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2 years ago
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "drake/examples/compass_gait/gen/compass_gait_continuous_state.h"
#include "drake/examples/compass_gait/gen/compass_gait_params.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/event.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/leaf_system.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/scalar_conversion_traits.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/witness_function.h"
namespace drake {
namespace examples {
namespace compass_gait {
/// Dynamical representation of the idealized hybrid dynamics of a "compass
/// gait", as described in
/// .
/// This implementation has two additional state variables that are not
/// required in the mathematical model:
/// - a discrete state for the position of the stance toe along the ramp
/// - a Boolean indicator for "left support" (true when the stance leg is
/// the left leg).
/// These are helpful for outputting the floating-base model coordinate, e.g.
/// for visualization.
/// @note This model only supports walking downhill on the ramp, because that
/// restriction enables a clean / numerically robust implementation of the foot
/// collision witness function that avoids fall detection on the "foot
/// scuffing" collision.
/// @system
/// name: CompassGait
/// input_ports:
/// - hip_torque (optional)
/// output_ports:
/// - minimal_state
/// - floating_base_state
/// @endsystem
/// Continuous States: stance, swing, stancedot, swingdot.<br/>
/// Discrete State: stance toe position.<br/>
/// Abstract State: left support indicator.<br/>
/// Note: If the hip_torque input port is not connected, then the torque is
/// taken to be zero.
/// @tparam_default_scalar
template <typename T>
class CompassGait final : public systems::LeafSystem<T> {
/// Constructs the plant.
/// Scalar-converting copy constructor. See @ref system_scalar_conversion.
template <typename U>
explicit CompassGait(const CompassGait<U>&) : CompassGait<T>() {}
/// Returns reference to the output port that publishes only
/// [theta_stance, theta_swing, thetatdot_stance, thetadot_swing].
const systems::OutputPort<T>& get_minimal_state_output_port() const {
return this->get_output_port(0);
/// Returns reference to the output port that provides the state in the
/// floating-base coordinates (described via left leg xyz & rpy + hip angle +
/// derivatives).
const systems::OutputPort<T>& get_floating_base_state_output_port() const {
return this->get_output_port(1);
/// Returns the CompassGaitContinuousState.
static const CompassGaitContinuousState<T>& get_continuous_state(
const systems::Context<T>& context) {
return get_continuous_state(context.get_continuous_state());
/// Returns the mutable CompassGaitContinuousState.
static CompassGaitContinuousState<T>& get_mutable_continuous_state(
systems::Context<T>* context) {
return get_mutable_continuous_state(
static const T& get_toe_position(const systems::Context<T>& context) {
return context.get_discrete_state(0).GetAtIndex(0);
static void set_toe_position(const T& value, systems::State<T>* state) {
static bool left_leg_is_stance(const systems::Context<T> &context) {
return context.template get_abstract_state<bool>(0);
static void set_left_leg_is_stance(bool value, systems::State<T>* state) {
state->template get_mutable_abstract_state<bool>(0) = value;
/// Access the CompassGaitParams.
const CompassGaitParams<T>& get_parameters(
const systems::Context<T>& context) const {
return this->template GetNumericParameter<CompassGaitParams>(context, 0);
/// Manipulator equation of CompassGait: M(q)v̇ + bias(q,v) = 0.
/// - M is the 2x2 mass matrix.
/// - bias is a 2x1 vector that includes the Coriolis term and gravity term,
/// i.e. bias = C(q,v)*v - τ_g(q).
Vector2<T> DynamicsBiasTerm(const systems::Context<T> &context) const;
Matrix2<T> MassMatrix(const systems::Context<T> &context) const;
static const CompassGaitContinuousState<T>& get_continuous_state(
const systems::ContinuousState<T>& cstate) {
return dynamic_cast<const CompassGaitContinuousState<T>&>(
static CompassGaitContinuousState<T>& get_mutable_continuous_state(
systems::ContinuousState<T>* cstate) {
return dynamic_cast<CompassGaitContinuousState<T>&>(
// Calculate the kinetic and potential energy (in the world frame attached to
// the stance toe).
T DoCalcKineticEnergy(const systems::Context<T>& context) const final;
T DoCalcPotentialEnergy(const systems::Context<T>& context) const final;
// WitnessFunction to check when the foot hits the ramp (with a sufficiently
// large step length).
T FootCollision(const systems::Context<T>& context) const;
// Handles the impact dynamics, including resetting the stance and swing legs.
void CollisionDynamics(const systems::Context<T> &context,
const systems::UnrestrictedUpdateEvent<T> &,
systems::State<T> *state) const;
void MinimalStateOut(const systems::Context<T>& context,
CompassGaitContinuousState<T>* output) const;
void FloatingBaseStateOut(const systems::Context<T>& context,
systems::BasicVector<T>* output) const;
// Implements the simple double pendulum dynamics during stance.
void DoCalcTimeDerivatives(
const systems::Context<T>& context,
systems::ContinuousState<T>* derivatives) const final;
void DoGetWitnessFunctions(const systems::Context<T>&,
std::vector<const systems::WitnessFunction<T>*>*
witnesses) const final;
// The system stores its witness function internally.
std::unique_ptr<systems::WitnessFunction<T>> foot_collision_;
} // namespace compass_gait
} // namespace examples
} // namespace drake