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116 lines
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2 years ago
#pragma once
#include "drake/common/drake_copyable.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/leaf_system.h"
#include "drake/systems/sensors/gen/beam_model_params.h"
namespace drake {
namespace systems {
namespace sensors {
// TODO(russt): Add support for symbolic.
/// Implements the "Beam Models of Range Finders" from section 6.3 of
/// Probabilistic Robotics (2006), by Thrun, Burgard, and Fox
/// This system takes a depth measurement signal as input, and outputs a noisy
/// measurement version of that signal, with some probability of returning the
/// true measurement with Gaussian noise, but also with some probability of
/// occlusions (short returns), of missed detections (returning the max depth),
/// and of returning just a (uniform) random measurement.
/// Four additional input ports (each of the same dimension as the depth
/// signal) are provided for the random inputs: One for determining which of
/// the events occurred (true + noise, short return, max return, or uniform
/// return), and one each for modeling the distribution of short true but noisy
/// returns, short returns, and uniform returns).
/// We deviate from the textbook model in one respect: both here and in the
/// textbook, the distribution over short returns and the distribution over
/// getting a noisy version of the true return (aka a "hit") are truncated. The
/// short returns are from an exponential distribution but truncated to be less
/// than the input depth, and "hits" are drawn from a Gaussian centered at the
/// input depth but truncated at the maximum range of the sensor. In the book,
/// these distributions are normalized so that the total probability of getting
/// a short return and/or hit stays constant (independent of the input depth).
/// Here we do not normalize, so that the probability of getting a short return
/// decreases as the input depth is smaller (there is a modeled obstacle closer
/// to the robot), and the tails of the "hit" distribution simply cause more max
/// returns as the input depth gets closer to the max range. This was done both
/// because it is arguably a better model and because it keeps the code much
/// simpler (to allow AutoDiff and Symbolic) given the modeling framework we
/// have here that builds the output out of simple (non-truncated) random
/// variable inputs.
/// @system
/// name: BeamModel
/// input_ports:
/// - depth
/// - event
/// - hit
/// - short
/// - uniform
/// output_ports:
/// - depth
/// @endsystem
/// It is convenient to use `systems::AddRandomInputs()` to supply all the
/// random input signals:
/// @code
/// DiagramBuilder<double> builder;
/// auto beam_model = builder.AddSystem<BeamModel>(1, 5.0);
/// builder.ExportInput(beam_model->get_depth_input_port(), "depth");
/// builder.ExportOutput(beam_model->get_output_port(0), "depth");
/// AddRandomInputs(0.01, &builder);
/// auto diagram = builder.Build();
/// @endcode
/// @tparam_nonsymbolic_scalar
/// @ingroup sensor_systems
template <typename T>
class BeamModel final : public LeafSystem<T> {
BeamModel(int num_depth_readings, double max_range);
/// Scalar-converting copy constructor. See @ref system_scalar_conversion.
template <typename U>
explicit BeamModel(const BeamModel<U>&);
const InputPort<T>& get_depth_input_port() const {
return this->get_input_port(0);
const InputPort<T>& get_event_random_input_port() const {
return this->get_input_port(1);
const InputPort<T>& get_hit_random_input_port() const {
return this->get_input_port(2);
const InputPort<T>& get_short_random_input_port() const {
return this->get_input_port(3);
const InputPort<T>& get_uniform_random_input_port() const {
return this->get_input_port(4);
BeamModelParams<T>& get_mutable_parameters(Context<T>* context) const;
double max_range() const { return max_range_; }
void CalcOutput(const Context<T>& context, BasicVector<T>* output) const;
const double max_range_{1.0};
} // namespace sensors
// Explicitly disable symbolic::Expression (for now).
namespace scalar_conversion {
template <>
struct Traits<sensors::BeamModel> : public NonSymbolicTraits {};
} // namespace scalar_conversion
} // namespace systems
} // namespace drake