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#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "drake/common/drake_deprecated.h"
#include "drake/common/eigen_types.h"
#include "drake/lcmt_call_python.hpp"
/// @file
/// Utilities for calling Python from C++ over an RPC.
/// For command-line examples, see the documentation in ``.
/// For C++ examples, see ``.
namespace drake {
namespace common {
/// Initializes `CallPython` for a given file. If this function is not called,
/// then the filename defaults to `/tmp/python_rpc`.
/// @throws std::exception If either this function or `CallPython` have
/// already been called.
void CallPythonInit(const std::string& filename);
/// A proxy to a variable stored in Python side.
class PythonRemoteVariable;
/// Calls a Python client with a given function and arguments, returning
/// a handle to the result. For example uses, see ``.
template <typename... Types>
PythonRemoteVariable CallPython(const std::string& function_name,
Types... args);
/// Creates a tuple in Python.
template <typename... Types>
PythonRemoteVariable ToPythonTuple(Types... args);
/// Creates a keyword-argument list to be unpacked.
/// @param args Argument list in the form of (key1, value1, key2, value2, ...).
template <typename... Types>
PythonRemoteVariable ToPythonKwargs(Types... args);
// ===========================================================================
// All code below this point is implementation details.
// ===========================================================================
namespace internal {
class PythonItemPolicy;
class PythonAttrPolicy;
template <typename Policy>
class PythonAccessor;
using PythonItemAccessor = PythonAccessor<PythonItemPolicy>;
using PythonAttrAccessor = PythonAccessor<PythonAttrPolicy>;
// Mimic pybind11's `object_api` and `accessor<>` setup, such that we can
// chain operations together more conveniently.
template <typename Derived>
class PythonApi {
/// Calls object with given arguments, returning the remote result.
template <typename... Types>
PythonRemoteVariable operator()(Types... args) const;
/// Accesses an attribute.
PythonAttrAccessor attr(const std::string& name) const;
/// Accesses an item.
template <typename Type>
PythonItemAccessor operator[](Type key) const;
/// Accesses a NumPy-friendly slice.
template <typename... Types>
PythonItemAccessor slice(Types... args) const;
// Provides type-cast view for CRTP implementation.
const Derived& derived() const {
return static_cast<const Derived&>(*this);
} // namespace internal
class PythonRemoteVariable : public internal::PythonApi<PythonRemoteVariable> {
// TODO(eric.cousineau): To support deletion, disable copy constructor, only
// allow moving (if we want to avoid needing a global reference counter).
int64_t unique_id() const { return unique_id_; }
const int64_t unique_id_{};
namespace internal {
/// Creates a new remote variable with the corresponding value set.
template <typename T>
PythonRemoteVariable NewPythonVariable(T value) {
return CallPython("pass_through", value);
// Gets/sets an object's attribute.
class PythonAttrPolicy {
using KeyType = std::string;
static PythonRemoteVariable get(PythonRemoteVariable obj,
const KeyType& key) {
return CallPython("getattr", obj, key);
static PythonRemoteVariable set(PythonRemoteVariable obj,
const KeyType& key,
PythonRemoteVariable value) {
return CallPython("setattr", obj, key, value);
// Gets/sets an object's item.
class PythonItemPolicy {
using KeyType = PythonRemoteVariable;
static PythonRemoteVariable get(PythonRemoteVariable obj,
const KeyType& key) {
return CallPython("getitem", obj, key);
static PythonRemoteVariable set(PythonRemoteVariable obj,
const KeyType& key,
PythonRemoteVariable value) {
return CallPython("setitem", obj, key, value);
// API-consistent mechanism to access a portion of an object (item or attr).
template <typename Policy>
class PythonAccessor : public PythonApi<PythonAccessor<Policy>> {
using KeyType = typename Policy::KeyType;
// Given a variable (and key), makes a PythonAccessor.
PythonAccessor(PythonRemoteVariable obj, const KeyType& key)
: obj_(obj), key_(key) {}
// Copying a PythonAccessor aliases the original remote variable (reference
// semantics), it does not create a new remote variable.
PythonAccessor(const PythonAccessor&) = default;
// Implicitly converts to a PythonRemoteVariable.
operator PythonRemoteVariable() const { return value(); }
// Assigning from another PythonAccessor delegates to set_value from that
// `value`'s underlying PythonRemoteVariable.
PythonRemoteVariable operator=(const PythonAccessor& value) {
return set_value(value);
// Assigning from another PythonRemoteVariable delegates to set_value from it.
PythonRemoteVariable operator=(const PythonRemoteVariable& value) {
return set_value(value);
// Assigning from some literal value creates a new PythonRemoveVariable to
// bind the value.
template <typename T>
PythonRemoteVariable operator=(const T& value) {
return set_value(NewPythonVariable(value));
PythonRemoteVariable value() const { return Policy::get(obj_, key_); }
PythonRemoteVariable set_value(const PythonRemoteVariable& value) const {
return Policy::set(obj_, key_, value);
PythonRemoteVariable obj_;
KeyType key_;
// Now that we have our types defined, we can implement the functionality for
// the API.
template <typename Derived>
PythonAttrAccessor PythonApi<Derived>::attr(const std::string& name) const {
return {derived(), name};
template <typename Derived>
template <typename... Types>
PythonRemoteVariable PythonApi<Derived>::operator()(Types... args) const {
return CallPython("call", derived(), args...);
template <typename Derived>
template <typename Type>
PythonItemAccessor PythonApi<Derived>::operator[](Type key) const {
return {derived(), NewPythonVariable(key)};
template <typename Derived>
template <typename... Types>
PythonItemAccessor PythonApi<Derived>::slice(Types... args) const {
return {derived(), CallPython("make_slice_arg", args...)};
void ToPythonRemoteData(const PythonRemoteVariable&,
template <typename Derived>
void ToPythonRemoteData(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>&,
void ToPythonRemoteData(double scalar,
void ToPythonRemoteData(int scalar,
void ToPythonRemoteData(const std::string&, lcmt_call_python_data*);
void ToPythonRemoteDataMatrix(const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixX<bool>>&,
lcmt_call_python_data*, bool is_vector);
void ToPythonRemoteDataMatrix(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>&,
lcmt_call_python_data*, bool is_vector);
void ToPythonRemoteDataMatrix(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXi>&,
lcmt_call_python_data*, bool is_vector);
template <typename Derived>
void ToPythonRemoteData(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& mat,
lcmt_call_python_data* message) {
const bool is_vector = (Derived::ColsAtCompileTime == 1);
return ToPythonRemoteDataMatrix(mat, message, is_vector);
inline void AssembleRemoteMessage(lcmt_call_python*) {
// Intentionally left blank. Base case for template recursion.
template <typename T, typename... Types>
void AssembleRemoteMessage(lcmt_call_python* message, T first,
Types... args) {
ToPythonRemoteData(first, &(message->rhs.back()));
AssembleRemoteMessage(message, args...);
void PublishCallPython(const lcmt_call_python& message);
} // namespace internal
// These items are forward-declared atop the file.
template <typename... Types>
PythonRemoteVariable CallPython(const std::string& function_name,
Types... args) {
PythonRemoteVariable output;
lcmt_call_python message{};
message.lhs = output.unique_id();
internal::AssembleRemoteMessage(&message, args...);
message.num_rhs = message.rhs.size();
message.function_name = function_name;
return output;
template <typename... Types>
PythonRemoteVariable ToPythonTuple(Types... args) {
return CallPython("make_tuple", args...);
template <typename... Types>
PythonRemoteVariable ToPythonKwargs(Types... args) {
return CallPython("make_kwargs", args...);
} // namespace common
} // namespace drake