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#include "drake/multibody/fem/volumetric_element.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "drake/common/test_utilities/eigen_matrix_compare.h"
#include "drake/math/autodiff_gradient.h"
#include "drake/math/rigid_transform.h"
#include "drake/math/roll_pitch_yaw.h"
#include "drake/multibody/fem/corotated_model.h"
#include "drake/multibody/fem/fem_state.h"
#include "drake/multibody/fem/linear_simplex_element.h"
#include "drake/multibody/fem/simplex_gaussian_quadrature.h"
namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
namespace fem {
namespace internal {
using std::make_unique;
using std::unique_ptr;
constexpr int kNaturalDimension = 3;
constexpr int kSpatialDimension = 3;
constexpr int kQuadratureOrder = 1;
constexpr double kEpsilon = 1e-14;
using AD = AutoDiffXd;
using QuadratureType =
internal::SimplexGaussianQuadrature<kNaturalDimension, kQuadratureOrder>;
static constexpr int kNumQuads = QuadratureType::num_quadrature_points;
using IsoparametricElementType =
internal::LinearSimplexElement<AD, kNaturalDimension, kSpatialDimension,
using ConstitutiveModelType = CorotatedModel<AD, kNumQuads>;
using DeformationGradientDataType = CorotatedModelData<AD, kNumQuads>;
const AD kYoungsModulus{1};
const AD kPoissonRatio{0.25};
const AD kDensity{1.23};
const AD kMassDamping{1e-4};
const AD kStiffnessDamping{1e-3};
class VolumetricElementTest : public ::testing::Test {
using ElementType = VolumetricElement<IsoparametricElementType,
QuadratureType, ConstitutiveModelType>;
using Data = typename ElementType::Data;
static constexpr int kNumDofs = ElementType::num_dofs;
static constexpr int kNumNodes = ElementType::num_nodes;
const std::array<FemNodeIndex, kNumNodes> kNodeIndices = {
{FemNodeIndex(0), FemNodeIndex(1), FemNodeIndex(2), FemNodeIndex(3)}};
void SetUp() override {
fem_state_system_ = make_unique<internal::FemStateSystem<AD>>(
VectorX<AD>::Zero(kNumDofs), VectorX<AD>::Zero(kNumDofs),
/* Set up element data. */
std::function<void(const systems::Context<AD>&, std::vector<Data>*)>
calc_element_data = [this](const systems::Context<AD>& context,
std::vector<Data>* element_data) {
/* There's only one element in the system. */
const FemState<AD> fem_state(fem_state_system_.get(), &context);
(*element_data)[0] = (this->elements_)[0].ComputeData(fem_state);
cache_index_ =
->DeclareCacheEntry("Element data",
void SetupElement() {
Eigen::Matrix<AD, kSpatialDimension, kNumNodes> X = reference_positions();
ConstitutiveModelType constitutive_model(kYoungsModulus, kPoissonRatio);
DampingModel<AD> damping_model(0, 0);
elements_.emplace_back(kNodeIndices, std::move(constitutive_model), X,
kDensity, std::move(damping_model));
/* Makes an FemState to be consumed by the unit tests with the given q, v, and
a as the state values. */
unique_ptr<FemState<AD>> MakeFemState(const VectorX<AD>& q,
const VectorX<AD>& v,
const VectorX<AD>& a) {
auto fem_state = make_unique<FemState<AD>>(fem_state_system_.get());
return fem_state;
/* Set up the state and data of a deformed element. This makes the positions
the independent variables of the problem when we take gradients. */
unique_ptr<FemState<AD>> MakeDeformedState() {
Vector<double, kNumDofs> perturbation;
perturbation << 0.18, 0.63, 0.54, 0.13, 0.92, 0.17, 0.03, 0.86, 0.85, 0.25,
0.53, 0.67;
Eigen::Matrix<AD, kSpatialDimension, kNumNodes> X = reference_positions();
Vector<double, kNumDofs> x =
Eigen::Map<Vector<double, kNumDofs>>(math::DiscardGradient(X).data(),
reference_positions().size()) +
Vector<AD, kNumDofs> x_autodiff;
math::InitializeAutoDiff(x, &x_autodiff);
/* Set up arbitrary velocity and acceleration. */
const Vector<AD, kNumDofs> v_autodiff = -1.23 * perturbation;
const Vector<AD, kNumDofs> a_autodiff = 4.56 * perturbation;
return MakeFemState(x_autodiff, v_autodiff, a_autodiff);
/* Set up a state where the positions are the same as reference positions.
This makes the positions the independent variables of the problem when we
take gradients.*/
unique_ptr<FemState<AD>> MakeReferenceState() {
Eigen::Matrix<AD, kSpatialDimension, kNumNodes> X = reference_positions();
Vector<double, kNumDofs> x(Eigen::Map<Vector<double, kNumDofs>>(
math::DiscardGradient(X).data(), reference_positions().size()));
Vector<AD, kNumDofs> x_autodiff;
math::InitializeAutoDiff(x, &x_autodiff);
const Vector<AD, kNumDofs> v_autodiff = Vector<AD, kNumDofs>::Zero();
const Vector<AD, kNumDofs> a_autodiff = Vector<AD, kNumDofs>::Zero();
return MakeFemState(x_autodiff, v_autodiff, a_autodiff);
/* Set arbitrary reference positions with the requirement that the tetrahedron
is not inverted. */
Eigen::Matrix<AD, kSpatialDimension, kNumNodes> reference_positions() const {
Eigen::Matrix<AD, kSpatialDimension, kNumNodes> X(kSpatialDimension,
// clang-format off
X << -0.10, 0.90, 0.02, 0.10,
1.33, 0.23, 0.04, 0.01,
0.20, 0.03, 2.31, -0.12;
// clang-format on
return X;
/* Returns the one and only element. */
const ElementType& element() const {
DRAKE_DEMAND(elements_.size() == 1);
return elements_[0];
/* Evaluates the element data of the sole element. */
const Data& EvalElementData(const FemState<AD>& state) const {
const std::vector<Data>& all_data =
DRAKE_DEMAND(all_data.size() == 1);
return all_data[0];
/* Calculates the negative elastic force acting on the nodes of the only
element evaluated with the given `fem_state`. */
Vector<AD, kNumDofs> CalcNegativeElasticForce(
const FemState<AD>& fem_state) const {
Vector<AD, kNumDofs> neg_force = Vector<AD, kNumDofs>::Zero();
element().AddNegativeElasticForce(EvalElementData(fem_state), &neg_force);
return neg_force;
/* Calculates the negative elastic force derivative with respect to positions
for the only element evaluated with the given `fem_state`. */
Eigen::Matrix<AD, kNumDofs, kNumDofs> CalcNegativeElasticForceDerivative(
const FemState<AD>& fem_state) const {
Eigen::Matrix<AD, kNumDofs, kNumDofs> neg_force_derivative =
Eigen::Matrix<AD, kNumDofs, kNumDofs>::Zero();
element().AddScaledElasticForceDerivative(EvalElementData(fem_state), -1,
return neg_force_derivative;
/* Calculates the DeformationGradientData for the only element evaluated with
the given node positions. */
DeformationGradientDataType CalcDeformationGradientData(
const VectorX<AD>& q) const {
const std::array<Matrix3<AD>, kNumQuads> F =
DeformationGradientDataType deformation_gradient_data;
return deformation_gradient_data;
/* Calculates and verifies the energy and elastic forces evaluated with the
given `data` are zero. */
void VerifyEnergyAndForceAreZero(const FemState<AD>& fem_state) const {
AD energy = element().CalcElasticEnergy(EvalElementData(fem_state));
EXPECT_NEAR(energy.value(), 0, kEpsilon);
Vector<AD, kNumDofs> neg_elastic_force =
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(Vector<AD, kNumDofs>::Zero(), neg_elastic_force,
/* Returns the constitutive model of the only element. */
const ConstitutiveModelType& constitutive_model() const {
return element().constitutive_model();
/* Returns the density of the only element. */
const AD& density(const ElementType& e) const { return e.density_; }
/* Returns the volume evaluated at each quadrature point in the reference
configuration of the only element. */
const std::array<AD, kNumQuads>& reference_volume() const {
return element().reference_volume_;
/* Calculates the mass matrix of the only element. */
Eigen::Matrix<AD, kNumDofs, kNumDofs> CalcMassMatrix(
const FemState<AD>& fem_state) const {
Eigen::Matrix<AD, kNumDofs, kNumDofs> mass_matrix =
Eigen::Matrix<AD, kNumDofs, kNumDofs>::Zero();
element().AddScaledMassMatrix(EvalElementData(fem_state), 1, &mass_matrix);
return mass_matrix;
unique_ptr<FemStateSystem<AD>> fem_state_system_;
systems::CacheIndex cache_index_;
std::vector<ElementType> elements_;
namespace {
TEST_F(VolumetricElementTest, Constructor) {
EXPECT_EQ(element().node_indices(), kNodeIndices);
EXPECT_EQ(density(element()), kDensity);
ElementType move_constructed_element(std::move(elements_[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(move_constructed_element.node_indices(), kNodeIndices);
EXPECT_EQ(density(move_constructed_element), kDensity);
/* Any undeformed state gives zero energy and zero force. */
TEST_F(VolumetricElementTest, UndeformedState) {
/* The initial state where the current position is equal to reference
position is undeformed. */
unique_ptr<FemState<AD>> fem_state = MakeReferenceState();
/* Any rigid transformation of a undeformed state is undeformed. */
math::RigidTransform<AD> transform(math::RollPitchYaw<AD>(1, 2, 3),
Vector3<AD>(0.1, 0.2, 0.3));
Eigen::Matrix<AD, kSpatialDimension, kNumNodes> X = reference_positions();
Eigen::Matrix<AD, kSpatialDimension, kNumNodes> rigid_transformed_X;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumNodes; ++i) {
rigid_transformed_X.col(i) = transform * X.col(i);
fem_state->SetPositions(Eigen::Map<Vector<AD, kNumDofs>>(, rigid_transformed_X.size()));
/* Tests that in a deformed state, the energy and forces agrees with
hand-calculated results. */
TEST_F(VolumetricElementTest, DeformedState) {
unique_ptr<FemState<AD>> fem_state = MakeReferenceState();
/* Deform the element by scaling the initial position by a factor of 2. */
fem_state->SetPositions(fem_state->GetPositions() * 2.0);
const auto deformation_gradient_data =
std::array<AD, kNumQuads> energy_density_array;
const double energy_density = ExtractDoubleOrThrow(energy_density_array[0]);
/* Set up a matrix to help with calculating volume of the element. */
Matrix4<double> matrix_for_volume_calculation;
matrix_for_volume_calculation.bottomRows<1>() = Vector4<double>::Ones();
const auto X = reference_positions();
const auto X_double = math::DiscardGradient(X);
matrix_for_volume_calculation.topRows<3>() = X_double;
const double reference_volume =
1.0 / 6.0 * std::abs(matrix_for_volume_calculation.determinant());
const double analytical_energy = energy_density * reference_volume;
/* Verify calculated energy is close to energy calculated analytically. */
analytical_energy, kEpsilon);
const auto neg_elastic_force_autodiff = CalcNegativeElasticForce(*fem_state);
Vector<double, kNumDofs> neg_elastic_force =
/* Force on node 0. */
const Vector3<double> force0 = -neg_elastic_force.head<3>();
/* The first piola stress. */
std::array<Matrix3<AD>, kNumQuads> P_array;
const Matrix3<double>& P = math::DiscardGradient(P_array[0]);
/* The directional face area of each face in the reference configuration. The
indices are carefully ordered so that the direction is pointing to the inward
face normal. */
const Vector3<double> face012 =
0.5 * (X_double.col(1) - X_double.col(0))
.cross(X_double.col(2) - X_double.col(0));
const Vector3<double> face013 =
0.5 * (X_double.col(3) - X_double.col(0))
.cross(X_double.col(1) - X_double.col(0));
const Vector3<double> face023 =
0.5 * (X_double.col(2) - X_double.col(0))
.cross(X_double.col(3) - X_double.col(0));
/* The analytic force exerted on node 0 is the average of the total force
exerted on the faces incidenting node 0 because the linear isoparametric
element is used. */
const Vector3<double> force0_expected =
P * (face012 + face013 + face023) / 3.0;
EXPECT_TRUE(CompareMatrices(force0, force0_expected, kEpsilon));
/* Tests that at any given state, the negative elastic force is the derivative
elastic energy with respect to the generalized positions. */
TEST_F(VolumetricElementTest, NegativeElasticForceIsEnergyDerivative) {
unique_ptr<FemState<AD>> fem_state = MakeDeformedState();
AD energy = element().CalcElasticEnergy(EvalElementData(*fem_state));
Vector<AD, kNumDofs> neg_elastic_force = CalcNegativeElasticForce(*fem_state);
CompareMatrices(energy.derivatives(), neg_elastic_force, kEpsilon));
/* Tests that at any given state, CalcNegativeElasticForceDerivative() does in
fact calculate the derivative of the negative elastic force. */
TEST_F(VolumetricElementTest, ElasticForceCompatibleWithItsDerivative) {
unique_ptr<FemState<AD>> fem_state = MakeDeformedState();
Vector<AD, kNumDofs> neg_elastic_force = CalcNegativeElasticForce(*fem_state);
Eigen::Matrix<AD, kNumDofs, kNumDofs> neg_elastic_force_derivative =
for (int i = 0; i < kNumDofs; ++i) {
neg_elastic_force_derivative.row(i), kEpsilon));
/* In each dimension, the entries of the mass matrix should sum up to the
total mass assigned to the element. */
TEST_F(VolumetricElementTest, MassMatrixSumUpToTotalMass) {
unique_ptr<FemState<AD>> deformed_fem_state = MakeDeformedState();
const Eigen::Matrix<AD, kNumDofs, kNumDofs>& mass_matrix =
const double mass_matrix_sum = mass_matrix.sum().value();
double total_mass = 0;
for (int q = 0; q < kNumQuads; ++q) {
total_mass += (reference_volume()[q] * kDensity).value();
/* The mass matrix repeats the mass in each spatial dimension and needs to
be scaled accordingly. */
EXPECT_NEAR(mass_matrix_sum, total_mass * kSpatialDimension, kEpsilon);
TEST_F(VolumetricElementTest, AddScaledGravityForce) {
const Vector3<AD> gravity_vector(1, 2, 3);
VectorX<AD> scaled_gravity_force = VectorX<AD>::Zero(kNumDofs);
const double scale = 2.0;
unique_ptr<FemState<AD>> fem_state = MakeDeformedState();
const Data& data = EvalElementData(*fem_state);
/* Calculate the gravity force using the implementation in VolumetricElement.
element().AddScaledGravityForce(data, scale, gravity_vector,
/* Use the implementation in the base class as the reference. */
VectorX<AD> expected_scaled_gravity_force = VectorX<AD>::Zero(kNumDofs);
const FemElement<ElementType>& base_fem_element = element();
base_fem_element.AddScaledGravityForce(data, scale, gravity_vector,
scaled_gravity_force, kEpsilon));
} // namespace
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fem
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake