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#pragma once
#include "drake/common/drake_deprecated.h"
namespace drake {
DRAKE_DEPRECATED("2023-06-01", "This constant is no longer used in Drake.")
constexpr int kQuaternionSize = 4;
DRAKE_DEPRECATED("2023-06-01", "This constant is no longer used in Drake.")
constexpr int kSpaceDimension = 3;
DRAKE_DEPRECATED("2023-06-01", "This constant is no longer used in Drake.")
constexpr int kRpySize = 3;
DRAKE_DEPRECATED("2023-06-01", "This constant is no longer used in Drake.")
constexpr int kTwistSize = 6;
DRAKE_DEPRECATED("2023-06-01", "This constant is no longer used in Drake.")
constexpr int kHomogeneousTransformSize = 16;
DRAKE_DEPRECATED("2023-06-01", "This constant is no longer used in Drake.")
constexpr int kRotmatSize = 9;
enum class ToleranceType { kAbsolute, kRelative };
} // namespace drake