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#pragma once
#error Please include "drake/multibody/math/spatial_algebra.h", not this file.
#include <limits>
#include <tuple>
#include "drake/common/drake_assert.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_copyable.h"
#include "drake/common/eigen_types.h"
#include "drake/common/fmt_ostream.h"
#include "drake/math/rotation_matrix.h"
namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
/// This class represents a _spatial vector_ and has 6 elements, with a
/// 3-element rotational vector on top of a 3-element translational vector.
/// Important subclasses of %SpatialVector include SpatialVelocity,
/// SpatialAcceleration, SpatialForce, and SpatialMomentum.
/// Each of the 3-element vectors is assumed to be expressed in the same
/// _expressed-in_ frame E. This class only stores 6 elements and does not store
/// the underlying expressed-in frame E or other information. The user is
/// responsible for explicitly tracking the underlying frames with
/// @ref multibody_quantities "monogram notation". For example, Foo_E denotes
/// an arbitrary spatial vector Foo expressed in a frame E. Details on spatial
/// vectors and monogram notation are in sections @ref multibody_spatial_vectors
/// and @ref multibody_quantities "monogram notation".
/// @tparam SV The type of the more specialized spatial vector class.
/// It must be a template on the scalar type T.
/// @tparam_default_scalar
template <template <typename> class SV, typename T>
class SpatialVector {
/// The more specialized spatial vector class templated on the scalar type T.
using SpatialQuantity = SV<T>;
/// Sizes for spatial quantities and its components in 3D (three dimensions).
enum {
kSpatialVectorSize = 6,
kRotationSize = 3,
kTranslationSize = 3
/// The type of the underlying in-memory representation using an Eigen vector.
using CoeffsEigenType = Vector6<T>;
/// Default constructor. In Release builds, all 6 elements of a newly
/// constructed spatial vector are uninitialized (for speed). In Debug
/// builds, the 6 elements are set to NaN so that invalid operations on an
/// uninitialized spatial vector fail fast (fast bug detection).
SpatialVector() {
/// Constructs a spatial vector from a rotational component w and a
/// translational component v.
SpatialVector(const Eigen::Ref<const Vector3<T>>& w,
const Eigen::Ref<const Vector3<T>>& v) {
V_.template head<3>() = w;
V_.template tail<3>() = v;
/// Constructs a spatial vector V from an Eigen expression that represents a
/// 6-element vector (3-element rotational vector on top of a 3-element
/// translational vector). This constructor asserts the size of V is six (6)
/// either at compile-time for fixed sized Eigen expressions or at run-time
/// for dynamic sized Eigen expressions.
template <typename OtherDerived>
explicit SpatialVector(const Eigen::MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& V) : V_(V) {}
/// For 3D (three-dimensional) analysis, the total size of the concatenated
/// rotational vector (3 elements) and translational vector (3 elements) is
/// six (6), which is known at compile time.
int size() const { return kSpatialVectorSize; }
/// Const access to the i-th element of this spatial vector. In Debug
/// builds, this function asserts that i is in bounds whereas for
/// release builds, no bounds-check on i is performed (for speed).
const T& operator[](int i) const {
DRAKE_ASSERT(0 <= i && i < kSpatialVectorSize);
return V_[i];
/// Mutable access to the i-th element of this spatial vector. In Debug
/// builds, this function asserts that i is in bounds whereas for
/// release builds, no bounds-check on i is performed (for speed).
T& operator[](int i) {
DRAKE_ASSERT(0 <= i && i < kSpatialVectorSize);
return V_[i];
/// Const access to the rotational component of this spatial vector.
const Vector3<T>& rotational() const {
// We are counting on a particular representation for an Eigen Vector3<T>:
// it must be represented exactly as 3 T's in an array with no metadata.
return *reinterpret_cast<const Vector3<T>*>(;
/// Mutable access to the rotational component of this spatial vector.
Vector3<T>& rotational() {
// We are counting on a particular representation for an Eigen Vector3<T>:
// it must be represented exactly as 3 T's in an array with no metadata.
return *reinterpret_cast<Vector3<T>*>(;
/// Const access to the translational component of this spatial vector.
const Vector3<T>& translational() const {
// We are counting on a particular representation for an Eigen Vector3<T>:
// it must be represented exactly as 3 T's in an array with no metadata.
return *reinterpret_cast<const Vector3<T>*>( + kRotationSize);
/// Mutable access to the translational component of this spatial vector.
Vector3<T>& translational() {
// We are counting on a particular representation for an Eigen Vector3<T>:
// it must be represented exactly as 3 T's in an array with no metadata.
return *reinterpret_cast<Vector3<T>*>( + kRotationSize);
/// Returns a (const) bare pointer to the underlying data. It is guaranteed
/// that there will be six (6) T's densely packed at data[0], data[1], etc.
const T* data() const { return; }
/// Returns a (mutable) bare pointer to the underlying data. It is guaranteed
/// that there will be six (6) T's densely packed at data[0], data[1], etc.
T* mutable_data() { return; }
/// Returns the maximum absolute values of the differences in the rotational
/// and translational components of `this` and `other` (i.e., the infinity
/// norms of the difference in rotational and translational components).
/// @param[in] other spatial vector to subtract from `this` spatial vector.
/// @returns The following quantities in a tuple, in the order below.
/// std::tuple | Description
/// -----------------|-------------------------------------------------
/// w_max_difference | Maximum absolute difference in rotation components
/// v_max_difference | Maximum absolute difference in translation components
std::tuple<const T, const T> GetMaximumAbsoluteDifferences(
const SpatialQuantity& other) const {
const Vector3<T> w_difference = rotational() - other.rotational();
const Vector3<T> v_difference = translational() - other.translational();
const T w_max_difference = w_difference.template lpNorm<Eigen::Infinity>();
const T v_max_difference = v_difference.template lpNorm<Eigen::Infinity>();
return std::make_tuple(w_max_difference, v_max_difference);
/// Compares the rotational and translational parts of `this` and `other`
/// to check if they are the same to within specified absolute differences.
/// @param[in] other spatial vector to compare to `this` spatial vector.
/// @param[in] rotational_tolerance maximum allowable absolute difference
/// between the rotational parts of `this` and `other`. The units depend on
/// the underlying class. For example, spatial velocity, acceleration, and
/// force have units of rad/sec, rad/sec^2, and N*m, respectively.
/// @param[in] translational_tolerance maximum allowable absolute difference
/// between the translational parts of `this` and `other`. The units depend
/// on the underlying class. For example, spatial velocity, acceleration, and
/// force have units of meter/sec, meter/sec^2, and Newton, respectively.
/// @returns true if all three rotational elements of `this` and `other` are
/// equal within rotational_tolerance and all three translational elements of
/// `this` and `other` are equal within translational_tolerance.
decltype(T() < T()) IsNearlyEqualWithinAbsoluteTolerance(
const SpatialQuantity& other, double rotational_tolerance,
double translational_tolerance) const {
T w_max_difference, v_max_difference;
std::tie(w_max_difference, v_max_difference) =
return w_max_difference <= rotational_tolerance &&
v_max_difference <= translational_tolerance;
/// Determines whether all six corresponding elements of two spatial vectors
/// are equal to each other to within a specified tolerance epsilon.
/// @param[in] other spatial vector to compare to `this` spatial vector.
/// @param[in] epsilon specified tolerance for this test.
/// @returns true if ‖this - other‖∞ < epsilon, otherwise returns false.
/// Note: the infinity norm ‖this - other‖∞ is simply the maximum of the six
/// absolute values in (this - other).
decltype(T() < T()) IsApprox(
const SpatialQuantity& other,
double tolerance = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) const {
return IsNearlyEqualWithinAbsoluteTolerance(other, tolerance, tolerance);
/// Sets all the elements in `this` %SpatialVector to NaN. This is typically
/// used to quickly detect uninitialized values since NaN will trigger a chain
/// of invalid computations that can be tracked back to their source.
void SetNaN() {
typename Eigen::NumTraits<T>::Literal>::quiet_NaN());
/// Sets both the rotational and translational components of `this`
/// %SpatialVector to zero.
SpatialQuantity& SetZero() {
return get_mutable_derived();
/// Returns a mutable reference to the underlying storage.
CoeffsEigenType& get_coeffs() { return V_;}
/// Returns a constant reference to the underlying storage.
const CoeffsEigenType& get_coeffs() const { return V_;}
/// Unary minus operator.
SpatialQuantity operator-() const {
return SpatialQuantity(-get_coeffs());
/// Addition assignment operator.
SpatialQuantity& operator+=(const SpatialQuantity& V) {
this->get_coeffs() += V.get_coeffs();
return get_mutable_derived();
/// Subtraction assignment operator.
SpatialQuantity& operator-=(const SpatialQuantity& V) {
this->get_coeffs() -= V.get_coeffs();
return get_mutable_derived();
/// Multiplication assignment operator.
SpatialQuantity& operator*=(const T& s) {
this->get_coeffs() *= s;
return get_mutable_derived();
/// Adds two spatial vectors by simply adding their 6 underlying elements.
/// @param[in] V1_E spatial vector expressed in the same frame E as V2_E.
/// @param[in] V2_E spatial vector expressed in the same frame E as V1_E.
/// @note The general utility of this operator+() function is questionable
/// and it should only be used if you are sure it makes sense. Please refer
/// to documentation for the appropriate spatial quantity subclass (e.g.,
/// SpatialVelocity, SpatialAcceleration, SpatialForce, or SpatialMomentum).
friend SpatialQuantity operator+(const SpatialQuantity& V1_E,
const SpatialQuantity& V2_E) {
return SpatialQuantity(V1_E) += V2_E;
/// Subtracts two spatial vectors by simply subtracting their 6 underlying
/// elements.
/// @param[in] V1_E spatial vector expressed in the same frame E as V2_E.
/// @param[in] V2_E spatial vector expressed in the same frame E as V1_E.
/// @note The general utility of this operator-() function is questionable
/// and it should only be used if you are sure it makes sense. Please refer
/// to documentation for the appropriate spatial quantity subclass (e.g.,
/// SpatialVelocity, SpatialAcceleration, SpatialForce, or SpatialMomentum).
friend SpatialQuantity operator-(const SpatialQuantity& V1,
const SpatialQuantity& V2) {
return SpatialQuantity(V1) -= V2;
/// Multiplication of a spatial vector V from the left by a scalar `s`.
/// @relates SpatialVector.
friend SpatialQuantity operator*(const T& s, const SpatialQuantity& V) {
return SpatialQuantity(V) *= s;
/// Multiplication of a spatial vector V from the right by a scalar `s`.
/// @relates SpatialVector.
friend SpatialQuantity operator*(const SpatialQuantity& V, const T& s) {
return s * V; // Multiplication by scalar is commutative.
/// Expresses a spatial vector in another frame.
/// @param[in] R_FE RotationMatrix relating a frame F to a frame E.
/// @param[in] V_E spatial vector expressed in frame E.
/// @returns V_F spatial vector expressed in frame F, calculated from: <pre>
/// V_F.rotational() = R_FE * V_E.rotational(),
/// V_F.translational() = R_FE * V_E.translational()
/// </pre>
friend SpatialQuantity operator*(
const math::RotationMatrix<T>& R_FE, const SpatialQuantity& V_E) {
return SpatialQuantity(R_FE * V_E.rotational(), R_FE * V_E.translational());
/// Factory to create a _zero_ spatial vector, i.e., a %SpatialVector whose
/// rotational and translational components are both zero.
static SpatialQuantity Zero() {
return SpatialQuantity{}.SetZero();
// Helper method to return a mutable reference to the derived spatial
// quantity.
SpatialQuantity& get_mutable_derived() {
// Static cast is safe since types are resolved at compile time by CRTP.
return *static_cast<SpatialQuantity*>(this);
CoeffsEigenType V_;
/// Stream insertion operator to write SpatialVector objects into a
/// `std::ostream`. Especially useful for debugging.
/// @relates SpatialVector.
template <template <typename> class SpatialQuantity, typename T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o,
const SpatialVector<SpatialQuantity, T>& V) {
o << "[" << V[0];
for (int i = 1; i < V.size(); ++i) o << ", " << V[i];
o << "]ᵀ"; // The "transpose" symbol.
return o;
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake
// TODO(jwnimmer-tri) Add a real formatter and deprecate the operator<<.
namespace fmt {
template <template <typename> class SpatialQuantity, typename T>
struct formatter<drake::multibody::SpatialVector<SpatialQuantity, T>>
: drake::ostream_formatter {};
} // namespace fmt