@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
class ShixunsController < ApplicationController
before_action :require_login, except: [:download_file, :index, :menus]
before_action :check_auth, except: [:download_file, :index]
before_action :require_login, :check_auth, except: [:download_file, :index, :menus]
before_action :check_auth, except: [:download_file, :index, :menus]
before_action :find_shixun, :shixun_access_allowed, except: [:index, :new, :create, :menus, :get_recommend_shixuns,
:propaedeutics, :departments, :apply_shixun_mirror,
@ -44,11 +44,12 @@ class ShixunsController < ApplicationController
## 搜索关键字 匹配关卡名, 用户名, 实训名 和 空格多搜索
if params[:keyword].present?
keyword = params[:keyword].strip
@shixuns = @shixuns.joins(:users, challenges: :challenge_tags).
where("challenge_tags.name like '%#{keyword}%'
or challenges.subject like '%#{keyword}%'
or concat(lastname, firstname) like '%#{keyword}%'
or shixuns.name like '%#{keyword.split(" ").join("%")}%'").distinct
@shixuns = @shixuns.joins(:user, challenges: :challenge_tags).
where("challenge_tags.name like :keyword
or challenges.subject like :keyword
or concat(lastname, firstname) like :keyword
or shixuns.name like :name",
keyword: "%#{keyword}%", name: "%#{keyword.split(" ").join("%")}%").distinct
## 筛选 状态
@ -68,15 +69,15 @@ class ShixunsController < ApplicationController
when 'new'
@shixuns = @shixuns.order("shixuns.status = 2 desc, shixuns.created_at #{bsort}")
when 'hot'
@shixuns = @shixuns.order("shixuns.status = 2 desc, myshixuns_count #{bsort}")
@shixuns = @shixuns.order("shixuns.status = 2 desc, shixuns.myshixuns_count #{bsort}")
when 'mine'
@shixuns = @shixuns.order("shixuns.created_at #{bsort}")
@shixuns = @shixuns.order("shixuns.status = 2 desc, publish_time #{bsort}")
@shixuns = @shixuns.order("shixuns.status = 2 desc, shixuns.publish_time #{bsort}")
@total_count = @shixuns.count
# 用id计数会快10+MS左右,对于搜索的内容随着数据的增加,性能会提升一些。
@total_count = @shixuns.count("shixuns.id")
## 分页参数
page = params[:page] || 1
@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ class ShixunsController < ApplicationController
select m.user_id, u.login, u.lastname, m.updated_at,
(select sum(cost_time) from games g where g.myshixun_id = m.id) as time,
(select sum(final_score) from games g where g.myshixun_id = m.id) as score
from (myshixuns m join users u on m.user_id = u.id) where m.shixun_id = #{@shixun.id} and m.status = 1
from (users u left join myshixuns m on m.user_id = u.id) where m.shixun_id = #{@shixun.id} and m.status = 1
order by score desc, time asc limit 10
@myshixuns = Myshixun.find_by_sql(sql)