add chapter6

Zhiyuan Shao 4 years ago
parent 3b37e2300c
commit 14ef76a1bd

@ -41,13 +41,16 @@
- [5.1 实验3的基础知识]( - [5.1 实验3的基础知识](
- [5.2 lab3_1 进程创建]( - [5.2 lab3_1 进程创建](
- [5.3 lab3_2 进程yield]( - [5.3 lab3_2 进程yield](
- [5.4 lab3_3 循环轮转调度]( - [5.4 lab3_3 循环轮转调度](
- [5.5 lab3_challenge1 进程等待和数据段复制(难度:★★☆☆☆]( - [5.5 lab3_challenge1 进程等待和数据段复制(难度:★★☆☆☆](
- [5.6 lab3_challenge2 实现信号量(难度:★★★☆☆]( - [5.6 lab3_challenge2 实现信号量(难度:★★★☆☆](
第六章. 实验4设备管理 [第六章. 实验4设备管理](
- [6.1 实验3的基础知识](
- [6.2 lab3_1 轮询方式](
- [6.3 lab3_2 中断方式](
- [6.4 lab3_3 主机设备访问](
第七章. 实验5文件系统 第七章. 实验5文件系统

@ -0,0 +1,739 @@
# 第六章实验4设备管理
### 目录
- [6.1 实验4的基础知识](#fundamental)
- [6.1.1 内存映射I/O(MMIO)](#subsec_MMIO)
- [6.1.2 轮询I/O控制方式](#subsec_polling)
- [6.1.3 中断驱动I/O控制方式](#subsec_plic)
- [6.1.4 设备树](#subsec_device_tree)
- [6.2 lab4_1 POLL](#polling)
- [给定应用](#lab4_1_app)
- [实验内容](#lab4_1_content)
- [实验指导](#lab4_1_guide)
- [6.3 lab4_2_PLIC](#PLIC)
- [给定应用](#lab4_2_app)
- [实验内容](#lab4_2_content)
- [实验指导](#lab4_2_guide)
- [6.4 lab4_3_hostdevice](#hostdevice)
- [给定应用](#lab4_3_app)
- [实验内容](#lab4_3_content)
- [实验指导](#lab4_3_guide)
<a name="fundamental"></a>
## 6.1 实验4的基础知识
完成前面所有实验后PKE内核的整体功能已经得到完善。在实验四的设备实验中我们将结合fpga-pynq板在rocket chip上增加uart模块和蓝牙模块并搭载PKE内核实现蓝牙通信控制智能小车设计设备管理的相关实验。
<a name="subsec_MMIO"></a>
### 6.1.1 内存映射I/O(MMIO)
内存映射(Memory-Mapping I/O)是一种用于设备驱动程序和设备通信的方式它区别于基于I/O端口控制的Port I/O方式。RICSV指令系统的CPU通常只实现一个物理地址空间这种情况下外设I/O端口的物理地址就被映射到CPU中单一的物理地址空间成为内存的一部分CPU可以像访问一个内存单元那样访问外设I/O端口而不需要设立专门的外设I/O指令。
<a name="subsec_polling"></a>
### 6.1.2 轮询I/O控制方式
<img src="pictures/fig6_1_polling.png" alt="fig6_1" style="zoom:100%;" />
<a name="subsec_plic"></a>
### 6.1.3 中断驱动I/O控制方式
<img src="pictures/fig6_2_plic.png" alt="fig6_2" style="zoom:100%;" />
<a name="subsec_device_tree"></a>
### 6.1.4 设备树
设备树Device Tree是描述计算机的特定硬件设备信息的数据结构以便于操作系统的内核可以管理和使用这些硬件包括CPU或CPU内存总线和其他一些外设。
硬件的相应信息都会写在`.dts`为后缀的文件中,`dtc`是编译`dts`的工具,`dtb(Device Tree Blob)``dts`经过`dtc`编译之后会得到`dtb`文件,`dtb`通过`Bootloader`引导程序加载到内核。所以`Bootloader`需要支持设备树才行Kernel也需要加入设备树的支持。
<img src="pictures/fig6_3.png" alt="fig6_3" style="zoom:130%;" />
<a name="polling"></a>
## 6.2 lab4_1 POLL
<a name="lab4_1_app"></a>
#### **给定应用**
- user/app_poll.c
1 /*
2 * Below is the given application for lab4_1.
3 * The goal of this app is to control the car via Bluetooth.
4 */
6 #include "user_lib.h"
7 #include "util/types.h"
9 int main(void) {
10 printu("please input the instruction through bluetooth!\n");
11 while(1)
12 {
13 char temp = (char)uartgetchar();
14 uartputchar(temp);
15 switch (temp)
16 {
17 case '1' : gpio_reg_write(0x2e); break; //前进
18 case '2' : gpio_reg_write(0xd1); break; //后退
19 case '3' : gpio_reg_write(0x63); break; //左转
20 case '4' : gpio_reg_write(0x9c); break; //右转
21 case 'q' : exit(0); break;
22 default : gpio_reg_write(0x00); break; //停止
23 }
24 }
25 exit(0);
26 return 0;
27 }
- 切换到lab4_1继承lab3_3及之前实验所做的修改并make后的直接运行结果
$ git checkout lab4_1_poll
$ git merge lab3_3_rrsched -m "continue to work on lab4_1"
$ make clean; make
In m_start, hartid:0
HTIF is available!
(Emulated) memory size: 512 MB
Enter supervisor mode...
PKE kernel start 0x0000000080000000, PKE kernel end: 0x0000000080010000, PKE kernel size: 0x0000000000010000 .
free physical memory address: [0x0000000080010000, 0x000000008003ffff]
kernel memory manager is initializing ...
kernel pagetable addr is 0x000000008003e000
KERN_BASE 0x0000000080000000
physical address of _etext is: 0x0000000080005000
kernel page table is on
Switching to user mode...
in alloc_proc. user frame 0x0000000080039000, user stack 0x000000007ffff000, user kstack 0x0000000080038000
User application is loading.
Application: app_poll
CODE_SEGMENT added at mapped info offset:3
Application program entry point (virtual address): 0x00000000810000de
going to insert process 0 to ready queue.
going to schedule process 0 to run.
please input the instruction through bluetooth!
You need to implement the uart_getchar function in lab4_1 here!
System is shutting down with exit code -1.
<a name="lab4_1_content"></a>
#### **实验内容**
In m_start, hartid:0
HTIF is available!
(Emulated) memory size: 512 MB
Enter supervisor mode...
PKE kernel start 0x0000000080000000, PKE kernel end: 0x0000000080010000, PKE kernel size: 0x0000000000010000 .
free physical memory address: [0x0000000080010000, 0x000000008003ffff]
kernel memory manager is initializing ...
kernel pagetable addr is 0x000000008003e000
KERN_BASE 0x0000000080000000
physical address of _etext is: 0x0000000080005000
kernel page table is on
Switching to user mode...
in alloc_proc. user frame 0x0000000080039000, user stack 0x000000007ffff000, user kstack 0x0000000080038000
User application is loading.
Application: app_poll
CODE_SEGMENT added at mapped info offset:3
Application program entry point (virtual address): 0x00000000810000de
going to insert process 0 to ready queue.
going to schedule process 0 to run.
Ticks 0
please input the instruction through bluetooth!
Ticks 1
going to insert process 0 to ready queue.
going to schedule process 0 to run.
User exit with code:0.
no more ready processes, system shutdown now.
System is shutting down with exit code 0.
<a name="lab4_1_guide"></a>
#### **实验指导**
16 #define SYS_user_uart_putchar (SYS_user_base + 6)
17 #define SYS_user_uart_getchar (SYS_user_base + 7)
18 #define SYS_user_gpio_reg_write (SYS_user_base + 8)
133 case SYS_user_uart_putchar:
134 sys_user_uart_putchar(a1);return 1;
135 case SYS_user_uart_getchar:
136 return sys_user_uart_getchar();
137 case SYS_user_gpio_reg_write:
138 return sys_user_gpio_reg_write(a1);
<img src="pictures/fig6_3_address.png" alt="fig6_3" style="zoom:80%;" />
84 //add uart putchar getchar syscall
85 //
86 // implement the SYS_user_uart_putchar syscall
87 //
88 void sys_user_uart_putchar(uint8 ch) {
89 volatile uint32 *status = (void*)(uintptr_t)0x60000008;
90 volatile uint32 *tx = (void*)(uintptr_t)0x60000004;
91 while (*status & 0x00000008);
92 *tx = ch;
93 }
95 ssize_t sys_user_uart_getchar() {
96 // TODO (lab4_1): implment the syscall of sys_user_uart_getchar.
97 // hint: the functionality of sys_user_uart_getchar is to get data from UART address. therefore,
98 // we should let a pointer point, insert it in
99 // the rear of ready queue, and finally, schedule a READY process to run.
100 panic( "You have to implement sys_user_uart_getchar to get data from UART using uartgetchar in lab4_1.\n" );
102 }
106 //car control
107 ssize_t sys_user_gpio_reg_write(uint8 val) {
108 volatile uint32_t *control_reg = (void*)(uintptr_t)0x60001004;
109 volatile uint32_t *data_reg = (void*)(uintptr_t)0x60001000;
110 //*control_reg = 0;
111 *data_reg = (uint32_t)val;
112 return 1;
113 }
| pynq接口 | HC-05接口 |
| -------- | --------- |
| VCC | VCC |
| GND | GND |
| JA4 | RXD |
| JA3 | TXD |
$ ssh xilinx@
$ scp 文件名 xilinx@
$ git commit -a -m "my work on lab4_1 is done."
<a name="PLIC"></a>
## 6.3 lab4_2_PLIC
<a name="lab4_2_app"></a>
#### **给定应用**
- user/app_PLIC.c
1 /*
2 * Below is the given application for lab4_2.
3 * The goal of this app is to control the car via Bluetooth.
4 */
6 #include "user_lib.h"
7 #include "util/types.h"
8 void delay(unsigned int time){
9 unsigned int a = 0xfffff ,b = time;
10 volatile unsigned int i,j;
11 for(i = 0; i < a; ++i){
12 for(j = 0; j < b; ++j){
13 ;
14 }
15 }
16 }
17 int main(void) {
18 printu("Hello world!\n");
19 int i;
20 int pid = fork();
21 if(pid == 0)
22 {
23 while (1)
24 {
25 delay(3);
26 printu("waiting for you!\n");
27 }
29 }
30 else
31 {
32 for (;;) {
33 char temp = (char)uartgetchar();
34 printu("%c\n", temp);
35 switch (temp)
36 {
37 case '1' : gpio_reg_write(0x2e); break; //前进
38 case '2' : gpio_reg_write(0xd1); break; //后退
39 case '3' : gpio_reg_write(0x63); break; //左转
40 case '4' : gpio_reg_write(0x9c); break; //右转
41 case 'q' : exit(0); break;
42 default : gpio_reg_write(0x00); break; //停止
43 }
44 }
45 }
48 exit(0);
50 return 0;
51 }
- 切换到lab4_2继承lab4_1及之前实验所做的修改并make后的直接运行结果
$ git checkout lab4_2_PLIC
$ git merge lab4_1_poll -m "continue to work on lab4_2"
$ make clean; make
In m_start, hartid:0
HTIF is available!
(Emulated) memory size: 512 MB
Enter supervisor mode...
PKE kernel start 0x0000000080000000, PKE kernel end: 0x0000000080010000, PKE kernel size: 0x0000000000010000 .
free physical memory address: [0x0000000080010000, 0x000000008003ffff]
kernel memory manager is initializing ...
kernel pagetable addr is 0x000000008003e000
KERN_BASE 0x0000000080000000
physical address of _etext is: 0x0000000080005000
kernel page table is on
Switching to user mode...
in alloc_proc. user frame 0x0000000080039000, user stack 0x000000007ffff000, user kstack 0x0000000080038000
User application is loading.
Application: app_poll
CODE_SEGMENT added at mapped info offset:3
Application program entry point (virtual address): 0x00000000810000de
going to insert process 0 to ready queue.
going to schedule process 0 to run.
please input the instruction through bluetooth!
You need to implement the uart_getchar function in lab4_2 here!
System is shutting down with exit code -1.
<a name="lab4_2_content"></a>
#### **实验内容**
In m_start, hartid:0
HTIF is available!
(Emulated) memory size: 512 MB
Enter supervisor mode...
PKE kernel start 0x0000000080000000, PKE kernel end: 0x0000000080010000, PKE kernel size: 0x0000000000010000 .
free physical memory address: [0x0000000080010000, 0x000000008003ffff]
kernel memory manager is initializing ...
kernel pagetable addr is 0x000000008003e000
KERN_BASE 0x0000000080000000
physical address of _etext is: 0x0000000080005000
kernel page table is on
Switching to user mode...
in alloc_proc. user frame 0x0000000080039000, user stack 0x000000007ffff000, user kstack 0x0000000080038000
User application is loading.
Application: app_polling
CODE_SEGMENT added at mapped info offset:3
Application program entry point (virtual address): 0x00000000810000de
going to insert process 0 to ready queue.
going to schedule process 0 to run.
Ticks 0
please input the instruction through bluetooth!
Ticks 1
User exit with code:0.
no more ready processes, system shutdown now.
System is shutting down with exit code 0.
<a name="lab4_2_guide"></a>
#### **实验指导**
16 #define SYS_user_uart_putchar (SYS_user_base + 6)
17 #define SYS_user_uart_getchar (SYS_user_base + 7)
18 #define SYS_user_gpio_reg_write (SYS_user_base + 8)
139 case SYS_user_uart_getchar:
140 return sys_user_uart_getchar();
88 //
89 // implement the uart syscall
90 //
103 ssize_t sys_user_uart_getchar() {
104 panic( "You need to implement the uart_getchar function in lab4_2 here.\n" );
105 //sleep
107 //Wait for wake
109 //get the value
111 //Return the result character
114 }
101 {
102 panic( "You need to complete case CAUSE_MEXTERNEL_S_TRAP function in lab4_2 here.\n"
103 int irq = *(uint32 *)0xc201004L;
104 *(uint32 *)0xc201004L = irq;
105 volatile int *ctrl_reg = (void *)(uintptr_t)0x6000000c;
106 *ctrl_reg = *ctrl_reg | (1 << 4);
108 // get the data from MMIO.
109 // send it to the process.
110 // call function to awake process[0]
114 break;
115 }
221 void do_sleep(){
222 panic( "You need to implement do_sleep function in lab4_2 here.\n"
223 // set the process BLOCKED.
224 }
226 void do_wake(){
227 panic( "You need to implement do_sleep function in lab4_2 here.\n"
228 //set the process READY.
229 //insert_to_ready_queue
231 //schedule
232 }
$ git commit -a -m "my work on lab4_2 is done."
<a name="hostdevice"></a>
## 6.4 lab4_3
<a name="lab4_3_app"></a>
#### **给定应用**
- user/app_host_device.c
1 #pragma pack(4)
2 #define _SYS__TIMEVAL_H_
3 struct timeval {
4 unsigned int tv_sec;
5 unsigned int tv_usec;
6 };
8 #include "user_lib.h"
9 #include "videodev2.h"
10 #define DARK 64
11 #define RATIO 7 / 10
13 int main() {
14 char *info = allocate_share_page();
15 int pid = do_fork();
16 if (pid == 0) {
17 int f = do_open("/dev/video0", O_RDWR), r;
19 struct v4l2_format fmt;
20 fmt.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
21 fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV;
22 fmt.fmt.pix.width = 320;
23 fmt.fmt.pix.height = 180;
24 fmt.fmt.pix.field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE;
25 r = do_ioctl(f, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &fmt);
26 printu("Pass format: %d\n", r);
28 struct v4l2_requestbuffers req;
29 req.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
30 req.count = 1; req.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
31 r = do_ioctl(f, VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &req);
32 printu("Pass request: %d\n", r);
34 struct v4l2_buffer buf;
35 buf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
36 buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP; buf.index = 0;
37 r = do_ioctl(f, VIDIOC_QUERYBUF, &buf);
38 printu("Pass buffer: %d\n", r);
40 int length = buf.length;
41 char *img = do_mmap(NULL, length, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, f, buf.m.offset);
42 unsigned int type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
43 r = do_ioctl(f, VIDIOC_STREAMON, &type);
44 printu("Open stream: %d\n", r);
46 char *img_data = allocate_page();
47 for (int i = 0; i < (length + 4095) / 4096 - 1; i++)
48 allocate_page();
49 yield();
51 for (;;) {
52 if (*info == '1') {
53 r = do_ioctl(f, VIDIOC_QBUF, &buf);
54 printu("Buffer enqueue: %d\n", r);
55 r = do_ioctl(f, VIDIOC_DQBUF, &buf);
56 printu("Buffer dequeue: %d\n", r);
57 r = read_mmap(img_data, img, length);
58 int num = 0;
59 for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 2)
60 if (img_data[i] < DARK) num++;
61 printu("Dark num: %d > %d\n", num, length / 2 * RATIO);
62 if (num > length / 2 * RATIO) {
63 *info = '0'; gpio_reg_write(0x00);
64 }
65 } else if (*info == 'q') break;
66 }
68 for (char *i = img_data; i - img_data < length; i += 4096)
69 free_page(i);
70 r = do_ioctl(f, VIDIOC_STREAMOFF, &type);
71 printu("Close stream: %d\n", r);
72 do_munmap(img, length); do_close(f); exit(0);
73 } else {
74 yield();
75 for (;;) {
76 char temp = (char)uartgetchar();
77 printu("From bluetooth: %c\n", temp);
78 *info = temp;
79 switch (temp) {
80 case '1': gpio_reg_write(0x2e); break; //前进
81 case '2': gpio_reg_write(0xd1); break; //后退
82 case '3': gpio_reg_write(0x63); break; //左转
83 case '4': gpio_reg_write(0x9c); break; //右转
84 case 'q': exit(0); break;
85 default: gpio_reg_write(0x00); break; //停止
86 }
87 }
88 }
89 return 0;
90 }
- 切换到lab4_3、继承lab4_2中所做修改并make后的直接运行结果
$ git checkout lab4_2_PLIC
$ git merge lab4_2_PLIC -m "continue to work on lab4_2"
$ make clean; make
In m_start, hartid:0
HTIF is available!
(Emulated) memory size: 512 MB
Enter supervisor mode...
PKE kernel start 0x0000000080000000, PKE kernel end: 0x0000000080010000, PKE kernel size: 0x0000000000010000 .
free physical memory address: [0x0000000080010000, 0x000000008003ffff]
kernel memory manager is initializing ...
kernel pagetable addr is 0x000000008003e000
KERN_BASE 0x0000000080000000
physical address of _etext is: 0x0000000080005000
kernel page table is on
Switching to user mode...
in alloc_proc. user frame 0x0000000080039000, user stack 0x000000007ffff000, user kstack 0x0000000080038000
User application is loading.
Application: app_PLIC
CODE_SEGMENT added at mapped info offset:3
Application program entry point (virtual address): 0x00000000810000de
going to insert process 0 to ready queue.
going to schedule process 0 to run.
please input the instruction through bluetooth!
You need to implement the uart_getchar function in lab4_3 here!
System is shutting down with exit code -1.
<a name="lab4_3_content"></a>
#### 实验内容
25 int do_open(char *pathname, int flags) {
26 // TODO (lab4_3): call host open through spike_file_open and then bind fd to spike_file
27 // hint: spike_file_dup function can bind spike_file_t to an int fd.
28 panic( "You need to finish open function in lab4_3.\n" );
29 }
39 int do_ioctl(int fd, uint64 request, char *data) {
40 // TODO (lab4_3): call host ioctl through frontend_sycall
41 // hint: fronted_syscall ioctl argument:
42 // number
43 // 2.fd
44 // 3.the order to device
45 // address
46 panic( "You need to call host's ioctl by frontend_syscall in lab4_3.\n" );
47 return frontend_syscall(HTIFSYS_ioctl, spike_file_get(fd)->kfd,
48 request, (uint64)data, 0, 0, 0, 0);
49 }
<a name="lab4_3_guide"></a>
#### 实验指导
##### 摄像头控制
* 打开设备文件使用open函数
* 设置设备参数使用ioctl函数
* 映射内存由于USB摄像头对应的设备文件不支持直接用read函数进行读写所以需要用mmap函数将文件映射到一段虚拟地址通过虚拟地址进行读写
* 拍摄使用ioctl函数控制
* 结束和清理包含使用ioctl函数关闭设备使用munmap函数解映射使用close函数关闭设备文件
* 对riscv-fesvr的修改riscv-fesvr是PS端Arm的一个程序用于控制PL端Riscv程序的启动以及和通信。通过riscv-fesvrPL端上的程序也可以访问PS端的文件调用一些PS端系统的函数。原版的riscv-fesvr不支持ioctl和mmap等函数而操控USB摄像头的用户程序必须使用这些函数所以需要对riscv-fesvr进行修改使得PL端上运行的PKE和用户程序能够通过riscv-fesvr这个中间层调用宿主机的系统函数从而控制摄像头
* 对PKE内核代码的修改需要为riscv-fesvr新增的函数调用提供用户层接口。
* 对用户代码的修改有了对fesvr和内核的修改用户程序就可以调用各类系统调用函数操控摄像机了。为了实现避障的功能程序还需要对获得的图片信息进行解码和分析根据前方是否为障碍物选择是否刹车。
##### 图片解析
$ git commit -a -m "my work on lab4_3 is done."