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535 lines
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#pragma once
#include <complex>
#include <map>
#include <random>
#include <set>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <unsupported/Eigen/Polynomials>
#include "drake/common/autodiff.h"
#include "drake/common/default_scalars.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_assert.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_throw.h"
#include "drake/common/fmt_ostream.h"
#include "drake/common/symbolic/expression.h"
namespace drake {
/** A scalar multi-variate polynomial, modeled after the msspoly in spotless.
* Polynomial represents a list of additive Monomials, each one of which is a
* product of a constant coefficient (of T, which by default is double) and any
* number of distinct Terms (variables raised to positive integer powers).
* Variables are identified by integer indices rather than symbolic names, but
* an automatic facility is provided to convert variable names up to four
* characters into unique integers, provided those variables are named using
* only lowercase letters and the "@#_." characters followed by a number. For
* example, valid names include "dx4" and "m_x".
* Monomials which have the same variables and powers may be constructed but
* will be automatically combined: (3 * a * b * a) + (1.5 * b * a**2) will be
* reduced to (4.5 * b * a**2) internally after construction.
* Polynomials can be added, subtracted, and multiplied. They may only be
* divided by scalars (of T) because Polynomials are not closed under division.
* @tparam_default_scalar
template <typename T = double>
class Polynomial {
typedef unsigned int VarType;
/// This should be 'unsigned int' but MSVC considers a call to std::pow(...,
/// unsigned int) ambiguous because it won't cast unsigned int to int.
typedef int PowerType;
typedef typename Eigen::NumTraits<T>::Real RealScalar;
typedef std::complex<RealScalar> RootType;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<RootType, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> RootsType;
template <typename Rhs, typename Lhs>
struct Product {
typedef decltype(static_cast<Rhs>(0) * static_cast<Lhs>(0)) type;
/// An individual variable raised to an integer power; e.g. x**2.
class Term {
VarType var;
PowerType power;
bool operator==(const Term& other) const {
return (var == other.var) && (power == other.power);
/// A comparison to allow std::lexicographical_compare on this class; does
/// not reflect any sort of mathematical total order.
bool operator<(const Term& other) const {
return ((var < other.var) ||
((var == other.var) && (power < other.power)));
/// An additive atom of a Polynomial: The product of any number of
/// Terms and a coefficient.
class Monomial {
T coefficient;
std::vector<Term> terms; // a list of N variable ids
bool operator==(const Monomial& other) const {
return (coefficient == other.coefficient) && (terms == other.terms);
/// A comparison to allow std::lexicographical_compare on this class; does
/// not reflect any sort of mathematical total order.
bool operator<(const Monomial& other) const {
return ((coefficient < other.coefficient) ||
((coefficient == other.coefficient) && (terms < other.terms)));
int GetDegree() const;
int GetDegreeOf(VarType var) const;
bool HasSameExponents(const Monomial& other) const;
bool HasVariable(const VarType& var) const;
/// Factors this by other; returns 0 iff other does not divide this.
Monomial Factor(const Monomial& divisor) const;
/// Construct the vacuous polynomial, "0".
Polynomial(void) : is_univariate_(true) {}
/// Construct a Polynomial of a single constant. e.g. "5".
// This is required for some Eigen operations when used in a
// polynomial matrix.
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(runtime/explicit) This conversion is desirable.
Polynomial(const T& scalar);
/// Construct a Polynomial consisting of a single Monomial, e.g. "5xy**3".
Polynomial(const T coeff, const std::vector<Term>& terms);
/// Construct a Polynomial from a sequence of Monomials.
Polynomial(typename std::vector<Monomial>::const_iterator start,
typename std::vector<Monomial>::const_iterator finish);
/// Constructs a polynomial consisting of a single Monomial of the variable
/// named `varname1`.
/// @note: This constructor is only provided for T = double. For the other
/// cases, a user should use the constructor with two arguments below (taking
/// std::string and unsigned int). If we provided this constructor for T =
/// AutoDiffXd and T = symbolic::Expression, there would be compiler errors
/// for `Polynomial<T>(0)` as the following candidates are ambiguous:
/// - Polynomial(const T& scalar)
/// - Polynomial(const std::string& varname, const unsigned int num = 1)
template <typename U = T>
explicit Polynomial(
const std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<U, double>, std::string>& varname)
: Polynomial<T>(varname, 1) {
// TODO(soonho-tri): Consider deprecating this constructor to make the API
// consistent for different scalar types.
/// Construct a polynomial consisting of a single Monomial of the variable
/// named varname + num.
Polynomial(const std::string& varname, unsigned int num);
/// Construct a single Monomial of the given coefficient and variable.
Polynomial(const T& coeff, const VarType& v);
/// A constructor for univariate polynomials: takes a vector of coefficients
/// for the x**0, x**1, x**2, x**3... Monomials. All terms are always added,
/// even if a coefficient is zero.
template <typename Derived>
explicit Polynomial(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& coefficients) {
DRAKE_THROW_UNLESS((coefficients.cols() == 1) ||
(coefficients.rows() == 1) ||
(coefficients.size() == 0));
*this = Polynomial(WithCoefficients{coefficients.template cast<T>()});
/// Returns the number of unique Monomials (and thus the number of
/// coefficients) in this Polynomial.
int GetNumberOfCoefficients() const;
/** Returns the highest degree of any Monomial in this Polynomial.
* The degree of a multivariate Monomial is the product of the degrees of
* each of its terms. */
int GetDegree() const;
/// Returns true iff this is a sum of terms of degree 1, plus a constant.
bool IsAffine() const;
/// If the polynomial is "simple" -- e.g. just a single term with
/// coefficient 1 -- then returns that variable; otherwise returns 0.
VarType GetSimpleVariable() const;
const std::vector<Monomial>& GetMonomials() const;
VectorX<T> GetCoefficients() const;
/// Returns a set of all of the variables present in this Polynomial.
std::set<VarType> GetVariables() const;
/** Evaluate a univariate Polynomial at a specific point.
* Evaluates a univariate Polynomial at the given x.
* @throws std::exception if this Polynomial is not univariate.
* @p x may be of any type supporting the ** and + operations (which can be
* different from both CoefficientsType and RealScalar).
* This method may also be used for efficient evaluation of the derivatives of
* the univariate polynomial, evaluated at @p x. @p derivative_order = 0 (the
* default) returns the polynomial value without differentiation. @p
* derivative_order = 1 returns the first derivative, etc.
* @pre derivative_order must be non-negative.
template <typename U>
typename Product<T, U>::type EvaluateUnivariate(
const U& x, int derivative_order = 0) const {
// Note: have to remove_const because Product<AutoDiff, AutoDiff>::type and
// even Product<double, AutoDiff>::type returns const AutoDiff.
typedef typename std::remove_const_t<typename Product<T, U>::type>
if (!is_univariate_)
throw std::runtime_error(
"this method can only be used for univariate polynomials");
DRAKE_DEMAND(derivative_order >= 0);
ProductType value = 0;
using std::pow;
for (typename std::vector<Monomial>::const_iterator iter =
iter != monomials_.end(); iter++) {
PowerType degree = iter->terms.empty() ? 0 : iter->terms[0].power;
if (degree < derivative_order) continue;
T coefficient = iter->coefficient;
for (int i = 0; i < derivative_order; i++) {
coefficient *= degree--;
if (degree == 0) {
value += coefficient;
} else if (degree == 1) {
value += coefficient * x;
} else { // degree > 1.
value += coefficient * pow(static_cast<ProductType>(x), degree);
return value;
/** Evaluate a multivariate Polynomial at a specific point.
* Evaluates a Polynomial with the given values for each variable.
* @throws std::exception if the Polynomial contains variables for which
* values were not provided.
* The provided values may be of any type which is std::is_arithmetic
* (supporting the std::pow, *, and + operations) and need not be
* CoefficientsType or RealScalar)
template <typename U>
typename Product<T, U>::type EvaluateMultivariate(
const std::map<VarType, U>& var_values) const {
using std::pow;
typedef typename std::remove_const_t<
typename Product<T, U>::type> ProductType;
ProductType value = 0;
for (const Monomial& monomial : monomials_) {
ProductType monomial_value = monomial.coefficient;
for (const Term& term : monomial.terms) {
monomial_value *=
pow(static_cast<ProductType>(, term.power);
value += monomial_value;
return value;
/** Substitute values for some but not necessarily all variables of a
* Polynomial.
* Analogous to EvaluateMultivariate, but:
* (1) Restricted to T, and
* (2) Need not map every variable in var_values.
* Returns a Polynomial in which each variable in var_values has been
* replaced with its value and constants appropriately combined.
Polynomial EvaluatePartial(
const std::map<VarType, T>& var_values) const;
/// Replaces all instances of variable orig with replacement.
void Subs(const VarType& orig, const VarType& replacement);
/// Replaces all instances of variable orig with replacement.
Polynomial Substitute(const VarType& orig,
const Polynomial& replacement) const;
/** Takes the derivative of this (univariate) Polynomial.
* Returns a new Polynomial that is the derivative of this one in its sole
* variable.
* @throws std::exception if this Polynomial is not univariate.
* If derivative_order is given, takes the nth derivative of this
* Polynomial.
Polynomial Derivative(int derivative_order = 1) const;
/** Takes the integral of this (univariate, non-constant) Polynomial.
* Returns a new Polynomial that is the indefinite integral of this one in
* its sole variable.
* @throws std::exception if this Polynomial is not univariate, or if it has
* no variables.
* If integration_constant is given, adds that constant as the constant
* term (zeroth-order coefficient) of the resulting Polynomial.
Polynomial Integral(const T& integration_constant = 0.0) const;
bool operator==(const Polynomial& other) const;
Polynomial& operator+=(const Polynomial& other);
Polynomial& operator-=(const Polynomial& other);
Polynomial& operator*=(const Polynomial& other);
Polynomial& operator+=(const T& scalar);
Polynomial& operator-=(const T& scalar);
Polynomial& operator*=(const T& scalar);
Polynomial& operator/=(const T& scalar);
const Polynomial operator+(const Polynomial& other) const;
const Polynomial operator-(const Polynomial& other) const;
const Polynomial operator-() const;
const Polynomial operator*(const Polynomial& other) const;
friend const Polynomial operator+(const Polynomial& p,
const T& scalar) {
Polynomial ret = p;
ret += scalar;
return ret;
friend const Polynomial operator+(const T& scalar,
const Polynomial& p) {
Polynomial ret = p;
ret += scalar;
return ret;
friend const Polynomial operator-(const Polynomial& p,
const T& scalar) {
Polynomial ret = p;
ret -= scalar;
return ret;
friend const Polynomial operator-(const T& scalar,
const Polynomial& p) {
Polynomial ret = -p;
ret += scalar;
return ret;
friend const Polynomial operator*(const Polynomial& p,
const T& scalar) {
Polynomial ret = p;
ret *= scalar;
return ret;
friend const Polynomial operator*(const T& scalar,
const Polynomial& p) {
Polynomial ret = p;
ret *= scalar;
return ret;
const Polynomial operator/(const T& scalar) const;
/// A comparison to allow std::lexicographical_compare on this class; does
/// not reflect any sort of mathematical total order.
bool operator<(const Polynomial& other) const {
// Just delegate to the default vector std::lexicographical_compare.
return monomials_ < other.monomials_;
/** Returns the roots of this (univariate) Polynomial.
* Returns the roots of a univariate Polynomial as an Eigen column vector of
* complex numbers whose components are of the RealScalar type.
* @throws std::exception of this Polynomial is not univariate.
RootsType Roots() const;
/** Checks if a Polynomial is approximately equal to this one.
* Checks that every coefficient of `other` is within `tol` of the
* corresponding coefficient of this Polynomial.
* Note: When `tol_type` is kRelative, if any monomials appear in `this` or
* `other` but not both, then the method returns false (since the comparison
* is relative to a missing zero coefficient). Use kAbsolute if you want to
* ignore non-matching monomials with coefficients less than `tol`.
boolean<T> CoefficientsAlmostEqual(
const Polynomial<T>& other, const RealScalar& tol = 0.0,
const ToleranceType& tol_type = ToleranceType::kAbsolute) const;
/** Constructs a Polynomial representing the symbolic expression `e`.
* Note that the ID of a variable is preserved in this translation.
* @throws std::exception if `e` is not polynomial-convertible.
* @pre e.is_polynomial() is true.
static Polynomial<T> FromExpression(const drake::symbolic::Expression& e);
// TODO(jwnimmer-tri) Rewrite this as a fmt::formatter specialization.
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Monomial& m) {
// if (m.coefficient == 0) return os;
bool print_star = false;
if (m.coefficient == -1) {
os << "-";
} else if (m.coefficient != 1 || m.terms.empty()) {
os << '(' << m.coefficient << ")";
print_star = true;
for (typename std::vector<Term>::const_iterator iter = m.terms.begin();
iter != m.terms.end(); iter++) {
if (print_star)
os << '*';
print_star = true;
os << IdToVariableName(iter->var);
if (iter->power != 1) {
os << "^" << iter->power;
return os;
// TODO(jwnimmer-tri) Rewrite this as a fmt::formatter specialization.
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Polynomial& poly) {
if (poly.monomials_.empty()) {
os << "0";
return os;
for (typename std::vector<Monomial>::const_iterator iter =
iter != poly.monomials_.end(); iter++) {
os << *iter;
if (iter + 1 != poly.monomials_.end() && (iter + 1)->coefficient != -1)
os << '+';
return os;
/** Variable name/ID conversion facility. */
static bool IsValidVariableName(const std::string name);
static VarType VariableNameToId(const std::string name,
unsigned int m = 1);
static std::string IdToVariableName(const VarType id);
template <typename U>
friend Polynomial<U> pow(const Polynomial<U>& p,
typename Polynomial<U>::PowerType n);
// A wrapper struct to help guide constructor overload resolution.
struct WithCoefficients {
Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<T>> value;
explicit Polynomial(const WithCoefficients& coefficients);
/// The Monomial atoms of the Polynomial.
std::vector<Monomial> monomials_;
/// True iff only 0 or 1 distinct variables appear in the Polynomial.
bool is_univariate_;
/// Sorts through Monomial list and merges any that have the same powers.
void MakeMonomialsUnique(void);
/** Provides power function for Polynomial. */
template <typename T>
Polynomial<T> pow(
const Polynomial<T>& base,
typename Polynomial<T>::PowerType exponent) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(exponent >= 0);
if (exponent == 0) {
return Polynomial<T>{1.0};
const Polynomial<T> pow_half{pow(base, exponent / 2)};
if (exponent % 2 == 1) {
return base * pow_half * pow_half; // Odd exponent case.
} else {
return pow_half * pow_half; // Even exponent case.
// TODO(jwnimmer-tri) Rewrite this as a fmt::formatter specialization,
// most likely just fmt_eigen without anything extra.
template <typename T, int Rows, int Cols>
std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& os,
const Eigen::Matrix<Polynomial<T>, Rows, Cols>& poly_mat) {
for (int i = 0; i < poly_mat.rows(); i++) {
os << "[ ";
for (int j = 0; j < poly_mat.cols(); j++) {
os << poly_mat(i, j);
if (j < (poly_mat.cols() - 1)) os << " , ";
os << " ]" << std::endl;
return os;
typedef Polynomial<double> Polynomiald;
/// A column vector of polynomials; used in several optimization classes.
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Polynomiald, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> VectorXPoly;
} // namespace drake
// TODO(jwnimmer-tri) Add a real formatter and deprecate the operator<<.
namespace fmt {
template <typename T>
struct formatter<drake::Polynomial<T>>
: drake::ostream_formatter {};
template <>
struct formatter<drake::Polynomial<double>::Monomial>
: drake::ostream_formatter {};
} // namespace fmt
class drake::Polynomial)