] = target_type
# member reference type 'UNKNOWN' (aka 'struct UNKNOWN') is not a pointer;
if re.match(r"member reference type .* is not a pointer", self.exception_desc):
reference_type = self.exception_desc.split("'")[1]
if reference_type in d_classes_to_add:
ptr_tag[reference_type] = True
left_error_begin, left_error_end ="~+", self.l_e[2]).span()
left_error_code = self.l_e[1][left_error_begin:left_error_end]
left_error_tokens = tokenize_into_list(left_error_code)
# print(left_error_tokens)
for token in left_error_tokens[-1::-1]:
if token in var_mapping:
struct_name = var_mapping[token]
item = search_var(struct_name, token)
d_classes_to_add[struct_name].add(('VAR', item[1] + "*", token))
elif token in global_vars:
# item = ("VAR", global_vars[token], token)
global_vars[token] = global_vars[token] + "*"
# member reference type 'struct UNKNOWN *' is a pointer
if re.match(r"member reference type '.*' is a pointer", self.exception_desc):
left_error_begin, left_error_end ="~+", self.l_e[2]).span()
left_error_code = self.l_e[1][left_error_begin:left_error_end]
left_error_tokens = tokenize_into_list(left_error_code)
# print(left_error_tokens)
for token in left_error_tokens[-1::-1]:
if token in var_mapping:
struct_name = var_mapping[token]
item = search_var(struct_name, token)
d_classes_to_add[struct_name].add(('VAR', item[1].replace("*", ""), token))
elif token in global_vars:
# item = ("VAR", global_vars[token], token)
global_vars[token] = global_vars[token].replace("*", "")
# initializing 'int' with an expression of incompatible type 'UNKNOWN'
if re.match(r"initializing '.*' with an expression of incompatible type '.*'", self.exception_desc):
target_type = self.exception_desc.split("'")[1]
if " " in target_type:
target_type = target_type.split(" ")[-1]
# origin_type = self.exception_desc.split("'")[-1]
left_error_begin, left_error_end ="~+", self.l_e[2]).span()
left_error_code = self.l_e[1][left_error_begin:left_error_end]
left_error_tokens = tokenize_into_list(left_error_code)
# print(left_error_tokens, target_type)
for token in left_error_tokens[-1::-1]:
if token in var_mapping:
struct_name = var_mapping[token]
item = search_var(struct_name, token)
d_classes_to_add[struct_name].add(('VAR', target_type, token))
if "struct " in target_type:
target_type = target_type[7:]
struct_order_graph.add_edge(target_type, struct_name)
elif token in global_vars:
global_vars[token] = target_type
# print("ok")
# assigning to 'const char *' from incompatible type 'UNKNOWN' (aka 'struct UNKNOWN')
if re.match(r"assigning to '.*' from incompatible type '.*'", self.exception_desc):
target_type = self.exception_desc.split("'")[1]
origin_type = self.exception_desc.split("'")[3]
if MY_GLOBAL_HELPER_CLASS in target_type:
# assigning to 'struct UNKNOWN' from incompatible type 'char'
ptr = self.l_e[2].find("^")
error_code = self.l_e[1][:ptr]
target_type = origin_type
left_error_tokens = tokenize_into_list(error_code)
# print(left_error_tokens, target_type)
for token in left_error_tokens[-1::-1]:
if token in var_mapping:
struct_name = var_mapping[token]
item = search_var(struct_name, token)
d_classes_to_add[struct_name].add(('VAR', target_type, token))
if "struct " in target_type:
target_type = target_type[7:]
struct_order_graph.add_edge(target_type, struct_name)
elif token in global_vars:
global_vars[token] = target_type
left_error_begin, left_error_end ="~+", self.l_e[2]).span()
left_error_code = self.l_e[1][left_error_begin:left_error_end]
left_error_tokens = tokenize_into_list(left_error_code)
#print(left_error_tokens, target_type)
for token in left_error_tokens[-1::-1]:
if token in var_mapping:
struct_name = var_mapping[token]
item = search_var(struct_name, token)
d_classes_to_add[struct_name].add(('VAR', target_type, token))
if "struct " in target_type:
target_type = target_type[7:]
struct_order_graph.add_edge(target_type, struct_name)
elif token in global_vars:
global_vars[token] = target_type
# duplicate
if self.exception_desc.startswith("duplicate"):
line_number = 0
# print(self.line_number)
l_code[line_number] = "//" + l_code[line_number]
# cannot combine with previous 'type-name' declaration specifier
if self.exception_desc.startswith("cannot combine with previous 'type-name' declaration specifier"):
ptr = self.l_e[2].find("^")
# print(ptr, self.line_number)
# print(l_code)
# print(len(l_code))
l_code[self.line_number] = l_code[self.line_number][ptr:]
# expected ';' after top level declarator
if self.exception_desc.startswith("expected ';' after top level declarator"):
code_line = l_code[self.line_number]
words = code_line.split(' ')
new_code_line = ""
for word in words[1:]:
new_code_line += word + " "
new_code_line = new_code_line.strip()
l_code[self.line_number] = new_code_line
# subscripted value is not an array
if self.exception_desc.startswith("subscripted value is not an array, pointer, or vector"):
left_error_begin, left_error_end ="~+", self.l_e[2]).span()
left_error_code = self.l_e[1][left_error_begin:left_error_end]
left_error_tokens = tokenize_into_list(left_error_code)
for token in left_error_tokens[-1::-1]:
if token in var_mapping:
struct_name = var_mapping[token]
item = search_var(struct_name, token)
target_type = item[1]+"[10]"
d_classes_to_add[struct_name].add(('VAR', target_type, token))
if "struct " in target_type:
target_type = target_type[7:]
struct_order_graph.add_edge(target_type, struct_name)
elif token in global_vars:
target_type = global_vars[token]+"[10]"
global_vars[token] = target_type
# passing 'UNKNOWN' (aka 'struct UNKNOWN') to parameter of incompatible type 'unsigned long'
if re.match("passing '.*' to parameter of incompatible type '.*'", self.exception_desc):
src_type = self.exception_desc.split("'")[1]
target_type = self.exception_desc.split("'")[3]
left_error_begin, left_error_end ="~+", self.l_e[2]).span()
left_error_begin -= 1
left_error_code = self.l_e[1][left_error_begin:left_error_end]
left_error_tokens = tokenize_into_list(left_error_code)
for token in left_error_tokens[-1::-1]:
if token in var_mapping:
struct_name = var_mapping[token]
item = search_var(struct_name, token)
d_classes_to_add[struct_name].add(('VAR', target_type, token))
if "struct " in target_type:
target_type = target_type[7:]
struct_order_graph.add_edge(target_type, struct_name)
elif token in global_vars:
global_vars[token] = target_type
# 1747.c:29:29: error: initializer element is not a compile-time constant
# arithmetic on a pointer to an incomplete type
if re.match("arithmetic on a pointer to an incomplete type '.*'", self.exception_desc):
left_error_begin, left_error_end ="~+", self.l_e[2]).span()
#left_error_begin -= 1
left_error_code = self.l_e[1][left_error_begin:left_error_end]
left_error_tokens = tokenize_into_list(left_error_code)
target_type = "int"
for token in left_error_tokens[-1::-1]:
if token in var_mapping:
struct_name = var_mapping[token]
item = search_var(struct_name, token)
d_classes_to_add[struct_name].add(('VAR', target_type, token))
if "struct " in target_type:
target_type = target_type[7:]
struct_order_graph.add_edge(target_type, struct_name)
elif token in global_vars:
global_vars[token] = target_type
# called object type 'struct UNKNOWN *' is not a function or function pointer
if re.match("called object type '.*' is not a function or function pointer", self.exception_desc):
left_error_begin, left_error_end ="~+", self.l_e[2]).span()
# left_error_begin -= 1
left_error_code = self.l_e[1][left_error_begin:left_error_end]
left_error_tokens = tokenize_into_list(left_error_code)
#target_type = "int"
for token in left_error_tokens[-1::-1]:
if token in var_mapping:
struct_name = var_mapping[token]
item = search_var(struct_name, token)
target_type = item[1] + "#ptr"
d_classes_to_add[struct_name].add(('VAR', target_type, token))
if "struct " in target_type:
target_type = target_type[7:]
struct_order_graph.add_edge(target_type, struct_name)
elif token in global_vars:
target_type = global_vars[token] + "#ptr"
global_vars[token] = target_type
# expression is not an integer constant expression
if re.match("expression is not an integer constant expression", self.exception_desc):
left_error_begin, left_error_end ="~+", self.l_e[2]).span()
left_error_begin -= 1
#print(left_error_begin, left_error_end)
left_error_code = self.l_e[1][left_error_begin:left_error_end]
left_error_tokens = tokenize_into_list(left_error_code)
target_type = "int#constant"
# print(left_error_tokens)
# print(global_vars)
for token in left_error_tokens[-1::-1]:
if token in var_mapping:
struct_name = var_mapping[token]
item = search_var(struct_name, token)
# target_type = item[1] + "#ptr"
d_classes_to_add[struct_name].add(('VAR', target_type, token))
if "struct " in target_type:
target_type = target_type[7:]
struct_order_graph.add_edge(target_type, struct_name)
elif token in global_vars:
# target_type = global_vars[token] + "#ptr"
global_vars[token] = target_type
# declaration of anonymous struct must be a definition
if re.match("declaration of anonymous struct must be a definition", self.exception_desc):
if "typedef struct" in self.l_e[1]:
struct_type = self.l_e[1].split(" ")[2]
if struct_type in d_classes_to_add:
def analyse_type_missing_exception(self):
global l_code
global d_classes_to_add
global reverse_method_to_class_mapping
global exception_list_index
global alias
global identifiers
global var_mapping
global struct_order_graph
global global_vars
global define_lines
# print("analysis begin1:", self.exception_desc)
# unknown type name 'X'
# Action: creat struct 'X'
# array has incomplete element type 'X'
# incomplete definition of type
# variable has incomplete type 'enum comm'
# subscript of pointer to incomplete type 'struct chng'
if self.exception_desc.startswith("unknown type name ") \
or self.exception_desc.startswith("array has incomplete element type") \
or self.exception_desc.startswith("incomplete definition of type") \
or self.exception_desc.startswith("subscript of pointer to incomplete type ") \
or self.exception_desc.startswith("variable has incomplete type"):
# struct_name = self.exception_desc.split(" ")[-1][1:-1]
struct_name = self.exception_desc.split("'")[1]
if struct_name.startswith("struct "):
struct_name = struct_name[7:]
# print("unknown type name", struct_name)
d_classes_to_add[struct_name] = set()
# invalid application of 'sizeof' to an incomplete type 'struct capaths'
if self.exception_desc.startswith("invalid application of") and "to an incomplete type" in self.exception_desc:
# struct_name = self.exception_desc.split(" ")[-1][1:-1]
struct_name = self.exception_desc.split("'")[3]
if struct_name.startswith("struct "):
struct_name = struct_name[7:]
# print("unknown type name", struct_name)
d_classes_to_add[struct_name] = set()
# must use 'struct' tag to refer to type 'X'
# Action: typedef struct 'X'{}'X';
if self.exception_desc.startswith("must use 'struct' tag to refer to type "):
# struct_name = self.exception_desc.split(" ")[-1][1:-1]
struct_name = self.exception_desc.split("'")[3]
if struct_name.startswith("struct "):
struct_name = struct_name[7:]
# print("'struct' tag", struct_name)
alias[struct_name] = True
# use of undeclared identifier 'X'
if self.exception_desc.startswith("use of undeclared identifier "):
# struct_name = self.exception_desc.split(" ")[-1][1:-1]
identifier_name = self.exception_desc.split("'")[1]
# print("use of undeclared identifier", identifier_name)
if identifier_name in d_classes_to_add: # exist
ptr = self.l_e[2].find("^")
nxt_char = find_next_char(self.l_e[1], ptr)
# print(nxt_char)
if nxt_char == "*" or nxt_char.isalpha():
d_classes_to_add[identifier_name] = set()
# otherwise identifier is global variable
global_vars[identifier_name] = MY_GLOBAL_HELPER_CLASS
# cannot combine with previous 'type-name' declaration specifier
if self.exception_desc.startswith("cannot combine with previous 'type-name' declaration specifier"):
ptr = self.l_e[2].find("^")
# print(ptr, self.line_number)
# print(l_code)
# print(len(l_code))
l_code[self.line_number] = l_code[self.line_number][ptr:]
def preprocess(file_path):
new_content = "#include <stdio.h>\n" \
"#include <stdint.h>\n" \
"#include <string.h>\n" \
"#include <stdlib.h>\n" \
"#include <time.h>\n" \
"#include <aio.h>\n" \
"#include <pthread.h>\n" \
"#define bool int\n" \
"#define true 1\n" \
"#define false 0\n"
# print(file_path)
old_content = get_file_content(file_path).strip()
old_content = re.sub(r"/\*.*?\*/","",old_content,flags=re.S)
new_content += old_content
write_file_content(file_path, new_content)
def reset_d_classes():
global d_classes_to_add
global exception_list_index
d_classes_to_add = defaultdict(set)
d_classes_to_add[DUMMY_RETURN_TYPE] = set()
d_classes_to_add[MY_GLOBAL_HELPER_CLASS] = set()
reverse_method_to_class_mapping = defaultdict()
exception_list_index = 0
def add_tag(file_content):
lines = file_content.split("\n")
tagged_content = ""
for idx in range(len(lines)):
line = lines[idx]
tagged_content += str(idx + 1) + line + "\n"
return tagged_content
def handle_file(src_file_path, output_file_path, times_to_try_compile):
global l_code
global dont_touch_list
# reset all data dict
file_path = output_file_path
duplicate_file(src_file_path, file_path)
l_code = get_file_content(file_path).split("\n")
# make_existing_function_throwable()
i = 0
fw = open("info1.txt", 'a')
fw1 = open("info2.txt", 'a')
tag = True
while (i < times_to_try_compile):
# l_code = get_file_content(file_path).split("\n") #add
s = compile_file_and_get_output(file_path)
# fw.write(add_tag(get_file_content(file_path)) + "\n")
# fw.write(s + "\n")
# print(s)
# if i == 8:
# fw1.write(add_tag(get_file_content(file_path)) + "\n")
# fw1.write(s + "\n")
l_errors = [l.strip() for l in s.split(file_path + ":")][1:]
l_errors = [i for i in l_errors if (" error: " in i and " warning: " not in i)]
num_errors = len(l_errors)
if (num_errors == 0):
return True
# print("in")
dont_touch_list = set()
for j in range(len(l_errors)):
Exception(l_errors[j], tag)
# print("analysis end!")
if i == 1:
tag = False # exe tag
generated_code = get_new_code_to_add()
if SEPARATOR_STRING in l_code:
l_code = l_code[l_code.index(SEPARATOR_STRING) + 1:]
new_code = "\n".join(generated_code + [SEPARATOR_STRING] + l_code)
write_file_content(file_path, new_code)
l_code = get_file_content(file_path).split("\n")
i += 1
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
l_code = []
dont_touch_list = set()
d_classes_to_add = defaultdict()
reverse_method_to_class_mapping = defaultdict()
alias = defaultdict()
identifiers = defaultdict()
exception_list_index = 0
var_mapping = defaultdict()
struct_order_graph = nx.DiGraph()
global_vars = defaultdict()
ptr_tag = defaultdict()
allocate_value = 0
define_lines = set()
if (len(sys.argv) != 4):
print("Usage:", sys.argv[0], "input_file", "output_file", "compile_tries")
inp_file_path = sys.argv[1]
output_file_path = sys.argv[2]
times_to_try_compile = int(sys.argv[3])
result = False
# runtime_error
result = handle_file(inp_file_path, output_file_path, times_to_try_compile)
print("Some error occured.")
# if not result:
# ff = open("record.txt", 'a')
# ff.write(inp_file_path + "\n")
print(result) |