
cxt 6 years ago
parent 5002fd8a5c
commit fdec1f663d

@ -44,31 +44,31 @@ class CollegesController < ApplicationController
def statistics
@teachers_count = User.find_by_sql("SELECT COUNT(users.`id`) AS teacher_count FROM users LEFT JOIN user_extensions ON users.id=user_extensions.user_id WHERE
user_extensions.`school_id` = #{@department.school_id} AND user_extensions.`identity` = 0").first.try(:teacher_count)
user_extensions.`school_id` = #{@school.id} AND user_extensions.`identity` = 0").first.try(:teacher_count)
@students_count = User.find_by_sql("SELECT COUNT(users.`id`) AS student_count FROM users LEFT JOIN user_extensions ON users.id=user_extensions.user_id WHERE
user_extensions.`school_id` = #{@department.school_id} AND user_extensions.`identity` = 1").first.try(:student_count)
user_extensions.`school_id` = #{@school.id} AND user_extensions.`identity` = 1").first.try(:student_count)
# Redo这样做内存会卡死的
# user_ids = User.find_by_sql("SELECT users.id FROM users LEFT JOIN user_extensions ON users.id=user_extensions.user_id WHERE user_extensions.`school_id` = #{@department.school_id}").map(&:id)
# user_ids = User.find_by_sql("SELECT users.id FROM users LEFT JOIN user_extensions ON users.id=user_extensions.user_id WHERE user_extensions.`school_id` = #{@school.id}").map(&:id)
# Redo是否直接使用count会更好
all_course_ids = Course.joins("join users u on courses.tea_id = u.id").joins("join user_extensions ue on u.id = ue.user_id").where("courses.id != 1309 and ue.school_id = #{@department.school_id}")
all_course_ids = Course.joins("join users u on courses.tea_id = u.id").joins("join user_extensions ue on u.id = ue.user_id").where("courses.id != 1309 and ue.school_id = #{@school.id}")
@courses_count = all_course_ids.size
# Redo对于量比较大的尽量不使用笛卡尔积
# @shixuns_count = Shixun.where(:status => [2, 3], :user_id => user_ids).size
@shixuns_count = Shixun.find_by_sql("select count(s.id) as shixun_count from users u right join shixuns s on u.id=s.user_id and s.status in (2, 3) inner join user_extensions ue on
u.id=ue.user_id and ue.school_id=#{@department.school_id}").first.try(:shixun_count)
u.id=ue.user_id and ue.school_id=#{@school.id}").first.try(:shixun_count)
# @shixun_time_sum = (Game.where(:user_id => user_ids).pluck(:cost_time).sum / (24*60*60.0)).ceil
@shixun_time_sum = (Game.find_by_sql("select sum(g.cost_time) cost_time from users u RIGHT join games g on u.id=g.user_id inner join user_extensions ue on
u.id=ue.user_id and ue.school_id=#{@department.school_id}").first.try(:cost_time).to_i / (24 * 60 * 60.0)).ceil
u.id=ue.user_id and ue.school_id=#{@school.id}").first.try(:cost_time).to_i / (24 * 60 * 60.0)).ceil
# select count(sw.id) from users u left join student_works sw on u.id=sw.user_id and sw.myshixun_id is not null and sw.work_status !=0 inner join user_extensions ue on u.id=ue.user_id and ue.school_id=117 ;
# @shixun_report_count = StudentWork.where("work_status != 0 and user_id in (#{user_ids.join(',').strip == "" ? -1 : user_ids.join(',')}) and myshixun_id is not null").count
@shixun_report_count = StudentWork.find_by_sql("SELECT count(*) as sw_count FROM `student_works` where user_id in (SELECT users.id FROM users RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ON users.id=user_extensions.user_id WHERE
user_extensions.`school_id`=#{@department.school_id}) and work_status between 1 and 2 and myshixun_id !=0").first.try(:sw_count)
user_extensions.`school_id`=#{@school.id}) and work_status between 1 and 2 and myshixun_id !=0").first.try(:sw_count)
@teachers = User.find_by_sql("SELECT users.id, users.login, users.lastname, users.firstname, users.nickname, IFNULL((SELECT count(shixuns.id) FROM shixuns where shixuns.user_id =users.id group by shixuns.user_id), 0) AS publish_shixun_count,
(SELECT count(c.id) FROM courses c, members m, member_roles mr WHERE m.course_id = c.id AND m.id=mr.member_id AND mr.role_id in (3,7,9) AND m.user_id=users.id AND c.is_delete = 0) as course_count
FROM `users`, user_extensions ue where users.id=ue.user_id and ue.identity=0 and ue.school_id=#{@department.school_id} ORDER BY publish_shixun_count desc, course_count desc, id desc LIMIT 10")
FROM `users`, user_extensions ue where users.id=ue.user_id and ue.identity=0 and ue.school_id=#{@school.id} ORDER BY publish_shixun_count desc, course_count desc, id desc LIMIT 10")
# ).order("publish_shixun_count desc, experience desc").limit(10)
@teachers =
@teachers.map do |teacher|
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class CollegesController < ApplicationController
(select count(m.id) from messages m inner join boards b on b.id=m.board_id and b.parent_id=0 where b.course_id=c.id group by c.id) as messages_count,
c.tea_id, c.name, c.is_end,
(SELECT MAX(created_at) FROM `course_activities` ca WHERE ca.course_id = c.id) AS update_time
FROM `courses` c WHERE (c.school_id = #{@department.school_id} and c.is_delete = 0)")
FROM `courses` c WHERE (c.school_id = #{@school.id} and c.is_delete = 0)")
@courses.each do |course|
course[:evaluating_count] = Output.find_by_sql("select sum(g.evaluate_count) as evaluating_count from games g inner join
@ -157,11 +157,11 @@ class CollegesController < ApplicationController
# 学生实训
def student_shixun
user_ids = User.find_by_sql("SELECT users.id FROM users, user_extensions WHERE users.id=user_extensions.user_id AND user_extensions.`school_id` = #{@department.school_id}").map(&:id)
user_ids = User.find_by_sql("SELECT users.id FROM users, user_extensions WHERE users.id=user_extensions.user_id AND user_extensions.`school_id` = #{@school.id}").map(&:id)
@students = User.find_by_sql("SELECT users.id, users.login, users.lastname, users.firstname, users.nickname, users.grade,
users.experience, ue.student_id, (SELECT COUNT(myshixuns.id) FROM `myshixuns` WHERE myshixuns.user_id
= users.id AND myshixuns.status = 1 GROUP BY users.id) AS myshixun_count FROM users join user_extensions ue on
users.id = ue.user_id where ue.school_id = #{@department.school_id} AND ue.identity = 1 AND `users`.`type` IN ('User', 'AnonymousUser') ORDER BY experience DESC, myshixun_count DESC LIMIT 10")
users.id = ue.user_id where ue.school_id = #{@school.id} AND ue.identity = 1 AND `users`.`type` IN ('User', 'AnonymousUser') ORDER BY experience DESC, myshixun_count DESC LIMIT 10")
## outputs基数过大用inner join有奇效
@shixun_tags = TagRepertoire.find_by_sql(%Q{
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ class CollegesController < ApplicationController
AND str.shixun_id = myshixuns.`shixun_id`
AND myshixuns.id = games.`myshixun_id`
AND myshixuns.`user_id` IN (
SELECT users.id FROM users, user_extensions WHERE users.id=user_extensions.user_id AND user_extensions.`school_id` = #{@department.school_id}
SELECT users.id FROM users, user_extensions WHERE users.id=user_extensions.user_id AND user_extensions.`school_id` = #{@school.id}
) a on a.id = outputs.game_id and outputs.`test_set_position` = 1 group by trid
ORDER BY test_count DESC
@ -197,50 +197,50 @@ class CollegesController < ApplicationController
@eval_data = []
case @index
when "day"
same_count = Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@department.school_id}) b
same_count = Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@school.id}) b
ON outputs.`game_id` = b.id WHERE outputs.test_set_position = 1 AND outputs.created_at > '#{(end_day - 365.days).beginning_of_day}' AND outputs.created_at < '#{(end_day - 365.days).end_of_day}'").first.try(:count).to_i
last_count = Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@department.school_id}) b
last_count = Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@school.id}) b
ON outputs.`game_id` = b.id WHERE outputs.test_set_position = 1 AND outputs.created_at > '#{(end_day - 1.day).beginning_of_day}' AND outputs.created_at < '#{(end_day - 1.day).end_of_day}'").first.try(:count).to_i
@time_range = "#{end_day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}~#{end_day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}"
@time_data = ["2:00", "4:00", "6:00", "8:00", "10:00", "12:00", "14:00", "16:00", "18:00", "20:00", "22:00", "24:00"]
for i in 0..11
@eval_data << Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@department.school_id}) b
@eval_data << Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@school.id}) b
ON outputs.`game_id` = b.id WHERE outputs.test_set_position = 1 AND outputs.created_at > '#{end_day.beginning_of_day + (i * 2).hour}' AND outputs.created_at < '#{end_day.beginning_of_day + ((i + 1) * 2).hour}'").first.try(:count).to_i
when "week"
start_day = end_day - 6.days
same_count = Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@department.school_id}) b
same_count = Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@school.id}) b
ON outputs.`game_id` = b.id WHERE outputs.test_set_position = 1 AND outputs.created_at > '#{(start_day - 365.days).beginning_of_day}' AND outputs.created_at < '#{(end_day - 365.days).end_of_day}'").first.try(:count).to_i
last_count = Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@department.school_id}) b
last_count = Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@school.id}) b
ON outputs.`game_id` = b.id WHERE outputs.test_set_position = 1 AND outputs.created_at > '#{(start_day - 7.days).beginning_of_day}' AND outputs.created_at < '#{(end_day - 7.days).end_of_day}'").first.try(:count).to_i
@time_range = "#{start_day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}~#{end_day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}"
for i in 0..6
@time_data << (start_day + i.days).strftime("%m.%d")
@eval_data << Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@department.school_id}) b
@eval_data << Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@school.id}) b
ON outputs.`game_id` = b.id WHERE outputs.test_set_position = 1 AND outputs.created_at > '#{(start_day + i.days).beginning_of_day}' AND outputs.created_at < '#{(start_day + (i + 1).days).end_of_day}'").first.try(:count).to_i
when "mon"
start_day = end_day - 30.days
same_count = Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@department.school_id}) b
same_count = Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@school.id}) b
ON outputs.`game_id` = b.id WHERE outputs.test_set_position = 1 AND outputs.created_at > '#{(start_day - 365.days).beginning_of_day}' AND outputs.created_at < '#{(end_day - 365.days).end_of_day}'").first.try(:count).to_i
last_count = Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@department.school_id}) b
last_count = Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@school.id}) b
ON outputs.`game_id` = b.id WHERE outputs.test_set_position = 1 AND outputs.created_at > '#{(start_day - 30.days).beginning_of_day}' AND outputs.created_at < '#{(end_day - 30.days).end_of_day}'").first.try(:count).to_i
@time_range = "#{start_day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}~#{end_day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}"
for i in 0..9
@time_data << (start_day + (3 * i).days).strftime("%m.%d")
@eval_data << Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@department.school_id}) b
@eval_data << Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@school.id}) b
ON outputs.`game_id` = b.id WHERE outputs.test_set_position = 1 AND outputs.created_at > '#{(start_day + (3 * i).days).beginning_of_day}' AND outputs.created_at < '#{(start_day + (3 * (i + 1)).days).end_of_day}'").first.try(:count).to_i
when "year"
start_day = end_day - 365.days
same_count = Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@department.school_id}) b
same_count = Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@school.id}) b
ON outputs.`game_id` = b.id WHERE outputs.test_set_position = 1 AND outputs.created_at > '#{(start_day - 365.days).beginning_of_day}' AND outputs.created_at < '#{(end_day - 365.days).end_of_day}'").first.try(:count).to_i
last_count = same_count
@time_range = "#{start_day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}~#{end_day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}"
for i in 0..11
@time_data << (start_day + i.month).strftime("%m.%d")
@eval_data << Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@department.school_id}) b
@eval_data << Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@school.id}) b
ON outputs.`game_id` = b.id WHERE outputs.test_set_position = 1 AND outputs.created_at > '#{(start_day + i.days).beginning_of_day}' AND outputs.created_at < '#{(start_day + (i + 1).days).end_of_day}'").first.try(:count).to_i
@ -248,9 +248,9 @@ class CollegesController < ApplicationController
@same_rate = (@new_count == 0 || same_count == 0) ? 0 : (@new_count * 1.0 / same_count - 1).to_f
@last_rate = (@new_count == 0 || last_count == 0) ? 0 : (@new_count * 1.0 / last_count - 1).to_f
@total_count = Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@department.school_id}) b
@total_count = Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@school.id}) b
ON outputs.`game_id` = b.id WHERE outputs.test_set_position = 1 ").first.try(:count).to_i
@trend_count = Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@department.school_id}) b
@trend_count = Output.find_by_sql("select count(outputs.id) as count from outputs RIGHT JOIN (SELECT games.id FROM games RIGHT JOIN user_extensions ue ON games.`user_id` = ue.`user_id` AND ue.`school_id`=#{@school.id}) b
ON outputs.`game_id` = b.id WHERE outputs.test_set_position = 1 AND outputs.created_at > '#{Time.now - 7.days}'").first.try(:count).to_i
@ -259,9 +259,9 @@ class CollegesController < ApplicationController
def manager_auth
# unless (User.current.admin? || DepartmentMember.where(:user_id => User.current.id, :department_id => @department.id).first.present?)
unless (User.current.admin? || User.current.business? ||
DepartmentMember.where(:user_id => User.current.id, :department_id => @department.id).first.present? ||
(User.current.user_extensions.try(:school_id) == @department.school_id && User.current.user_extensions.try(:identity) == 0) ||
(@department.school.try(:customer_id) && User.current.try(:partner).try(:customer_ids) && User.current.try(:partner).try(:customer_ids).include?(@department.school.try(:customer_id))))
(@department.present? && DepartmentMember.where(:user_id => User.current.id, :department_id => @department.id).first.present?) ||
(User.current.user_extensions.try(:school_id) == @school.id && User.current.user_extensions.try(:identity) == 0) ||
(@school.try(:customer_id) && User.current.try(:partner).try(:customer_ids) && User.current.try(:partner).try(:customer_ids).include?(@school.try(:customer_id))))
@ -270,6 +270,8 @@ class CollegesController < ApplicationController
@department = Department.find_by_identifier(params[:id])
if @department.present?
@school = @department.school
@school = School.find_by_id(params[:id])
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class School < ActiveRecord::Base
def statistic_url
dep = departments.where("identifier is not null").first
url = dep.present? ? "/colleges/#{dep.identifier}/statistics" : ""
url = dep.present? ? "/colleges/#{dep.identifier}/statistics" : "/colleges/#{self.id}/statistics"
def course_act_time

@ -30,10 +30,10 @@
<input type="text" class="winput-240-30 edu-txt-center" value="<%= @time_range %>" id="time-condition" readonly/>
<li class="fr count_student_test">
<a href="<%= student_eval_college_path(@department, :index => 'day') %>" data-remote="true" class="<%= @index == "day" ? "active" : "" %>">日</a>
<a href="<%= student_eval_college_path(@department, :index => 'week') %>" data-remote="true" class="<%= @index == "week" ? "active" : "" %>">周</a>
<a href="<%= student_eval_college_path(@department, :index => 'mon') %>" data-remote="true" class="<%= @index == "mon" ? "active" : "" %>">月</a>
<a href="<%= student_eval_college_path(@department, :index => 'year') %>" data-remote="true" class="<%= @index == "year" ? "active" : "" %>">年</a>
<a href="<%= student_eval_college_path(@school, :index => 'day') %>" data-remote="true" class="<%= @index == "day" ? "active" : "" %>">日</a>
<a href="<%= student_eval_college_path(@school, :index => 'week') %>" data-remote="true" class="<%= @index == "week" ? "active" : "" %>">周</a>
<a href="<%= student_eval_college_path(@school, :index => 'mon') %>" data-remote="true" class="<%= @index == "mon" ? "active" : "" %>">月</a>
<a href="<%= student_eval_college_path(@school, :index => 'year') %>" data-remote="true" class="<%= @index == "year" ? "active" : "" %>">年</a>
<div id="studentTestCount" style="width: 1200px;height: 440px;"></div>

@ -44,15 +44,15 @@
<li><span><%= @shixuns_count %></span>个</li>
<li><span><%= @shixun_report_count %></span>个</li>
<li><span data-tip-down="所有学员的实训耗时之和"><span><%= @shixun_time_sum %></span>天</span></li>
<li><span><%= @department.host_count.to_i %></span>台</li>
<li><span><%= @department.present? ? @department.host_count.to_i : @school.departments.first.try(:host_count).to_i %></span>台</li>
<div class="white-panel mb20 pl0 clearfix">
<li class="active" index="1"><a href="javascript:void(0);">课堂</a></li>
<li index="2"><a href="<%= student_shixun_college_path(@department) %>" data-remote="true">学生实训</a></li>
<li index="2"><a href="<%= student_shixun_college_path(@school) %>" data-remote="true">学生实训</a></li>
<!--<li><a href="<%#= engineering_capability_college_path(@department) %>" data-remote="true">工程能力</a></li>-->
<li index="4"><a href="<%= student_eval_college_path(@department) %>" data-remote="true">学生测评</a></li>
<li index="4"><a href="<%= student_eval_college_path(@school) %>" data-remote="true">学生测评</a></li>
<div class="panelContent panelContent-1">
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
$.get('<%= course_statistics_college_path(@department) %>');
$.get('<%= course_statistics_college_path(@school) %>');
$(".count_student_test a").click(function(){
$(".count_student_test a").removeClass("active");

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
<li class="clearfix mb5">
<% if !user.try(:user_extensions).school_id.blank? && user.try(:user_extensions).try(:school) %>
<span><%= user.try(:user_extensions).school.name %><%= user.try(:user_extensions).department ? ' - '+user.try(:user_extensions).department.name.to_s : '' %></span>
<a href="<%= user.try(:user_extensions).school.statistic_url %>" target="_blank" class="color-blue"><%= user.try(:user_extensions).school.name %><%= user.try(:user_extensions).department ? ' - '+user.try(:user_extensions).department.name.to_s : '' %></a>
<% end %>
<% if user.try(:user_extensions) && user.try(:user_extensions).identity %>
<span class="ml30"><%= user.identity %></span>
