@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
* jQuery Countdown - v1.2.8
* Licensed MIT
(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
"use strict";
* .countDown()
* Description:
* Unobtrusive and easily skinable countdown jQuery plugin.
* Usage:
* $(element).countDown()
* $(element) is a valid <time> or any other HTML tag containing a text representation of a date/time
* or duration remaining before a deadline expires.
* If $(element) is a <time> tag, the datetime attribute is checked first.
* <time datetime="2013-12-13T17:43:00">Friday, December 13th, 2013 5:43pm</time>
* <time>2012-12-08T14:30:00+0100</time>
* <time>PT01H01M15S</time>
* <h1>600 days, 3:59:12</h1>
* The text representation of a date/time or duration can be:
* - a valid duration string:
* PT00M10S
* PT01H01M15S
* P2DT20H00M10S
* - a valid global date and time string with its timezone offset:
* 2012-12-08T14:30:00.432+0100
* 2012-12-08T05:30:00-0800
* 2012-12-08T13:30Z
* - a valid time string:
* 12:30
* 12:30:39
* 12:30:39.929
* - a human readable duration string:
* 2h 0m
* 4h 18m 3s
* 24h00m59s
* 600 jours, 3:59:12
* 600 days, 3:59:12
* - the output of a JavaScript Date.parse() parsable string:
* Date.toDateString() => Sat Dec 20 2014
* Date.toGMTString() => Sat, 20 Dec 2014 09:24:00 GMT
* Date.toUTCString() => Sat, 20 Dec 2014 09:24:00 GMT
* If $(element) is not a <time> tag, a new one is created and appended to $(element).
* Literature, resources and inspiration:
* JavaScript Date reference:
* About the <time> element:
* <time> history:
* Formats:
* jQuery plugin syntax:
* Example of generated HTML markup:
* <time class="countdown" datetime="P12DT05H16M22S">
* <span class="item item-dd">
* <span class="dd"></span>
* <span class="label label-dd">days</span>
* </span>
* <span class="separator separator-dd">,</span>
* <span class="item item-hh">
* <span class="hh-1"></span>
* <span class="hh-2"></span>
* <span class="label label-hh">hours</span>
* </span>
* <span class="separator">:</span>
* <span class="item item-mm">
* <span class="mm-1"></span>
* <span class="mm-2"></span>
* <span class="label label-mm">minutes</span>
* </span>
* <span class="separator">:</span>
* <span class="item item-ss">
* <span class="ss-1"></span>
* <span class="ss-2"></span>
* <span class="label label-ss">seconds</span>
* </span>
* </time>
var pluginName = 'countDown';
var defaults = {
css_class: 'countdown',
always_show_days: false,
with_labels: true,
with_seconds: true,
with_separators: true,
with_hh_leading_zero: true,
with_mm_leading_zero: true,
with_ss_leading_zero: true,
label_dd: 'days',
label_hh: '',
label_mm: '',
label_ss: '',
separator: ':',
separator_days: ','
function CountDown(element, options) {
this.element = $(element);
this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
this._defaults = defaults;
this._name = pluginName;
$.extend(CountDown.prototype, {
init: function () {
if (this.element.children().length) {
if (this.element.attr('datetime')) { // Try to parse the datetime attribute first.
this.endDate = this.parseEndDate(this.element.attr('datetime'));
if (this.endDate === undefined) { // Fallback on the text content.
this.endDate = this.parseEndDate(this.element.text());
if (this.endDate === undefined) { // Unable to parse a date.
if ('time')) {
this.timeElement = this.element;
} else {
this.timeElement = $('<time></time>');
this.setTimeoutDelay = this.sToMs(1);
this.daysVisible = true;
this.timeElement.on('time.elapsed', this.options.onTimeElapsed);
this.timeElement.on('time.tick', this.options.onTick);
parseEndDate: function (str) {
var d;
d = this.parseDuration(str);
if (d instanceof Date) {
return d;
d = this.parseDateTime(str);
if (d instanceof Date) {
return d;
d = this.parseHumanReadableDuration(str);
if (d instanceof Date) {
return d;
// Try to parse a string representation of a date.
d = Date.parse(str);
if (!isNaN(d)) {
return new Date(d);
// Convert a valid duration string representing a duration to a Date object.
// i.e.: P2DT20H00M10S, PT01H01M15S, PT00M10S, P2D, P2DT20H00M10.55S
// RegExp:
// /^
// P => duration designator (historically called "period")
// (?:(\d+)D)? => (days) followed by the letter "D" (optional)
// T? => the letter "T" that precedes the time components of the representation (optional)
// (?:(\d+)H)? => (hours) followed by the letter "H" (optional)
// (?:(\d+)M)? => (minutes) followed by the letter "M" (optional)
// (
// ?:(\d+) => (seconds) (optional)
// (?:\.(\d{1,3}))? => (milliseconds) full stop character (.) and fractional part of second (optional)
// S => followed by the letter "S"
// )?
// $/
parseDuration: function (str) {
var timeArray = str.match(/^P(?:(\d+)D)?T?(?:(\d+)H)?(?:(\d+)M)?(?:(\d+)(?:\.(\d{1,3}))?S)?$/);
if (timeArray) {
var d, dd, hh, mm, ss, ms;
dd = timeArray[1] ? this.dToMs(timeArray[1]) : 0;
hh = timeArray[2] ? this.hToMs(timeArray[2]) : 0;
mm = timeArray[3] ? this.mToMs(timeArray[3]) : 0;
ss = timeArray[4] ? this.sToMs(timeArray[4]) : 0;
ms = timeArray[5] ? parseInt(timeArray[5], 10) : 0;
d = new Date();
d.setTime(d.getTime() + dd + hh + mm + ss + ms);
return d;
// Convert a valid global date and time string to a Date object.
// 2012-12-08T13:30:39+0100
// => ["2012-12-08T13:30:39+0100", "2012", "12", "08", "13", "30", "39", undefined, "+0100"]
// 2012-12-08T06:54-0800
// => ["2012-12-08T06:54-0800", "2012", "12", "08", "06", "54", undefined, undefined, "-0800"]
// 2012-12-08 13:30Z
// => ["2012-12-08 13:30Z", "2012", "12", "08", "13", "30", undefined, undefined, "Z"]
// 2013-12-08 06:54:39.929-10:30
// => ["2013-12-08 06:54:39.929-08:30", "2013", "12", "08", "06", "54", "39", "929", "-10:30"]
// RegExp:
// ^
// (\d{4,}) => (year) (four or more ASCII digits)
// - => hyphen-minus
// (\d{2}) => (month)
// - => hyphen-minus
// (\d{2}) => (day)
// [T\s] => T or space
// (\d{2}) => (hours)
// : => colon
// (\d{2}) => (minutes)
// (?:\:(\d{2}))? => colon and (seconds) (optional)
// (?:\.(\d{1,3}))? => full stop character (.) and fractional part of second (milliseconds) (optional)
// ([Z\+\-\:\d]+)? => time-zone (offset) string (optional)
// $
parseDateTime: function (str) {
var timeArray = str.match(
if (timeArray) {
// Convert UTC offset from string to milliseconds.
// +01:00 => ["+01:00", "+", "01", "00"] => -360000
// -08:00 => ["-08:00", "-", "08", "00"] => 28800000
// +05:30 => ["+05:30", "+", "05", "30"] => -19800000
var offset = timeArray[8] ? timeArray[8].match(/^([\+\-])?(\d{2}):?(\d{2})$/) : undefined;
// Time difference between UTC and the given time zone in milliseconds.
var utcOffset = 0;
if (offset) {
utcOffset = this.hToMs(offset[2]) + this.mToMs(offset[3]);
utcOffset = (offset[1] === '-') ? utcOffset : -utcOffset;
var d, yy, mo, dd, hh, mm, ss, ms;
yy = timeArray[1];
mo = timeArray[2] - 1;
dd = timeArray[3];
hh = timeArray[4] || 0;
mm = timeArray[5] || 0;
ss = timeArray[6] || 0;
ms = timeArray[7] || 0;
d = new Date(Date.UTC(yy, mo, dd, hh, mm, ss, ms));
d.setTime(d.getTime() + utcOffset);
return d;
// Convert a string representing a human readable duration to a Date object.
// Hours and minutes are mandatory.
// 600 days, 3:59:12 => ["600 days, 3:59:12", "600", "3", "59", "12", undefined]
// 3:59:12 => ["3:59:12", undefined, "3", "59", "12", undefined]
// 00:01 => ["00:01", undefined, "00", "01", undefined, undefined]
// 00:00:59 => ["00:00:59", undefined, "00", "00", "59", undefined]
// 240:00:59 => ["240:00:59", undefined, "240", "00", "59", undefined]
// 4h 18m 3s => ["4h 18m 3s", undefined, "4", "18", "3", undefined]
// 1d 0h 00m 59s => ["1d 0h 00m 59s", "1", "0", "00", "59", undefined]
// 2h 0m => ["2h 0m", undefined, "2", "0", undefined, undefined]
// 24h00m59s => ["24h00m59s", undefined, "24", "00", "59", undefined]
// 12:30:39.929 => ["12:30:39.929", undefined, "12", "30", "39", "929"]
// RegExp:
// /^
// (?:(\d+).+\s)? => (days) followed by any character 0 or more times and a space (optional)
// (\d+)[h:]\s? => (hours) followed by "h" or ":" and an optional space
// (\d+)[m:]?\s? => (minutes) followed by "m" or ":" and an optional space
// (\d+)?[s]? => (seconds) followed by an optional space (optional)
// (?:\.(\d{1,3}))? => (milliseconds) full stop character (.) and fractional part of second (optional)
// $/
parseHumanReadableDuration: function (str) {
var timeArray = str.match(/^(?:(\d+).+\s)?(\d+)[h:]\s?(\d+)[m:]?\s?(\d+)?[s]?(?:\.(\d{1,3}))?$/);
if (timeArray) {
var d, dd, hh, mm, ss, ms;
d = new Date();
dd = timeArray[1] ? this.dToMs(timeArray[1]) : 0;
hh = timeArray[2] ? this.hToMs(timeArray[2]) : 0;
mm = timeArray[3] ? this.mToMs(timeArray[3]) : 0;
ss = timeArray[4] ? this.sToMs(timeArray[4]) : 0;
ms = timeArray[5] ? parseInt(timeArray[5], 10) : 0;
d.setTime(d.getTime() + dd + hh + mm + ss + ms);
return d;
// Convert seconds to milliseconds.
sToMs: function (s) {
return parseInt(s, 10) * 1000;
// Convert minutes to milliseconds.
mToMs: function (m) {
return parseInt(m, 10) * 60 * 1000;
// Convert hours to milliseconds.
hToMs: function (h) {
return parseInt(h, 10) * 60 * 60 * 1000;
// Convert days to milliseconds.
dToMs: function (d) {
return parseInt(d, 10) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
// Extract seconds (0-59) from the given timedelta expressed in milliseconds.
// A timedelta represents a duration, the difference between two dates or times.
msToS: function (ms) {
return parseInt((ms / 1000) % 60, 10);
// Extract minutes (0-59) from the given timedelta expressed in milliseconds.
msToM: function (ms) {
return parseInt((ms / 1000 / 60) % 60, 10);
// Extract hours (0-23) from the given timedelta expressed in milliseconds.
msToH: function (ms) {
return parseInt((ms / 1000 / 60 / 60) % 24, 10);
// Extract the number of days from the given timedelta expressed in milliseconds.
msToD: function (ms) {
return parseInt((ms / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24), 10);
markup: function () {
// Prepare the HTML content of the <time> element.
var html = [
'<span class="item item-dd">',
'<span class="dd"></span>',
'<span class="label label-dd">', this.options.label_dd, '</span>',
'<span class="separator separator-dd">', this.options.separator_days, '</span>',
'<span class="item item-hh">',
'<span class="hh-1"></span>',
'<span class="hh-2"></span>',
'<span class="label label-hh">', this.options.label_hh, '</span>',
'<span class="separator">', this.options.separator, '</span>',
'<span class="item item-mm">',
'<span class="mm-1"></span>',
'<span class="mm-2"></span>',
'<span class="label label-mm">', this.options.label_mm, '</span>',
'<span class="separator">', this.options.separator, '</span>',
'<span class="item item-ss">',
'<span class="ss-1"></span>',
'<span class="ss-2"></span>',
'<span class="label label-ss">', this.options.label_ss, '</span>',
// Customize HTML according to options.
if (!this.options.with_labels) {
if (!this.options.with_separators) {
if (!this.options.with_seconds) {
// Cache elements.
this.item_dd = this.timeElement.find('.item-dd');
this.separator_dd = this.timeElement.find('.separator-dd');
this.remaining_dd = this.timeElement.find('.dd');
this.remaining_hh1 = this.timeElement.find('.hh-1');
this.remaining_hh2 = this.timeElement.find('.hh-2');
this.remaining_mm1 = this.timeElement.find('.mm-1');
this.remaining_mm2 = this.timeElement.find('.mm-2');
this.remaining_ss1 = this.timeElement.find('.ss-1');
this.remaining_ss2 = this.timeElement.find('.ss-2');
// Set the css class of the <time> element.
doCountDown: function () {
// Calculate the difference between the two dates in milliseconds.
var ms = this.endDate.getTime() - new Date().getTime();
// Extract seconds, minutes, hours and days from the timedelta expressed in milliseconds.
var ss = this.msToS(ms);
var mm = this.msToM(ms);
var hh = this.msToH(ms);
var dd = this.msToD(ms);
// Prevent display of negative values.
if (ms <= 0) {
ss = mm = hh = dd = 0;
// Update display.
// Use a space instead of 0 when no leading zero is required.
'ss': ss < 10 ? (this.options.with_ss_leading_zero ? '0' : ' ') + ss.toString() : ss.toString(),
'mm': mm < 10 ? (this.options.with_mm_leading_zero ? '0' : ' ') + mm.toString() : mm.toString(),
'hh': hh < 10 ? (this.options.with_hh_leading_zero ? '0' : ' ') + hh.toString() : hh.toString(),
'dd': dd.toString()
// If seconds are hidden, stop the counter as soon as there is no minute left.
if (!this.options.with_seconds && dd === 0 && mm === 0 && hh === 0) {
ss = 0;
if (dd === 0 && mm === 0 && hh === 0 && ss === 0) {
return this.timeElement.trigger('time.elapsed');
// Reload it.
var self = this;
window.setTimeout(function () { self.doCountDown(); }, self.setTimeoutDelay);
return this.timeElement.trigger('time.tick', ms);
* Display the remaining time.
* @param {Object} remaining - an object literal containing a string representation
* of days, hours, minutes and seconds remaining.
* E.g. with leading zeros:
* { dd: "600", hh: "03", mm: "59", ss: "11" }
* Or without leading zeros:
* { dd: "600", hh: " 3", mm: " 9", ss: "11" }
displayRemainingTime: function (remaining) {
// Format the datetime attribute of the <time> element to an ISO 8601 duration.
// I.e.: <time datetime="P2DT00H00M30S">2 00:00:00</time>
var attr = [];
if (remaining.dd !== '0') {
attr.push(remaining.dd, 'D');
attr.push('T', remaining.hh, 'H',, 'M');
if (this.options.with_seconds) {
attr.push(, 'S');
this.timeElement.attr('datetime', attr.join(''));
// Remove days if necessary.
if (this.daysVisible && !this.options.always_show_days && remaining.dd === '0') {
this.daysVisible = false;
// Update countdown values.
// Use `trim` to convert spaces to empty string when there are no leading zeros.
$.fn[pluginName] = function (options) {
var args = arguments;
// If the first parameter is an object (options) or was omitted, instantiate a new plugin instance.
if (options === undefined || typeof options === 'object') {
return this.each(function () {
if (!$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName)) {
$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName, new CountDown(this, options));
// Allow any public function (i.e. a function whose name isn't 'init' or doesn't start with an underscore)
// to be called via the jQuery plugin, e.g. $(element).countDown('functionName', arg1, arg2).
else if (typeof options === 'string' && options[0] !== '_' && options !== 'init') {
// Cache the method call to make it possible to return a value.
var returns;
this.each(function () {
var instance = $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName);
// Tests that there's already a plugin instance and checks that the requested public method exists.
if (instance instanceof CountDown && typeof instance[options] === 'function') {
// Call the method of our plugin instance, and pass it the supplied arguments.
returns = instance[options].apply(instance,, 1));
// Allow instances to be destroyed via the 'destroy' method.
if (options === 'destroy') {
$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName, null);
// If the earlier cached method gives a value back return the value,
// otherwise return this to preserve chainability.
return returns !== undefined ? returns : this;
})(window.jQuery, window, document);
Reference in new issue