@ -25,83 +25,118 @@ namespace :exercise_publish do
# def calculate_student_score(exercise,user)
# def calculate_student_score(exercise,user)
# score = 0
# score1 = 0.0 #选择题/判断题
# score1 = 0
# score2 = 0.0 #填空题
# score2 = 0
# score5 = 0.0 #实训题
# score3 = 0
# ques_stand = [] #问题是否正确
# score4 = 0
# exercise_questions = exercise.exercise_questions
# exercise_qustions = exercise.exercise_questions
# exercise_questions.each do |q|
# exercise_qustions.each do |question|
# if q.question_type != 5
# if question.question_type != 5
# answers_content = q.exercise_answers.search_answer_users("user_id",user.id) #学生的答案
# answer = question.exercise_answers.where("#{ExerciseAnswer.table_name}.user_id = #{user.id}")
# else
# if question.question_type == 3
# answers_content = q.exercise_shixun_answers.search_shixun_answers("user_id",user.id) #学生的答案
# standard_answer =[]
# end
# question.exercise_standard_answers.each do |answer|
# if q.question_type <= 2 #为选择题或判断题时
# standard_answer << answer.answer_text.strip.downcase
# answer_choice_array = []
# end
# answers_content.each do |a|
# answer_choice_array.push(a.exercise_choice.choice_position) #学生答案的位置
# end
# user_answer_content = answer_choice_array.sort
# standard_answer = q.exercise_standard_answers.pluck(:exercise_choice_id).sort #该问题的标准答案,可能有多个
# if user_answer_content == standard_answer #答案一致,多选或单选才给分,答案不对不给分
# if standard_answer.count > 0
# multi_each_score = (q.question_score / standard_answer.count) #当多选答案正确时,每个answer的分数均摊。
# else
# multi_each_score = 0.0
# end
# answers_content.update_all(:score => multi_each_score)
# score1 = score1 + q.question_score
# end
# elsif q.question_type == 3 #填空题
# null_standard_answer = q.exercise_standard_answers
# standard_answer_array = null_standard_answer.select(:exercise_choice_id,:answer_text)
# standard_answer_ids = standard_answer_array.pluck(:exercise_choice_id).reject(&:blank?).uniq #标准答案的exercise_choice_id数组
# standard_answer_count = standard_answer_ids.count
# if standard_answer_count > 0 #存在标准答案时才有分数
# each_standard_score = (q.question_score.to_f / standard_answer_count).round(1) #每一空的得分
# else
# else
# standard_answer = question.exercise_standard_answers.first
# each_standard_score = 0.0
# end
# end
# if q.is_ordered
# unless answer.empty?
# answers_content.each do |u|
# # 问答题有多个答案
# i_standard_answer = standard_answer_array.where(exercise_choice_id:u.exercise_choice_id).pluck(:answer_text).reject(&:blank?).map!(&:downcase) #该选项的全部标准答案
# if question.question_type == 3 && !standard_answer.empty?
# if i_standard_answer.include?(u.answer_text.downcase) #该空的标准答案包含用户的答案才有分数
# if standard_answer.include?(answer.first.answer_text.strip.downcase)
# u.update_attribute("score",each_standard_score)
# score1 = score1+ question.question_score unless question.question_score.nil?
# score2 = score2 + each_standard_score
# end
# end
# elsif question.question_type == 1 && !standard_answer.nil?
# if answer.first.exercise_choice.choice_position == standard_answer.exercise_choice_id
# score2 = score2 + question.question_score unless question.question_score.nil?
# end
# end
# elsif question.question_type == 2 && !standard_answer.nil?
# else
# arr = get_mulscore(question, user)
# st_answer_text = standard_answer_array.pluck(:answer_text).reject(&:blank?).map!(&:downcase)
# if arr.to_i == standard_answer.exercise_choice_id
# answers_content.each do |u|
# score3 = score3 + question.question_score unless question.question_score.nil?
# u_answer_text = u.answer_text.downcase
# if st_answer_text.include?(u_answer_text) #只要标准答案包含用户的答案,就有分数。同时,下一次循环时,就会删除该标准答案。防止用户的相同答案获分
# u.update_attribute("score",each_standard_score)
# score2 = score2 + each_standard_score
# st_answer_text.delete(u_answer_text)
# end
# end
# end
# end
# end
# end
# else
# elsif q.question_type == 5 #实训题时,主观题这里不评分
# question.exercise_shixun_challenges.each do |exercise_cha|
# q.exercise_shixun_challenges.each do |exercise_cha|
# game = Game.where(:user_id => user.id, :challenge_id => exercise_cha.challenge_id).first
# game = Game.user_games(user.id,exercise_cha.challenge_id).first #当前用户的关卡
# if game.present?
# if game.present?
# exercise_cha_score = 0
# exercise_cha_score = 0
# answer_status = 0
# answer_status = 0
# cha_path = exercise_cha.challenge.path.present? ? exercise_cha.challenge.path.split(";") : []
# cha_path = challenge_path exercise_cha.challenge.path
# challeng_path = cha_path.reject(&:blank?)[0].try(:strip)
# if game.status == 2 && game.final_score >= 0
# if game.status == 2 && game.final_score >= 0
# exercise_cha_score = exercise_cha.question_score
# exercise_cha_score = game.real_score exercise_cha.question_score #每一关卡的得分
# answer_status = 1
# answer_status = 1
# end
# end
# if exercise_cha.exercise_shixun_answers.where(:user_id => user.id).empty?
# if exercise_cha.exercise_shixun_answers.search_shixun_answers("user_id",user.id).blank? #把关卡的答案存入试卷的实训里
# if GameCode.where(:game_id => game.try(:id), :path => challeng_path).first.present?
# game_challenge = game.game_codes.search_challenge_path(cha_path).first
# game_code = GameCode.where(:game_id => game.try(:id), :path => challeng_path).first
# if game_challenge.present?
# game_code = game_challenge
# code = game_code.try(:new_code)
# code = game_code.try(:new_code)
# else
# else
# begin
# code = git_fle_content(exercise_cha.shixun.repo_path,cha_path)
# g = Gitlab.client
# Rails.logger.info "commit_exercise_path---- #{challeng_path}"
# if game.present?
# code = g.files(game.myshixun.gpid, challeng_path, "master").try(:content)
# else
# code = g.files(question.shixun.gpid, challeng_path, "master").try(:content)
# end
# code = tran_base64_decode64(code)
# rescue Exception => e
# @error_messages = e.message
# Rails.logger.info "commit_exercise---- #{@error_messages}"
# end
# end
# end
# ExerciseShixunAnswer.create(:exercise_question_id => question.id, :exercise_shixun_challenge_id => exercise_cha.id, :user_id => user.id,
# sx_option = {
# :score => exercise_cha_score, :answer_text => code, :status => answer_status)
# :exercise_question_id => q.id,
# :exercise_shixun_challenge_id => exercise_cha.id,
# :user_id => user.id,
# :score => exercise_cha_score,
# :answer_text => code,
# :status => answer_status
# }
# ex_shixun_answer = ExerciseShixunAnswer.new(sx_option)
# ex_shixun_answer.save!
# end
# end
# score4 += exercise_cha_score
# score5 += exercise_cha_score
# end
# end
# end
# end
# end
# end
# end
# user_scores = answers_content.score_reviewed.pluck(:score).sum
# score = score1 + score2 + score3 + score4
# if user_scores > 0
# stand_answer = 1
# else
# stand_answer = 0
# end
# ques_option = {
# "q_id":q.id, #该问题的id
# "q_type":q.question_type,
# "q_position":q.question_number, #该问题的位置
# "stand_status":stand_answer, #该问题是否正确,1为正确,0为错误
# "user_score":user_scores #每个问题的总得分
# }
# ques_stand.push(ques_option)
# end
# total_score = score1 + score2 + score5
# {
# "total_score":total_score,
# "stand_status":ques_stand
# }
# end
# end
task :publish => :environment do
task :publish => :environment do
@ -169,6 +204,9 @@ namespace :exercise_publish do
task :end => :environment do
task :end => :environment do
# include ExercisesHelper
# include ApplicationController
exercises = Exercise.where("end_time <=? and exercise_status = 2",Time.now)
exercises = Exercise.where("end_time <=? and exercise_status = 2",Time.now)
exercises.each do |exercise|
exercises.each do |exercise|
course = exercise.course
course = exercise.course
@ -180,7 +218,7 @@ namespace :exercise_publish do
s_score = calculate_student_score(exercise, exercise_user.user)[:total_score]
s_score = calculate_student_score(exercise, exercise_user.user)[:total_score]
exercise_user.update_attributes(:objective_score => s_score, :score => (s_score + (exercise_user.subjective_score && exercise_user.subjective_score > 0 ? exercise_user.subjective_score : 0)))
exercise_user.update_attributes(:objective_score => s_score, :score => (s_score + (exercise_user.subjective_score && exercise_user.subjective_score > 0 ? exercise_user.subjective_score : 0)))
if exercise_user.user.exercise_answer.where(:exercise_question_id => exercise.exercise_questions.where(:question_type => 4).map(&:id)).empty?
if exercise_user.user.exercise_answers.where(:exercise_question_id => exercise.exercise_questions.where(:question_type => 4).map(&:id)).empty?
exercise_user.update_attributes(:subjective_score => 0)
exercise_user.update_attributes(:subjective_score => 0)
@ -201,11 +239,12 @@ namespace :exercise_publish do
s_score = calculate_student_score(exercise, exercise_user.user)[:total_score]
s_score = calculate_student_score(exercise, exercise_user.user)[:total_score]
exercise_user.update_attributes(:objective_score => s_score, :score => (s_score + (exercise_user.subjective_score && exercise_user.subjective_score > 0 ? exercise_user.subjective_score : 0)))
exercise_user.update_attributes(:objective_score => s_score, :score => (s_score + (exercise_user.subjective_score && exercise_user.subjective_score > 0 ? exercise_user.subjective_score : 0)))
if exercise_user.user.exercise_answer.where(:exercise_question_id => exercise.exercise_questions.where(:question_type => 4).map(&:id)).empty?
if exercise_user.user.exercise_answers.where(:exercise_question_id => exercise.exercise_questions.where(:question_type => 4).map(&:id)).empty?
exercise_user.update_attributes(:subjective_score => 0)
exercise_user.update_attributes(:subjective_score => 0)