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<h1 id="测试栈借用"><a class="header" href="#测试栈借用">测试栈借用</a></h1>
<li>Rust 通过借用栈来处理再借用</li>
<li>只有栈顶的元素是处于 <code>live</code> 状态的( 被借用 )</li>
<li>当访问栈顶下面的元素时,该元素会变为 <code>live</code>,而栈顶元素会被弹出( <code>pop</code> )</li>
<li>Miri 可以在一定程度上保证裸指针在运行时也遵循以上规则</li>
<p>在实际项目中捕获 UB 是一件相当不容易的事,毕竟你是在编译器的盲区之外摸索和行动。</p>
<p>Miri 为何可以一定程度上提前发现这些 UB 问题?因为它会去获取 rustc 对我们的程序最原生、且没有任何优化的视角,然后对看到的内容进行解释和跟踪。只要这个过程能够开始,那这个解决方法就相当有效,但是问题来了,该如何让这个过程开始?要知道 Miri 和 rustc 是不可能去逐行分析代码中的所有行为的,这样做的结果就是编译时间大大增加!</p>
<p>因此我们需要使用测试用例来让程序中可能包含 UB 的代码路径被真正执行到,当然,就算你这么做了,也不能完全依赖 Miri。既然是分析,就有可能遗漏,也可能误杀友军。</p>
<h2 id="基本借用"><a class="header" href="#基本借用">基本借用</a></h2>
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust edition2021">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
</span>let mut data = 10;
let ref1 = &mut data;
let ref2 = &mut *ref1;
*ref1 += 1;
*ref2 += 2;
println!("{}", data);
<span class="boring">}
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust edition2021">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
</span>unsafe {
let mut data = 10;
let ref1 = &mut data;
let ptr2 = ref1 as *mut _;
*ref1 += 1;
*ptr2 += 2;
println!("{}", data);
<span class="boring">}
<pre><code class="language-shell">$ cargo run
Compiling miri-sandbox v0.1.0
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.71s
Running `target\debug\miri-sandbox.exe`
<p>嗯,编译器看起来很满意:不仅获取了预期的结果,还没有任何警告。那么再来征求下 Miri 的意见:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">MIRIFLAGS="-Zmiri-tag-raw-pointers" cargo +nightly-2022-01-21 miri run
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.00s
Running cargo-miri.exe target\miri
error: Undefined Behavior: no item granting read access
to tag <untagged> at alloc748 found in borrow stack.
--> src\main.rs:9:9
9 | *ptr2 += 2;
| ^^^^^^^^^^ no item granting read access to tag <untagged>
| at alloc748 found in borrow stack.
= help: this indicates a potential bug in the program:
it performed an invalid operation, but the rules it
violated are still experimental
<p>喔,果然出问题了。下面再来试试更复杂的 <code>&mut -> *mut -> &mut -> *mut</code> :</p>
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust edition2021">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
</span>unsafe {
let mut data = 10;
let ref1 = &mut data;
let ptr2 = ref1 as *mut _;
let ref3 = &mut *ptr2;
let ptr4 = ref3 as *mut _;
// 首先访问第一个裸指针
*ptr2 += 2;
// 接着按照借用栈的顺序来访问
*ptr4 += 4;
*ref3 += 3;
*ptr2 += 2;
*ref1 += 1;
println!("{}", data);
<span class="boring">}
<pre><code class="language-shell">$ cargo run
<pre><code class="language-shell">MIRIFLAGS="-Zmiri-tag-raw-pointers" cargo +nightly-2022-01-21 miri run
error: Undefined Behavior: no item granting read access
to tag <1621> at alloc748 found in borrow stack.
--> src\main.rs:13:5
13 | *ptr4 += 4;
| ^^^^^^^^^^ no item granting read access to tag <1621>
| at alloc748 found in borrow stack.
<p>不错,可以看出 miri 有能力分辨两个裸指针的使用限制:当使用第二个时,需要先让之前的失效。</p>
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust edition2021">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
</span>unsafe {
let mut data = 10;
let ref1 = &mut data;
let ptr2 = ref1 as *mut _;
let ref3 = &mut *ptr2;
let ptr4 = ref3 as *mut _;
// Access things in "borrow stack" order
*ptr4 += 4;
*ref3 += 3;
*ptr2 += 2;
*ref1 += 1;
println!("{}", data);
<span class="boring">}
<pre><code class="language-shell">$ cargo run
MIRIFLAGS="-Zmiri-tag-raw-pointers" cargo +nightly-2022-01-21 miri run
<h2 id="测试数组"><a class="header" href="#测试数组">测试数组</a></h2>
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust edition2021">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
</span>unsafe {
let mut data = [0; 10];
let ref1_at_0 = &mut data[0]; // 获取第 1 个元素的引用
let ptr2_at_0 = ref1_at_0 as *mut i32; // 裸指针 ptr 指向第 1 个元素
let ptr3_at_1 = ptr2_at_0.add(1); // 对裸指针进行运算,指向第 2 个元素
*ptr3_at_1 += 3;
*ptr2_at_0 += 2;
*ref1_at_0 += 1;
// Should be [3, 3, 0, ...]
println!("{:?}", &data[..]);
<span class="boring">}
<pre><code class="language-shell">$ cargo run
[3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
<pre><code class="language-shell">MIRIFLAGS="-Zmiri-tag-raw-pointers" cargo +nightly-2022-01-21 miri run
error: Undefined Behavior: no item granting read access
to tag <1619> at alloc748+0x4 found in borrow stack.
--> src\main.rs:8:5
8 | *ptr3_at_1 += 3;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no item granting read access to tag <1619>
| at alloc748+0x4 found in borrow stack.
<p>咦?我们命名按照借用栈的方式来完美使用了,为何 miri 还是提示了 UB 风险?难道是因为 <code>ptr -> ptr</code> 的过程中发生了什么奇怪的事情?如果我们只是拷贝指针,让它们都指向同一个位置呢?</p>
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust edition2021">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
</span>unsafe {
let mut data = [0; 10];
let ref1_at_0 = &mut data[0];
let ptr2_at_0 = ref1_at_0 as *mut i32;
let ptr3_at_0 = ptr2_at_0;
*ptr3_at_0 += 3;
*ptr2_at_0 += 2;
*ref1_at_0 += 1;
// Should be [6, 0, 0, ...]
println!("{:?}", &data[..]);
<span class="boring">}
<pre><code class="language-shell">$ cargo run
[6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
MIRIFLAGS="-Zmiri-tag-raw-pointers" cargo +nightly-2022-01-21 miri run
[6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
<p>果然,顺利通过,下面我们还是让它们指向同一个位置,但是来首名为混乱的 BGM:</p>
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust edition2021">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
</span>unsafe {
let mut data = [0; 10];
let ref1_at_0 = &mut data[0]; // Reference to 0th element
let ptr2_at_0 = ref1_at_0 as *mut i32; // Ptr to 0th element
let ptr3_at_0 = ptr2_at_0; // Ptr to 0th element
let ptr4_at_0 = ptr2_at_0.add(0); // Ptr to 0th element
let ptr5_at_0 = ptr3_at_0.add(1).sub(1); // Ptr to 0th element
*ptr3_at_0 += 3;
*ptr2_at_0 += 2;
*ptr4_at_0 += 4;
*ptr5_at_0 += 5;
*ptr3_at_0 += 3;
*ptr2_at_0 += 2;
*ref1_at_0 += 1;
// Should be [20, 0, 0, ...]
println!("{:?}", &data[..]);
<span class="boring">}
<pre><code class="language-shell">$ cargo run
[20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
MIRIFLAGS="-Zmiri-tag-raw-pointers" cargo +nightly-2022-01-21 miri run
[20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
<p>可以看出,<code>miri</code> 对于这种裸指针派生是相当纵容的:当它们都共享同一个借用时(borrowing, 也可以用 miri 的称呼: tag)。</p>
<p>对于部分数据结构,Rust 允许对其中的字段进行独立借用,例如一个结构体,它的多个字段可以被分开借用,来试试这里的数组可不可以。</p>
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust edition2021">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
</span>unsafe {
let mut data = [0; 10];
let ref1_at_0 = &mut data[0]; // Reference to 0th element
let ref2_at_1 = &mut data[1]; // Reference to 1th element
let ptr3_at_0 = ref1_at_0 as *mut i32; // Ptr to 0th element
let ptr4_at_1 = ref2_at_1 as *mut i32; // Ptr to 1th element
*ptr4_at_1 += 4;
*ptr3_at_0 += 3;
*ref2_at_1 += 2;
*ref1_at_0 += 1;
// Should be [3, 3, 0, ...]
println!("{:?}", &data[..]);
<span class="boring">}
<pre><code class="language-shell">error[E0499]: cannot borrow `data[_]` as mutable more than once at a time
--> src\main.rs:5:21
4 | let ref1_at_0 = &mut data[0]; // Reference to 0th element
| ------------ first mutable borrow occurs here
5 | let ref2_at_1 = &mut data[1]; // Reference to 1th element
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ second mutable borrow occurs here
6 | let ptr3_at_0 = ref1_at_0 as *mut i32; // Ptr to 0th element
| --------- first borrow later used here
= help: consider using `.split_at_mut(position)` or similar method
to obtain two mutable non-overlapping sub-slices
<p>显然..不行,Rust 不允许我们对数组的不同元素进行单独的借用,注意到提示了吗?可以使用 <code>.split_at_mut(position)</code> 来将一个数组分成多个部分:</p>
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust edition2021">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
</span>unsafe {
let mut data = [0; 10];
let slice1 = &mut data[..];
let (slice2_at_0, slice3_at_1) = slice1.split_at_mut(1);
let ref4_at_0 = &mut slice2_at_0[0]; // Reference to 0th element
let ref5_at_1 = &mut slice3_at_1[0]; // Reference to 1th element
let ptr6_at_0 = ref4_at_0 as *mut i32; // Ptr to 0th element
let ptr7_at_1 = ref5_at_1 as *mut i32; // Ptr to 1th element
*ptr7_at_1 += 7;
*ptr6_at_0 += 6;
*ref5_at_1 += 5;
*ref4_at_0 += 4;
// Should be [10, 12, 0, ...]
println!("{:?}", &data[..]);
<span class="boring">}
<pre><code class="language-shell">$ cargo run
[10, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
MIRIFLAGS="-Zmiri-tag-raw-pointers" cargo +nightly-2022-01-21 miri run
[10, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust edition2021">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
</span>unsafe {
let mut data = [0; 10];
let slice1_all = &mut data[..]; // Slice for the entire array
let ptr2_all = slice1_all.as_mut_ptr(); // Pointer for the entire array
let ptr3_at_0 = ptr2_all; // Pointer to 0th elem (the same)
let ptr4_at_1 = ptr2_all.add(1); // Pointer to 1th elem
let ref5_at_0 = &mut *ptr3_at_0; // Reference to 0th elem
let ref6_at_1 = &mut *ptr4_at_1; // Reference to 1th elem
*ref6_at_1 += 6;
*ref5_at_0 += 5;
*ptr4_at_1 += 4;
*ptr3_at_0 += 3;
// 在循环中修改所有元素( 仅仅为了有趣 )
// (可以使用任何裸指针,它们共享同一个借用!)
for idx in 0..10 {
*ptr2_all.add(idx) += idx;
// 同样为了有趣,再实现下安全版本的循环
for (idx, elem_ref) in slice1_all.iter_mut().enumerate() {
*elem_ref += idx;
// Should be [8, 12, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
println!("{:?}", &data[..]);
<span class="boring">}
<pre><code class="language-shell">$ cargo run
[8, 12, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
MIRIFLAGS="-Zmiri-tag-raw-pointers" cargo +nightly-2022-01-21 miri run
[8, 12, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
<h2 id="测试不可变引用"><a class="header" href="#测试不可变引用">测试不可变引用</a></h2>
<p>在之前的例子中,我们使用的都是可变引用,而 Rust 中还有不可变引用。那么它将如何工作呢?</p>
<p>注意,下面的 <code>println</code> 会自动对待打印的目标值进行 <code>ref/deref</code> 等操作,因此为了保证测试的正确性,我们将其放入一个函数中。</p>
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust edition2021">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
</span>fn opaque_read(val: &i32) {
println!("{}", val);
unsafe {
let mut data = 10;
let mref1 = &mut data;
let sref2 = &mref1;
let sref3 = sref2;
let sref4 = &*sref2;
// Random hash of shared reference reads
*mref1 += 1;
<span class="boring">}
<pre><code class="language-shell">$ cargo run
warning: unnecessary `unsafe` block
--> src\main.rs:6:1
6 | unsafe {
| ^^^^^^ unnecessary `unsafe` block
= note: `#[warn(unused_unsafe)]` on by default
warning: `miri-sandbox` (bin "miri-sandbox") generated 1 warning
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust edition2021">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
</span>fn opaque_read(val: &i32) {
println!("{}", val);
unsafe {
let mut data = 10;
let mref1 = &mut data;
let ptr2 = mref1 as *mut i32;
let sref3 = &*mref1;
let ptr4 = sref3 as *mut i32;
*ptr4 += 4;
*ptr2 += 2;
*mref1 += 1;
<span class="boring">}
<pre><code class="language-shell">$ cargo run
error[E0606]: casting `&i32` as `*mut i32` is invalid
--> src/main.rs:11:20
11 | let ptr4 = sref3 as *mut i32;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust edition2021">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
</span>let ptr4 = sref3 as *const i32 as *mut i32;
<span class="boring">}
<pre><code class="language-shell">$ cargo run
<p>编译器又一次满意了,再来看看 miri :</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">MIRIFLAGS="-Zmiri-tag-raw-pointers" cargo +nightly-2022-01-21 miri run
error: Undefined Behavior: no item granting write access to
tag <1621> at alloc742 found in borrow stack.
--> src\main.rs:13:5
13 | *ptr4 += 4;
| ^^^^^^^^^^ no item granting write access to tag <1621>
| at alloc742 found in borrow stack.
<p>果然,miri 提示了,原因是当我们使用不可变引用时,就相当于承诺不会去修改其中的值,那 miri 发现了这种修改行为,自然会给予相应的提示。</p>
<p>对此,可以用一句话来简单总结:<strong>在借用栈中,一个不可变引用,它上面的所有引用( 在它之后被推入借用栈的引用 )都只能拥有只读的权限。</strong></p>
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust edition2021">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
</span>fn opaque_read(val: &i32) {
println!("{}", val);
unsafe {
let mut data = 10;
let mref1 = &mut data;
let ptr2 = mref1 as *mut i32;
let sref3 = &*mref1;
let ptr4 = sref3 as *const i32 as *mut i32;
*ptr2 += 2;
*mref1 += 1;
<span class="boring">}
<pre><code class="language-shell">$ cargo run
MIRIFLAGS="-Zmiri-tag-raw-pointers" cargo +nightly-2022-01-21 miri run
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust edition2021">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
</span>fn opaque_read(val: &i32) {
println!("{}", val);
unsafe {
let mut data = 10;
let mref1 = &mut data;
let ptr2 = mref1 as *mut i32;
let sref3 = &*mref1;
*ptr2 += 2;
opaque_read(sref3); // Read in the wrong order?
*mref1 += 1;
<span class="boring">}
<pre><code class="language-shell">$ cargo run
MIRIFLAGS="-Zmiri-tag-raw-pointers" cargo +nightly-2022-01-21 miri run
error: Undefined Behavior: trying to reborrow for SharedReadOnly
at alloc742, but parent tag <1620> does not have an appropriate
item in the borrow stack
--> src\main.rs:13:17
13 | opaque_read(sref3); // Read in the wrong order?
| ^^^^^ trying to reborrow for SharedReadOnly
| at alloc742, but parent tag <1620>
| does not have an appropriate item
| in the borrow stack
<p>细心的同学可能会发现,我们这次获得了一个相当具体的 miri 提示,而不是之前的某个 tag 。真是令人感动...毕竟这种错误信息会更有帮助。</p>
<h2 id="测试内部可变性"><a class="header" href="#测试内部可变性">测试内部可变性</a></h2>
<p>还记得之前我们试图用 <code>RefCell</code> + <code>Rc</code> 去实现的那个糟糕的链表吗?这两个组合在一起就可以实现内部可变性。与 <code>RefCell</code> 类似的还有 <a href="https://course.rs/advance/smart-pointer/cell-refcell.html#cell"><code>Cell</code></a>:</p>
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust edition2021">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
</span>use std::cell::Cell;
unsafe {
let mut data = Cell::new(10);
let mref1 = &mut data;
let ptr2 = mref1 as *mut Cell<i32>;
let sref3 = &*mref1;
sref3.set(sref3.get() + 3);
(*ptr2).set((*ptr2).get() + 2);
mref1.set(mref1.get() + 1);
println!("{}", data.get());
<span class="boring">}
<p>地狱一般的代码,就等着 miri 来优化你吧。</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">$ cargo run
MIRIFLAGS="-Zmiri-tag-raw-pointers" cargo +nightly-2022-01-21 miri run
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust edition2021">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
</span>pub struct Cell<T: ?Sized> {
value: UnsafeCell<T>,
<span class="boring">}
<p>以上是标准库中的 <code>Cell</code> 源码,可以看到里面有一个 <code>UnsafeCell</code>,通过名字都能猜到,这个数据结构相当的不安全,在<a href="https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/cell/struct.UnsafeCell.html">标准库</a>中有以下描述:</p>
<p>Rust 中用于内部可变性的核心原语( primitive )。</p>
<p>如果你拥有一个引用 <code>&T</code>,那一般情况下, Rust编译器会基于 <code>&T</code> 指向不可变的数据这一事实来进行相关的优化。通过别名或者将 <code>&T</code> 强制转换成 <code>&mut T</code> 是一种 UB 行为。</p>
<p>而 <code>UnsafeCell<T></code> 移除了 <code>&T</code> 的不可变保证:一个不可变引用 <code>&UnsafeCell<T></code> 指向一个可以改变的数据。,这就是内部可变性。</p>
<p>感觉像是魔法,那下面就用该魔法让 miri happy 下:</p>
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust edition2021">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
</span>use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
fn opaque_read(val: &i32) {
println!("{}", val);
unsafe {
let mut data = UnsafeCell::new(10);
let mref1 = &mut data; // Mutable ref to the *outside*
let ptr2 = mref1.get(); // Get a raw pointer to the insides
let sref3 = &*mref1; // Get a shared ref to the *outside*
*ptr2 += 2; // Mutate with the raw pointer
opaque_read(&*sref3.get()); // Read from the shared ref
*sref3.get() += 3; // Write through the shared ref
*mref1.get() += 1; // Mutate with the mutable ref
println!("{}", *data.get());
<span class="boring">}
<pre><code class="language-shell">$ cargo run
MIRIFLAGS="-Zmiri-tag-raw-pointers" cargo +nightly-2022-01-21 miri run
<p>这段代码非常成功!但是等等..这里的代码顺序有问题:我们首先获取了内部的裸指针 <code>ptr2</code>,然后获取了一个不可变引用 <code>sref3</code>,接着我们使用了裸指针,然后是 <code>sref3</code>,这不就是标准的借用栈错误典范吗?既然如此,为何 miri 没有给出提示?</p>
<li>Miri 并不完美,它依然会有所遗漏,也会误判</li>
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust edition2021">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
</span>use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
fn opaque_read(val: &i32) {
println!("{}", val);
unsafe {
let mut data = UnsafeCell::new(10);
let mref1 = &mut data;
// These two are swapped so the borrows are *definitely* totally stacked
let sref2 = &*mref1;
// Derive the ptr from the shared ref to be super safe!
let ptr3 = sref2.get();
*ptr3 += 3;
*sref2.get() += 2;
*mref1.get() += 1;
println!("{}", *data.get());
<span class="boring">}
<pre><code class="language-shell">$ cargo run
MIRIFLAGS="-Zmiri-tag-raw-pointers" cargo +nightly-2022-01-21 miri run
<h2 id="测试-box"><a class="header" href="#测试-box">测试 Box</a></h2>
<p>大家还记得为何我们讲了这么长的两章借用栈吗?原因就在于 <code>Box</code> 和裸指针混合使用时出了问题。</p>
<p><code>Box</code> 在某种程度上类似 <code>&mut</code>,因为对于它指向的内存区域,它拥有唯一的所有权。</p>
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust edition2021">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
</span>unsafe {
let mut data = Box::new(10);
let ptr1 = (&mut *data) as *mut i32;
*data += 10;
*ptr1 += 1;
// Should be 21
println!("{}", data);
<span class="boring">}
<pre><code class="language-shell">$ cargo run
MIRIFLAGS="-Zmiri-tag-raw-pointers" cargo +nightly-2022-01-21 miri run
error: Undefined Behavior: no item granting read access
to tag <1707> at alloc763 found in borrow stack.
--> src\main.rs:7:5
7 | *ptr1 += 1;
| ^^^^^^^^^^ no item granting read access to tag <1707>
| at alloc763 found in borrow stack.
<p>现在到现在为止,大家一眼就能看出来这种代码不符合借用栈的规则。当然, miri 也讨厌这一点,因此我们来改正下。</p>
<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust edition2021">
<span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
</span>unsafe {
let mut data = Box::new(10);
let ptr1 = (&mut *data) as *mut i32;
*ptr1 += 1;
*data += 10;
// Should be 21
println!("{}", data);
<span class="boring">}
<pre><code class="language-shell">$ cargo run
MIRIFLAGS="-Zmiri-tag-raw-pointers" cargo +nightly-2022-01-21 miri run
<p>但是,话说回来,该如何使用 <code>Box</code> 来解决栈借用的问题?当然,我们可以像之前的测试例子一样写一些玩具代码,但是在实际链表中中,将 <code>Box</code> 存储在某个地方,然后长时间持有一个裸指针才是经常遇到的。</p>
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