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437 lines
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2 years ago
#include <type_traits>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "drake/common/autodiff.h"
#include "drake/common/cond.h"
#include "drake/common/eigen_types.h"
#include "drake/common/extract_double.h"
#include "drake/common/test_utilities/eigen_matrix_compare.h"
using Eigen::MatrixXd;
using Eigen::VectorXd;
namespace drake {
namespace common {
namespace {
// Test nominal behavior of `AutoDiff`, checking implicit and explicit casting.
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, Casting) {
VectorXd dx(3);
dx << 0, 1, 2;
VectorXd dx0(3);
// No derivatives supplied.
AutoDiffXd x(1);
EXPECT_EQ(x.value(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(x.derivatives().size(), 0);
// Persists.
x = 2;
EXPECT_EQ(x.value(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(x.derivatives().size(), 0);
// Update derivative.
x.derivatives() = dx;
EXPECT_EQ(x.value(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(x.derivatives(), dx);
// Implicitly castable, resets derivatives to zero.
x = 10;
EXPECT_EQ(x.value(), 10);
EXPECT_EQ(x.derivatives(), dx0);
// Resets derivative size.
x = AutoDiffXd(10);
EXPECT_EQ(x.value(), 10);
EXPECT_EQ(x.derivatives().size(), 0);
// Only explicitly castable to double.
double xs = x.value();
EXPECT_EQ(xs, 10);
// Can mix zero-size derivatives: interpreted as constants.
x = AutoDiffXd(2, dx);
AutoDiffXd y(3);
AutoDiffXd z = x * y;
EXPECT_EQ(z.value(), 6);
EXPECT_EQ(z.derivatives().size(), 3);
// The following causes failure, because of mixed derivative size.
// y.derivatives() = VectorXd::Zero(2);
// EXPECT_EQ((x * y).value(), 10);
// Tests ExtractDoubleOrThrow on autodiff.
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, ExtractDouble) {
// On autodiff.
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::Vector2d> x;
x.value() = 1.0;
EXPECT_EQ(ExtractDoubleOrThrow(x), 1.0);
// A double still works, too.
double y = 1.0;
EXPECT_EQ(ExtractDoubleOrThrow(y), 1.0);
// Eigen variant.
Vector2<Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::Vector2d>> v{9.0, 7.0};
CompareMatrices(ExtractDoubleOrThrow(v), Eigen::Vector2d{9.0, 7.0}));
// Tests correctness of nexttoward.
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, NextToward) {
const long double inf = std::numeric_limits<long double>::infinity();
const double eps = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::Vector2d> x;
x.value() = 1.0;
EXPECT_EQ(nexttoward(x, inf) - 1, eps);
// Tests correctness of isfinite.
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, IsFinite) {
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::Vector2d> x;
x.value() = 1.0 / 0.0;
EXPECT_EQ(isfinite(x), false);
x.value() = 0.0;
EXPECT_EQ(isfinite(x), true);
x.derivatives()[0] = 1.0 / 0.0; // The derivatives() are ignored.
EXPECT_EQ(isfinite(x), true);
// Tests correctness of isinf.
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, IsInf) {
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::Vector2d> x;
x.value() = 1.0 / 0.0;
EXPECT_EQ(isinf(x), true);
x.value() = 0.0;
EXPECT_EQ(isinf(x), false);
x.derivatives()[0] = 1.0 / 0.0; // The derivatives() are ignored.
EXPECT_EQ(isinf(x), false);
// Tests correctness of isnan.
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, IsNaN) {
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::Vector2d> x;
x.value() = 0.0 / 0.0;
EXPECT_EQ(isnan(x), true);
x.value() = 0.0;
EXPECT_EQ(isnan(x), false);
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTests, CopySign) {
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::Vector2d> x, y, z;
x.derivatives() = Eigen::VectorXd::Unit(2, 0);
y.derivatives() = Eigen::VectorXd::Unit(2, 1);
// Positive, positive.
x.value() = 1.1;
y.value() = 2.5;
z = copysign(x, y);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(z.value(), x.value());
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(z.derivatives(), x.derivatives()));
// Positive, negative.
x.value() = 1.1;
y.value() = -2.5;
z = copysign(x, y);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(z.value(), -x.value());
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(z.derivatives(), -x.derivatives()));
// Negative, positive.
x.value() = -1.1;
y.value() = 2.5;
z = copysign(x, y);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(z.value(), -x.value());
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(z.derivatives(), -x.derivatives()));
// Negative, negative.
x.value() = -1.1;
y.value() = -2.5;
z = copysign(x, y);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(z.value(), x.value());
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(z.derivatives(), x.derivatives()));
// Test w/ double y (Negative, positive).
z = copysign(x, 2.5);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(z.value(), -x.value());
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(z.derivatives(), -x.derivatives()));
// Tests that pow(AutoDiffScalar, AutoDiffScalar) applies the chain rule.
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, Pow) {
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::Vector2d> x;
x.value() = 1.1;
x.derivatives() = Eigen::VectorXd::Unit(2, 0);
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::Vector2d> y;
y.value() = 2.5;
y.derivatives() = Eigen::VectorXd::Unit(2, 1);
x = x * (y + 2);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(4.95, x.value());
// The derivative of x with respect to its original value is y + 2 = 4.5.
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(4.5, x.derivatives()[0]);
// The derivative of x with respect to y is x = 1.1.
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.1, x.derivatives()[1]);
// The following should be the same as `pow(x, y)`, but we want to test this
// one to check Drake's pow(ADS<DerType&>, ADS<DerType&>) works.
auto z = pow(x + 0.0, y + 0.0);
// z is x^y = 4.95^2.5 ~= 54.51.
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(std::pow(4.95, 2.5), z.value());
// ∂z/∂x is y*x^(y-1) = 2.5 * 4.95^1.5 ~= 27.53.
const double dzdx = 2.5 * std::pow(4.95, 1.5);
// ∂z/∂y is (x^y)*ln(x) = (4.95^2.5)*ln(4.95) ~= 87.19.
const double dzdy = std::pow(4.95, 2.5) * std::log(4.95);
// By the chain rule, dz/dv is 27.53 * xgrad + 87.19 * ygrad
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(dzdx * 4.5 + dzdy * 0.0, z.derivatives()[0]);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(dzdx * 1.1 + dzdy * 1.0, z.derivatives()[1]);
// Tests that pow(AutoDiffScalar, AutoDiffScalar) computes sane derivatives for
// base^exponent at the corner case base = 0, exponent.derivatives() = {0}.
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, PowEmptyExponentDerivative) {
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Vector1d> x;
x.value() = 0.;
x.derivatives() = Eigen::VectorXd::Unit(1, 0);
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Vector1d> y;
y.value() = 2.5;
y.derivatives() = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(1);
const auto z = pow(x, y);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0., z.value());
// ∂z/∂v = ∂z/∂x, which is y*x^(y-1) = 0 (as opposed to NAN, had the chain
// rule been applied).
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(Vector1d{0.}, z.derivatives()));
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, IfThenElse1) {
using DerType = Eigen::Vector2d;
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> x{10.0, DerType{2, 1}};
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> y{if_then_else(x >= 0, x * x, x * x * x)};
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.value(), x.value() * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[0], 2 * 2 * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[1], 2 * x.value());
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, IfThenElse2) {
using DerType = Eigen::Vector2d;
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> x{-10.0, DerType{2, 1}};
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> y{if_then_else(x >= 0, x * x, x * x * x)};
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.value(), x.value() * x.value() * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[0], 2 * 3 * x.value() * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[1], 3 * x.value() * x.value());
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, IfThenElse3) {
using DerType = Eigen::Vector2d;
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> x{10.0, DerType{2, 1}};
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> y{if_then_else(x >= 0, x + 1, x)};
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.value(), x.value() + 1);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[0], 2 * 1);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[1], 1);
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, IfThenElse4) {
using DerType = Eigen::Vector2d;
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> x{-10.0, DerType{2, 1}};
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> y{if_then_else(x >= 0, x, x)};
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.value(), x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[0], 2);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[1], 1);
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, IfThenElse5) {
using DerType = Eigen::Vector2d;
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> x{-10.0, DerType{2, 1}};
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> y{if_then_else(x >= 0, -x, -x * x * x)};
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.value(), -x.value() * x.value() * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[0], 2 * -3 * x.value() * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[1], -3 * x.value() * x.value());
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, IfThenElse6) {
using DerType = Eigen::Vector2d;
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> x{10.0, DerType{2, 1}};
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> y{if_then_else(x >= 0, -x, x * x * x)};
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.value(), -x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[0], 2 * -1);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[1], -1);
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, IfThenElse7) {
using DerType = Eigen::Vector2d;
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> x{5.0, DerType{2, 1}};
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> y{10.0, DerType{2, 1}};
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> z{if_then_else(true, x * x, y * y * y)};
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(z.value(), x.value() * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(z.derivatives()[0], 2 * 2 * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(z.derivatives()[1], 2 * x.value());
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, IfThenElse8) {
using DerType = Eigen::Vector2d;
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> x{5.0, DerType{2, 1}};
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> y{10.0, DerType{2, 1}};
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> z{if_then_else(false, x * x, y * y * y)};
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(z.value(), y.value() * y.value() * y.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(z.derivatives()[0], 2 * 3 * y.value() * y.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(z.derivatives()[1], 3 * y.value() * y.value());
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, Cond1) {
using DerType = Eigen::Vector2d;
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> x{-10.0, DerType{2, 1}};
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> y{cond(x >= 0, x * x, x * x * x)};
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.value(), x.value() * x.value() * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[0], 2 * 3 * x.value() * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[1], 3 * x.value() * x.value());
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, Cond2) {
using DerType = Eigen::Vector2d;
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> x{10.0, DerType{2, 1}};
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> y{cond(x >= 0, x * x, x * x * x)};
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.value(), x.value() * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[0], 2 * 2 * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[1], 2 * x.value());
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, Cond3) {
using DerType = Eigen::Vector2d;
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> x{10.0, DerType{2, 1}};
// clang-format off
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> y{cond(x >= 10, 10 * x * x,
x >= 5, 5 * x * x * x,
x >= 3, -3 * x,
x * x)};
// clang-format on
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.value(), 10 * x.value() * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[0], 2 * 10 * 2 * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[1], 10 * 2 * x.value());
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, Cond4) {
using DerType = Eigen::Vector2d;
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> x{8.0, DerType{2, 1}};
// clang-format off
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> y{cond(x >= 10, 10 * x * x,
x >= 5, 5 * x * x * x,
x >= 3, -3 * x,
x * x)};
// clang-format on
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.value(), 5 * x.value() * x.value() * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[0], 2 * 5 * 3 * x.value() * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[1], 5 * 3 * x.value() * x.value());
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, Cond5) {
using DerType = Eigen::Vector2d;
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> x{4.0, DerType{2, 1}};
// clang-format off
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> y{cond(x >= 10, 10 * x * x,
x >= 5, 5 * x * x * x,
x >= 3, -3 * x,
x * x)};
// clang-format on
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.value(), -3 * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[0], 2 * -3);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[1], -3);
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, Cond6) {
using DerType = Eigen::Vector2d;
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> x{2.0, DerType{2, 1}};
// clang-format off
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> y{cond(x >= 10, 10 * x * x,
x >= 5, 5 * x * x * x,
x >= 3, -3 * x,
x * x)};
// clang-format on
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.value(), x.value() * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[0], 2 * 2 * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(y.derivatives()[1], 2 * x.value());
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, Cond7) {
using DerType = Eigen::Vector2d;
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> x{10.0, DerType{2, 1}};
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> y{2.0, DerType{4, 2}};
// clang-format off
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> z{cond(x >= 10, 10 * x * x,
x >= 5, 5 * y * y * y,
x * x)};
// clang-format on
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(z.value(), 10 * x.value() * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(z.derivatives()[0], 2 * 10 * 2 * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(z.derivatives()[1], 10 * 2 * x.value());
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, Cond8) {
using DerType = Eigen::Vector2d;
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> x{7.0, DerType{2, 1}};
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> y{2.0, DerType{4, 2}};
// clang-format off
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> z{cond(x >= 10, 10 * x * x,
x >= 5, 5 * y * y * y,
x * x)};
// clang-format on
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(z.value(), 5 * y.value() * y.value() * y.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(z.derivatives()[0], 4 * 5 * 3 * y.value() * y.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(z.derivatives()[1], 2 * 5 * 3 * y.value() * y.value());
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, Cond9) {
using DerType = Eigen::Vector2d;
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> x{3, DerType{2, 1}};
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> y{2.0, DerType{4, 2}};
// clang-format off
Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType> z{cond(x >= 10, 10 * x * x,
x >= 5, 5 * y * y * y,
x * x)};
// clang-format on
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(z.value(), x.value() * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(z.derivatives()[0], 2 * 2 * x.value());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(z.derivatives()[1], 2 * x.value());
// This is just a sanity check to make sure that Eigen::NumTraits::Literal
// is the right way to dig through an AutoDiffScalar to find the underlying
// floating point type. If this compiles it succeeds.
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, CheckEigenLiteral) {
using DerTyped = Eigen::Vector2d;
using DerTypef = Eigen::Vector2f;
using Td = Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerTyped>;
using Tf = Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerTypef>;
using Literald = typename Eigen::NumTraits<Td>::Literal;
using Literalf = typename Eigen::NumTraits<Tf>::Literal;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<Literald, double> &&
std::is_same_v<Literalf, float>,
"Eigen::NumTraits<T>::Literal didn't behave as expected.");
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, DummyValueX) {
using T = Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::VectorXd>;
const T dummy_xd = dummy_value<T>::get();
const double value = dummy_xd.value();
const Eigen::VectorXd derivatives = dummy_xd.derivatives();
EXPECT_EQ(derivatives.rows(), 0);
GTEST_TEST(AutodiffOverloadsTest, DummyValue2) {
using T = Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::Vector2d>;
const T dummy_2d = dummy_value<T>::get();
const double value = dummy_2d.value();
const Eigen::Vector2d derivatives = dummy_2d.derivatives();
EXPECT_EQ(derivatives.rows(), 2);
} // namespace
} // namespace common
} // namespace drake