qurey_test_sets=TestSet.find_by_sql("SELECT o.code, o.actual_output, o.out_put, o.result, o.compile_success, o.test_set_position, o.query_index,t.is_public,t.input, t.output, g.id as game_id, c.id as challenge_id FROM outputs o,games g ,challenges c,test_sets t where
g.id=#{game.id} and o.query_index=#{max_query_index} and g.id = o.game_id and c.id= g.challenge_id and t.challenge_id = c.id and t.position =o.test_set_position order by o.query_index
qurey_test_sets=TestSet.find_by_sql("SELECT t.is_public,t.input, t.output,t.position FROM games g ,challenges c,test_sets t where
g.id=#{game.id} and c.id= g.challenge_id and t.challenge_id = c.id