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2 years ago
#include <benchmark/benchmark.h>
#include "drake/common/drake_assert.h"
#include "drake/common/find_resource.h"
#include "drake/math/autodiff.h"
#include "drake/math/autodiff_gradient.h"
#include "drake/multibody/parsing/parser.h"
#include "drake/multibody/plant/multibody_plant.h"
#include "drake/tools/performance/fixture_common.h"
namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
namespace {
using math::RigidTransform;
using math::RollPitchYaw;
using symbolic::Expression;
using symbolic::MakeVectorVariable;
using systems::Context;
using systems::ContinuousState;
using systems::FixedInputPortValue;
using systems::System;
// We use this alias to silence cpplint barking at mutable references.
using BenchmarkStateRef = benchmark::State&;
// In the benchmark case instantiations at the bottom of this file, we'll use
// a bitmask for the case's "Arg" to denote which quantities are in scope as
// either gradients (for T=AutoDiffXd) or variables (for T=Expression).
constexpr int kWantNoGrad = 0x0;
constexpr int kWantGradQ = 0x1;
constexpr int kWantGradV = 0x2;
constexpr int kWantGradX = kWantGradQ | kWantGradV;
constexpr int kWantGradVdot = 0x4;
constexpr int kWantGradU = 0x8;
// Fixture that holds a Cassie robot model and offers helper functions to
// configure the benchmark case.
template <typename T>
class Cassie : public benchmark::Fixture {
Cassie() {
// This apparently futile using statement works around "overloaded virtual"
// errors in g++. All of this is a consequence of the weird deprecation of
// const-ref State versions of SetUp() and TearDown() in benchmark.h.
using benchmark::Fixture::SetUp;
void SetUp(BenchmarkStateRef state) override {
// Loads the plant.
static std::unique_ptr<MultibodyPlant<T>> MakePlant();
// Sets the plant to have non-zero state and input. In some cases, computing
// using zeros will not tickle the relevant paths through the code.
void SetUpNonZeroState();
// In the benchmark case instantiations at the bottom of this file, we'll use
// a bitmask for the case's "Arg" to denote which quantities are in scope as
// either gradients (for T=AutoDiffXd) or variables (for T=Expression).
static bool want_grad_q(const benchmark::State& state) {
return state.range(0) & kWantGradQ;
static bool want_grad_v(const benchmark::State& state) {
return state.range(0) & kWantGradV;
static bool want_grad_vdot(const benchmark::State& state) {
return state.range(0) & kWantGradVdot;
static bool want_grad_u(const benchmark::State& state) {
return state.range(0) & kWantGradU;
// Using the "Arg" from the given benchmark state, sets up the MbP
// state and/or input to use gradients and/or symbolic variables
// as configured in this benchmark case.
// For T=double, any request for gradients is an error.
// For T=AutoDiffXd, sets the specified gradients to the identity matrix.
// For T=Expression, sets the specified quantities to symbolic variables.
void SetUpGradientsOrVariables(BenchmarkStateRef state);
// Use these functions to invalidate input- or state-dependent computations
// each benchmarked step. Disabling the cache entirely would affect the
// performance because it would suppress any internal use of the cache during
// complicated computations like forward dynamics. For example, if there are
// multiple places in forward dynamics that access body positions, currently
// those would get computed once and re-used (like in real applications) but
// with caching off they would get recalculated repeatedly, affecting the
// timing results.
void InvalidateInput() {
void InvalidateState() {
// Runs the MassMatrix benchmark.
void DoMassMatrix(BenchmarkStateRef state) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(want_grad_vdot(state) == false);
DRAKE_DEMAND(want_grad_u(state) == false);
for (auto _ : state) {
plant_->CalcMassMatrix(*context_, &mass_matrix_out_);
// Runs the InverseDynamics benchmark.
void DoInverseDynamics(BenchmarkStateRef state) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(want_grad_u(state) == false);
for (auto _ : state) {
plant_->CalcInverseDynamics(*context_, desired_vdot_, external_forces_);
// Runs the ForwardDynamics benchmark.
void DoForwardDynamics(BenchmarkStateRef state) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(want_grad_vdot(state) == false);
for (auto _ : state) {
// The plant itself.
const std::unique_ptr<const MultibodyPlant<T>> plant_{MakePlant()};
const int nq_{plant_->num_positions()};
const int nv_{plant_->num_velocities()};
const int nu_{plant_->num_actuators()};
// The plant's context.
std::unique_ptr<Context<T>> context_{plant_->CreateDefaultContext()};
FixedInputPortValue& input_ = plant_->get_actuation_input_port().FixValue(
context_.get(), VectorX<T>::Zero(nu_));
// Data used in the MassMatrix cases (only).
MatrixX<T> mass_matrix_out_;
// Data used in the InverseDynamics cases (only).
VectorX<T> desired_vdot_;
MultibodyForces<T> external_forces_{*plant_};
using CassieDouble = Cassie<double>;
using CassieAutoDiff = Cassie<AutoDiffXd>;
using CassieExpression = Cassie<Expression>;
template <typename T>
std::unique_ptr<MultibodyPlant<T>> Cassie<T>::MakePlant() {
auto plant = std::make_unique<MultibodyPlant<double>>(0.0);
Parser parser(plant.get());
const auto& model = "drake/multibody/benchmarking/cassie_v2.urdf";
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, double>) {
return plant;
} else {
return System<double>::ToScalarType<T>(*plant);
template <typename T>
void Cassie<T>::SetUpNonZeroState() {
// Reset 'x'; be sure to set quaternions back to a sane value.
VectorX<T>::LinSpaced(nq_ + nv_, 0.1, 0.9));
for (const BodyIndex& index : plant_->GetFloatingBaseBodies()) {
const Body<T>& body = plant_->get_body(index);
const RigidTransform<T> pose(
RollPitchYaw<T>(0.1, 0.2, 0.3), Vector3<T>(0.4, 0.5, 0.6));
plant_->SetFreeBodyPose(context_.get(), body, pose);
// Reset 'vdot'.
desired_vdot_ = VectorX<T>::Constant(nv_, 0.5);
// Reset 'u'.
VectorX<T>::Constant(nu_, 0.5));
// Reset 'tau'.
external_forces_.mutable_generalized_forces() =
VectorX<T>::LinSpaced(nv_, 0.01, 0.09);
// Reset temporaries.
mass_matrix_out_ = MatrixX<T>::Zero(nv_, nv_);
template <>
void Cassie<double>::SetUpGradientsOrVariables(BenchmarkStateRef state) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(want_grad_q(state) == false);
DRAKE_DEMAND(want_grad_v(state) == false);
DRAKE_DEMAND(want_grad_vdot(state) == false);
DRAKE_DEMAND(want_grad_u(state) == false);
template <>
void Cassie<AutoDiffXd>::SetUpGradientsOrVariables(BenchmarkStateRef state) {
// For the quantities destined for InitializeAutoDiff, read their default
// values (without any gradients). For the others, leave the matrix empty.
VectorX<double> q, v, vdot, u;
if (want_grad_q(state)) {
q = math::DiscardGradient(plant_->GetPositions(*context_));
if (want_grad_v(state)) {
v = math::DiscardGradient(plant_->GetVelocities(*context_));
if (want_grad_vdot(state)) {
vdot = math::DiscardGradient(desired_vdot_);
if (want_grad_u(state)) {
u = math::DiscardGradient(input_.get_vector_value<AutoDiffXd>().value());
// Initialize the desired gradients.
VectorX<AutoDiffXd> q_grad, v_grad, vdot_grad, u_grad;
std::tie(q_grad, v_grad, vdot_grad, u_grad) =
math::InitializeAutoDiffTuple(q, v, vdot, u);
// Write the gradients back to the plant.
if (want_grad_q(state)) {
plant_->SetPositions(context_.get(), q_grad);
if (want_grad_v(state)) {
plant_->SetVelocities(context_.get(), v_grad);
if (want_grad_vdot(state)) {
desired_vdot_ = vdot_grad;
if (want_grad_u(state)) {
template <>
void Cassie<Expression>::SetUpGradientsOrVariables(BenchmarkStateRef state) {
if (want_grad_q(state)) {
const VectorX<Expression> q = MakeVectorVariable(nq_, "q");
plant_->SetPositions(context_.get(), q);
if (want_grad_v(state)) {
const VectorX<Expression> v = MakeVectorVariable(nv_, "v");
plant_->SetVelocities(context_.get(), v);
if (want_grad_vdot(state)) {
desired_vdot_ = MakeVectorVariable(nv_, "vd");
if (want_grad_u(state)) {
const VectorX<Expression> u = MakeVectorVariable(nu_, "u");
// All that remains is to add the sensible combinations of benchmark configs.
// For T=double, there's only a single config. We still use a range arg so
// that its correspondence with the non-double cases is apparent.
// For T=AutoDiff, the range arg sets which gradients to use, using a bitmask.
// For T=Expression, the range arg sets which variables to use, using a bitmask.
BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(CassieDouble, MassMatrix)(BenchmarkStateRef state) {
BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(CassieDouble, MassMatrix)
BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(CassieDouble, InverseDynamics)(BenchmarkStateRef state) {
BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(CassieDouble, InverseDynamics)
BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(CassieDouble, ForwardDynamics)(BenchmarkStateRef state) {
BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(CassieDouble, ForwardDynamics)
BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(CassieAutoDiff, MassMatrix)(BenchmarkStateRef state) {
BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(CassieAutoDiff, MassMatrix)
BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(CassieAutoDiff, InverseDynamics)(BenchmarkStateRef state) {
BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(CassieAutoDiff, InverseDynamics)
BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(CassieAutoDiff, ForwardDynamics)(BenchmarkStateRef state) {
BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(CassieAutoDiff, ForwardDynamics)
BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(CassieExpression, MassMatrix)(BenchmarkStateRef state) {
BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(CassieExpression, MassMatrix)
BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(CassieExpression, InverseDynamics)(BenchmarkStateRef state) {
BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(CassieExpression, InverseDynamics)
BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(CassieExpression, ForwardDynamics)(BenchmarkStateRef state) {
BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(CassieExpression, ForwardDynamics)
// N.B. MbP does not support forward dynamics with Variables in 'q'.
} // namespace
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake