Merge branch 'dev_aliyun' of into dev_aliyun

caishi 6 years ago
commit d698147f82

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
# encoding: utf-8 # encoding: utf-8
class CollegesController < ApplicationController class CollegesController < ApplicationController
before_filter :find_department, :only => [:statistics, :course_statistics, :student_shixun, :engineering_capability, :student_eval] before_filter :find_department, :only => [:statistics, :course_statistics, :student_shixun, :engineering_capability,
:student_eval, :shixun_time, :shixun_report_count, :teachers, :shixun_chart_data,
before_filter :manager_auth, :except => [:home, :get_home_data] before_filter :manager_auth, :except => [:home, :get_home_data]
include ApplicationHelper include ApplicationHelper
@ -42,30 +44,36 @@ class CollegesController < ApplicationController
end end
def statistics def statistics"#########################{params}") # 教师、学生总数
@teachers_count = User.find_by_sql("SELECT COUNT(users.`id`) AS teacher_count FROM users LEFT JOIN user_extensions ON WHERE count_statistic = UserExtensions.where(school_id:'SUM(IF(identity=0, 1, 0)) AS teachers_count, SUM(IF(identity=1, 1, 0)) AS students_count').first
user_extensions.`school_id` = #{} AND user_extensions.`identity` = 0").first.try(:teacher_count) @teachers_count = count_statistic['teachers_count']
@students_count = User.find_by_sql("SELECT COUNT(users.`id`) AS student_count FROM users LEFT JOIN user_extensions ON WHERE @students_count = count_statistic['students_count']
user_extensions.`school_id` = #{} AND user_extensions.`identity` = 1").first.try(:student_count)
# Redo这样做内存会卡死的
# user_ids = User.find_by_sql("SELECT FROM users LEFT JOIN user_extensions ON WHERE user_extensions.`school_id` = #{}").map(&:id)
# Redo是否直接使用count会更好
all_course_ids = Course.where("id != 1309 and is_delete = 0 and school_id = #{}")
@courses_count = all_course_ids.size
# Redo对于量比较大的尽量不使用笛卡尔积
# @shixuns_count = Shixun.where(:status => [2, 3], :user_id => user_ids).size
@shixuns_count = Shixun.find_by_sql("select count( as shixun_count from users u right join shixuns s on and s.status in (2, 3) inner join user_extensions ue on and ue.school_id=#{}").first.try(:shixun_count)
# @shixun_time_sum = (Game.where(:user_id => user_ids).pluck(:cost_time).sum / (24*60*60.0)).ceil
@shixun_time_sum = (Game.find_by_sql("select sum(g.cost_time) cost_time from users u RIGHT join games g on inner join user_extensions ue on and ue.school_id=#{}").first.try(:cost_time).to_i / (24 * 60 * 60.0)).ceil
# select count( from users u left join student_works sw on and sw.myshixun_id is not null and sw.work_status !=0 inner join user_extensions ue on and ue.school_id=117 ;
# @shixun_report_count = StudentWork.where("work_status != 0 and user_id in (#{user_ids.join(',').strip == "" ? -1 : user_ids.join(',')}) and myshixun_id is not null").count
@shixun_report_count = StudentWork.find_by_sql("SELECT count(*) as sw_count FROM `student_works` where user_id in (SELECT FROM users RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ON WHERE
user_extensions.`school_id`=#{}) and work_status between 1 and 2 and myshixun_id !=0").first.try(:sw_count)
# 课堂总数
@courses_count = Course.where(school_id:, is_delete: 0).where('id != 1309').count
# 实训总数
@shixuns_count = Shixun.visible.joins('left join user_extensions on user_extensions.user_id = shixuns.user_id').where(user_extensions: { school_id: }).count
respond_to do |format|
format.html {render :layout => "base_edu"}
def shixun_time
time_sum = Game.joins('left join user_extensions on user_extensions.user_id = games.user_id').where(user_extensions: { school_id: }).sum(:cost_time)
shixun_time_sum = (time_sum / (24 * 60 * 60.0)).ceil
render json: { shixun_time: shixun_time_sum }
def shixun_report_count
shixun_report_count = StudentWork.where(work_status: [1, 2]).where('myshixun_id != 0')
.joins('left join user_extensions on user_extensions.user_id = student_works.user_id')
.where(user_extensions: { school_id: }).count
render json: { shixun_report_count: shixun_report_count }
def teachers
@teachers = User.find_by_sql("SELECT, users.login, users.lastname, users.firstname, users.nickname, IFNULL((SELECT count( FROM shixuns where shixuns.user_id group by shixuns.user_id), 0) AS publish_shixun_count, @teachers = User.find_by_sql("SELECT, users.login, users.lastname, users.firstname, users.nickname, IFNULL((SELECT count( FROM shixuns where shixuns.user_id group by shixuns.user_id), 0) AS publish_shixun_count,
(SELECT count( FROM courses c, course_members m WHERE != 1309 and m.course_id = AND m.role in (1,2,3) and c.school_id = #{} AND AND c.is_delete = 0) as course_count (SELECT count( FROM courses c, course_members m WHERE != 1309 and m.course_id = AND m.role in (1,2,3) and c.school_id = #{} AND AND c.is_delete = 0) as course_count
FROM `users`, user_extensions ue where and ue.identity=0 and ue.school_id=#{} ORDER BY publish_shixun_count desc, course_count desc, id desc LIMIT 10") FROM `users`, user_extensions ue where and ue.identity=0 and ue.school_id=#{} ORDER BY publish_shixun_count desc, course_count desc, id desc LIMIT 10")
@ -93,92 +101,71 @@ class CollegesController < ApplicationController
}).to_json }).to_json
JSON.parse(teacher) JSON.parse(teacher)
end end
shixun_ids = HomeworkCommonsShixuns.find_by_sql("SELECT hcs.shixun_id FROM homework_commons_shixuns hcs, homework_commons hc
WHERE hc.course_id in (#{',').strip == "" ? -1 :',')})
AND hcs.homework_common_id =").map(&:shixun_id)
shixun_tags = TagRepertoire.find_by_sql("SELECT tr.`name`, COUNT(str.shixun_id) as shixun_count FROM tag_repertoires tr,
shixun_tag_repertoires str WHERE = str.tag_repertoire_id AND str.shixun_id
IN (#{shixun_ids.join(',').strip == "" ? -1 : shixun_ids.join(',')}) GROUP BY
order by shixun_count desc")
all_shixun_count =
other_count = all_shixun_count.to_i - shixun_tags[0..8].map(&:shixun_count).sum.to_i
@shixun_tags_name = []
@shixun_tags_data = []
shixun_tags[0..8].each do |tag|
@shixun_tags_name <<
@shixun_tags_data << {value: tag.shixun_count, name:}
end end
if shixun_tags.size > 9
@shixun_tags_name << 'Others' def shixun_chart_data
@shixun_tags_data << {value: other_count, name: 'Others'} shixun_ids = HomeworkCommonsShixuns.joins(homework_common: :course).where(courses: {school_id:, is_delete: 0}).where(' != 1309').pluck('distinct shixun_id')
shixun_count_map = ShixunTagRepertoire.joins(:tag_repertoire).where(shixun_id: shixun_ids).group('').order('count_shixun_id desc').count(:shixun_id)
names = []
data = []
shixun_count_map.each do |name, count|
break if names.size == 9
names << name
data << { value: count, name: name }
end end
respond_to do |format| if shixun_count_map.keys.size > 9
format.html {render :layout => "base_edu"} other_count = shixun_count_map.values[9..-1].reduce(:+)
names << 'Others'
data << { name: 'Others', value: other_count }
end end
render json: { names: names, data: data }
end end
# 在线课堂 # 在线课堂
def course_statistics def course_statistics
@courses = Course.find_by_sql("SELECT, (select concat(lastname,firstname) from users u where as username, courses = Course.where(school_id:, is_delete: 0)
(select count( from students_for_courses sfc where group by as student_count,
(select count( from homework_commons hc where and hc.homework_type=4 group by as hcm_count, @obj_count = courses.count
(select count( from homework_commons hc where and hc.homework_type in (1,3) group by as hcm_nonshixun_count,
(select count( from exercises e where group by as exercises_count, courses = courses.joins(shixun_homework_commons: :student_works)
(select count( from polls p where group by as polls_count, .joins('join games on games.myshixun_id = student_works.myshixun_id')
(select count( from attachments a where and a.container_type='Course' group by as attachments_count, .select(',, courses.is_end, sum(games.evaluate_count) evaluating_count')
(select count( from messages m inner join boards b on and b.parent_id=0 where group by as messages_count, .group('').order('is_end asc, evaluating_count desc')
c.tea_id,, c.is_end,
(SELECT MAX(created_at) FROM `course_activities` ca WHERE ca.course_id = AS update_time @obj_pages = @obj_count, 8, params['page']
FROM `courses` c WHERE c.school_id = #{} and c.is_delete = 0") @courses = courses.limit(@obj_pages.per_page).offset(@obj_pages.offset)
@courses.each do |course| course_ids =
course[:evaluating_count] = Output.find_by_sql("select sum(g.evaluate_count) as evaluating_count from games g inner join @student_count = StudentsForCourse.where(course_id: course_ids).group(:course_id).count
(select myshixun_id from student_works sw inner join homework_commons hc on and @shixun_work_count = HomeworkCommon.where(homework_type: 4, course_id: course_ids).group(:course_id).count
sw.myshixun_id !=0 and hc.course_id=#{} and homework_type=4) aa on g.myshixun_id=aa.myshixun_id").first.try(:evaluating_count).to_i @attachment_count = Attachment.where(container_id: course_ids, container_type: 'Course').group(:container_id).count
course[:task_count] = course.hcm_count.to_i + course.attachments_count.to_i + course.messages_count.to_i + course.hcm_nonshixun_count.to_i + course.exercises_count.to_i + course.polls_count.to_i @message_count = Message.joins(:board).where(boards: { parent_id: 0, course_id: course_ids }).group('boards.course_id').count
end @active_time = CourseActivity.where(course_id: course_ids).group(:course_id).maximum(:created_at)
@courses = @courses.sort{|x,y| [y[:evaluating_count], y[:task_count]] <=> [x[:evaluating_count], x[:task_count]] } @exercise_count = Exercise.where(course_id: course_ids).group(:course_id).count
@courses = @courses.sort_by { |course| course.is_end ? 1 : 0 } @poll_count = Poll.where(course_id: course_ids).group(:course_id).count
@other_work_count = HomeworkCommon.where(homework_type: [1,3], course_id: course_ids).group(:course_id).count
# SELECT, (select concat(firstname,lastname) from users u where as username,
# (select count( from students_for_courses sfc where group by as student_count,
# (select count( from homework_commons hc where and hc.homework_type=4 group by as hcm_count,
# c.tea_id,, c.is_end,
# (SELECT MAX(created_at) FROM `course_activities` ca WHERE ca.course_id = AS update_time
# FROM `courses` c WHERE (c.school_id = 117 and c.is_delete = 0) ORDER BY update_time desc LIMIT 8 OFFSET 0
# @courses = Course.where("courses.school_id = #{@department.school_id} and courses.is_delete = 0").select(", courses.tea_id,, courses.is_end,
# (SELECT MAX(created_at) FROM `course_activities` WHERE course_activities.course_id = AS update_time").order("update_time desc")
@courses = paginateHelper @courses, 8
# @courses = @courses.includes(:student, :boards, :exercises, :polls, :attachments, :homework_commons, :teacher => [:user_extensions])
end end
# 学生实训 # 学生实训
def student_shixun def student_shixun
user_ids = User.find_by_sql("SELECT FROM users, user_extensions WHERE AND user_extensions.`school_id` = #{}").map(&:id) @students = User.joins(:user_extensions).where(user_extensions: { school_id:, identity: 1 }).includes(:user_extensions).order('experience desc').limit(10)
@students = User.find_by_sql("SELECT, users.login, users.lastname, users.firstname, users.nickname, users.grade,
users.experience, ue.student_id, (SELECT COUNT( FROM `myshixuns` WHERE myshixuns.user_id student_ids =
= AND myshixuns.status = 1 GROUP BY AS myshixun_count FROM users join user_extensions ue on @shixun_count = Myshixun.where(user_id: student_ids).group(:user_id).count = ue.user_id where ue.school_id = #{} AND ue.identity = 1 AND `users`.`type` IN ('User', 'AnonymousUser') ORDER BY experience DESC, myshixun_count DESC LIMIT 10") @study_shixun_count = Myshixun.where(user_id: student_ids, status: 0).group(:user_id).count
## outputs基数过大用inner join有奇效
@shixun_tags = TagRepertoire.find_by_sql(%Q{ def student_hot_evaluations
select name, COUNT( AS test_count from outputs inner join ( games = Game.joins(:myshixun).joins('join shixun_tag_repertoires str on str.shixun_id = myshixuns.shixun_id')
SELECT as trid, tr.`name` as name, as id games = games.joins('join tag_repertoires tr on = str.tag_repertoire_id')
FROM tag_repertoires tr, shixun_tag_repertoires str, games, myshixuns games = games.joins("join user_extensions ue on ue.user_id = myshixuns.user_id and ue.school_id = #{}")
WHERE = str.tag_repertoire_id evaluate_count_map ='').reorder('sum_games_evaluate_count desc').limit(10).sum('games.evaluate_count')
AND str.shixun_id = myshixuns.`shixun_id`
AND = games.`myshixun_id`
AND myshixuns.`user_id` IN (
SELECT FROM users, user_extensions WHERE AND user_extensions.`school_id` = #{}
) a on = outputs.game_id and outputs.`test_set_position` = 1 group by trid
ORDER BY test_count DESC
render json: { names: evaluate_count_map.keys, values: evaluate_count_map.values }
end end
# 工程能力 # 工程能力

@ -327,9 +327,9 @@ class CompetitionsController < ApplicationController
elsif @type == "决赛" elsif @type == "决赛"
# '92b7vt8x','a7fxenvc','wt2xfzny','xa4m9cng','tng6heyf','am5o73er','9fla2zry','fzp3iu4w','qlsy6xb4' # '92b7vt8x','a7fxenvc','wt2xfzny','xa4m9cng','tng6heyf','am5o73er','9fla2zry','fzp3iu4w','qlsy6xb4'
# 预赛的实训id 第一阶段128913731256 第二阶段1488, 1453, 1487 第三阶段1470, 1473, 1408 # 预赛的实训id 第一阶段128913731256 第二阶段1488, 1453, 1487 第三阶段1470, 1473, 1408
shixun1_id = Shixun.where(:identifier => ['92b7vt8x','a7fxenvc','wt2xfzny']).pluck(:id) shixun1_id = Shixun.where(:identifier => ['ftlc4x38']).pluck(:id)
shixun2_id = Shixun.where(:identifier => ['xa4m9cng','tng6heyf','am5o73er']).pluck(:id) shixun2_id = Shixun.where(:identifier => ['y9npgih2','ucqt7fw3','2p7ouzwk']).pluck(:id)
shixun3_id = Shixun.where(:identifier => ['9fla2zry','fzp3iu4w','qlsy6xb4']).pluck(:id) shixun3_id = Shixun.where(:identifier => ['fj49r7xv','gf2cvxfh','cmoxhtbs']).pluck(:id)
end end
if @competition.competition_scores.where(:competition_stage_id => == 0 if @competition.competition_scores.where(:competition_stage_id => == 0
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ class CompetitionsController < ApplicationController
f_score = team.competition_scores.where(:competition_stage_id => final_stage.try(:id)).first f_score = team.competition_scores.where(:competition_stage_id => final_stage.try(:id)).first
# 预赛记录 # 预赛记录
p_score = team.competition_scores.where(:competition_stage_id => pre_stage.try(:id)).first p_score = team.competition_scores.where(:competition_stage_id => pre_stage.try(:id)).first
team[:s_score] = (f_score.try(:score).to_f * 0.85 + p_score.try(:score).to_f * 0.15).try(:round, 2) team[:s_score] = (f_score.try(:score).to_f * 0.80 + p_score.try(:score).to_f * 0.20).try(:round, 2)
team[:s_spend_time] = f_score.try(:cost_time).to_i + p_score.try(:cost_time).to_i team[:s_spend_time] = f_score.try(:cost_time).to_i + p_score.try(:cost_time).to_i
end end
end end

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class EcloudController < ApplicationController
skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token
before_filter :save_para before_filter :save_para
before_filter :check_sign, only: [:ps_new, :ps_update, :bs_new, :bs_update] # before_filter :check_sign, only: [:ps_new, :ps_update, :bs_new, :bs_update]
before_filter :user_setup before_filter :user_setup
# before_filter :require_login, only: [:authorize] # before_filter :require_login, only: [:authorize]

@ -179,6 +179,8 @@ class ManagementsController < ApplicationController
if params[:search] if params[:search]
if params[:search].to_i.to_s == params[:search].to_s if params[:search].to_i.to_s == params[:search].to_s
myshixun_id = Game.where(:myshixun_id => params[:search].to_i).pluck(:myshixun_id) myshixun_id = Game.where(:myshixun_id => params[:search].to_i).pluck(:myshixun_id)
game_myshixun_id = Game.where(:id => params[:search].to_i).pluck(:myshixun_id)
myshixun_id = myshixun_id + game_myshixun_id
else else
myshixun_id = Game.where(:identifier => params[:search]).pluck(:myshixun_id) myshixun_id = Game.where(:identifier => params[:search]).pluck(:myshixun_id)
end end

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
class TagRepertoire < ActiveRecord::Base class TagRepertoire < ActiveRecord::Base
# attr_accessible :title, :body # attr_accessible :title, :body
belongs_to :sub_repertoire belongs_to :sub_repertoire
has_many :shixuns, :through => :shixun_tag_repertoires
has_many :shixun_tag_repertoires, :dependent => :destroy has_many :shixun_tag_repertoires, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :shixuns, :through => :shixun_tag_repertoires
has_many :memos, :through => :memo_tag_repertoires has_many :memos, :through => :memo_tag_repertoires
has_many :memo_tag_repertoires, :dependent => :destroy has_many :memo_tag_repertoires, :dependent => :destroy

@ -20,13 +20,13 @@
<%= course_managers course.teachers %> <%= course_managers course.teachers %>
</td> </td>
<td class="edu-txt-center"><%= course.evaluating_count %></td> <td class="edu-txt-center"><%= course.evaluating_count %></td>
<td class="edu-txt-center"><%= course.student_count.to_i %></td> <td class="edu-txt-center"><%= @student_count.fetch(, 0) %></td>
<td class="edu-txt-center"><%= course.hcm_count.to_i %></td> <td class="edu-txt-center"><%= @shixun_work_count.fetch(, 0) %></td>
<td class="edu-txt-center"><%= course.attachments_count.to_i %></td> <td class="edu-txt-center"><%= @attachment_count.fetch(, 0) %></td>
<td class="edu-txt-center"><%= course.messages_count.to_i %></td> <td class="edu-txt-center"><%= @message_count.fetch(, 0) %></td>
<td class="edu-txt-center"><%= course.hcm_nonshixun_count.to_i + course.exercises_count.to_i + course.polls_count.to_i %></td> <td class="edu-txt-center"><%= @exercise_count.fetch(, 0) + @poll_count.fetch(, 0) + @other_work_count.fetch(, 0) %></td>
<td class="edu-txt-center <%= course.is_end ? "color-grey-98" : "color-orange" %>"><%= course.is_end ? "已结束" : "正在进行" %></td> <td class="edu-txt-center <%= course.is_end ? "color-grey-98" : "color-orange" %>"><%= course.is_end ? "已结束" : "正在进行" %></td>
<td class="edu-txt-center color-grey-9"><%= format_time course.update_time %></td> <td class="edu-txt-center color-grey-9"><%= format_time @active_time[] %></td>
</tr> </tr>
<% end %> <% end %>
</tbody> </tbody>

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
<a href="<%= user_path(student) %>" target="_blank" class="task-hide" style="max-width: 84px;"><%= student.show_real_name %></a> <a href="<%= user_path(student) %>" target="_blank" class="task-hide" style="max-width: 84px;"><%= student.show_real_name %></a>
</td> </td>
<td><%= student.student_id %></td> <td><%= student.student_id %></td>
<td><%= student.myshixun_count %></td> <td><%= @shixun_count.fetch(, 0) %></td>
<td><%= student.myshixuns.where(:status => 0).count %></td> <td><%= @study_shixun_count.fetch(, 0) %></td>
<td><%= student.grade %></td> <td><%= student.grade %></td>
<td class="color-blue"><%= student.experience %></td> <td class="color-blue"><%= student.experience %></td>
</tr> </tr>
@ -32,14 +32,15 @@
<script> <script>
$(function(){ $(function(){
//初始化最热评测柱状图 //初始化最热评测柱状图
InitHotEvaluating(); $.get('<%= student_hot_evaluations_college_path(@school) %>', function(data){
InitHotEvaluating(data.names.reverse(), data.values.reverse());
}); });
function InitHotEvaluating(){ function InitHotEvaluating(names, values){
var Color = ['#962e66', '#623363', '#CCCCCC', '#9A9A9A', '#FF8080', '#FF80C2', '#B980FF', '#80B9FF', '#6FE9FF', '#4DE8B4', '#F8EF63', '#FFB967']; var Color = ['#962e66', '#623363', '#CCCCCC', '#9A9A9A', '#FF8080', '#FF80C2', '#B980FF', '#80B9FF', '#6FE9FF', '#4DE8B4', '#F8EF63', '#FFB967'];
var xData = function() { var xData = function() {
var data = <%= raw %>; return names;
return data;
}(); }();
option = { option = {
@ -112,7 +113,7 @@
fontSize: '12' fontSize: '12'
} }
}, },
data: xData data: names
}, },
series: [{ series: [{
name: '', name: '',
@ -130,7 +131,7 @@
}, },
barGap: '0%', barGap: '0%',
barCategoryGap: '50%', barCategoryGap: '50%',
data: <%= raw %> data: values
} }
] ]

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<% @teachers.each_with_index do |teacher, index| %>
<td class="pl20 pr20">
<% if index < 3 %>
<img src="/images/educoder/competition/<%= index + 1 %>.png" width="18px" height="22px" class="mt8"/></td>
<% else %>
<%= index + 1 %>
<% end %>
<td class="color-dark"><a href="<%= user_path(teacher['login']) %>" target="_blank" class="task-hide" style="max-width: 84px;"><%= teacher['real_name'] %></a></td>
<td><%= teacher['course_count'] %></td>
<td><%= teacher['shixun_work_count'] %></td>
<td><%= teacher['un_shixun_work_count'] %></td>
<td><%= teacher['student_count'] %></td>
<td><%= teacher['complete_rate'] %>%</td>
<td class="color-blue"><%= teacher['publish_shixun_count'].to_i %></td>
<% end %>

@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
<li><span><%= @students_count %></span>人</li> <li><span><%= @students_count %></span>人</li>
<li><span><%= @courses_count %></span>个</li> <li><span><%= @courses_count %></span>个</li>
<li><span><%= @shixuns_count %></span>个</li> <li><span><%= @shixuns_count %></span>个</li>
<li><span><%= @shixun_report_count %></span>个</li> <li class="shixun-report-count">加载中</li>
<li><span data-tip-down="所有学员的实训耗时之和"><span><%= @shixun_time_sum %></span>天</span></li> <li class="shixun-time">加载中</li>
<!-- <li><span><%#= @department.present? ? @department.host_count.to_i : @school.departments.first.try(:host_count).to_i %></span>台</li>--> <!-- <li><span><%#= @department.present? ? @department.host_count.to_i : @school.departments.first.try(:host_count).to_i %></span>台</li>-->
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
<li class="active" index="1"><a href="javascript:void(0);">课堂</a></li> <li class="active" index="1"><a href="javascript:void(0);">课堂</a></li>
<li index="2"><a href="<%= student_shixun_college_path(@school) %>" data-remote="true">学生实训</a></li> <li index="2"><a href="<%= student_shixun_college_path(@school) %>" data-remote="true">学生实训</a></li>
<!--<li><a href="<%#= engineering_capability_college_path(@department) %>" data-remote="true">工程能力</a></li>--> <!--<li><a href="<%#= engineering_capability_college_path(@department) %>" data-remote="true">工程能力</a></li>-->
<li index="4"><a href="<%= student_eval_college_path(@school) %>" data-remote="true">学生测评</a></li> <!-- <li index="4"><a href="<%#= student_eval_college_path(@school) %>" data-remote="true">学生测评</a></li>-->
</div> </div>
<div class="panelContent panelContent-1"> <div class="panelContent panelContent-1">
@ -76,23 +76,7 @@
<th>发布实训</th> <th>发布实训</th>
</thead> </thead>
<tbody> <tbody>
<% @teachers.each_with_index do |teacher, index| %> <tr><td colspan="100" style="height:400px">加载中...</td></tr>
<td class="pl20 pr20">
<% if index < 3 %>
<img src="/images/educoder/competition/<%= index + 1 %>.png" width="18px" height="22px" class="mt8"/></td>
<% else %>
<%= index + 1 %>
<% end %>
<td class="color-dark"><a href="<%= user_path(teacher['login']) %>" target="_blank" class="task-hide" style="max-width: 84px;"><%= teacher['real_name'] %></a></td>
<td><%= teacher['course_count'] %></td>
<td><%= teacher['shixun_work_count'] %></td>
<td><%= teacher['un_shixun_work_count'] %></td>
<td><%= teacher['student_count'] %></td>
<td><%= teacher['complete_rate'] %>%</td>
<td class="color-blue"><%= teacher['publish_shixun_count'].to_i %></td>
<% end %>
</tbody> </tbody>
</table> </table>
</div> </div>
@ -100,12 +84,9 @@
<div class="fl width40"> <div class="fl width40">
<div class="online_status static_shadow"> <div class="online_status static_shadow">
<p class="font-24 padding30-20">在线实训情况</p> <p class="font-24 padding30-20">在线实训情况</p>
<% if @shixun_tags_name.size == 0 %> <div class="pie-chart-loading" style="width: 440px;height: 480px; text-align: center; padding: 150px 0; box-sizing: border-box;">加载中...</div>
<%= render :partial => 'welcome/no_data' %> <%= render :partial => 'welcome/no_data', locals: { style: 'display: none' } %>
<div id="pieChart"></div> <div id="pieChart"></div>
<% else %>
<div id="pieChart" style="height: 440px;width: 480px;"></div>
<% end %>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
@ -158,7 +139,15 @@
}) })
}); });
$.get('<%= course_statistics_college_path(@school) %>'); $.get('<%= shixun_time_college_path(@school) %>', function(data){
$('.shixun-time').html("<span data-tip-down=\"所有学员的实训耗时之和\">" + data.shixun_time + "</span>天");
$.get('<%= shixun_report_count_college_path(@school) %>', function(data){
$('.shixun-report-count').html("<span>" + data.shixun_report_count + "</span>个");
// 教师排名
$.ajax({ url: '<%= teachers_college_path(@school) %>', method: 'GET', dataType: 'script' })
$(".count_student_test a").click(function(){ $(".count_student_test a").click(function(){
$(".count_student_test a").removeClass("active"); $(".count_student_test a").removeClass("active");
@ -166,9 +155,20 @@
}); });
//初始化饼状图 //初始化饼状图
InitPieChart(); $.get('<%= shixun_chart_data_college_path(@school) %>', function(data){
if (data.names.length > 0) {
$('.online_status .edu-tab-con-box').hide();
$('#pieChart').css('height', '440px').css('width', '480px')
} else {
$('.online_status .edu-tab-con-box').show();
$.get('<%= course_statistics_college_path(@school) %>');
}); });
function InitPieChart(){ function InitPieChart(names, data){
var Color = ['#49A9EE', '#FFD86E', '#98D87D', '#8996E6', '#F3857B', '#B97BF3','#4DE8B4','#F37BDB','#566EFF','#FF961A']; var Color = ['#49A9EE', '#FFD86E', '#98D87D', '#8996E6', '#F3857B', '#B97BF3','#4DE8B4','#F37BDB','#566EFF','#FF961A'];
option = { option = {
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
bottom: 20, bottom: 20,
left: 20, left: 20,
right:20, right:20,
data: <%= raw @shixun_tags_name %> data: names
}, },
series : [ series : [
{ {
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
radius : '50%', radius : '50%',
center: ['50%', '35%'], center: ['50%', '35%'],
selectedMode: 'single', selectedMode: 'single',
data:<%= raw @shixun_tags_data.to_json %>, data: data,
itemStyle: { itemStyle: {
emphasis: { emphasis: {
shadowBlur: 10, shadowBlur: 10,

@ -0,0 +1 @@
$('.teacher_ranking table tbody').html("<%= j(render :partial => 'colleges/teacher_ranking') %>")

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<div id="competition-header" class="clearfix"> <div id="competition-header" class="clearfix">
<a href="/" style="margin: 10px 0; display: inline-block;"> <a href="/" style="margin: 10px 0; display: inline-block; margin-left: 25px;">
<img alt="高校智能化教学与实训平台" class="logoimg" <img alt="高校智能化教学与实训平台" class="logoimg"
src="/images/educoder/headNavLogo.png?1526520218" style="margin-top:6px"> src="/images/educoder/headNavLogo.png?1526520218" style="margin-top:3px">
</a> </a>
<div class="inline fr"> <div class="inline fr">
<ul class="nav-game fl"> <ul class="nav-game fl">

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<%= link_to image_tag("/images/educoder/headNavLogo.png", alt:"高校智能化教学与实训平台", class:"logoimg fl ml25 mr60"), home_path %> <%= link_to image_tag("/images/educoder/headNavLogo.png", alt:"高校智能化教学与实训平台", class:"logoimg fl mr30 ml25 mt10"), home_path %>
<div class="educontents fl"> <div class="educontents fl">
<div class="head-nav pr"> <div class="head-nav pr">
<ul id="header-nav"> <ul id="header-nav">
<li class="<%= params[:controller] == "welcome" ? 'active' : '' %>"><%= link_to "首页", home_path %></li> <!-- <li class="<%#= params[:controller] == "welcome" ? 'active' : '' %>"><%#= link_to "首页", home_path %></li>-->
<li class="<%= subjects_controller.include?(params[:controller]) ? " active" : "" %>"><%= link_to "实践课程", subjects_path %></li> <li class="<%= subjects_controller.include?(params[:controller]) ? " active" : "" %>"><%= link_to "实践课程", subjects_path %></li>
<li class="<%= course_controller.include?(params[:controller]) ? " active" : "" %>"><%= link_to "翻转课堂", courses_path %></li> <li class="<%= course_controller.include?(params[:controller]) ? " active" : "" %>"><%= link_to "翻转课堂", courses_path %></li>
<!-- 精选实训 --> <!-- 精选实训 -->

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<%= link_to image_tag("/images/educoder/headNavLogo.png", alt:"高校智能化教学与实训平台", class:"logoimg fl ml25 mr60 "), home_path %> <%= link_to image_tag("/images/educoder/headNavLogo.png", alt:"高校智能化教学与实训平台", class:"logoimg fl mr30 ml25 mt10"), home_path %>
<div class="educontents fl"> <div class="educontents fl">
<div class="head-nav pr"> <div class="head-nav pr">
<ul id="header-nav"> <ul id="header-nav">
<li class="<%= params[:controller] == "welcome" ? 'active' : '' %>"><%= link_to "首页", home_path %></li> <!-- <li class="<%#= params[:controller] == "welcome" ? 'active' : '' %>"><%#= link_to "首页", home_path %></li>-->
<li class="<%= subjects_controller.include?(params[:controller]) ? " active" : "" %>"><%= link_to "实践课程", subjects_path %></li> <li class="<%= subjects_controller.include?(params[:controller]) ? " active" : "" %>"><%= link_to "实践课程", subjects_path %></li>
<li class="<%= course_controller.include?(params[:controller]) ? " active" : "" %>"><%= link_to "翻转课堂", courses_path %></li> <li class="<%= course_controller.include?(params[:controller]) ? " active" : "" %>"><%= link_to "翻转课堂", courses_path %></li>

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<div class="newHeader" id="nHeader"> <div class="newHeader" id="nHeader">
<%= render :partial => User.current.logged? ? 'layouts/logined_header' : 'layouts/unlogin_header' %></div> <%= render :partial => User.current.logged? ? 'layouts/logined_header' : 'layouts/unlogin_header' %></div>
<div class="cl"></div> <div class="cl"></div>
<div class="con_top pt60"> <div class="con_top">
<div id="content" class="sy_contanier"> <div id="content" class="sy_contanier">
<%= render :partial => 'layouts/base_project_top' %> <%= render :partial => 'layouts/base_project_top' %>
</div> </div>

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
</li> </li>
<li class="clearfix mb10"> <li class="clearfix mb10">
<span><%= video.title %></span> <span><%= video.title %></span>
<span style="margin-left: 20px;color: grey"><%= number_to_human_size(video.filesize) %></span>
</li> </li>
<% if apply.pending? %> <% if apply.pending? %>
@ -58,6 +59,7 @@
<script type="text/javascript"> <script type="text/javascript">
function video_authorization_gree(id){ function video_authorization_gree(id){
$.ajax({ $.ajax({
url: '/managements/video_applies/' + id + '/agree', url: '/managements/video_applies/' + id + '/agree',
type: 'post', type: 'post',
@ -74,4 +76,5 @@
} }
}) })
} }
</script> </script>

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
<div class="edu-tab-con-box clearfix edu-txt-center"> <% style ||= '' %>
<div class="edu-tab-con-box clearfix edu-txt-center" style="<%= style %>">
<img class="edu-nodata-img mb20" src="/images/educoder/nodata.png"/> <img class="edu-nodata-img mb20" src="/images/educoder/nodata.png"/>
<p class="edu-nodata-p mb20">暂无数据哦~</p> <p class="edu-nodata-p mb20">暂无数据哦~</p>
</div> </div>

@ -1008,6 +1008,11 @@ RedmineApp::Application.routes.draw do ## oauth相关
get 'student_eval' get 'student_eval'
get 'home' get 'home'
get 'get_home_data' get 'get_home_data'
get 'shixun_time'
get 'shixun_report_count'
get 'teachers'
get 'shixun_chart_data'
get 'student_hot_evaluations'
end end
collection do collection do

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
class AddExecTimeToEvaluateRecords < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :evaluate_records, :exec_time, :integer

@ -86,10 +86,11 @@ task :add_test_users => :environment do
(1..1000).each do |i| (1..2000).each do |i|
puts i
no = sprintf("%04d", i) no = sprintf("%04d", i)
phone = "5160731#{no}" phone = "6160731#{no}"
us = us =
user = us.register phone: phone, password: 'edu12345678' user = us.register phone: phone, password: 'edu12345678'
@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ task :add_test_users => :environment do
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,绿,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,绿,,,
,,,,,,,,,,访,,绿,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,访,,绿,,,,,,,,,
,,绿,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,绿,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,绿,,,,,,,,,绿,,,,,,,,,, ,绿,,,,,,,,,,绿,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,".split(",") ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,".split(",")
lastname = l[rand(l.length)] + f[rand(f.length)] lastname = l[rand(l.length)] + f[rand(f.length)]
@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ task :add_test_users => :environment do
lastname: lastname, lastname: lastname,
nickname: '', nickname: '',
sex: 0, sex: 0,
mail: "00educoder#{no}", mail: "stueducoder#{no}",
identity: 1, identity: 1,
te_technical_title: 0, te_technical_title: 0,
pro_technical_title: 0, pro_technical_title: 0,

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.8 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 8.8 KiB

@ -45,21 +45,21 @@ function nh_check_field(params){
if(params.content.isEmpty()){ if(params.content.isEmpty()){
result=false; result=false;
} }
if(params.content.html()!=params.textarea.html() || params.issubmit==true){ // if(params.content.html()!=params.textarea.html() || params.issubmit==true){
params.textarea.html(params.content.html()); // params.textarea.html(params.content.html());
params.content.sync(); // params.content.sync();
if(params.content.isEmpty()){ // if(params.content.isEmpty()){
params.contentmsg.html('内容不能为空'); // params.contentmsg.html('内容不能为空');
params.contentmsg.css({color:'#ff0000'}); // params.contentmsg.css({color:'#ff0000'});'click', function(){ //'click', function(){
params.form.submit(); // params.form.submit();
}); // });
}else{ // }else{
params.contentmsg.html('填写正确'); // params.contentmsg.html('填写正确');
params.contentmsg.css({color:'#008000'}); // params.contentmsg.css({color:'#008000'});
} // }; //;
} // }
} }
return result; return result;
} }

@ -80,18 +80,18 @@ function nh_check_field(params){
if(params.content.isEmpty()){ if(params.content.isEmpty()){
result=false; result=false;
} }
if(params.content.html()!=params.textarea.html() || params.issubmit==true){ // if(params.content.html()!=params.textarea.html() || params.issubmit==true){
params.textarea.html(params.content.html()); // params.textarea.html(params.content.html());
params.content.sync(); // params.content.sync();
if(params.content.isEmpty() || /^\s*<\w*\s*\w*\=\"\w*\"\s*\w*\=\"\w*\:\s*\#\d*\;\s*\w*\-\w*\:\s*\w*\;\"\>[\u4e00-\u9fa5]*<\/\w*\>\s*$/.test(params.textarea.html())){ // if(params.content.isEmpty() || /^\s*<\w*\s*\w*\=\"\w*\"\s*\w*\=\"\w*\:\s*\#\d*\;\s*\w*\-\w*\:\s*\w*\;\"\>[\u4e00-\u9fa5]*<\/\w*\>\s*$/.test(params.textarea.html())){
params.contentmsg.html('内容不能为空'); // params.contentmsg.html('内容不能为空');
params.contentmsg.css({color:'#ff0000'}); // params.contentmsg.css({color:'#ff0000'});
}else{ // }else{
params.contentmsg.html('填写正确'); // params.contentmsg.html('填写正确');
params.contentmsg.css({color:'#008000'}); // params.contentmsg.css({color:'#008000'});
} // }; //;
} // }
} }
return result; return result;
} }

@ -66,7 +66,12 @@ class CommunityHome extends Component {
} }
let xhslist=["路由交换","H3CNA","H3CNE","H3CSE-Routing&Switching","H3CTE","","","H3CNE-SDN","","H3CIE-Routing&SWitching"] let xhslist=["路由交换","H3CNA","H3CNE","H3CSE-Routing&Switching","H3CTE","","","H3CNE-SDN","","H3CIE-Routing&SWitching"]
return ( return (
<div className="edu-con-bg01" style={{paddingTop: '50px',paddingBottom: '231px'}}> <div className="edu-con-bg01 communityHome" style={{paddingTop: '60px',paddingBottom: '231px'}}>
.communityHome .ant-carousel .slick-slide {
height: 500px;
<div className="Community_Home_Top" style={{width:BrowserType===true?'100%':'100.9%'}}> <div className="Community_Home_Top" style={{width:BrowserType===true?'100%':'100.9%'}}>
{ BannersUrl===""?"": { BannersUrl===""?"":

@ -559,3 +559,7 @@ a.TrainingLecturer:hover{
.mt60{ .mt60{
margin-top:60px; margin-top:60px;
} }

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
} }
.SystemParameters { .SystemParameters {
height: 60px; min-height: 60px;
} }
p { p {

@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ class ecCourseSupports extends Component {
</Modal> </Modal>
<div className="educontent mb290 mt60"> <div className="educontent mb290">
<EcTitleCourseEvaluations <EcTitleCourseEvaluations
{...this.props} {...this.props}

@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ a.postReplyIcon:hover {background:url(../images/post_image_list.png) -40px -29px
.postThemeWrap {width:655px; float:left;position: relative} .postThemeWrap {width:655px; float:left;position: relative}
.postLikeIcon {background:url(../images/post_image_list.png) 0px -42px no-repeat ;float:right; padding-left:18px; margin-top:3px; -moz-transition :all 0s linear 0s; -webkit-transition :all 0s linear 0s; -o-transition:all 0s linear 0s; transition:all 0s linear 0s;} .postLikeIcon {background:url(../images/post_image_list.png) 0px -42px no-repeat ;float:right; padding-left:18px; margin-top:3px; -moz-transition :all 0s linear 0s; -webkit-transition :all 0s linear 0s; -o-transition:all 0s linear 0s; transition:all 0s linear 0s;}
.postLikeIcon:hover {background:url(../images/post_image_list.png) 0px -64px no-repeat ; -moz-transition :all 0s linear 0s; -webkit-transition :all 0s linear 0s; -o-transition:all 0s linear 0s; transition:all 0s linear 0s;} .postLikeIcon:hover {background:url(../images/post_image_list.png) 0px -64px no-repeat ; -moz-transition :all 0s linear 0s; -webkit-transition :all 0s linear 0s; -o-transition:all 0s linear 0s; transition:all 0s linear 0s;}
a.AnnexBtn{ background: url(../images/homepage_icon2.png) 0px -343px no-repeat !important; height:20px; display:block; padding-left:20px; color:#888888; -moz-transition :all 0s linear 0s; -webkit-transition :all 0s linear 0s; -o-transition:all 0s linear 0s; transition:all 0s linear 0s;} a.AnnexBtn{ line-height: 20px; background: url(../images/homepage_icon2.png) 0px -343px no-repeat !important; height:20px; display:block; padding-left:20px; color:#888888; -moz-transition :all 0s linear 0s; -webkit-transition :all 0s linear 0s; -o-transition:all 0s linear 0s; transition:all 0s linear 0s;}
a:hover.AnnexBtn{background: url(../images/homepage_icon2.png) -90px -343px no-repeat !important; color:#3598db; -moz-transition :all 0s linear 0s; -webkit-transition :all 0s linear 0s; -o-transition:all 0s linear 0s; transition:all 0s linear 0s;} a:hover.AnnexBtn{background: url(../images/homepage_icon2.png) -90px -343px no-repeat !important; color:#3598db; -moz-transition :all 0s linear 0s; -webkit-transition :all 0s linear 0s; -o-transition:all 0s linear 0s; transition:all 0s linear 0s;}
.postEdit {background:url(../images/post_image_list.png) 0px -94px no-repeat; width:18px; height:18px; display:block; float:left;} .postEdit {background:url(../images/post_image_list.png) 0px -94px no-repeat; width:18px; height:18px; display:block; float:left;}
.postDelete {background:url(../images/post_image_list.png) -42px -93px no-repeat; width:18px; height:18px; display:block; float:right;} .postDelete {background:url(../images/post_image_list.png) -42px -93px no-repeat; width:18px; height:18px; display:block; float:right;}

@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
/*position: fixed;*/ /*position: fixed;*/
top: 0px;left: 0px;z-index:1000;-moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); /* 老的 Firefox */box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);} top: 0px;left: 0px;z-index:1000;-moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); /* 老的 Firefox */box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);}
.newHeader .logoimg{ .newHeader .logoimg{
margin-top: 16px; margin-top: 13px;
float: left; float: left;
width: 97px; width: 40px;
} }
.head-nav{float: left;width: 800px;text-align: center;height: 60px;box-sizing: border-box; min-width: 400px;} .head-nav{float: left;width: 800px;text-align: center;height: 60px;box-sizing: border-box; min-width: 400px;}
.head-nav ul#header-nav{position: absolute;top: 0px;z-index: 3;height: 60px;box-sizing: border-box;} .head-nav ul#header-nav{position: absolute;top: 0px;z-index: 3;height: 60px;box-sizing: border-box;}
@ -612,13 +612,13 @@ p .activity-item:first-child{border-top: 1px solid #eee;}
#competition-content img,#competition-db-content img,#ccfPage img{vertical-align: bottom;} #competition-content img,#competition-db-content img,#ccfPage img{vertical-align: bottom;}
#hnpage1{background: url('/images/educoder/competition/logo_1.jpg') no-repeat top center;min-height: 820px;} #hnpage1{background: url('/images/educoder/competition/logo_1.jpg') no-repeat top center;min-height: 820px;}
#competition-header{background:#24292D;height: 60px;width: 100%;padding-right: 40px;box-sizing: border-box; #competition-header{background:#24292D;height: 60px;width: 100%;padding-right: 25px;box-sizing: border-box;
/*position: fixed;*/ /*position: fixed;*/
top: 0px;left: 0px;width: 100%;z-index: 1000;} top: 0px;left: 0px;width: 100%;z-index: 1000;}
#competition-header .logoimg{ #competition-header .logoimg{
margin-top: 5px; margin-top: 5px;
float: left; float: left;
width: 97px;} width: 40px;}
.nav-game{position: relative;} .nav-game{position: relative;}
.nav-game li{position: relative;float: left;width: 110px;height: 60px;line-height: 60px;text-align: center;box-sizing: border-box} .nav-game li{position: relative;float: left;width: 110px;height: 60px;line-height: 60px;text-align: center;box-sizing: border-box}

@ -1096,7 +1096,7 @@ a:hover.link_file_a{ background:url(../images/pic_file.png) 0 -25px no-repeat; c
select.InputBox, input.InputBox, textarea.InputBox {border: 1px solid #D9D9D9;color: #888;height: 28px;line-height: 28px;padding-left: 5px;font-size: 14px;} select.InputBox, input.InputBox, textarea.InputBox {border: 1px solid #D9D9D9;color: #888;height: 28px;line-height: 28px;padding-left: 5px;font-size: 14px;}
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