@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class CollegesController < ApplicationController
homeworks = HomeworkCommon . where ( :homework_type = > 4 , :course_id = > course_ids . map ( & :id ) )
homeworks = HomeworkCommon . where ( :homework_type = > 4 , :course_id = > course_ids . map ( & :id ) )
un_shixun_work_count = homeworks . where ( " publish_time > ' #{ Time . now } ' or publish_time is null " ) . count
un_shixun_work_count = homeworks . where ( " publish_time > ' #{ Time . now } ' or publish_time is null " ) . count
shixun_work_count = homeworks . size - un_shixun_work_count
shixun_work_count = homeworks . size - un_shixun_work_count
student_count = StudentsForCourse. where ( :course_id = > course_ids . map ( & :id ) ) . count
student_count = CourseMember. where ( course_id : course_ids . map ( & :id ) , role : 4 ) . count
myshixun_ids = StudentWork . select ( " myshixun_id " ) . where ( " homework_common_id in ( #{ homeworks . map ( & :id ) . join ( ',' ) . strip == " " ? - 1 : homeworks . map ( & :id ) . join ( ',' ) } ) and myshixun_id is not null " )
myshixun_ids = StudentWork . select ( " myshixun_id " ) . where ( " homework_common_id in ( #{ homeworks . map ( & :id ) . join ( ',' ) . strip == " " ? - 1 : homeworks . map ( & :id ) . join ( ',' ) } ) and myshixun_id is not null " )
complete_myshixun = Myshixun . select ( " id " ) . where ( :status = > 1 , :id = > myshixun_ids . map ( & :myshixun_id ) ) . size
complete_myshixun = Myshixun . select ( " id " ) . where ( :status = > 1 , :id = > myshixun_ids . map ( & :myshixun_id ) ) . size
all_myshixun = Myshixun . select ( " id " ) . where ( :id = > myshixun_ids . map ( & :myshixun_id ) ) . size
all_myshixun = Myshixun . select ( " id " ) . where ( :id = > myshixun_ids . map ( & :myshixun_id ) ) . size