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#pragma once
// This file is a modification of Eigen-3.3.3's AutoDiffScalar.h file which is
// available at
// Copyright (C) 2009 Gael Guennebaud <>
// Copyright (C) 2017 Drake Authors
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at
// TODO(soonho-tri): Change to #error.
#warning Do not directly include this file. Include "drake/common/autodiff.h".
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <ostream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include "drake/common/fmt_ostream.h"
namespace Eigen {
#if !defined(DRAKE_DOXYGEN_CXX)
// Explicit template specializations of Eigen::AutoDiffScalar for VectorXd.
// AutoDiffScalar tries to call internal::make_coherent to promote empty
// derivatives. However, it fails to do the promotion when an operand is an
// expression tree (i.e. CwiseBinaryOp). Our solution is to provide special
// overloading for VectorXd and change the return types of its operators. With
// this change, the operators evaluate terms immediately and return an
// AutoDiffScalar<VectorXd> instead of expression trees (such as CwiseBinaryOp).
// Eigen's implementation of internal::make_coherent makes use of const_cast in
// order to promote zero sized derivatives. This however interferes badly with
// our caching system and produces unexpected behaviors. See #10971 for details.
// Therefore our implementation stops using internal::make_coherent and treats
// scalars with zero sized derivatives as constants, as it should.
// We also provide overloading of math functions for AutoDiffScalar<VectorXd>
// which return AutoDiffScalar<VectorXd> instead of an expression tree.
// See for more
// information. See also drake/common/autodiff_overloads.h.
// TODO(soonho-tri): Next time when we upgrade Eigen, please check if we still
// need these specializations.
// @note move-aware arithmetic
// Prior implementations of arithmetic overloads required construction of new
// objects at each operation, which induced costly heap allocations. In modern
// C++, it is possible to instead exploit move semantics to avoid allocation in
// many cases. In particular, the compiler can implicitly use moves to satisfy
// pass-by-value parameters in cases where moves are possible (move construction
// and assignment are available), and the storage in question is not needed
// afterward. This allows definitions of operators that pass and return by
// value, and only allocate when needed, as determined by the compiler. For C++
// considerations, see Scott Meyers' _Effective Modern C++_ Item 41. See #13985
// for more discussion of Drake considerations.
// @note default initialization
// Value initialization is not part of the Eigen::AutoDiffScalar contract nor
// part of the contract for our AutoDiffXd specialization of that template
// class. Thus no code should be written assuming that default-constructed
// AutoDiffXd objects will be value initialized. However, leaving the value
// uninitialized triggered hard-to-eliminate maybe-uninitialized warnings (not
// necessarily spurious) from some versions of gcc (not seen with clang).
// After determining that there is a negligible effect on performance, we
// decided (see PRs #15699 and #15792) to initialize the value member to avoid
// those warnings. Initializing to NaN (as opposed to zero) ensures that no code
// will function with uninitialized AutoDiffXd objects, just as it should not
// with any other Eigen::AutoDiffScalar.
template <>
class AutoDiffScalar<VectorXd>
: public internal::auto_diff_special_op<VectorXd, false> {
typedef internal::auto_diff_special_op<VectorXd, false> Base;
typedef typename internal::remove_all<VectorXd>::type DerType;
typedef typename internal::traits<DerType>::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real Real;
using Base::operator+;
using Base::operator*;
// Default constructor leaves the value effectively uninitialized and the
// derivatives vector zero length.
AutoDiffScalar() {}
AutoDiffScalar(const Scalar& value, int nbDer, int derNumber)
: m_value(value), m_derivatives(DerType::Zero(nbDer)) {
m_derivatives.coeffRef(derNumber) = Scalar(1);
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(runtime/explicit): Code from Eigen.
AutoDiffScalar(const Real& value) : m_value(value) {
if (m_derivatives.size() > 0) m_derivatives.setZero();
AutoDiffScalar(const Scalar& value, const DerType& der)
: m_value(value), m_derivatives(der) {}
template <typename OtherDerType>
const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& other
typename std::enable_if<
Scalar, typename internal::traits<typename internal::remove_all<
void*>::type = 0
: m_value(other.value()), m_derivatives(other.derivatives()) {
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const AutoDiffScalar& a) {
return s << a.value();
AutoDiffScalar(const AutoDiffScalar& other)
: m_value(other.value()), m_derivatives(other.derivatives()) {}
// Move construction and assignment are trivial, but need to be explicitly
// requested, since we have user-declared copy and assignment operators.
AutoDiffScalar(AutoDiffScalar&&) = default;
AutoDiffScalar& operator=(AutoDiffScalar&&) = default;
template <typename OtherDerType>
inline AutoDiffScalar& operator=(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& other) {
m_value = other.value();
m_derivatives = other.derivatives();
return *this;
inline AutoDiffScalar& operator=(const AutoDiffScalar& other) {
m_value = other.value();
m_derivatives = other.derivatives();
return *this;
inline AutoDiffScalar& operator=(const Scalar& other) {
m_value = other;
if (m_derivatives.size() > 0) m_derivatives.setZero();
return *this;
inline const Scalar& value() const { return m_value; }
inline Scalar& value() { return m_value; }
inline const DerType& derivatives() const { return m_derivatives; }
inline DerType& derivatives() { return m_derivatives; }
inline bool operator<(const Scalar& other) const { return m_value < other; }
inline bool operator<=(const Scalar& other) const { return m_value <= other; }
inline bool operator>(const Scalar& other) const { return m_value > other; }
inline bool operator>=(const Scalar& other) const { return m_value >= other; }
inline bool operator==(const Scalar& other) const { return m_value == other; }
inline bool operator!=(const Scalar& other) const { return m_value != other; }
friend inline bool operator<(const Scalar& a, const AutoDiffScalar& b) {
return a < b.value();
friend inline bool operator<=(const Scalar& a, const AutoDiffScalar& b) {
return a <= b.value();
friend inline bool operator>(const Scalar& a, const AutoDiffScalar& b) {
return a > b.value();
friend inline bool operator>=(const Scalar& a, const AutoDiffScalar& b) {
return a >= b.value();
friend inline bool operator==(const Scalar& a, const AutoDiffScalar& b) {
return a == b.value();
friend inline bool operator!=(const Scalar& a, const AutoDiffScalar& b) {
return a != b.value();
template <typename OtherDerType>
inline bool operator<(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& b) const {
return m_value < b.value();
template <typename OtherDerType>
inline bool operator<=(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& b) const {
return m_value <= b.value();
template <typename OtherDerType>
inline bool operator>(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& b) const {
return m_value > b.value();
template <typename OtherDerType>
inline bool operator>=(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& b) const {
return m_value >= b.value();
template <typename OtherDerType>
inline bool operator==(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& b) const {
return m_value == b.value();
template <typename OtherDerType>
inline bool operator!=(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& b) const {
return m_value != b.value();
// The arithmetic operators below exploit move-awareness to avoid heap
// allocations. See note `move-aware arithmetic` above. Particular details
// will be called out below, the first time they appear.
// Using a friend operator instead of a method allows the ADS parameter to be
// used as storage when move optimizations are possible.
friend inline AutoDiffScalar operator+(AutoDiffScalar a, const Scalar& b) {
a += b;
return a;
friend inline AutoDiffScalar operator+(const Scalar& a, AutoDiffScalar b) {
b += a;
return b;
// Compound assignment operators contain the primitive implementations, since
// the choice of writable storage is clear. Binary operations invoke the
// compound assignments.
inline AutoDiffScalar& operator+=(const Scalar& other) {
value() += other;
return *this;
// It is possible that further overloads could exploit more move-awareness
// here. However, overload ambiguities are difficult to resolve. Currently
// only the left-hand operand is available for optimizations. See #13985,
// #14039 for discussion.
template <typename OtherDerType>
friend inline AutoDiffScalar<DerType> operator+(
AutoDiffScalar<DerType> a, const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& b) {
a += b;
return a;
template <typename OtherDerType>
inline AutoDiffScalar& operator+=(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& other) {
const bool has_this_der = m_derivatives.size() > 0;
const bool has_both_der = has_this_der && (other.derivatives().size() > 0);
m_value += other.value();
if (has_both_der) {
m_derivatives += other.derivatives();
} else if (has_this_der) {
// noop
} else {
m_derivatives = other.derivatives();
return *this;
friend inline AutoDiffScalar operator-(AutoDiffScalar a, const Scalar& b) {
a -= b;
return a;
// Scalar-on-the-left non-commutative operations must also contain primitive
// implementations.
friend inline AutoDiffScalar operator-(const Scalar& a, AutoDiffScalar b) {
b.value() = a - b.value();
b.derivatives() *= -1;
return b;
inline AutoDiffScalar& operator-=(const Scalar& other) {
m_value -= other;
return *this;
template <typename OtherDerType>
friend inline AutoDiffScalar<DerType> operator-(
AutoDiffScalar<DerType> a, const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& other) {
a -= other;
return a;
template <typename OtherDerType>
inline AutoDiffScalar& operator-=(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& other) {
const bool has_this_der = m_derivatives.size() > 0;
const bool has_both_der = has_this_der && (other.derivatives().size() > 0);
m_value -= other.value();
if (has_both_der) {
m_derivatives -= other.derivatives();
} else if (has_this_der) {
// noop
} else {
m_derivatives = -other.derivatives();
return *this;
// Phrasing unary negation as a value-passing friend permits some move
// optimizations.
friend inline AutoDiffScalar operator-(AutoDiffScalar a) {
a.value() *= -1;
a.derivatives() *= -1;
return a;
friend inline AutoDiffScalar operator*(AutoDiffScalar a, const Scalar& b) {
a *= b;
return a;
friend inline AutoDiffScalar operator*(const Scalar& a, AutoDiffScalar b) {
b *= a;
return b;
friend inline AutoDiffScalar operator/(AutoDiffScalar a, const Scalar& b) {
a /= b;
return a;
friend inline AutoDiffScalar operator/(const Scalar& a, AutoDiffScalar b) {
b.derivatives() *= Scalar(-a) / (b.value() * b.value());
b.value() = a / b.value();
return b;
template <typename OtherDerType>
friend inline AutoDiffScalar<DerType> operator/(
AutoDiffScalar<DerType> a, const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& b) {
a /= b;
return a;
template <typename OtherDerType>
friend inline AutoDiffScalar<DerType> operator*(
AutoDiffScalar<DerType> a, const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& b) {
a *= b;
return a;
inline AutoDiffScalar& operator*=(const Scalar& other) {
m_value *= other;
m_derivatives *= other;
return *this;
template <typename OtherDerType>
inline AutoDiffScalar& operator*=(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& other) {
const bool has_this_der = m_derivatives.size() > 0;
const bool has_both_der = has_this_der && (other.derivatives().size() > 0);
// Some of the math below may look tempting to rewrite using `*=`, but
// performance measurement and analysis show that this formulation is
// faster because it results in better expression tree optimization and
// inlining.
if (has_both_der) {
m_derivatives = m_derivatives * other.value() +
other.derivatives() * m_value;
} else if (has_this_der) {
m_derivatives = m_derivatives * other.value();
} else {
m_derivatives = other.derivatives() * m_value;
m_value *= other.value();
return *this;
inline AutoDiffScalar& operator/=(const Scalar& other) {
m_value /= other;
m_derivatives *= Scalar(1) / other;
return *this;
template <typename OtherDerType>
inline AutoDiffScalar& operator/=(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& other) {
auto& this_der = m_derivatives;
const auto& other_der = other.derivatives();
const bool has_this_der = m_derivatives.size() > 0;
const bool has_both_der = has_this_der && (other.derivatives().size() > 0);
const Scalar scale = Scalar(1) / (other.value() * other.value());
if (has_both_der) {
this_der *= other.value();
this_der -= other_der * m_value;
this_der *= scale;
} else if (has_this_der) {
this_der *= Scalar(1) / other.value();
} else {
this_der = other_der * -m_value * scale;
m_value /= other.value();
return *this;
// See class documentation above for why we are initializing the value here
// even though that is not part of the Eigen::AutoDiffScalar contract.
// Scalar is always double in this specialization.
Scalar m_value{std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()};
DerType m_derivatives;
inline AutoDiffScalar<VectorXd> FUNC( \
AutoDiffScalar<VectorXd> x) { \
EIGEN_UNUSED typedef double Scalar; \
return x; \
abs, using std::abs;
x.derivatives() *= (x.value() < 0 ? -1 : 1);
x.value() = abs(x.value());)
abs2, using numext::abs2;
x.derivatives() *= (Scalar(2) * x.value());
x.value() = abs2(x.value());)
sqrt, using std::sqrt;
Scalar sqrtx = sqrt(x.value());
x.value() = sqrtx;
x.derivatives() *= (Scalar(0.5) / sqrtx);)
cos, using std::cos; using std::sin;
x.derivatives() *= -sin(x.value());
x.value() = cos(x.value());)
sin, using std::sin; using std::cos;
x.derivatives() *= cos(x.value());
x.value() = sin(x.value());)
exp, using std::exp;
x.value() = exp(x.value());
x.derivatives() *= x.value();)
log, using std::log;
x.derivatives() *= Scalar(1) / x.value();
x.value() = log(x.value());)
tan, using std::tan; using std::cos;
auto sq = [](Scalar n) { return n * n; };
x.derivatives() *= Scalar(1) / sq(cos(x.value()));
x.value() = tan(x.value());)
asin, using std::sqrt; using std::asin;
auto sq = [](Scalar n) { return n * n; };
x.derivatives() *= Scalar(1) / sqrt(1 - sq(x.value()));
x.value() = asin(x.value());)
acos, using std::sqrt; using std::acos;
auto sq = [](Scalar n) { return n * n; };
x.derivatives() *= Scalar(-1) / sqrt(1 - sq(x.value()));
x.value() = acos(x.value());)
atan, using std::atan;
auto sq = [](Scalar n) { return n * n; };
x.derivatives() *= Scalar(1) / (1 + sq(x.value()));
x.value() = atan(x.value());)
tanh, using std::cosh; using std::tanh;
auto sq = [](Scalar n) { return n * n; };
x.derivatives() *= Scalar(1) / sq(cosh(x.value()));
x.value() = tanh(x.value());)
sinh, using std::sinh; using std::cosh;
x.derivatives() *= cosh(x.value());
x.value() = sinh(x.value());)
cosh, using std::sinh; using std::cosh;
x.derivatives() *= sinh(x.value());
x.value() = cosh(x.value());)
// We have this specialization here because the Eigen-3.3.3's atan2
// implementation for AutoDiffScalar does not make a return with properly sized
// derivatives.
inline AutoDiffScalar<VectorXd> atan2(AutoDiffScalar<VectorXd> a,
const AutoDiffScalar<VectorXd>& b) {
const bool has_a_der = a.derivatives().size() > 0;
const bool has_both_der = has_a_der && (b.derivatives().size() > 0);
const double squared_hypot = a.value() * a.value() + b.value() * b.value();
if (has_both_der) {
a.derivatives() *= b.value();
a.derivatives() -= a.value() * b.derivatives();
} else if (has_a_der) {
a.derivatives() *= b.value();
} else {
a.derivatives() = -a.value() * b.derivatives();
a.derivatives() /= squared_hypot;
a.value() = std::atan2(a.value(), b.value());
return a;
// Right-hand pass-by-value optimizations for atan2() are blocked by code in
// Eigen; see #14039.
inline AutoDiffScalar<VectorXd> pow(AutoDiffScalar<VectorXd> a, double b) {
// TODO(rpoyner-tri): implementation seems fishy --see #14052.
using std::pow;
a.derivatives() *= b * pow(a.value(), b - 1);
a.value() = pow(a.value(), b);
return a;
// We have these implementations here because Eigen's implementations do not
// have consistent behavior when a == b. We enforce the following rules for that
// case:
// 1) If both a and b are ADS with non-empty derivatives, return a.
// 2) If both a and b are doubles, return a.
// 3) If one of a, b is a double, and the other is an ADS, return the ADS.
// 4) Treat ADS with empty derivatives as though they were doubles.
// Points (1) and (4) are handled here. Points (2) and (3) are already handled
// by Eigen's overloads.
// See
inline const AutoDiffScalar<VectorXd> min(const AutoDiffScalar<VectorXd>& a,
const AutoDiffScalar<VectorXd>& b) {
// If both a and b have derivatives, then their derivative sizes must match.
a.derivatives().size() == 0 || b.derivatives().size() == 0 ||
a.derivatives().size() == b.derivatives().size());
// The smaller of a or b wins; ties go to a iff it has any derivatives.
return ((a < b) || ((a == b) && (a.derivatives().size() != 0))) ? a : b;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(build/include_what_you_use)
inline const AutoDiffScalar<VectorXd> max(const AutoDiffScalar<VectorXd>& a,
const AutoDiffScalar<VectorXd>& b) {
// If both a and b have derivatives, then their derivative sizes must match.
a.derivatives().size() == 0 || b.derivatives().size() == 0 ||
a.derivatives().size() == b.derivatives().size());
// The larger of a or b wins; ties go to a iff it has any derivatives.
return ((a > b) || ((a == b) && (a.derivatives().size() != 0))) ? a : b;
} // namespace Eigen
namespace fmt {
template <>
struct formatter<drake::AutoDiffXd> : drake::ostream_formatter {};
} // namespace fmt